whatsoever subsequent to mine, I just received about 10 notifications from that thread. They were all for answers to or comments about the original question, and they were directed... morewhatsoever subsequent to mine, I just received about 10 notifications from that thread. They were all for answers to or comments about the original question, and they were directed to its author or each other, but not to me. What gives? Is AnswerMug turning into AnswerBag, which itself turned into GlitchBag before it went supernova?https://answermug.com/forums/topic/104694/what-movie-or-television-series-best-includes-a-series-of-catast/view/post_id/776854~
To give and get the virus each moment of each day. Who could ask for anything more?No more masks. No social distancing. Hate rallies resume in every red state city. Sports events c... moreTo give and get the virus each moment of each day. Who could ask for anything more?No more masks. No social distancing. Hate rallies resume in every red state city. Sports events concerts churchgoing jammed to the rafters with homo saps who demand their right to do their thing. God bless 'em one and all.Opening day at the races. PLACE YER BETS! You can't lose.
The middle name of TRUMP will be in caps on all birth certificate or they will be invalid.John TRUMP JonesJune TRUMP SmithBilly TRUMP GoatJack TRUMP A**Bootsy TRUMP PorterAnd so on... moreThe middle name of TRUMP will be in caps on all birth certificate or they will be invalid.John TRUMP JonesJune TRUMP SmithBilly TRUMP GoatJack TRUMP A**Bootsy TRUMP PorterAnd so on and so on and so on. it will be a requirement of all new citizens to take the name of TRUMP. That is of course unless the white house entertainer closes all borders or all time and there no longer is any immigration allowed.Soon he will order all existing citizens to add his name to theirs. By order of the king. There will be an or else but he hasn't figgered out what that will be quite yet. When he does he will let you know. less
The white house entertainer shifts targets easily. Currently desperate he blames CHINA or WHO or FAUCI or GOVERNORS or DEMOCRATS or OBAMA or HILLARY or his faux news 7 friends enem... moreThe white house entertainer shifts targets easily. Currently desperate he blames CHINA or WHO or FAUCI or GOVERNORS or DEMOCRATS or OBAMA or HILLARY or his faux news 7 friends enemies.Pick any one and he is there over and done. Moving on to the next target he shifts his blame he thinks when he facts he sinks deeper into his own do wop a do.The white house entertainer is running out of scapegoats. Will he turn on his family next and blame jared and Vanka and Barron and donjohnjr and tiffany and his ex mistresses and the women he sexually abused? All are targets for his attacks...all at once or in singularities.Wall Steet JournalChris WallaceHis former employees His current employeesHis future employees less
To transfer the blame of the white house entertainer for having dropped the ball by hoaxy jokesy folksing for TWO MONTHS despite WARNINGS TWICE of what was heading toward us.Desper... moreTo transfer the blame of the white house entertainer for having dropped the ball by hoaxy jokesy folksing for TWO MONTHS despite WARNINGS TWICE of what was heading toward us.Desperate to offload all his SHAMEFUL BLAME he is now ordering more investigations of others for what he did not do. Why he thinks we don't see what he is doing and why is insulting. HE IS GUILTY AS CHARGED GUILTY AS CHARGED GUILTY AS CHARGED with blood on his hands. COWARD! Weak yellowliver yellow belly chicken COWARD. The more he protests his innocence the more certain we are of his GUILT. less
It is the wise and extremely stable genius who is doing it.What's Bill Gates IQ? He thinks he can outthink the white house entertainer aka wise and extremely stable genius? Who is ... moreIt is the wise and extremely stable genius who is doing it.What's Bill Gates IQ? He thinks he can outthink the white house entertainer aka wise and extremely stable genius? Who is he anyway compared to the white house entertainer who after all had a TV reality show. What tv reality show did Bill Gates ever have? The wise extremely stable genius had women by the carloads suing him for sexual assault. How many women have accused Bill Gates of having the morals of a depraved deviate billy goat like the white house entertainer? Sheesh. less
It showcases his knowledge and intelligence better than anything he has ever done. Daily five-hour briefings each day until election day. It will do wonders for his poll numbs beca... moreIt showcases his knowledge and intelligence better than anything he has ever done. Daily five-hour briefings each day until election day. It will do wonders for his poll numbs because he is very impressive when left alone on his own to speak from his gut and his arse. There is no one who does it better. Any of you agree with me?
I only speak for me. I'm happier than the fault finders and flaw seekers. How do I know? Because they are always tearing down everything with nary a kind word to say about anything... moreI only speak for me. I'm happier than the fault finders and flaw seekers. How do I know? Because they are always tearing down everything with nary a kind word to say about anything or anyone. They never compliment or thank or are grateful for. Too busy whining about what they lack which is always someone else's fault.Life.
