They will probably continue to eviscerate and vilify her forever. They are as intense and focused and obsessed with bernie as dumb don adoring worshippers are obsessed with him. So... moreThey will probably continue to eviscerate and vilify her forever. They are as intense and focused and obsessed with bernie as dumb don adoring worshippers are obsessed with him. So there is no percentage in Elizabeth endorsing bernie. Doing so won't get them off her a**. They'll double down and maybe they'll all vote for dumb don. Yes I do think they are that intense obsessed focused and when you anger them watch out! They are FORMIDABLE!
IntelligenceForesightAbility to extrapolate various outcomesSetting aside of peculiar queer limiting partisan prejudicesEmbracing of TRUTH FAIRNESS JUSTICE FOR ALL not just the few... moreIntelligenceForesightAbility to extrapolate various outcomesSetting aside of peculiar queer limiting partisan prejudicesEmbracing of TRUTH FAIRNESS JUSTICE FOR ALL not just the fewAmerica sure as he** does not have that now. Poor us. Woe is us. As other crises develop we will be farther and farther behind the 8 ball. And other crises are already on deck or at bat waiting to show us their stuff.Meanwhile back at the ranch the cowhands party hearty and jubilate. Different strokes.
Of the 330 plus million Americans it is currently unknown how many could be infected and being infecteder daily. This is a case where being unprepared will cost lives. I wonder how... moreOf the 330 plus million Americans it is currently unknown how many could be infected and being infecteder daily. This is a case where being unprepared will cost lives. I wonder how often that is true?
Racist dogwhistles lies sabotage is alive and well infecting all social media. People feed on it and thrive on it and couple up over it and fight on it and rely on it to fuel them.... moreRacist dogwhistles lies sabotage is alive and well infecting all social media. People feed on it and thrive on it and couple up over it and fight on it and rely on it to fuel them. LIES DOGWHISTLES SABOTAGE is primaruly the output that travels quickly worldwide. The faster you cut someone down with hate an dlies the better it is for you. Truth is UNWELCOME and is trampled on if it dares show up and sabotaged and dismembered or ignored. These hate mongers have no interest in truth or justice or good or integrity or honor or fair. SIGH. And still they RISE UP. less
Are we more stupid more ignorant more greedy more selfish more heartless more soulless more everything that sucks bigly than the other so-called "civilized" countries? Our lacks/in... moreAre we more stupid more ignorant more greedy more selfish more heartless more soulless more everything that sucks bigly than the other so-called "civilized" countries? Our lacks/inadequacies loom large. Why?
How can one who doesn't LIE or CHEAT possibly win against "the other" who always lies and always cheats? Just a pie-in-the sky fantasy or a reality that is within one's reach... moreHow can one who doesn't LIE or CHEAT possibly win against "the other" who always lies and always cheats? Just a pie-in-the sky fantasy or a reality that is within one's reach if the reach extends long enough?
Dr. Fauci keeps contradicting dumb don at every opportunity. When dumb don spreads a lie Dr. Fauci is right there to tell us the truth. How long will dumb don tolerate such IMMEDIA... moreDr. Fauci keeps contradicting dumb don at every opportunity. When dumb don spreads a lie Dr. Fauci is right there to tell us the truth. How long will dumb don tolerate such IMMEDIATE insubordination contradiction smacking down humiliation?
300 million people in the United States. How many of them are infected but have no idea they are? Allegedly there will be available 1 million test kits available "soon". Good to kn... more300 million people in the United States. How many of them are infected but have no idea they are? Allegedly there will be available 1 million test kits available "soon". Good to know right? Is that enough? No one knows.
