His life is in no way is impacted affected. He can work at home. He doesn't need to travel to get to his job. He can fly anywhere in his own private plane. He does what he wants wh... moreHis life is in no way is impacted affected. He can work at home. He doesn't need to travel to get to his job. He can fly anywhere in his own private plane. He does what he wants when he wants for however long he wants without worry of losing his job because he just can't get there as is true of some. He HAS NO WORRIES so when he pretends he cares about others his insincerity shines through true blue. He can't fake what he doesn't feel.Your president in all his glamorous garrulous gargantuan glorious gallantry. Bow down and pray to him. Thank GOD for him. He is your all and will save your a** and has your back. Daddy dearest will take care of you. Worry not. It is just a bad dream. Go back to sleep. less
ALLEGEDLY they are able to test only a couple of thousand per day and NOT the hundreds of thousands the white house ALLEGEDLY insists they can.I have no idea how many HUNDREDS OF T... moreALLEGEDLY they are able to test only a couple of thousand per day and NOT the hundreds of thousands the white house ALLEGEDLY insists they can.I have no idea how many HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of the 330 MILLION Americans will need to be tested. Do you?If 10% of THEM have COVID 19 I wonder if then dumb don will pay attention and take it seriously? NAW. No percentage in that. He will just keep lying denying insulting attacking.
Believe EVERYTHING the scientists tell you about COVID 19Believe NOTHING dumb don tells you about COVID 19White House overruled the advice that seniors SHOULD NOT FLY allegedly. WH... moreBelieve EVERYTHING the scientists tell you about COVID 19Believe NOTHING dumb don tells you about COVID 19White House overruled the advice that seniors SHOULD NOT FLY allegedly. WHY?The White House is stupid dumb ignorant evil scumbag maggott-ridden headed by the top dawg MAGGOT. What sane person believes ANYTHING coming from that cesspool?
He thinks (and I agree) that the person who GETS THE MOST VOTES SHOULD BE PRESIDENT. He also thinks the runnerup should be the veep. It's that last part that is very thought-... moreHe thinks (and I agree) that the person who GETS THE MOST VOTES SHOULD BE PRESIDENT. He also thinks the runnerup should be the veep. It's that last part that is very thought-provoking.Imagine Hillary as president(she got almost 3 million MORE votes than dumb don) and dumb don as her veep!Dumb don would never stand for being second banana TO A WOMAN especially and to Hillary most definitely. Putting that aside and pretending he would serve in that capacity what kind of gubment would we see?What would be the potentialities possibilities sure things? Quite an idea isn't it? less
Bernie's beasties are way meaner tougher than Joe's. Will that have anything to do with it? I expect all the beasties will get on twitter and FB and the net and GO AFTER JOE hammer... moreBernie's beasties are way meaner tougher than Joe's. Will that have anything to do with it? I expect all the beasties will get on twitter and FB and the net and GO AFTER JOE hammer and tongs. Tough they are. Intense they are. Passion-driven they are. They take no prisoners. They will cut down whatever stands in the way of bernie. No doubt.Will Joe's peeps "rise to the occasion" and become beasties too? We'll see what happens. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.
I suppose dumb don didn't INVENT the politics of personal destruction but he sure as he** IMPROVED IT didn't he? Who does it betterer than he do? He lie all da time all da time all... moreI suppose dumb don didn't INVENT the politics of personal destruction but he sure as he** IMPROVED IT didn't he? Who does it betterer than he do? He lie all da time all da time all da time. He convince his peeps of everyting all da time all da time all da time. Dey not doubt he. Dey believe he all da time all da time all da time. You dey?
Why do YOU think dumb don keeps doing exactly the wrong thing saying exactly the wrong thing and even now begging to be hailed a hero for his response?
What's the largest magnitude earthquake ever recorded? Have we any way of knowing before our recording began what magnitude quakes occurred WAY BACK WHEN? What would a 12.5 magnitu... moreWhat's the largest magnitude earthquake ever recorded? Have we any way of knowing before our recording began what magnitude quakes occurred WAY BACK WHEN? What would a 12.5 magnitude earthquake feel like? Would the shaking scramble our brains or break our bones? Some earthquakes hit with a JOLT JERK and keep jerking jolting. Some are rolling. Does it matter what the nature of the earthquake is that translates into how much damage it could do?
When he is DONE with a person or a place he doesn't simply move on. He TRASHES him/her/it. EVERY TIME. On that you can rely. About that he is consistent to a fault. Good old depend... moreWhen he is DONE with a person or a place he doesn't simply move on. He TRASHES him/her/it. EVERY TIME. On that you can rely. About that he is consistent to a fault. Good old dependable dumb don the trasher. The attacker. The insulter.
Buckle up. He will continue to grow learn evolve and he will move on from HOAX to something intellectualer bigger betterer wiser greater superduperer. SIGH.
What me worry? Dam* straight I worry! How do we know what we report will be AS WE REPORT IT and not sabotaged corrupted manipulated changed to benefit the dumb don cabal et al goal... moreWhat me worry? Dam* straight I worry! How do we know what we report will be AS WE REPORT IT and not sabotaged corrupted manipulated changed to benefit the dumb don cabal et al goals? WHAT PROOF will we have that for once the gubment won't LIE to us? None whatsoever. So that's why I worry. Do you worry too or are you part of the y'all who trusts dumb don and the cabal et al to be 100% honest honorable truthful having our best interests in mind at all times? WHY?
