There is no core within to operate him which is why he is needy 24/7 others to fill him in fill him up give him something to talk about. Left alone on his own the holes win and he ... moreThere is no core within to operate him which is why he is needy 24/7 others to fill him in fill him up give him something to talk about. Left alone on his own the holes win and he is emptied again and again and again. He is a SIEVE.If you are observer you will know notice. If you aren't you will never be convinced. Either way I care not.He is holey to me and always will be. What goes in comes out immediately through his orifices. Nothing sticks. He is made of TEFLON.
Today's comparables are WHISTLEBLOWERS.Ya like or dis? If you dis you are corrupt contemptible evil.WE NEED MORE MUCKRAKERS AND WHISTLEBLOWERS. THERE IS MORE CORRUPTION IN INSTITUT... moreToday's comparables are WHISTLEBLOWERS.Ya like or dis? If you dis you are corrupt contemptible evil.WE NEED MORE MUCKRAKERS AND WHISTLEBLOWERS. THERE IS MORE CORRUPTION IN INSTITUTIONS AND LEADERS TODAY THAN EVER BEFORE.A POX ON ALL CORRUPT wherever they hide and dwell in the scum and mud and muck. WE ARE COMING FOR YOU!
Dialectical Behavioral TherapyA combination of cognitive/behavioral therapy to transform negative thinking patterns an destructive behavior into positive outcomes.Huh. Okey dokey.S... moreDialectical Behavioral TherapyA combination of cognitive/behavioral therapy to transform negative thinking patterns an destructive behavior into positive outcomes.Huh. Okey dokey.Some folks are negative nabobs. Others are positive people. Some dwell in darkness and complain while others find the light and simply flip a switch.Are you an optimist/pessimist by nature? Do you always seek the positive or have no interest in anything but the negative?I am a positve due to my dad. So is my sister. Not a hardship to expect better and dwell on good when you can choose to be hopeful or choose to be miserable.Are you a positive too? Born that way, made that way? less
That the gut/arse white house performer DEMANDED loyalty above all else.Not so. LOYALTY IS DEMANDED OF HIM BY HIS BASE OR ELSE!He knows it and they know it and so he always complie... moreThat the gut/arse white house performer DEMANDED loyalty above all else.Not so. LOYALTY IS DEMANDED OF HIM BY HIS BASE OR ELSE!He knows it and they know it and so he always complies immediately to their demands because his life literally depends on it.He will not ignore a laura or sean as they are the spokemouths for all demands of the repubbaccans.The gut/arse white house performer knows they are all he will ever have and pleasing them is his only goal because if he displeases them they will abandon him in a heartbeat and find another pretzelizer to bend to their will. No one is kidding anyone. He has no power without them and he knows it. He rolls over begs lies down and plays dead for them. Always will. No choice. less
The bigliest threat was thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of immigrants crossing the border. REMEMBER? BUILD THE WALL was all y'all spoke about or thought about. ... moreThe bigliest threat was thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of immigrants crossing the border. REMEMBER? BUILD THE WALL was all y'all spoke about or thought about. What happened to you? Got diverted distracted misdirected? Didn't mean what you said at all? It was just more bogus crap you spread like manure?Are Y'ALL as wishy washy as the gut/arse white house performer? Flits around promising this and that and then retracting and walking it back. CRY WOLF often enough when there is no wolf present and guess what happens? When the wolf shows up it eats you up because no one gives a dam* what you say since you cannot be trusted.Fine kettle of fish y'all created with your wanton promiscuity. Shape up or ship out. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!Send her backBuild the wallMake amurrica great againWhassamatta you? What else ya got to think about? less
Will we ever go back to the way it was, used to be or is that now an impossibility?We look at everyone as carriers of death. We are told we cannot distinguish carriers from those w... moreWill we ever go back to the way it was, used to be or is that now an impossibility?We look at everyone as carriers of death. We are told we cannot distinguish carriers from those who aren't and therefore we must always be on guard and distanced and closed off to "the other" even though "the other" is all those who are not us. Including family and friends and acquaintances.We are all suspicious of one another being a possible instrument of our death or the death of loved ones. Carriers may not know they are because they never experience any symptoms. There is no bad guy here. There are just bad outcomes of which death is the baddest worstest and most final. less
Who silenced her and why?What happened to all the arm candy spokesfolks who scintillated and sizzled as they professed their undying admiration and love for the gut/arse white hous... moreWho silenced her and why?What happened to all the arm candy spokesfolks who scintillated and sizzled as they professed their undying admiration and love for the gut/arse white house performer? Did they show old and wrinkled due to no more Botox injections to inflate their wrinkled faces or plastic surgery to reform the deformed? All that hotsy totsy republican arm candy spouting inane insane arcane profane gems? Gone with the wind? Too bad. They were awful cute and all serious like weren't they though? WOMEN FOR gut/arse unite! Where are THEY hey hey hey hey hey? less
They got no dog in the fight. No skin of their nose RIGHT NOW. What happens when and if they not only have skin in the game but some of them are dying from it? Do they hang tough a... moreThey got no dog in the fight. No skin of their nose RIGHT NOW. What happens when and if they not only have skin in the game but some of them are dying from it? Do they hang tough and bull through or change their tune because now it comes home to roost...all their chickens? Whatcha think?