If that is TRUE why have they LARDED the benches countrywide with EXTREME RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE JUDGES and BRAGGED ABOUT DOING SO? Check with the son of an itch.Why do they eye R... moreIf that is TRUE why have they LARDED the benches countrywide with EXTREME RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE JUDGES and BRAGGED ABOUT DOING SO? Check with the son of an itch.Why do they eye Ruth BG and wish her harm so they can replace her with yet another EXTREME RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE PARTISAN BIASED fairminded objective independent judge? Why indeed?Because they lie that's why. They deny and lie and deny and lie and keep appointing consenting to more and more extreme right-wing conservative judges.Independence and objectivity my a**! Whatta gas. What laughs. You ARE laughing aren't you?See what I mean? They don't even realize what they are.OBJECTIVE INDEPENDENCE versusEXTREME RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE "judge" who will decide everytime to please the white house entertainer and his ilk of mediocre "thinkers".No one can help being stupid dumb. It cannot be cured. .Sigh.Lard the benches with more "objective independent" judges.Continue "thinking" you want only independent objective fairminded judges. Sure you do. less
*World Health OrganizationWho will CONDEMN him for the wasted time and wasted mockery the wasted rhetoric the wasted ridicule the dull impotent incontinent incoherent insanity he r... more*World Health OrganizationWho will CONDEMN him for the wasted time and wasted mockery the wasted rhetoric the wasted ridicule the dull impotent incontinent incoherent insanity he represented from early January WHEN HE WAS WARNED WHAT WAS COMING and chose to not only ignore it but ridicule it and lie about it?LIVES LOST on his watch DUE TO HIS HOAXY JOKEY FOLKSY slapsy maxsy vile evil donothing lazy bas**rd approach.WHO SUSPENDS HIM and punishes him for the blood on his hands? GOD ultimately but right now he insists his name be printed on the virus checks. He wants credit for everything all the time but refuses the DEBIT of the death his indifference caused. Who pays him back for THAT? GOD. I know. But what about right now? What happens right now to the white house entertainer who is the pus in our lives that must excised? He is a murderer. less
Drop dead GORGEOUS like Elizabeth Taylor or seductive temptresses like Ava Gardner.Would a hair color change also change their personalities?Marilyn Monroe and Doris Day as BRUNETT... moreDrop dead GORGEOUS like Elizabeth Taylor or seductive temptresses like Ava Gardner.Would a hair color change also change their personalities?Marilyn Monroe and Doris Day as BRUNETTESElizabeth Taylor and Ava Gardner as blonds (natural or bottle)
It took an hour and a half and I was MIZERABLE every minute of it. That getup is very uncomfy. How do these folks who wear that getup all day long stand it?It will get darker befor... moreIt took an hour and a half and I was MIZERABLE every minute of it. That getup is very uncomfy. How do these folks who wear that getup all day long stand it?It will get darker before the dawn assuming there is a dawn. Meanwhile we carry on as best we can. For how long?What size is death? Where is the bluebird of your happiness?. How high is up? What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? What is our purpose? Whom can we trust? What lies ahead? What is love? Will I ever understand what I need to understand to comprehend what I need to comprehend?Hopeful hopeless. Which izzit? less
Once you have a taste of what it is like to be alive how far would you go to stay alive? What would you do?Firstly suck up to the cartoonist biglyKiss buttPat a**Compliment lie com... moreOnce you have a taste of what it is like to be alive how far would you go to stay alive? What would you do?Firstly suck up to the cartoonist biglyKiss buttPat a**Compliment lie compliment lie compliment lieWhimper beg entreat supplicate grovel humiliate bellycrawl implore beseech promise vow swearNow you know why pols do what they do say what they say. They are all cartoon characters who will do/say anything to stay "alive"One dimensional dumbbells the dumbest of whom is the white house entertainer and all his toady sycophant minion lemmings less
They are rigid in their certitude that what they have always done they will continue to do no matter what surrounds or engulfs them. Obtusely oblivious to everything but their own ... moreThey are rigid in their certitude that what they have always done they will continue to do no matter what surrounds or engulfs them. Obtusely oblivious to everything but their own rigid "thinking" they carry on as they always have dropping like flies not knowing what hit them. The stupid dumbs who support the white house entertainer who is the instrument of their "death". A fine mess.
In a twist that is quite profound the white house entertainer is naked as a jaybird as are all his adoring worshippers, toady sycophants and lemmings who are terrified of him. They... moreIn a twist that is quite profound the white house entertainer is naked as a jaybird as are all his adoring worshippers, toady sycophants and lemmings who are terrified of him. They all preen and strut about as if they are wearing fine raiments that sparkle. In fact we see the flesh and the fat and the wrinkles and the bemishes they try to hide. They do provide entertainment of a sort though it is quite disgusting to see them as they really are.Now here's the thing. Is it better for them to continue believing they are clothed or would learning they aren't do them a great service?Meanwhile watch the show. They are all absurd in their seriousity. Should we tell them?Leave well enough alone. Let them be. less
The furiosity of the white house entertainer coupled with the seriosity of his adoring worshippers is a worldwide spectacle. They think they are performing wondrously well and are ... moreThe furiosity of the white house entertainer coupled with the seriosity of his adoring worshippers is a worldwide spectacle. They think they are performing wondrously well and are admired. In actuality it is the exact opposite.Self-aware they are not. Obtusely oblivious they are. A mass delusion or something darker?
An emotional aberration?It is illogical to adoringly worship the instrument of your destruction yet here we are having the white house entertainer base doing exactly that. Millions... moreAn emotional aberration?It is illogical to adoringly worship the instrument of your destruction yet here we are having the white house entertainer base doing exactly that. Millions of them.Millions of mental defects either believe they deserve to be badly treated or are unaware that's what they are enabling encouraging defending supporting. Illusory. Delusional.Mass hypnosis? How massive can it be? Millions of pigeons with the same mindset reacting in the same way despite the consequences. Moths to a flame? Certain "death"? It takes all kinds. Different strokes for different folks. Birds of a feather. When you lie down with dogs you get fleas. Make your bed and lie in it.SIGH. And the beat goes on. less
Not only did he "lose" his touch it is downright LETHAL. Uh oh! Trouble in paradise. The white house entertainer has pols doing flips but what he can't flip are THE PEOPLE. What's ... moreNot only did he "lose" his touch it is downright LETHAL. Uh oh! Trouble in paradise. The white house entertainer has pols doing flips but what he can't flip are THE PEOPLE. What's he gonna do now?