Choose a country and every other country chips in to support it. All the people who gather there to save the lives of their children and their own have something in common. A wish ... moreChoose a country and every other country chips in to support it. All the people who gather there to save the lives of their children and their own have something in common. A wish to survive. Why can't that be the bond that brings disparate desperate people together in a common cause? Why must everything always be about winners and losers and money and power and strength and weakness and glamor and success? What about simplicity of goal? Provide your family with a place that is safe. A place that is friendly. A place in which all citizens work together to live together in harmony. "That which man can conceive man can achieve". You KNOW you can get along with anyone if you make up your mind to do so. Anyone can do so. We just are too lazy to try very hard. I don't know why? Do you? less
I have been in situations where a woman loves me and everything make's sense.Then it it can start to fade and feel distant, but usually my partner will still tell me that everythin... moreI have been in situations where a woman loves me and everything make's sense.Then it it can start to fade and feel distant, but usually my partner will still tell me that everything's good.I feel like sometimes maybe they just aren't that into me anymore, but they never want to let me go either.I get so confused.Have you ever been in a confusing relationship?
He KNOWS if/when Dems get the majority he will be impeached. He KNOWS Republicans will never impeach him because they fear him so he owns them. But he fears us. He fear we the peop... moreHe KNOWS if/when Dems get the majority he will be impeached. He KNOWS Republicans will never impeach him because they fear him so he owns them. But he fears us. He fear we the people. Not his base because he owns them too but all the rest of us of whom there is MAJORITY. Hamster in a cage goes round and round and round and round and gains no ground. Goes nowhere but in circles.
I originally thought that because I have a child I should date women who have kids because we would understand each other and we could relate about not having much time to date.The... moreI originally thought that because I have a child I should date women who have kids because we would understand each other and we could relate about not having much time to date.The more I think about it though, maybe it's smarter to date women who have no children.That way if I'm available to do something then chances are that she is too.Is it just a constant struggle for single people with kids to find time for each other?What do you prefer?
With no tracking system at all how do we know whether any of the KIDNAPPED children disappeared or "fell through the cracks"? Where is QA or QC? Assurance of their well-being and c... moreWith no tracking system at all how do we know whether any of the KIDNAPPED children disappeared or "fell through the cracks"? Where is QA or QC? Assurance of their well-being and control of the information that is complete/true/accurate? Gubment did it and Gubment is stupid dumb and ignorant. Now what?
How would we know? Who would report it? Where is the oversight? How do we know that pedophiles aren't "attending" to the children? How do we know how they are being treated, by who... moreHow would we know? Who would report it? Where is the oversight? How do we know that pedophiles aren't "attending" to the children? How do we know how they are being treated, by whom and if any of them have been beaten or shackled?
Who would deny access to any place to a FIRST LADY or daughrer of a prez? WHERE ARE THEY? WHY DON"T T HEY GO ON A TOUR and visit some of them with photographers and show us where t... moreWho would deny access to any place to a FIRST LADY or daughrer of a prez? WHERE ARE THEY? WHY DON"T T HEY GO ON A TOUR and visit some of them with photographers and show us where the kidnapped children are? How they are doing? Where they are living? What they are eating ?
Democrats pledge allegiance to the flag and to the country as well as being the haven for non-racists and people of color. The lines are drawn. The weapons are loaded. May we have ... moreDemocrats pledge allegiance to the flag and to the country as well as being the haven for non-racists and people of color. The lines are drawn. The weapons are loaded. May we have the strength to survive the onslaught of evil. We can't both win. SIGH.
More RED MEAT for his carnivorous worshipperrs who groove on all of it. The more the better. The more sated they are the better. They clamor for more more more more more more. They... moreMore RED MEAT for his carnivorous worshipperrs who groove on all of it. The more the better. The more sated they are the better. They clamor for more more more more more more. They can't get enough of a culture war. You might ask "what for"? They don't know. All they know is how it makes them FEEL. It feels AWESOME! :(
Every aider and abettor and enabler of da prez. Everyone who ever lied for da prez. The prez would be the entree..the piece de resistance. The cost of watching/listening to t... moreEvery aider and abettor and enabler of da prez. Everyone who ever lied for da prez. The prez would be the entree..the piece de resistance. The cost of watching/listening to that conversation would be priceless wouldn't it? Can you just imagine da prez trying to make a deal with GOD? What approach would da prez take? Could he be honest all the time or would his enormous bigly ego think he could pull one over on GOD? Then of course the denouement. The endgame. What would his punishment be for all he has "contributed" to humanity? Not that any of us can speak for GOD of course but HE does listen to us. What would you advise as a suitable punishment? Why? less
I expect other businesses and individuals will refuse to participate in kidnapping children and hiding them from their parents per gubment request. More and more and more the tidal... moreI expect other businesses and individuals will refuse to participate in kidnapping children and hiding them from their parents per gubment request. More and more and more the tidal wave of RAGE is flooding America. A GIGANTIC TSUNAMI that will drown those who cannot swim. Crimes to humanity here in what used to be a FIRST WORLD COUNTRY. Not led by a racist madman dictator despot. We aren't even THIRD WORLD. We are at the bottom. WHY? Because we knew better but that didn't matter. When you KNOW better and don't do better you deserve what you bring upon yourself. SIGH. less
Compartmentalized brain functions act either in concert or conflict. There is no seamless unified calm straightforward thought processes. They are all over the place all the time.&... moreCompartmentalized brain functions act either in concert or conflict. There is no seamless unified calm straightforward thought processes. They are all over the place all the time. Usually thoughtful people recognize that and are careful with the words they use and the thoughts they express. They make an effort to be consistent, thoughtful, logical and truthful. Others are not interested in any of that. That's why we are flooded with so much gibberish outlandish outrageous untruths. Chaotic minds working in concert can be overwhelming. :( less
Perhaps those who worship da prez also worship a GOD they believe to be jealous and vengeful whom they fear. And those who worship the GOD who is loving and forgiving despise da pr... morePerhaps those who worship da prez also worship a GOD they believe to be jealous and vengeful whom they fear. And those who worship the GOD who is loving and forgiving despise da prez. Could it really be as simple as that? Of course that does not take into account non-believers.
That was on OBAMA's watch. So they COULD show photos of that time and place but not now under the rule and reign of King Rat the dic(tator). That should cause a great deal of fear.... moreThat was on OBAMA's watch. So they COULD show photos of that time and place but not now under the rule and reign of King Rat the dic(tator). That should cause a great deal of fear. How much GAWDAWFUL are they hiding? What is so bad they dare not let us see inside? They dare not allow reporters or photographers to go in and take pictures of what the children are enduring/experiencing. Afraid. Chickensh**. Evildoers. If they had nothing to hide they would hide nothing. It is on their souls. They are all tainted with this evil. May eternity give them what they deserve! Dear GOD. Please. Amen. less