All the minion toady sycophants who have also lied for him, supported him, defended him, groveled for him will be there too. What do THEY do when GOD grills them? Wouldn't you love... moreAll the minion toady sycophants who have also lied for him, supported him, defended him, groveled for him will be there too. What do THEY do when GOD grills them? Wouldn't you love to be there in spirit and see/hear what happens?
Extreme right-wing populist nationalist alt-right white supremacists have been planning and preparing for the takeover of America by racists for decades. Their time came and they s... moreExtreme right-wing populist nationalist alt-right white supremacists have been planning and preparing for the takeover of America by racists for decades. Their time came and they stepped up to the plate. Ain't it great? They dreamt great dreams and saw their dreams come true. How swell for them. Swell for you too? There is a HERITAGE HIGH SCHOOL in Hemet. I kid you not. Painted red, white and blue. What else? I guess Hemet is filled with right-wing extremists who thrill at all things that wear/bear the colors of the flag. :( less
when all the grammar is parceled out, have you seen anything at all or nothing at all?(It's a great song, it just leaves a lot of confusion, that's all.)~
The gess hoos say the kids shown crying are actors being paid to perform. The gess hoos are saying it's all fake news and it's a conspiracy to undermine what King RAT is doing. The... moreThe gess hoos say the kids shown crying are actors being paid to perform. The gess hoos are saying it's all fake news and it's a conspiracy to undermine what King RAT is doing. The gess hoos are determined to get that message across. Do YOU buy it?
Sarah Sanders kept "putting off"/ delaying the afternoon briefing. Too chickensh** to face reporters about King RAT's latest stunt vis a vis destroying families. The gubment flew i... moreSarah Sanders kept "putting off"/ delaying the afternoon briefing. Too chickensh** to face reporters about King RAT's latest stunt vis a vis destroying families. The gubment flew in Nielson to answer questions because poor little Sarah wasn't up to it. What a crock! Nielsen said she didn't know where the babies and girls were being kept at first.That she hadn't seen those pictures. And then a few sentences later she said "of course she knows knows. Apparently she has never been to any of those facilities. Again. Typical. Why be knowledgeable about something when ignorance and stupid dumb serves everyone so well? She is a lamebrained dame without any shame. SIGH. King RAT sure knows how to pick 'em don't he? :( less
Hopefully it does exist. And so those who support what King RAT is doing in this life (which is the same thing as doing it themselves) will experience it in the next life. Won't th... moreHopefully it does exist. And so those who support what King RAT is doing in this life (which is the same thing as doing it themselves) will experience it in the next life. Won't that be fun? Y'all get to experience what asylum seekers do. Certain DEATH in their own countries and certain death in those countries to which you flee . Except are all countries that cruel? If so it won't just be amurricans who experience what they wrought in other lives? Oh boy! Block party time! What the future(s) hold is awesome isn't it? More heartless evil power-hungry despots and more eager beaver supporters of them. Forever after and after and after. It gets addictive I suppose. So Nirvana can never be attained. The thrill of the game is too seductive to give up. Hunter/hunted for eternity. How sweet it is! less
The Dumpster's intransigence on caging children may be the straw that breaks his support's back. Republican Senators are in open revolt and even his wife can't stomach this level o... moreThe Dumpster's intransigence on caging children may be the straw that breaks his support's back. Republican Senators are in open revolt and even his wife can't stomach this level of cruelty. Could this be the issue that causes his own majority to vote to impeach?
Of course they all play to an audience of ONE and the connection between King RAT and them is symbiotic. Leeches on one another's backs. Destroy one and the other dies too. Mutuall... moreOf course they all play to an audience of ONE and the connection between King RAT and them is symbiotic. Leeches on one another's backs. Destroy one and the other dies too. Mutually beneficial.
