EXAMPLES:1. I’d give my right eye to be able to afford that2. It cost me and arm and a leg3. Live hand-to-mouth4. Pay through the nose/Pay out the nose~
I love the way grocery stores are now that the aisles are directional and people can only go down the aisle one way. I want it to stay like that forever now.
That will come too. His blame is scattershot everywhere in deep desperation because IT IS ON HIS WATCH. HE REFUSED TO LISTEN TO OR READ INFORMATION PROVIDED TO HIM TWICE IN JANUARY... moreThat will come too. His blame is scattershot everywhere in deep desperation because IT IS ON HIS WATCH. HE REFUSED TO LISTEN TO OR READ INFORMATION PROVIDED TO HIM TWICE IN JANUARY.It is all on HIM and NO ONE BUT HIM which is why his desperation is growing spreading deepening heightening lowering. He will blame others as well. He cannot not. He cannot absorb his awful place in history so he blames and whines and whinya**es his way through each day desperate to convince others of his INNOCENCE. MY oh my how he do whine how he do cry how he do yellowbelly through life. Not me. Not my fault. Not me.ME ME ME ME ME ME ME when it suits me. NOT ME NOT ME NOT ME NOT ME when that suits me better.GAG gags dependably. Word and deed are gag-worthy and GAG always never fails to deliver. less
Is he being a petty baby infant toddler suckupper hissy fit tantrum boy or an intelligent adult?Is he being snotty snarky smarmy sarcastic or is he being lucid wise calm sublime?Wh... moreIs he being a petty baby infant toddler suckupper hissy fit tantrum boy or an intelligent adult?Is he being snotty snarky smarmy sarcastic or is he being lucid wise calm sublime?What iz GAG to you? Based on what he says (all lies) or what he do ( all stupid dumb)?Taking hotshot potshot with his slingshot he clearly has nothing better to do because being president is not in his skill setWhat is?LYINGATTACKINGINSULTINGHATINGDESTROYING
An allegation about a sexual assault that supposedly occurrred in 1993 about Joe Biden surfaces now in 2020 when he is a candidate for president.It didn't surface at the time. It d... moreAn allegation about a sexual assault that supposedly occurrred in 1993 about Joe Biden surfaces now in 2020 when he is a candidate for president.It didn't surface at the time. It did not surface when he was selected to be the running mate of a president.It didn't surface when he became one of many candidates for prez in the 2020 electionIt didn't surface until bernie bowed out and the only one left was Biden.IT SURFACED THEN AND ONLY THEN.Assuming it is entirely true and not made up.Why the timing of it? Why not earlier or immediately way back when or anytime in-between?How does that make any sense to anyone?If you have a LOGICAL REASONABLE SENSIBLE reason for this timing please share it with us because I am completely flumoxed!Were it me I would have screamed my head off to anyone and everyone WHEN IT HAPPENED! I'd tell the newspapers and sue Biden and give interviews every day. I sure as he** wouldn't go underground and stay for over TWO and a half DECADES.But maybe there is an excellent reason to justify it a... less
Trying on new ball gowns for the upcoming coronationTaking SPA treatments to relax herGetting BOTOXED and plastic surgeried because she is getting long in the tooth and takes pride... moreTrying on new ball gowns for the upcoming coronationTaking SPA treatments to relax herGetting BOTOXED and plastic surgeried because she is getting long in the tooth and takes pride in her beautyGAG is all about himselfIs Melania all about herself too?
Department of THE CONSTITUTION. Any questions about interpretation/meaning will be handled by that Secretary. So of all the awesome brilliant genius repubbaccans from which to pick... moreDepartment of THE CONSTITUTION. Any questions about interpretation/meaning will be handled by that Secretary. So of all the awesome brilliant genius repubbaccans from which to pick which AWESOMEST ONE should be the Secretary of the CONSTITUTION of the United States of America? Who has the FINAL WORD? Why d'ya think that person is the very most bestest of the best?RushbaughLaura outgramSean finnityStephen muellerKellyanne conartistThe infamous senile rudygRoger stonedOne of GAG's sex partners who didn't sue himA WHITE SUPREMACIST PROUD RACIST....david dukes mebbeA GUN GUY like john wayne or tom selleck or daniel boone or clint deadwood. Dead or alive matters not. A gun is a gun is a gun. That will never die. less
Set up a COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT as a CABINET POSITIONThat way you have a ready-made ongoing list of enemies/critics. All ya gotta do is follow up on it and "take care of them"!... moreSet up a COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT as a CABINET POSITIONThat way you have a ready-made ongoing list of enemies/critics. All ya gotta do is follow up on it and "take care of them"!FREE OF CHARGE that idea goes to GAG. See how helpful I am? Can be? Always could have been?
