I know GAG voters much prefer liars and thieves and cheats and bums. They adore GAG getting away with whatever he can whenever he can for however long he can. They love being "scre... moreI know GAG voters much prefer liars and thieves and cheats and bums. They adore GAG getting away with whatever he can whenever he can for however long he can. They love being "screwed" by him. The more he lies and takes advantage of the power he has accorded himself the happier they are with him. Go figger.But more of us DISLIKE GAG than like him so I'm asking you who cannot stand GAG would YOU VOTE FOR AN HONEST POLITICIAN if one existed and were available?
You will pay $35K to attend a dinner at which GAG will speakYou will pay $100K for a photo opThe sky's the limit for what you will pay with an audience with king GAG.Who audits the... moreYou will pay $35K to attend a dinner at which GAG will speakYou will pay $100K for a photo opThe sky's the limit for what you will pay with an audience with king GAG.Who audits the flow of money coming in and where does it go? Do you know or care or is whatever GAG can steal while he has the power way okay with you? You don't wanna know where the money goes do you? You don't care a hair of your chinny chin chin how much GAG rakes in and KEEPS for himself.
Our tax dollars pays for his ego hate rallies. Now the GAG gaggle don't mind that one bit but the anti GAG are gagging over it. TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATIIONThe ultimate in awfu... moreOur tax dollars pays for his ego hate rallies. Now the GAG gaggle don't mind that one bit but the anti GAG are gagging over it. TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATIIONThe ultimate in awful GAG attacks insults derides denigrates and lies about Democrats. Democrats pay taxes and their tax dollars are being eaten up by a GAGA GOOF who insults attacks lies about us.Isn't that a kick in the pants though? We are funding his ego hate rallies during which he is vile vicious cruel mean and LIES. Isn't it great? What's not to hate? less
Being a lounge act 3rd rate "entertainer" is not at all what being a president requires. In fact it is the antithesis of it. A worse choice could not have been made.You get what yo... moreBeing a lounge act 3rd rate "entertainer" is not at all what being a president requires. In fact it is the antithesis of it. A worse choice could not have been made.You get what you pays for and you paid for dreck. What's worse than that is the dreck so delights you that you are determined to do it again. Go figger!
Is it true were lied by FDR? He knew the strike on Pearl Harbor was coming and did nothing so we the people would support going to war?We were lied to about the Viet Name WarWe wer... moreIs it true were lied by FDR? He knew the strike on Pearl Harbor was coming and did nothing so we the people would support going to war?We were lied to about the Viet Name WarWe were lied to about "weapons of mass destruction"We are being lied to daily by GAG and his gaggle about EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME NO EXCEPTIONIs it a template for politicians to distort/lie? Is it a must on the resume of every candidate that honesty is not wanted here?To lie is a way of life for the evil among us. To believe the lies is what weakinded incurious sheeple do. Most of you or all of you who worship GAG. Different strokes. Y'all are sure different. less
Those who regularly take hydroxyclorine for other issues like LUPUS can't get their prescriptions filled because the COVID 19 scairdy cats listen to GAG scam them and convince them... moreThose who regularly take hydroxyclorine for other issues like LUPUS can't get their prescriptions filled because the COVID 19 scairdy cats listen to GAG scam them and convince them their cure will be the hydroxybaloney phony con.GAG must be invested financially in hawking it. Some die because of him hacking and hawking but who cares? He is the king and so whatever he wants goes. HE WANTS TO BE RICHER off your backs and so you lie down and and make easy for him. Your dying is just a consequence about which he cares not a fig.Participants in your own deaths and the deaths of others just to placate the needy seedy greedy GAG. Why not. He is worth it since he is the second coming and GOD sent him to save you. Good job. Make GAG happy and you'll be happy. Dead or alive. Mostly dead. less
Homo Sapiens are really Homo stupid dumbians aren't they? Stuck in a rut with no wish to get out of it. Entrenched in partisan political bullsh** claptrap rigidity we do not BUDGE ... moreHomo Sapiens are really Homo stupid dumbians aren't they? Stuck in a rut with no wish to get out of it. Entrenched in partisan political bullsh** claptrap rigidity we do not BUDGE an inch.Day after day after day after day of same inane arcane insane. Some cheer and shout and stomp about while others weep and mourn and die alone. How sweet it is being you. Isn't it? Homo stupid dumbs welcome to the world you created by your indifference.
Headstones and mausoleums and burial plots and blowing the ashes off the bow of a ship in foreign lands. Death rocks. Death rolls. Death rules. Feature it and focus on it and you t... moreHeadstones and mausoleums and burial plots and blowing the ashes off the bow of a ship in foreign lands. Death rocks. Death rolls. Death rules. Feature it and focus on it and you too will have everything you have ever wanted.Happy trails. Good sailing. Avast.
To GAG or not to GAG? To be a proud part of the GAG gaggle or to eschew it?Pro GAG are happy high tide clams. What me worry? With GAG the head and taking no responsibility for anyt... moreTo GAG or not to GAG? To be a proud part of the GAG gaggle or to eschew it?Pro GAG are happy high tide clams. What me worry? With GAG the head and taking no responsibility for anything at anytime but all the credit for everything and anything all the time what could possibly go wrong?The anti GAG see through a glass darkly. Muddy dirty scummy infected with danger. The only ones who will survive that milieu are the carriers. They party hearty.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully EXECUTE the office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Con... more"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully EXECUTE the office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."GAG oathed to EXECUTE and has. We mistakenly believed he oathed to carry out/accomplish a good when in fact he oathed to put to death/murder/assassinate the very foundation of our country.Tricky dickster that GAG. He has kept his oath and carried out the execution in front of our eyes.To execute or not to execute the executioner? That is the question before us less
GAG must be a beard a front for show and the real power is "behind the throne".You didn't get what you paid for at all. What did you get? Will you ever know the extent of the great... moreGAG must be a beard a front for show and the real power is "behind the throne".You didn't get what you paid for at all. What did you get? Will you ever know the extent of the great scam con dupe?WHO IS RESPONSIBLE?