His base has always been the puppetmaster. One cross word from sean or laura and the gut/arse white house performer gets right back in line and delivers what they demand on their c... moreHis base has always been the puppetmaster. One cross word from sean or laura and the gut/arse white house performer gets right back in line and delivers what they demand on their command without exception.Did you always know or did you get faked out too?
Obviously the gut/arse white house performer does nothing "in good faith". So they got it wrong from the very beginning never having the imagination to foresee a gut/arse automaton... moreObviously the gut/arse white house performer does nothing "in good faith". So they got it wrong from the very beginning never having the imagination to foresee a gut/arse automaton as the white house performer.Too late to do anything about it. We're stuck.Next life we should be smarter and wiser and protect ourselves against the vile venal evil monstrosity.
What does he lackIntelligenceCuriorisityHumorHonorCaringWhat does he haveFear of abandonmentThe ability to pretzelize in any configuration ordered by his base without whom he canno... moreWhat does he lackIntelligenceCuriorisityHumorHonorCaringWhat does he haveFear of abandonmentThe ability to pretzelize in any configuration ordered by his base without whom he cannot surviveHe is not to be feared by anyone. A toothless tiger whose roar is not even his. It is scripted by his base He is what they were waiting for all these years. An obedient brainless heartless automaton so needy to be "loved" he will do say anything no matter how dire despicable depraved deranged.A perfect marriage of soulmates. Watch it perform every day in the same old way less
Well the gut/arse white house performer is so desperate to have their support he will conform to any configuration they demand of him so he can retain the good will of the seans an... moreWell the gut/arse white house performer is so desperate to have their support he will conform to any configuration they demand of him so he can retain the good will of the seans and lauras and other ilk of the denizens in that dark dark forest.He is 100% toutable manipulatable and pliant. He cannot survive without their approval and they will only approve when he does their bidding. Which he does every day in every way. A tumbleweed of indecision directionless substancefree.Host parasite. Parasite host. Which needs the other more? Greedy seedy needy evil's own excuse for being.Watch the gut/arse white house performer switch views within moments as he takes his cue from the seans and the lauras and the ilk of feathered hawks watching him listening to him judging him and ORDERING HIM to deliver what they demand of him. Without them he is nothing. With them he is nothing with power. Of course he will obey them. What choice does he have? less
The gut/arse white house performer PAYS his multitude of g.d. SOB'S with OUR MONEY!OUR TAX DOLLARS are used to pay his vile appointees to make our lives as mizerable as they can wh... moreThe gut/arse white house performer PAYS his multitude of g.d. SOB'S with OUR MONEY!OUR TAX DOLLARS are used to pay his vile appointees to make our lives as mizerable as they can while they can and he pays them royally WITH OUR MONEY!The gut/arse white house performer pours salt in the wounds he creates every day and does whoopy dances naked by the fire as people dye die dye die dye die die. He is made of PURE evil and adoringly worshipped by those societal rejects misfits dimwits. They are a multitude and growing. See them naked gyrating to the music of the devil starting fires and joyfully watching them consume everything. A playground for perverts. A party for the hearty deathers.A Stephen King horror story? Sadly no.The gut/arse white house performer's daily ritual. less
The gut/arse white house performer needs someone to HOOK HIM off the stage and whisk him away to the cornfield where bad thoughts go and are never heard from or seen again forever.... moreThe gut/arse white house performer needs someone to HOOK HIM off the stage and whisk him away to the cornfield where bad thoughts go and are never heard from or seen again forever. Little Anthony in the Twilight Zone wished away people with BAD THOUGHTS. Where is our Little Anthony today? Imagine the gut/arse white house performer in mid-sentence gibberishing his daily schtick and DISAPPEARING from sight never to be seen or heard from again?Where is that cornfield I wonder? Do you too?Perhaps it is AREA 51? Or in Rod Serling's brain? less
The Society for Putting Things On Top of Other Things is pleased to announce the launch of its new division, the Answermug Bullsh*t Society (AMBS). Who would like to join? Membersh... moreThe Society for Putting Things On Top of Other Things is pleased to announce the launch of its new division, the Answermug Bullsh*t Society (AMBS). Who would like to join? Membership is free, but a small fee (to be determined) will be assessed for storing your tildes. This will, hopefully, minimize the potential for abuse of such privileges.