The amount of kvetching and moaning and groaning and complaining and threatening and swearing is absurdky stupid dumb as are all the stupid dumbs who are doing the protesting.All t... moreThe amount of kvetching and moaning and groaning and complaining and threatening and swearing is absurdky stupid dumb as are all the stupid dumbs who are doing the protesting.All they gotta do is IGNORE it and go out maskless gloveless in huge crowds. That's it you dumbbells! JUST DEFY ORDERS. Simple quick to the point.What is wrong with all of you that you would rather complain protest than DO WHAT YOU WANT?Sheesh.
EVERYONE sometime someplace is gonna die. GET OVER IT.Let disease run its course taking whomever it does and let it alone. Nature's way of getting rid of some of us. Why fight it? ... moreEVERYONE sometime someplace is gonna die. GET OVER IT.Let disease run its course taking whomever it does and let it alone. Nature's way of getting rid of some of us. Why fight it? It will make GAG happy as a clam at high tide. NO numbers to talk about. His cuppa tea.
What say you? If STANFORD were blue y'all would write it off as a fake news hoax. BUT RED STANFORD? Et tu Brute? 85 times higher than the alleged count? From a red anything that is... moreWhat say you? If STANFORD were blue y'all would write it off as a fake news hoax. BUT RED STANFORD? Et tu Brute? 85 times higher than the alleged count? From a red anything that is something!
He is DESPERATE for lavish accolades attributions for his massive contributions for the good of all mankind and y'all are SILENT in his hour of need. Cruel mean corrupt rainy day w... moreHe is DESPERATE for lavish accolades attributions for his massive contributions for the good of all mankind and y'all are SILENT in his hour of need. Cruel mean corrupt rainy day wishy washy mish mashes of selfish greed be thee. Think of HIM only HIM 24/7! Say unto him what is your heart and never stop.If you are waiting for the BLUES to do your job for ya yer gonna wait forever. Shape up. Step up. Inundate GAG with what he wants to hear. How wondrous awesome he is how great how grand how impressive and wise and brilliant and kind and prescient and stable and caring and loving and and and and and. SHOW HIM YOU LOVE 24/7! What are you waiting for? Permission? Sheesh. You even need a roadmap to suck up. A push in the right direction. Consider this YOUR PUSH! less
Where is the statue of GAG y'all should have built to honor him? On a horse or on a golf course? Which is more fitting? Golf club in hand belly front and center. Why haven't y'all ... moreWhere is the statue of GAG y'all should have built to honor him? On a horse or on a golf course? Which is more fitting? Golf club in hand belly front and center. Why haven't y'all fundraised that and had it built by now?HUGERER BIGGERER THAN LIFE TOWERING OVER EVERYTHING in D.C. Bigger better broader beefier by jove and by golly it's not too late. The GAG birthday is in June. Plenty of time to give him what he most adores and loves...an image of himself. C''mon! Get off your butts and start getting it together. Whatcha got ta lose? Nuttin' honey. less
Why haven't the millions of you who want GAG to be your guy marched en masse to the WHITE HOUSE LAWN maskless gloveless butt to butt shouting WE LOVE YOU WE LOVE WE LOVE YOU?What t... moreWhy haven't the millions of you who want GAG to be your guy marched en masse to the WHITE HOUSE LAWN maskless gloveless butt to butt shouting WE LOVE YOU WE LOVE WE LOVE YOU?What the he** are y'all doing that's more important than proving your support of GAG?Let's see allegedly 63 million of you voted for him and would again. Why not gather together you feathered flock friends and march on Washington District of Columbia to show your support for the GAG? SHOW him you care. SHOW him you believe in him. SHOW him SHOW him SHOW him! What's the problem here? Big mouths no guts? less
Tracking the actions of anyone who has power over you or any measure of control makes sense. You don't mouth off to anyone who can revenge retaliate and make you pay for it. Not if... moreTracking the actions of anyone who has power over you or any measure of control makes sense. You don't mouth off to anyone who can revenge retaliate and make you pay for it. Not if you have a brain.But some average ordinary typical standard issue mediocre mental midgets do track other people. They are obsessed with them.Are all of them capable of murering that which obsesses them and envelopes them and consumes them 24/7? Are you a crackpot wackadoodle tracker of others? To what end for what purpose?
Are you a fan of mimics?The ones who copycat the voices/accomplishments of others? Some are very good at it while others suck.Can you mimic anyone well enough to trick others?Of wh... moreAre you a fan of mimics?The ones who copycat the voices/accomplishments of others? Some are very good at it while others suck.Can you mimic anyone well enough to trick others?Of what value are the mimes and the mimics in the world?
Schools are closed the rest of the school year. A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTEThe fallow mind deteriorates at a rate that is shocking. Once lost in time it stays lost thereaft... moreSchools are closed the rest of the school year. A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTEThe fallow mind deteriorates at a rate that is shocking. Once lost in time it stays lost thereafter. We can never get back the time lost. Never.