*The branch of a river flowing away from the MAIN stream(the citizens of the United States of America for whom they were elected to SERVE are the MAIN stream..they WORK FOR US) but... more*The branch of a river flowing away from the MAIN stream(the citizens of the United States of America for whom they were elected to SERVE are the MAIN stream..they WORK FOR US) but leading to no other body of water. A blind or dead-end channel. A STAGNANT backwater. A DRIED UP watercourse. Robot or zombie or holograph or delusion or illusion or nightmare apparition or memory?
Due to the benevolence of King don as goaded by his evil court jester Jeffrey BEAUREGARD Sessions. Dynamic duo. The madness of King George versus the benevolence of King don. SIGH.... moreDue to the benevolence of King don as goaded by his evil court jester Jeffrey BEAUREGARD Sessions. Dynamic duo. The madness of King George versus the benevolence of King don. SIGH. Whatta guy. My oh my. Whatta guy! :(
So we cease the joint military exercises we do yearly with South Korea. If/when the need arises how can we perform? Won't we be "rusty"? Is it wise to stop practicing?
If A equals B and B equals C then A also equals C of necessityUnless A is a stupid dumb jacka**, illogical, intractable, insufferable, uneducable. If that's the case then A is alwa... moreIf A equals B and B equals C then A also equals C of necessityUnless A is a stupid dumb jacka**, illogical, intractable, insufferable, uneducable. If that's the case then A is always all over the place and never makes any sense at all. Some are like that. Never follow any rules at all including those of LOGIC.
To be totally honest I didn't choose mugwort for my username as anything to do with answermug. I swear its been several years since I chose the username mugwort. ... moreTo be totally honest I didn't choose mugwort for my username as anything to do with answermug. I swear its been several years since I chose the username mugwort. I do get the impression that to most members here my username is unimportant. However to be on the safe side I want to let you know its only a coincidence.