Now this is the cruise ship that dumb don specifically said he does not want it to dock.How dare anyone disobey the dumb of don? Leave them out there on the ocean. Let them all get... moreNow this is the cruise ship that dumb don specifically said he does not want it to dock.How dare anyone disobey the dumb of don? Leave them out there on the ocean. Let them all get it and let those who die die. After it is all gone away if anyone is left then let the ship dock. Doesn't that make sense? Shure it duz.Get a grip. Just remember y'all this is just a dem HOAX invented to take dumb don down. Pay no attention to any of it. You aren't are you?
Of course an estimate is not a fact. It could be less it could be more. Eventually we will know and how dumb don and his toady sycophant ignorant stupid dumb eunuch lemmings will s... moreOf course an estimate is not a fact. It could be less it could be more. Eventually we will know and how dumb don and his toady sycophant ignorant stupid dumb eunuch lemmings will spin that will be very interesting. Especially when statistically some of them will have contracted it. Will they still deny and lie while they are being treated for having it? OF COURSE THEY WILL. Just because they may be dying is no excuse for telling the truth and not lying.
"It is being contained. It is being contained. It is being contained". "Do you not think it is being contained?"Conservatives and dumb don a**kissers who MOCKED COVID 19 insisting ... more"It is being contained. It is being contained. It is being contained". "Do you not think it is being contained?"Conservatives and dumb don a**kissers who MOCKED COVID 19 insisting it was a hoax are now RUNNING SCARED. Shows ta go ya what being a mental defect can do to you. It can kill you.Any more mockers out there who wanna wear gas masks while their constituents neighbors friends family are dying from it? Go ahead. Show us your true grit. Show us your stuff. Be like dumb don. Indulge in folksy hoax jokes. Everyone is laughing. Keep 'em coming. It gets funnier and funnier every day. Laughter is the best medicine. It makes hoaxes go away. What a bunch of crappers we have in Congress and the Senate. What a bunch of lily-livered cowards and liars we have. May they be struck with a modicum of intelligence so they can see how pathetic they all be and what a bunch of fools they are. Their ilk are all alike. Not one lucid cogent coherent brain among the lot of them. Sheesh. Ain't we got fun? less
Here's the story.Her husband died last year. Her stepson (her husband's son and our grandson) is getting married and she was invited to attend the wedding. Her stepson visited his ... moreHere's the story.Her husband died last year. Her stepson (her husband's son and our grandson) is getting married and she was invited to attend the wedding. Her stepson visited his dad before he passed away and brought his fiancee to meet them and stayed with them a few days.She planned to go to the wedding in a distant state just to honor her husband and be his representative at the wedding.She is now informed that she won't be welcome there. Why? Because the biological mother of the groom and his sister gave him an ultimatum. If stepmother attends they will not. So her stepson is clearly being controlled by his mummy dearest and sister. I think that bodes very ill futurely. I think mummy dearest will call the shots futurely and if he caves now perhaps that will be the pattern. If I were the fiancee I'd be very worried.Why am I sharing this? Because I'm so upset. It happened to our daughter-in-law who is dreading the one year anniversary of the passing of her husband, our son which is May 5. And she is smacked d... less
At what point will you stop believing the blockhead? How many will have to be infected? How many must die? How deep will the financial impact of this have to go for you to get a gr... moreAt what point will you stop believing the blockhead? How many will have to be infected? How many must die? How deep will the financial impact of this have to go for you to get a grip and admit what is happening is really happening? No joke? No Hoax?If enough die because of blockhead dumb don will that finally cause folks to abandon him because his stupid dumb is costing lives of loved ones? Or even then will they defend him in all his blockhead stupid dumb till death do them part? We'll see what happens. Everyone says so. That I can tell you. less
Clearly it is due to DUMB not smart. Humiliating embarrassing but also potentially DEADLY.Good job dumb don. Your dumb is spreading like COVID 19 and infecting all your adoring wor... moreClearly it is due to DUMB not smart. Humiliating embarrassing but also potentially DEADLY.Good job dumb don. Your dumb is spreading like COVID 19 and infecting all your adoring worshippers. They will keep infecting others because they believe you when you tell them it is a DEMOCRAT HOAX to take him down. Keep up the good work. It is helping you politically fantabulously!