It was when she was trying to read about more breaking news as to the location of babies/infants/girls. She tried hard to hold together but her emotions got the best of her. I've s... moreIt was when she was trying to read about more breaking news as to the location of babies/infants/girls. She tried hard to hold together but her emotions got the best of her. I've seen/heart female reporters crying as they are reporting but they get through it. I know boys are not supposed to cry. How about grown they cry? It will get worse. King RAT has promised to double down. With his racist script writers (Stephen Miller, John Kelly, Jeffrey Beautregard Sessions) he will make things as awful as possible. He KNOWS he can count on y'all! Betcha y'all are proud as he** about his strength/determination/toughness aren't cha? less
*Yin and Yang"YinNegative dark feminineYangPositive, bright, masculine"Kinda sexist ain't it? What happens if you're a positive bright dame or a negative dark guy?
All people of color will eventually be taken out. Why risk it? Stay purely lily white even if you have to paint yourself white. The whiter the better. The pastier the b... moreAll people of color will eventually be taken out. Why risk it? Stay purely lily white even if you have to paint yourself white. The whiter the better. The pastier the better. The sicklier looking the better. The more colorless you are the easier it will be to keep you alive. If you're white but of a certain ethinic ancestry which makes you a bit "colored" bleach yourself. Just to be safe. You can't be too safe these days. You do not ever want to be confused with "one of them". Someone could see you on the street and take you out with a single bullet. Why chance it? less
All TV, Radio, Print media will reflect the KING RAT view. He will crush any subversive group that tries to get the truth out. Books that kiss his a** will be published. Everything... moreAll TV, Radio, Print media will reflect the KING RAT view. He will crush any subversive group that tries to get the truth out. Books that kiss his a** will be published. Everything else won't. Anyone who dares speak out against him faces certain DEATH or mysteriously disappearing and kept in dungeons with bread and water until they die. Depending on his mood of course. Everything depends upon King Rat's mood. A certain future his adoring base will embrace. SIGH. One could ask why but what's the point? They obviously WANT that and they got it. Goody goody gumdrops! :( less
How do we know they aren't out of sight because they are being raped and sexually abused? A government that can rip families apart is certainly not ABOVE doing that. What don't the... moreHow do we know they aren't out of sight because they are being raped and sexually abused? A government that can rip families apart is certainly not ABOVE doing that. What don't they want us to see? If what's inside were acceptable/tolerable they'd flaunt it. They hide it. King rat and his ratpack work quietly behind closed doors out of view of cameras and microphones. You KNOW King rat lusts after attention. You know King rat lives for it. This he is hiding from us. Perhaps it has become a brothel for pedophiles who have to pay to play and that money goes right into a King rat bank account. Too outrageous and unthinkable? King rat will do anything for money. King rat lives on revenge and retaliation and spreading hate. King rat wants to keep his base and he knows y'all love him so for being tough and strong and single-minded. Long live King rat. Long live y'all. Who knows what wondrous things are in store for you? :( less
Also another brilliant FAUX NEWS talking head said that if the kids are allowed in they grow up to be members of some horrible gang (M something) and live in his neighborhood and m... moreAlso another brilliant FAUX NEWS talking head said that if the kids are allowed in they grow up to be members of some horrible gang (M something) and live in his neighborhood and murder everyone. So brilliantly prescient. Those FAUX news folks are uniformly brilliant and brave and we should all take a cue from them. They know all, see all and are never wrong! Yep. The world has changed and we gotta change with it. The NRA will love it. The government will buy zillions of assault rifles or whatever it takes to hit human targets best. There could be very big holes already dug in the ground so the dead bodies will fall in and we will have MASS GRAVES along the border. Folks from far and near can come to see them. Quite a tourist attraction. We can build King rat's wall over the graves as a fitting reminder of how swell he is. He did a twofer. He built the wall and solved the "immigration problem". Y'all are so dam* lucky to have King rat as your savior. Soon there will be only Whites here who are extrem... less
King don and the rat pack don't want them here. They will keep coming as long as they live so take away their lives and bingo!. Plus it will be whole lot cheaper and it will also p... moreKing don and the rat pack don't want them here. They will keep coming as long as they live so take away their lives and bingo!. Plus it will be whole lot cheaper and it will also provide a fine reality show for those who are descended from the folks who ate and drank and debauched about as Christians were being attacked by lions. It's a sure thing policy. They flee certain thinking they will be safe. Take that away so their only choice is do they want to be murdered by their own countrymen or murdered by foreigners. It is probably kinder as well. Not that kinder is ever on any agenda for King don and the rat pack. So we save money. Those that are murdered can't keep coming back. We also can make big bucks by having it put on PAY TV in all its glory! I don't know why King don and the rat pack didn't think of that. They can have that solution for free. I don't need a royalty or Finder's Fee. SIGH less
"Do as thy wilt" what are the odds someone nearby is doing what you do, how you do, when you do it?Culture and established rules of conduct gave us things in common to readily buil... more"Do as thy wilt" what are the odds someone nearby is doing what you do, how you do, when you do it?Culture and established rules of conduct gave us things in common to readily build relationships. Liberal ideals have done away with most of that *sigh*.