Lemmings are small mouse-like rodents.Lemmings are known for gathering together in mass migrations that sometimes end up in them all drowning.Gathering together following one anoth... moreLemmings are small mouse-like rodents.Lemmings are known for gathering together in mass migrations that sometimes end up in them all drowning.Gathering together following one another to their deaths. Willingly. Mass suicide.
ALLEGEDLY they are allowing banks to seize your refunds to pay off account holders who owe them money! ALLEGEDLY.If you do then you won't get your money.After all banks come first ... moreALLEGEDLY they are allowing banks to seize your refunds to pay off account holders who owe them money! ALLEGEDLY.If you do then you won't get your money.After all banks come first last and always with the gut/arse white performer. You are nothings. Banks are everythings. Just so's ya know.
That would mean I would HAVE to respect those who supported what Hitler did to the Jews would it not?I don't. I DESPISE THEM.That would mean I would have to respect the opinions of... moreThat would mean I would HAVE to respect those who supported what Hitler did to the Jews would it not?I don't. I DESPISE THEM.That would mean I would have to respect the opinions of those who adoring worship the gut/arse white house performer. I don't. I have no use for them.How can you respect people whose opinions you DESPISE?How does that make any sense at all? It doesn't.
South Dakota gubnure Kristi Noem tells South Dakotans to STOP WATCHING THE NEWS, STAY THE COURSE, ADJUST AS NEEDED.Isn't she BRILLIANT? The repubbacans have lots like her. Brillian... moreSouth Dakota gubnure Kristi Noem tells South Dakotans to STOP WATCHING THE NEWS, STAY THE COURSE, ADJUST AS NEEDED.Isn't she BRILLIANT? The repubbacans have lots like her. Brilliant smart intelligent perceptive perspicacious prescient pubescent precious pretentious. Listen to her and all will come home wagging their tails behind them.Each one of THEM (repubbaccan pols) is smarter than the other braver than the other more patriotic than the other more selfless than the other more better. Proud of themselves they are. less
Obviously the current gut/arse white house performer cabal et al. Ever see a more talentless intelligence-free group of homo saps collected together for any purpose?Dumb and dumber... moreObviously the current gut/arse white house performer cabal et al. Ever see a more talentless intelligence-free group of homo saps collected together for any purpose?Dumb and dumber is just the tip of the iceberg.Stupid dumb is how they come and gathering together the feathered ones become even stupid dumber. They are happy together in their own company because they WANT to be together and understand each other as well as one another. They cling they bound they bind the mind in one collective brain freeze. So cute. less
The gibberish that abounds by those who see themselves as exeedingly clever astute is amazingly dependable. Every misplaced word. A gem a jewel to be polished treasured and remembe... moreThe gibberish that abounds by those who see themselves as exeedingly clever astute is amazingly dependable. Every misplaced word. A gem a jewel to be polished treasured and remembered forever.The contribution of the gibberish creators is legend. In their own minds. May it be forever thus so they feel as if they matter. Everyone everywhere everytime everyplace needs to feel he/she matters. Obviously.
He doesn't govern by the seat of his pantsHe governs with his arse and gut. The gurgling of digesting those cheeseburgers beautiful chocolate cake and ice cream are code to him. On... moreHe doesn't govern by the seat of his pantsHe governs with his arse and gut. The gurgling of digesting those cheeseburgers beautiful chocolate cake and ice cream are code to him. Only he understand what his gut and arse are advising. Only he can interpret the sounds by which he "decides".Didja know?
ALLEGEDLY In a Texas nursing home republicans are experimenting on dementia patients to support the white house performer.By that I guess they are giving the as-yet-unapproved... moreALLEGEDLY In a Texas nursing home republicans are experimenting on dementia patients to support the white house performer.By that I guess they are giving the as-yet-unapproved-for-use by the FDA drug to them figuring what difference does it make? They are going to die anyway.Imagine being so devoted and focused on supporting the white house performer they will sacrifice human life to promulgate what the white house performer propagates!Like in Germany the scientists did all kinds of evil experiments on people.We know white house performer supporters are more devoted to him than any elsers and sacrificing lives to shore up the white house performer gut and arse pronouncement comes natural to them.Now that's entertainment! less