Nothing to see here folks. Just another Dem attempt at besmirching the sterling character and veracity of the dumb don. You all know how truthful he is how knowledgeable he is how ... moreNothing to see here folks. Just another Dem attempt at besmirching the sterling character and veracity of the dumb don. You all know how truthful he is how knowledgeable he is how brilliant he is. He would NEVER tell you to do anything dumb or stupid. Listen to him. Do everything he tells you to do. Go to work sick. It will just magically disappear due to a miracle. Would dumb don LIE to you? Of course not. Keep the faith baby. It's just the bad folks who want to shake your faith in HIM the almighty dumb don. Ignore them. Live your life as the dumb don instructs you to do. He is watching you. Loyalty to him DEMANDS obedience. Are you obedient? less
Meanwhile every day more cases appear more states are involved more leaders are jumping in to do something and the automaton don rambles on 24/7 "EVERYTHING'S FINE". One note samba... moreMeanwhile every day more cases appear more states are involved more leaders are jumping in to do something and the automaton don rambles on 24/7 "EVERYTHING'S FINE". One note samba. One trick one pony. One dimension don. Shallow superficial senile stupid.
How large a part did gender play in the demise of Elizabeth Warren's crack at being President of the United States? We know she is VERY SMART. But when pitted against a man...ANY m... moreHow large a part did gender play in the demise of Elizabeth Warren's crack at being President of the United States? We know she is VERY SMART. But when pitted against a man...ANY man no matter how dumb a bunny he was...would you trust her more or trust her not at all? Why?
If the bernie supporters REFUSE TO VOTE that entire block is gone useless worthless non-existent. So if they bail then they will be responsible for bernie's impotence. No influence... moreIf the bernie supporters REFUSE TO VOTE that entire block is gone useless worthless non-existent. So if they bail then they will be responsible for bernie's impotence. No influence because he has nothing to bargain with. Will they really screw him like that? I wonder.
Or is it it that Joe has what no one else ever will have? The distinction of being the chosen veep of President Barack Obama? President Obama must have seen something very worthy a... moreOr is it it that Joe has what no one else ever will have? The distinction of being the chosen veep of President Barack Obama? President Obama must have seen something very worthy and good about Joe to have chosen him among all the potentials for the job. Right?
His ignorant dumb don dumb floods the tweets floods the airwaves floods the brains of his adoring worshippers as he floats lies misinformation disinformation that is proof of his a... moreHis ignorant dumb don dumb floods the tweets floods the airwaves floods the brains of his adoring worshippers as he floats lies misinformation disinformation that is proof of his absolute dumb.We need truth and certainty and you will get that from dumb don. He spins he twists he twirls he does handstands he does cartwheels he performs he struts he is in constant motion as he diverts attention from WHAT IS to what he wants you to believe. A lethal bloody maury. Typhoid mary spreading infection of lies everywhere he can as fast as he can. less
Bully mitch works for the biggest figuratively and LITERALLY BULLY the world has even seen...dumb don bullyboy extraordinaire.The NERVE the CHUZPAH the GALL! What a bunch of losers... moreBully mitch works for the biggest figuratively and LITERALLY BULLY the world has even seen...dumb don bullyboy extraordinaire.The NERVE the CHUZPAH the GALL! What a bunch of losers. Bullies all. Sheesh. Pathetic ignoramuses.
Apparently allegedly according to Elizabeth Warren some of the bernie peeps threatened her bullied her online. They are intense passionate VICIOUS. Does not bode well for Biden. Th... moreApparently allegedly according to Elizabeth Warren some of the bernie peeps threatened her bullied her online. They are intense passionate VICIOUS. Does not bode well for Biden. They will turn their HATE toward him and focus on him. I wonder if bernie dares disown them? Bully boys bully girls bully for them. Strongarm extort insist take down. Why not? What could it hurt?
To regurgitate the investigation of Hunter Biden. Mitt Romeny will VOTE NO and if he survives he will always be a target for the venom revenge of dumb don. Remember John McCain? Th... moreTo regurgitate the investigation of Hunter Biden. Mitt Romeny will VOTE NO and if he survives he will always be a target for the venom revenge of dumb don. Remember John McCain? The dumb don vendetta rages on even though John is long gone. Dumb don hates forever beyond death. Mitt Romney is already a marked man. Don't be surprised at whatever happens to him. ONE BRAVE MAN among a sea of cowards. How long can he survive being THE ONLY ONE to go against the behemoth monster dumb don?
