The ONLY THING that matters today is whether or not a "belief" is approved by the political party to which you belong. If approved you believe it. If not you don't. No thinki... moreThe ONLY THING that matters today is whether or not a "belief" is approved by the political party to which you belong. If approved you believe it. If not you don't. No thinking required. Accept/reject as you are directed to do and everyone around you who surrounds you and commands you will totally love you. SIGH.
We the people HAD A RIGHT TO KNOW about that Russia meddling on behalf of King don bigly in our election but we never knew because Comey didn't want to influence the election. But ... moreWe the people HAD A RIGHT TO KNOW about that Russia meddling on behalf of King don bigly in our election but we never knew because Comey didn't want to influence the election. But we go chapter and verse about more possible Hillary emails on the computer of a sex pervert who was the husband of a staff member and they had to be reviewed. Heads up warning for what MIGHT be in them. Then we found there was NO THERE THERE with regard to Hillary. But the damage was done. Comey gift-wrapped the election and handed it to King don. In return for which King don fired Comey. Some loyalty! Biting the hand that fed him? Seriously. There are ZILLIONS of indictments here already and on deck to be released AGAINST King don and his enablers helpers facilitators. There is ZERO indictment against Hillary BECAUSE THERE IS NO THERE THERE. But still the faithful robotically automatically repeat their most cherished mantra. She should be jailed for all her crimes. Well you can lead a horse to water but if it choose to die... less
So all the folks who testified and "told the truth" all lied. All the indictments based on the information given were part of the frame. All the guilty pleas part of the vast consp... moreSo all the folks who testified and "told the truth" all lied. All the indictments based on the information given were part of the frame. All the guilty pleas part of the vast conspiracy. Russia never meddled in anything. How many thousands of framer folks had to get together to hatch this enormous plot to FRAME King don? Mind-boggling ain't it? How many people so despise King don that they would lie and go to jail just to keep the frame from breaking? King don must be the most despised prez ever. Does anyone know why? All he does/says is good things. Kind things. Happy things. He LOVES his people..all of them equally. He LOVES his country beyond question. The fact that he IGNORES the Constitution and ridicules The Declaration of Independence is just one of his more charming quirky idiosyncracies. He will overcome. All those who lied will be jailed. He will be vindicated. The folks who despis him will despise him even more of course but well you can't please everyone. We all know his intentions ARE PURELY G... less
A Republican senator (Corker) is the one who called it a CULT. I guess it is. The cult belongers/followers will do anything for the Cult leader. Have you ever belonged to a cult? Why?
The...Cal 3 initiative would divide the state into three parts: one called Northern California, from Oregon down to San Francisco, another called California, that would primarily i... moreThe...Cal 3 initiative would divide the state into three parts: one called Northern California, from Oregon down to San Francisco, another called California, that would primarily include Los Angeles and land on the coast and the last one dubbed Southern California, that would be made up of San Diego, Fresno, and Bakersfield. after the article are interesting too.Some anti Trump some pro.
I use the Nature Bright Sun Touch plus Ion Therapy Lamp.How safe is it really? I get great results but I'm wondering about safety, especially the ion therapy. Someone posted ... moreI use the Nature Bright Sun Touch plus Ion Therapy Lamp.How safe is it really? I get great results but I'm wondering about safety, especially the ion therapy. Someone posted online that it is poisonous. Is it?
I used to take time to really get good lighting and take the best pictures, but I wonder if that's a bad idea.I feel like maybe posting a really crappy picture and just being a nic... moreI used to take time to really get good lighting and take the best pictures, but I wonder if that's a bad idea.I feel like maybe posting a really crappy picture and just being a nice guy is the way to go.Then when you meet she can be pleasantly surprised rather than possibility disappointed.Or I might just post a crazy, psycho looking picture and see what that attracts?Do you post the BEST possible pictures of yourself online?What do you think?
WASHINGTON – Sen. Bob Corker lashed out at his fellow Republicans, saying the GOP has become almost like a cult in its support of President Donald Trump.https://www.nbcnews.c... moreWASHINGTON – Sen. Bob Corker lashed out at his fellow Republicans, saying the GOP has become almost like a cult in its support of President Donald Trump.
Come here and be assured King don will oversee your demise and the demise of your children. Perhaps not in the corporeal sense but a body is more than that. There is hope and spiri... moreCome here and be assured King don will oversee your demise and the demise of your children. Perhaps not in the corporeal sense but a body is more than that. There is hope and spirit and faith and when that is MURDERED what is left but an empty body? All thanks to you awesome King don and his even awesomer court jester Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions! Give 'em both a NOBEL PRIZE.
Apparently ALLEGEDLY they all dipped into the honey pot for personal use which is illegal but then so what who cares right? More deep state conspiracy. More hoaxy jokesy folksy pal... moreApparently ALLEGEDLY they all dipped into the honey pot for personal use which is illegal but then so what who cares right? More deep state conspiracy. More hoaxy jokesy folksy palaver. Do you care? Why should you? By now you KNOW that King don and his progeny intend to take all they can get while they can get it and that's why they are there. Y'all are such softies. You don't begrudge them anything anytime anywhere for any reason. They know that and they count on you for your soft hearts kind wishes and LOVE. less
I can be hypocritical at times.I tell my child to eat healthy, but I eat junk when he's in school.I get irritated when some drivers get too close behind me.Then when I'm in a hurry... moreI can be hypocritical at times.I tell my child to eat healthy, but I eat junk when he's in school.I get irritated when some drivers get too close behind me.Then when I'm in a hurry I get irritated about other people being in my way.I get mad at the cat for killing animals in the yard then I go eat a chicken burger.Just a few examples.In what ways are you a hypocrite?
How would YOU take being ripped out of your mother's arms and taken away to a strange place where you are kept inside 22 hours a day? Might that push YOU over the edge? Of course K... moreHow would YOU take being ripped out of your mother's arms and taken away to a strange place where you are kept inside 22 hours a day? Might that push YOU over the edge? Of course King don and his court jester Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions takes no responsibility for any of it. Do y'all suppot them? SIGH.