"He watched Fox and believed "it was under control". New York bar owns DIES of COVID 19.The faux news pholkes are there to support GAG an the gaggle. Happy face. Nothing to see her... more"He watched Fox and believed "it was under control". New York bar owns DIES of COVID 19.The faux news pholkes are there to support GAG an the gaggle. Happy face. Nothing to see here. Big conspiracy. Don't believe any of it. It's just like the flu. No big deal.How many others who BELIEVE everything they hear on Faux is true and have or will die because of the "happy face" talky talky?Who is responsible here? The happy talky talky talkers whose only motive is to save the corpuelent GAG a** or GAG for hiring the station to promulgate trash?I dunno. Some believe anything everything sean finnity rushbaugh and laura outgram say no matter how untrue inane insane. So I guess they deserve what they get by doing that since it's a free country and you have a right to be stupid. Sad though.The sean finnities and laura outgrams and rushbaughs care nothing about the consequences of the drivel they promulgate. Nothing at all. It's all for effect and show to let you know who is in charge. Babble drivel gibberish daily. You get ... less
A couple of weeks ago I had to go to town - after I got home I started thinking that maybe I caught the virus. But yesturday I expelled air and it stunk so I thou... moreA couple of weeks ago I had to go to town - after I got home I started thinking that maybe I caught the virus. But yesturday I expelled air and it stunk so I thought - thank God I don'the have the coronavirus (you loose your sense of smell if you have the virus). Cheers!
I was informed when I unsubscribed from Netflix three months ago that my account would be as is for ten months. I subscribed again yesterday and it was not how I left it. Episodes ... moreI was informed when I unsubscribed from Netflix three months ago that my account would be as is for ten months. I subscribed again yesterday and it was not how I left it. Episodes of shows I had already watched did not have a red line across them. One show did not have red lines for an entire season I had watched. I then checked my viewing history and could not find the episodes I had watched. I went to Netflix live chat but they did not fix it.
Oktoberfest 2020 was officially cancelled today, August 19th to Sept 5No large gatherings in Germany until at least AugustFrance appears to be closed for the Summer, earliest openi... moreOktoberfest 2020 was officially cancelled today, August 19th to Sept 5No large gatherings in Germany until at least AugustFrance appears to be closed for the Summer, earliest opening of Museums August or SeptemberSwitzerland, Denmark, & Sweden all events cancelledSpain Limited openings of museums if at allAnd the list goes on, I will be surprised if we see Americans or any flights from America. Austria has banned all flights from China, others freight onlySo how will you spend your Summer, for those down under your winter less
Texas Lt. Gubnor Dan Patrick. Of course idiotboy! Keeping GAG prez is more important than saving lives. EVERYONE knows that idiotboy. It is a given. All the GAG's gaggle would happ... moreTexas Lt. Gubnor Dan Patrick. Of course idiotboy! Keeping GAG prez is more important than saving lives. EVERYONE knows that idiotboy. It is a given. All the GAG's gaggle would happily die for GAG to keep him keeping on. Every single bingle dingleberry among them. FER SHURE. They'd sacrifice their children's lives and their parents lives for that you dingbat idiotboy. Tell us something we don't know dingbat idiotboy. Sheesh. .
Heartbreaker? Faker? Dream shaker?You can't stand calm so you gin up the game and watch folks scurry about hurry about to entertain you. What's next on your agenda?
I’m on a partial schedule of working at home part of the week and in the office the rest of the week.
(This bottom photo is merely in jest; I wear my normal busi... more I’m on a partial schedule of working at home part of the week and in the office the rest of the week.
(This bottom photo is merely in jest; I wear my normal business attire even on the days I work at home.)
Florida is a good bet due to stupid gubnor sucker upper. But other red states and gubnors too are stupid dumb and so whichever one has the biggest infection percentage INCREASE and... moreFlorida is a good bet due to stupid gubnor sucker upper. But other red states and gubnors too are stupid dumb and so whichever one has the biggest infection percentage INCREASE and most especially the hugest number of DEATHS due to stupid dumbs opening up again WINS!Come one come all to the greatest biggest bestest mostest STUPID DUMB lottery in history! Place yer bets. You could make a bigly bundle on this. It's not fixed. The stupid dumb is natural to them so rigging is not needed. All on their own the stupid dumb gubnors in the stupid duimb red states will naturally stupid dumb their way to the win. The gaggles live in red states so GAG has a sure thing riding on them. GAG and gaggle hand in hand as infections rise and more die. Good on ya! Good job. KEEP IT UP stupid dumbs! KEEP IT UP!I can hardly wait. You? less
Ya wanna go out and infect and cause deaths? BE MY GUEST. Murder is in your heart and selfish willful is what you are so go ahead. Do it. Just do it. No skin off your nose MURDERER... moreYa wanna go out and infect and cause deaths? BE MY GUEST. Murder is in your heart and selfish willful is what you are so go ahead. Do it. Just do it. No skin off your nose MURDERER.You couldn't wait to get your life back you selfish SOB and well who cares about any other? So you murder a few along the way? So what? Their bad luck. Right?. You are all that counts plus GAG. You are part of the gaggle. Enjoy. Celebrate. Murder. What's the difference as long as YOU get what YOU want RIGHT NOW? MAZELTOV.