She goes out every day and lies her a** off for profit pretending to be another toady sycophant dumb don suckup. Then she goes home at night and she and George ridicule the dumb of... moreShe goes out every day and lies her a** off for profit pretending to be another toady sycophant dumb don suckup. Then she goes home at night and she and George ridicule the dumb of don for how very dumb he is. Outrageous lie or the truth? NO ONE KNOWS.
Remember those dumb don BABY BLIMPS that were so very popular awhile back? How about having 74 baby blimps floating above EVERY CITY IN EVERY STATE as well as all our TERRITORIES T... moreRemember those dumb don BABY BLIMPS that were so very popular awhile back? How about having 74 baby blimps floating above EVERY CITY IN EVERY STATE as well as all our TERRITORIES TOO showing him how much he is admired adored worshipped?How many cities are there in the United States including Hawaii and all our territories? Multiply that by 74 and you'd have bazillions and bazillions of baby blimps. Wouldn't that be awesome good? How much do those baby blimps cost? Maybe the manufacturers thereof could give us a break on the cost because the orders would so huge? We got time to get it right. You on board? less
They are SAPHEADS of course. That is all that dumb don can tolerate and so he surrounds himself with mini hims. Saps and Sapheads control our lives with the head SAP controlling th... moreThey are SAPHEADS of course. That is all that dumb don can tolerate and so he surrounds himself with mini hims. Saps and Sapheads control our lives with the head SAP controlling them and a hostile foreign gubment controlling the head SAP. Like those russian dolls that go from large to very tiny...stackable wearing babushkas. The dumb don gubment replete with stackable babushka wearing dolls (empty-headed playthings). Going from large to very small. All inanimate with frozen smiles upon their faces very rigid immobile lifeless. less
HOMO means large brains and dependence on toolsSAPIENS is derived from SAPIENT which means great wisdom and sound judgmentThere is very little evidence of sapience these days. Wisd... moreHOMO means large brains and dependence on toolsSAPIENS is derived from SAPIENT which means great wisdom and sound judgmentThere is very little evidence of sapience these days. Wisdom and sound judgment is very rare and perhaps never existed. It certainly has never existed among politicians.So few HOMOS are sapient. Many ARE SAPS but that is where it ends.Look around you. What do you see that is evidence of wisdom and sound judgment? Whom can you name who is wise and has sound judgment?
In trying to assure people and convince them of his iperfect record in all things dumb don lies all the time because it makes him look bad to actually tell the truth. I don't know ... moreIn trying to assure people and convince them of his iperfect record in all things dumb don lies all the time because it makes him look bad to actually tell the truth. I don't know what he described as perfect...perhaps his response to COVID 19 or our ability to test those who need testing but out of the blue while trying to assure us that everything is under control vis a vis COVID 19 he brings up the Ukraine letter transcript phone call that caused his impeachment and said it was PERFECT. What manner of being would do that in a health crisis? Obsessed with himself 24/7 he can never go beyond the gate. He always stops at himself no matter what. This is truly a singular being. Nothing human there. Stop looking for it. less
Hitler was a being. All despot dictators who attack their own people are beings. Those who support the despot dictators are all beings. Perhaps the supporters were born HUMAN but t... moreHitler was a being. All despot dictators who attack their own people are beings. Those who support the despot dictators are all beings. Perhaps the supporters were born HUMAN but that was soon destroyed never to be arise again. Eventually if we survive long enough will all former homo saps just be saps having had human bred out of them?
I just got home from a small dinner party about 17 people. it was fun and pretty chill for most of the night. Then the couple hosting pulled out the game twister... I b... moreI just got home from a small dinner party about 17 people. it was fun and pretty chill for most of the night. Then the couple hosting pulled out the game twister... I bailed as soon as was suggested ... of second part of question... who the hell suggest twister at a dinner party???
I have this neighbor thats been there almost a yr, shes right next door to me, i think she has mental issues, she cant stand slamming doors and will call... more I have this neighbor thats been there almost a yr, shes right next door to me, i think she has mental issues, she cant stand slamming doors and will call the police if she hears it and blame it on me and my other neighbor when we're not even doing it, she'll freak out in her apt screaming cusses and out of her apt, she has screamed at me and my other neighbor too, im tired of having to explain to the police im not doing it, ive reported her to management and i left them a note about it today since theyre not here till monday, plus its better in writing cause they can keep it on file that way, today she was standing outside my apt and took a picture of me without asking me, she did the same thing outside when i was throwing out trash, ive reported her for that, im fed up with her and thinking of moving, any suggestions? any ways to get her out of here? less
Can't someone get rid of the SOB during this crisis? He is USELESS and is making things far worse. Put him away in a home for awhile and cut him off from communicating. He is a vil... moreCan't someone get rid of the SOB during this crisis? He is USELESS and is making things far worse. Put him away in a home for awhile and cut him off from communicating. He is a vile stupid dumb evil monster who takes delight in stomping on the people when they are down. We don't need the likes of him or his ilk around right now. Ship him and his adoring worshippers peep off to somewhere else for "a certain period of time". 5-10 years would do. He makes things WORSE. He is a CURSE. A putrid evil presence whose essence is perfect for the scum and slime of mankind. We don't need him here now when we are in crisis. Get rid of him. Shut him up. Banish him. Stifle him. Silence him. His absence will be celebrated. less