OMG! The sky is falling the sky is falling the sky is falling!What next? We know that dumb don WILL NEVER ADMIT THERE IS A PROBLEM. Even if he were die of COVID 19 his toady sycoph... moreOMG! The sky is falling the sky is falling the sky is falling!What next? We know that dumb don WILL NEVER ADMIT THERE IS A PROBLEM. Even if he were die of COVID 19 his toady sycophant eunuch lemmings would say a Democrat did him in. There is no such thing as a health crisis problem. It is all Democratic spin to take dumb don down. Yadayadayadayada.Go out in crowds. Take trips cruises. Shake every hand you can. This is all a hoax folks. The Dems have planned all of this. IGNORE IT completely. Send your kids to school. Make them takes buses that are crowded with other kids.Show the Dems you can't be fooled by them. YOU ARE WAY TOO SMART TO BE DUPED BY ANYONE. Your info provided is dumb don and he says it's not a problem He says he will shake hands with anyone. What he says goes. less
What would YOU do to punish Twitter for calling him on his fake hoax retweet?Remember dumb don is all powerful. Can he just down twitter? He wouldn't do that. Twitter is his lifebl... moreWhat would YOU do to punish Twitter for calling him on his fake hoax retweet?Remember dumb don is all powerful. Can he just down twitter? He wouldn't do that. Twitter is his lifebloods. He will just buy it and imprison all the present bigshots and then he can retweet all the bullsh** crap he wants and no one is going to stop him from his appointed rounds. Like a mailman. Neither snow nor rain nor wind nor death will stop him from doing what he wants to be doing.
Surely shirley you don't expect dumb don and his toady sycophant cabal et al to go truthy honorable and honest on us at this late stage do ya? Of course you don't! All's fair in lo... moreSurely shirley you don't expect dumb don and his toady sycophant cabal et al to go truthy honorable and honest on us at this late stage do ya? Of course you don't! All's fair in love and war and politics..especially the dumb don kind of politics without limits or thresholds or tops or bottoms or sides. Whatever his toady sycophant eunuch lemmings come up with goes. Whatever dumb don wants goes. So what you see and hear will DEFINITELY not be what is going on. Dumb don will see to it that you are BRAINWASHED completely. He has the power. He has the means. He has the wherewithall to achieve his dreams. You are nothing. You don't count. You are just there to SERVICE him on demand. Elsewise YOU ARE EXPENDABLE. Get over it. less
If you are always in lock step with your ILK you are a robotic automaton that allows "the group" to do your thinking for you. Perhaps it is all you aspire to be. A cog like every o... moreIf you are always in lock step with your ILK you are a robotic automaton that allows "the group" to do your thinking for you. Perhaps it is all you aspire to be. A cog like every other cog whose function is minimal but useful.
Dumb don said he will shake hands with anyone. Wonder how many others were infected by the positive tester at CPAC and if dumb don and sancho panza might get it/got it? It will tak... moreDumb don said he will shake hands with anyone. Wonder how many others were infected by the positive tester at CPAC and if dumb don and sancho panza might get it/got it? It will take a "certain period of time" to find out. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.
An AnswerMug pal wrote quite recently:“Just imagine the boredom in those harems, and the heirarchies of power dependent on who the sultan favours most.Nothing to ... more An AnswerMug pal wrote quite recently:“Just imagine the boredom in those harems, and the heirarchies of power dependent on who the sultan favours most.Nothing to do all day but... “
After all, there ARE sandwiches to be made, texts to checked for correct grammar, vaults filled with tildes to be inventoried, counted, cleaned, polished, arranged, recounted, etc.!~
. . . wow, you couldn’t even wait for me to finish saying it before running all the way over here, could you? You Eager Beaver, you. (Sorry for the pun; it couldn... more . . . wow, you couldn’t even wait for me to finish saying it before running all the way over here, could you? You Eager Beaver, you. (Sorry for the pun; it couldn’t be avoided.)~
Did any of you forget it also? In our household, it’s my job to change the clocks. Even though I was aware of it from as late as a week ago, I hadn’t thought abou... moreDid any of you forget it also? In our household, it’s my job to change the clocks. Even though I was aware of it from as late as a week ago, I hadn’t thought about it for the past couple of days. Last night, I wasn’t watching any news programs, where they usually broadcast reminders about it. Sure even, I woke up an hour late this morning, and I didn’t even figure it out right away. I kept wondering why everyone else was all screwed up. What a way to start out the week. Grrrrrrr. P.S. It’s Daylight Saving Time, no s on the end of the second word.
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What other does dumb don HATE ? Oh right New York! Wanna see New Yorkers die cause they were so tnrilled when he left? Bring it on. Hate all you want. Keep it up. Dumb don is watch... moreWhat other does dumb don HATE ? Oh right New York! Wanna see New Yorkers die cause they were so tnrilled when he left? Bring it on. Hate all you want. Keep it up. Dumb don is watching YOU very carefully. He has a place for you right by his side if you keep up the HATE and the snide and the snarky and the sarcastic. Trust me. Why would I lie to YOU?