The Canadian Coast Guard stops them, boards their boat and cruises to the Canadian station in Windsor, where the Parents are arrested and the children are taken to a detention cent... moreThe Canadian Coast Guard stops them, boards their boat and cruises to the Canadian station in Windsor, where the Parents are arrested and the children are taken to a detention center. Fair and square? Trumpeteers OK with that?
"Shiny Happy People" R.E.M.~ the song is great~ the video is wonderfully uplifting and fun when watched from beginning to end~ of course, you're free to disagree :)
(CNN) Donald Trump is presiding over a sunset to democracy that is spreading across the world, eradicating much of the spirit of globalism that once was a beacon to freedom, free t... more(CNN) Donald Trump is presiding over a sunset to democracy that is spreading across the world, eradicating much of the spirit of globalism that once was a beacon to freedom, free trade, and democratic values.
Here's mine and boy is it weird! Weird because I wasn't even aware I even knew it.. I must have heard it somewhere along the way... but for some reason it really speaks to me today... moreHere's mine and boy is it weird! Weird because I wasn't even aware I even knew it.. I must have heard it somewhere along the way... but for some reason it really speaks to me today.. which is also odd because it's almost the opposite of how I feel, with a mountain of worries and stress.. Maybe, just maybe it's telling me that this is how I SHOULD feel? Who knows!
Would be continuous up to date input all things that a head of state should be aware of. Advantages Disadvantages moreWould be continuous up to date input all things that a head of state should be aware of. Advantages Disadvantages
I have to go to an event and I just know that some of the parents there will be my old classmates from highschool.I haven't been around these people in a long time.I feel like I sh... moreI have to go to an event and I just know that some of the parents there will be my old classmates from highschool.I haven't been around these people in a long time.I feel like I should dress my best, cut my hair and then act like I'm so happy to see them, but we really haven't kept in touch.I've seen them on Facebook, but we just aren't the same people anymore at all.In reality, I'm not one to live in the past anymore and I'd rather just stare at my phone than sit around comparing who makes more money and talking about old parties.I don't hate them, I'm just so ready to move on and it feels awkward to be in those situations now.Do you ever run into old classmates and how do you react?Do you miss highschool? less
An example is in college you can receive a bachelor's degree. The root of bachelor is Bacca, god of wine, revelry and such but another name for the sungod. Even the "S" on Superman... moreAn example is in college you can receive a bachelor's degree. The root of bachelor is Bacca, god of wine, revelry and such but another name for the sungod. Even the "S" on Superman's chest is not really a letter but is the symbol of a serpent. Superman or Kal-El like in Elohim derives his power from the Sun. Again sungod worship. I can go on and on and is why you must separate from all this and "Come out of Babylon".
Everything has worked to make you owe more money. Your savings are virtually gone and if in the stock market or real estate with a snap of an Elite's fingers can be gone.