SAid by Guv Cuomo on Thursday. Soon, very soon, he will do his update for today. What will he say? Whatever it is matters not a bit. I will believe whatever Governor Cuomo sez beca... moreSAid by Guv Cuomo on Thursday. Soon, very soon, he will do his update for today. What will he say? Whatever it is matters not a bit. I will believe whatever Governor Cuomo sez because he only ever always tells the truth. Which is a big reason why GAG hates him so. GAG hates truthtellers bigly. They hate him back so it balances out.
Because Drs. Birk and Fauci are still there. If GAG had any clue how they humiliate him daily he'd have fired their butts long ago. But he doesn't. So there ya go.
Short a few cards in each deck and not the sharpest knives in the drawer they did what they did because they are what they are because they "think" what they think and not a second... moreShort a few cards in each deck and not the sharpest knives in the drawer they did what they did because they are what they are because they "think" what they think and not a second more.Stating the obvious? Worthwhile or infantile?
Which, in fact, he turned out to be. And I said: Oh, boy. Right again.
let X = X. You know, it could be you.(If not, maybe listen to the rest of this great song?)
And they had all arrived at the same buildingat more or less the same time.And they were all free.And they were allasking themselves the same question:What is behind that curtain?
From Axios this morning:" 5. Lysol fires back at Trump's medical musings
Photo: Michael Reynolds/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images
President Trump said at yes... moreFrom Axios this morning:" 5. Lysol fires back at Trump's medical musings
Photo: Michael Reynolds/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images
President Trump said at yesterday’s briefing: "I'm not a doctor. But I’m like a person that has a good you-know-what."
His medical musings prompted pushback from medical professionals after he offhandedly suggested that ultraviolet light and disinfectant might be used to fight coronavirus:
So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. ... upposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting. ...
I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection... less
The first stage clinical trial of Gilead's Remdesivir FAILED. It showed there is no benefit at all for COVID 19 patients.See y'all THAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING CLINICAL TRIALS in va... moreThe first stage clinical trial of Gilead's Remdesivir FAILED. It showed there is no benefit at all for COVID 19 patients.See y'all THAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING CLINICAL TRIALS in various stages to ensure that people won't die from the cure. It TAKES time to go from stage to stage. No weeks or months but years sometimes. And even at the final stage a "cure" can fail which means all that time and money were wasted on something that had no value at all. But how else to you determine that unless you test test test test test? less
She is, of course, a woman of color and as such a target of the RACISTS who support GAG and the GAGGLE.She is brave. She is targeted for extinction by the bonkers brigade. Typical ... moreShe is, of course, a woman of color and as such a target of the RACISTS who support GAG and the GAGGLE.She is brave. She is targeted for extinction by the bonkers brigade. Typical reaction of haters of "other" and haters of women. Standard typical ordinary mediocre braindead automatic robotic.
Equal opportunity is MIA. Joe Biden should receive equal time to talk about his greatness.Is there some law that guarantees EQUAL TIME?Once again the deck is stacked for GAG to hav... moreEqual opportunity is MIA. Joe Biden should receive equal time to talk about his greatness.Is there some law that guarantees EQUAL TIME?Once again the deck is stacked for GAG to have his way every. Does anyone else mind at all about the UNFAIRNESS of it all?
The repubbaccans "mull over" curbing her powers.You betchure a** they do. In Michigan that is what Governor Whitmer is facing rignt now. HOW DARE SHE put the lives of the citizens ... moreThe repubbaccans "mull over" curbing her powers.You betchure a** they do. In Michigan that is what Governor Whitmer is facing rignt now. HOW DARE SHE put the lives of the citizens of her state FIRST? Who does she think she is?
Idle hands are the playground of the devil.That is why many parents program their kids to do so many things. Never give them a minute to be bored. Music lessons voice lessons... more Idle hands are the playground of the devil.That is why many parents program their kids to do so many things. Never give them a minute to be bored. Music lessons voice lessons dance lessons little league added classes.Who is gonna program GAG to keep him out of trouble? He is bored out of his gourd and that does not bode well for us at all.First he wants to inject a disinfectant into our bodes to clean our loungs. Doctors have to tell him people will die if he does that. You can betchure bippy GAG is occupying his "mind" with other ideas because he is going stir crazy and that is making every nervous.Any suggestions how he can fill the time most benignly and harmlessly? less
Because GAG was pushing it bigly minutely. Then results showed not only did it NOT WORK but could CAUSE DEATH.So putting their long hairy slimy tails between their legs they all re... moreBecause GAG was pushing it bigly minutely. Then results showed not only did it NOT WORK but could CAUSE DEATH.So putting their long hairy slimy tails between their legs they all retreated backtracked in unison.Who sez there is no script provided the gaggle daily? All talk alike sound alike look alike hook alike snook alike. Then the word gets out "you're full of sh**" and they back down back out bellycrawl to distance themselves from yet another crackpot wackadoodle "idea" from the gut/arse of GAG..They are so cute aren't they? SIGH. Very cute. less
He always tells it like it is. He CASTIGATED pols who partisan politicked and ramped up the vicious vile venal insults and attacks on "the other".Grow up. Man up. Woman up. Get ove... moreHe always tells it like it is. He CASTIGATED pols who partisan politicked and ramped up the vicious vile venal insults and attacks on "the other".Grow up. Man up. Woman up. Get over the partisan particulates of puerile paucity lacking HUMANITY.. Now is not the time to come to the aid of the partisan party. Now is the time to come to the aid of the country and the people.What's wrong with y'all that you delight in this tragedy and rub salt in the wound and defend the actuators and activator of exacerbation? It is YOUR country and the folks dying/suffering ARE YOUR PEOPLE. Sheesh. At a time like this such bad actors on stage.Grow up. Man up. Woman up. Get a grip. Do the right thing. Not on your schedule? Too busy enjoying yourself? SIGH. less
Neighbors may stop and gawk at the conflagration but feel nothing else. Not their problem. No skin off their nose. What doesn't affect them personally doesn't concern them at all.W... moreNeighbors may stop and gawk at the conflagration but feel nothing else. Not their problem. No skin off their nose. What doesn't affect them personally doesn't concern them at all.What caused that opposite reaction? "What's in it for me" is the mantra of many today. "How do I benefit?" Why should I go out of my way to help a neighbor?Interesting. Provocative. Indifference.
On the other hand we see the rewards that accrue to those who lie cheat steal sabotage. They are many, not few.Which is very confusing.Life is very confusing. Circuitous paths forw... moreOn the other hand we see the rewards that accrue to those who lie cheat steal sabotage. They are many, not few.Which is very confusing.Life is very confusing. Circuitous paths forward can place you right back where you started. You can inadvertently happen upon a new path that takes you places you never dreamed you'd go.The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agly. Why?
Donald Trump just suggested that a injection of disinfectant might help beat the coronavirus because it would clean the lungs then he said to a doctor that was there you guys are c... moreDonald Trump just suggested that a injection of disinfectant might help beat the coronavirus because it would clean the lungs then he said to a doctor that was there you guys are checking that out right. Later the doctor made it clear that they wern't checking that out. If you are thinking of trying Trump's cure please don't because injecting disinfectant is one of the ways people try to kill them selfs. Cheers!