Those of his base who viciously attacked insulted THREATENED Elizabeth Warren are part of his base. How large a part is unknown. So of course he dare not disavow any of THEM either... moreThose of his base who viciously attacked insulted THREATENED Elizabeth Warren are part of his base. How large a part is unknown. So of course he dare not disavow any of THEM either. How is that any different than what dumb don do do?
"Justify every lie you have ever told. I have time to listen. You are going nowhere. Take as much time as you need. I am eternal. You are expendable. "
A fight to the death between dumb don and the Devil...the only weapons allowed are their hands.We know dumb don's hands are very small. Has anyone ever seen the hands of the Devil?... moreA fight to the death between dumb don and the Devil...the only weapons allowed are their hands.We know dumb don's hands are very small. Has anyone ever seen the hands of the Devil? I wonder sizewise how they compare to don's?
They fear dumb don MORE than the Devil's Disciples fear him. WHAT?Yes. They think the dumb don is the cruelest dude that ever was and they are a terrified sh**less of him. More so ... moreThey fear dumb don MORE than the Devil's Disciples fear him. WHAT?Yes. They think the dumb don is the cruelest dude that ever was and they are a terrified sh**less of him. More so than homo saps were ever terrified of anyone or anything.They DESPISE him but they will die saying they ADORE him. Why? Terrors makes folks say/do strange things.
What better revenge could they possibly get than electing dumb don by an overwhelming majority? That will show THEM!Which THEM? Who THEM? Those dam* democrats who TWICE rejected be... moreWhat better revenge could they possibly get than electing dumb don by an overwhelming majority? That will show THEM!Which THEM? Who THEM? Those dam* democrats who TWICE rejected bernie. Show them what the cost of the double rejection is. All of bernie's peeps plus all of dumb don peeps bond together join together gather together to do in the Democratic party.I can see it. Can you see it too? They turned on Elizabeth Warren VICIOUSLY. Why not the Democratic party? What could it hurt? Everyone says so. That I can tell you. Well in a "short period of time" we will see what they do. Nothing will surprise me except IF they join together and vote for Joe. Not gonna happen in this lifetime. No? less
Every day he looks dumb and dumber stupid and stupider. How much can a body take? When will he EXPLODE and shut down TV Radio Internet and go DARK AND SILENT so the suffering and d... moreEvery day he looks dumb and dumber stupid and stupider. How much can a body take? When will he EXPLODE and shut down TV Radio Internet and go DARK AND SILENT so the suffering and dying will be unknown? He has the power to do it. Remember he can do anything he wants anytime he wants to whomever he wants.WHY ISN'T HE DOING IT NOW? WHAT'S STOPPING HIM? Pretending a crisis is not a crisis is not working. Cut people off from information. DO IT NOW DUMB DON.
His life is in no way is impacted affected. He can work at home. He doesn't need to travel to get to his job. He can fly anywhere in his own private plane. He does what he wants wh... moreHis life is in no way is impacted affected. He can work at home. He doesn't need to travel to get to his job. He can fly anywhere in his own private plane. He does what he wants when he wants for however long he wants without worry of losing his job because he just can't get there as is true of some. He HAS NO WORRIES so when he pretends he cares about others his insincerity shines through true blue. He can't fake what he doesn't feel.Your president in all his glamorous garrulous gargantuan glorious gallantry. Bow down and pray to him. Thank GOD for him. He is your all and will save your a** and has your back. Daddy dearest will take care of you. Worry not. It is just a bad dream. Go back to sleep. less
ALLEGEDLY they are able to test only a couple of thousand per day and NOT the hundreds of thousands the white house ALLEGEDLY insists they can.I have no idea how many HUNDREDS OF T... moreALLEGEDLY they are able to test only a couple of thousand per day and NOT the hundreds of thousands the white house ALLEGEDLY insists they can.I have no idea how many HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of the 330 MILLION Americans will need to be tested. Do you?If 10% of THEM have COVID 19 I wonder if then dumb don will pay attention and take it seriously? NAW. No percentage in that. He will just keep lying denying insulting attacking.
Believe EVERYTHING the scientists tell you about COVID 19Believe NOTHING dumb don tells you about COVID 19White House overruled the advice that seniors SHOULD NOT FLY allegedly. WH... moreBelieve EVERYTHING the scientists tell you about COVID 19Believe NOTHING dumb don tells you about COVID 19White House overruled the advice that seniors SHOULD NOT FLY allegedly. WHY?The White House is stupid dumb ignorant evil scumbag maggott-ridden headed by the top dawg MAGGOT. What sane person believes ANYTHING coming from that cesspool?