Allegedly the entire Russian disinformation conglomerate is alive and well and dispensing flooding y'all with false information to promulgate more CHAOS. Are you a liar too? Are yo... moreAllegedly the entire Russian disinformation conglomerate is alive and well and dispensing flooding y'all with false information to promulgate more CHAOS. Are you a liar too? Are you passing on false information because you KNOW it's false or because you are being duped into believing it? What is YOUR part in all of this fake phony plot scam con? Any clue? It is OBVIOUS that dumb don is part of the falsifying lying. As is his wont. His schtick. His MO. That is all he knows. Beware. Take care. Good luck.
STATE OF EMERGENCY"A State of Emergency" can be used as a rationale or pretext for suspending rights and freedoms guaranteed under a country's Constitution."So NOW YOU KNOW how dum... moreSTATE OF EMERGENCY"A State of Emergency" can be used as a rationale or pretext for suspending rights and freedoms guaranteed under a country's Constitution."So NOW YOU KNOW how dumb don has gotten away with anything he wanted to do. At swearing in he concomitantly declared the United States of America to be in a STATE OF EMERGENCY and it is still operating under that declaration.Doing so removed any obligations or guardrails or protections for we the people and gave dumb don the power to do all say all without limit.There now. Don't you feel a whole lot better? HE IS A LAW-ABIDING HOMO SAP after all. He simple is following the law of ANYTHING GOES. less
He is their heart, their breath, their strength, their purpose. Without him they will die or explode and go out and rage at the world for their loss of him however it happens. If t... moreHe is their heart, their breath, their strength, their purpose. Without him they will die or explode and go out and rage at the world for their loss of him however it happens. If the dumb don loses in November they will take to the streets armed and therefore weaponized to stage a rebellion. They are just waiting for him to dog whistle. The dumb of don has already told us what will happen if he doesn't get re-elected. All investments will be wiped out and they will all be destitute without him. So you see they are already primed to act if he goes south and gets drubbed at the polls. "He who believeth in me shall have everlasting life". That is the slogan according to dumb don and his adoring worhippers believeth in him. less
Since the dumb of don is in the throes of his REVENGE RETRIBUTION RETALIATION VENDETTA rampage when does he have time for anything else? The so-called dumb don double downs will be... moreSince the dumb of don is in the throes of his REVENGE RETRIBUTION RETALIATION VENDETTA rampage when does he have time for anything else? The so-called dumb don double downs will be too busy "investigating" all of dumb don's enemies to have time for anything else. That and his hate rallies that will continue on unabated to promulgate hate for everyone dumb don wants revenge on. Fun to come. This is your tax dollars at work.
All the months energy money spent on what started out as DIVERSITY ended up to be the sameoldsameoldsameoldsameold.Whichever one "wins" we are left with TWO OLD WHITE MEN vying to ... moreAll the months energy money spent on what started out as DIVERSITY ended up to be the sameoldsameoldsameoldsameold.Whichever one "wins" we are left with TWO OLD WHITE MEN vying to be president. One a Dem and one a not anything. We came a long way baby to get back to the place we started. Sad that.
She REFUSED to endorse anyone when she withdrew. I think she will wait awhile and use her endorsement potential as a carrot to both bernie and biden to see what leverage that power... moreShe REFUSED to endorse anyone when she withdrew. I think she will wait awhile and use her endorsement potential as a carrot to both bernie and biden to see what leverage that power will bring her. Don't you? Folks assume she will endorse bernie but apparently lately their relationship has frayed around the edges. Her endorsement might bring along with it some or many of her supporters which will accrue to the benefit of bernie or biden. So another politician will play the game to see what's in it for her. That is not a criticism. When you have power you want to use it judiciously and not randomly wantonly promiscuously. Stay tuned. less