The dumb don litany of slurred words and hilarious mspronouncing what he reads on the teleprompter followed up immediately by trying to pronounce them correctly? He is HILARIOUS wh... moreThe dumb don litany of slurred words and hilarious mspronouncing what he reads on the teleprompter followed up immediately by trying to pronounce them correctly? He is HILARIOUS when he does that and he does that all the time. Ya never know when he'll get into his schtick and go on a riff. He does it to entertain. No one can be that stupid dumb. Right? No one can be that bumbling stumbling an idiot who hold such a high falutin' office. Correct? It's all an act folks to entertain you. You didn't know? Boy you sure are slow! :) less
It otta be real good. Dem hoax conspiracy theories "what you see and hear is not what is happening" over and over and over and over again.If one of dem guys/goils gets it how do th... moreIt otta be real good. Dem hoax conspiracy theories "what you see and hear is not what is happening" over and over and over and over again.If one of dem guys/goils gets it how do they spin THAT? Hide it deny it and say it's all a hoax. A course.
Nopity nope. NO JOKE.Sterling Heights, Michigan Republican Mayor MICHAEL STERLING dumps dumb don and back Joe Biden.Sterling voted for dumb don in 2016 and won't make that mistake ... moreNopity nope. NO JOKE.Sterling Heights, Michigan Republican Mayor MICHAEL STERLING dumps dumb don and back Joe Biden.Sterling voted for dumb don in 2016 and won't make that mistake again.This may be REPLICATED a bazillion times all over the country. Everyone say so. That I can tell you.Poor dumb don. His humiliation will be extravagant and multitudinous. He will score very big numbers voting against him INCLUDING his own ilk. Imagine that?MICHIGAN IS A WARNING SIGN FOR DUMB DON. We know he doesn't read so it will be news to him as he falls down hard state after state after state. Perfect denouement! less
The COVID 19 HIGH RISK GROUP takes it very seriously. High risk is over 60 and VERY HIGH RISK is over 80. Jim and I are over 80 so we do not sluff it off. Those of you who are not ... moreThe COVID 19 HIGH RISK GROUP takes it very seriously. High risk is over 60 and VERY HIGH RISK is over 80. Jim and I are over 80 so we do not sluff it off. Those of you who are not high risk have no worries and can be contemptuous and disdainful of those of us who are taking it very seriously.Just remember YOU WILL BE OLD ONE DAY too so save your contempt and disdain and put it where the sun don't shine. If you get my drift!
How much is that impacting the stockmarket dive and how much of the dive is acclerated spreading of COVID 19 worldwide?Italy has quantined the entire country. How do you do that? A... moreHow much is that impacting the stockmarket dive and how much of the dive is acclerated spreading of COVID 19 worldwide?Italy has quantined the entire country. How do you do that? As of yesterday New York had the most documented cases with Washington State a close second. Each day as more testing is done more cases will be documented. The walking ill who are among us and have been for weeks but we did not have proper test kits to test them. Ignorance is bliss. Dumb don said there were aonly 15 cases early on and that they would dwindle to ZERO. Shows the depth of his dumb don't it though?Someone said a worse case scenario would result in 500,000 deaths. I don't know if he meant worldwide or just in the mighty slow to respond US of A. Either way we got a problem Houston. In spite of dumb don the scientists are trying their best to get up to speed to do the testing. In the meantime dumb don is paranoid about journalists purposely getting the disease so they can INFECT HIM. Notice how everything all the time is abou... less
They aren't called chickensh**s for nothing. They are stupid dumb and ignorant and finally the light is dawning that what they were told to believe by dumb don was all BULLSH** and... moreThey aren't called chickensh**s for nothing. They are stupid dumb and ignorant and finally the light is dawning that what they were told to believe by dumb don was all BULLSH** and they may become ill from not believing the truth.GOOD! Serves them right! Too little too late. They are a bunch of useless mindless brainless hoors who have happily patted the a** of the dumb don who now is TERRIFIED of a disease he mocked for weeks if not months.They are now reaping what they sowed. They cast their bread on the waters and it comes back to them as MUSH. less
COVID 19 may well be what does dumb don in. His meltdown is accelerating and there is ZERO he can do about it.He MOCKED it and insisted it was a HOAX by Democrats to take him down ... moreCOVID 19 may well be what does dumb don in. His meltdown is accelerating and there is ZERO he can do about it.He MOCKED it and insisted it was a HOAX by Democrats to take him down and out politically. There was nothing to it said he. Then he adjusted to its existence by minimizing it and purifying and cleansing it of anything out of the ordinary. NOW?The sillybillydumbdon has now accused journalists of purposely contracting the disease so they can give it to him on Air Force One.My how the mighty have fallen. My how the worm hath turneth. The bigger they are the harder they fall. At 400 lbs he will fall REAL HARD.Come to Jesus dumb don. HE is your only salvation. Everything and everyone is against you. Your time has come. REPENT! REPENT! REPENT! Repent for your sins. less
Since containment is not possible we have moved to the stage of MITIGATING it.Who ya gonna believe? The dumb don toady sycophants or the scientists? Up to you who. Good luck with that.
That journalists will DELIBERATELY contract COVID 19 so they can give it to him on Air Force One!He is in meltdown phase because he has no control over the disease or the narrative... moreThat journalists will DELIBERATELY contract COVID 19 so they can give it to him on Air Force One!He is in meltdown phase because he has no control over the disease or the narrative. Stay tuned. It's gonna get gooder and gooder as the numbers of cases go WAY UP. He is old an din the high risk group. What will dumb don do? Fiddle while we burn. Play golf. Hold ego-based hate rallies. Curl up in a ball and stay behind locked doors?
GOD moves in mysterious ways HIS wonders to perform?Did YOU mock ridicule make fun of? Do you still? You gonna be next to see the light and have your "COME TO JESUS" moment?It is s... moreGOD moves in mysterious ways HIS wonders to perform?Did YOU mock ridicule make fun of? Do you still? You gonna be next to see the light and have your "COME TO JESUS" moment?It is so fitting that the annual CPAC REPUBLICAN HATE FEST has uncovered an infected attendee who may have come into contact with hundreds of dumb don toady sycophants and passed it on to others. Be careful what birds you feather with. Ya never know when it might bite you in the A**! :)Dumb don still thinks this is hoaxy joke he can insult attack away. Whaddya say y'all? Is dumb don still your one and only second coming and your savior? Rest in peace. less
For how long? The circuitbreaker is enacted automatically at 7% down or does a human have to press button to trigger it? It halted at 7.29% DOWN. I suspect it will be upsy downsy a... moreFor how long? The circuitbreaker is enacted automatically at 7% down or does a human have to press button to trigger it? It halted at 7.29% DOWN. I suspect it will be upsy downsy all day long. This is the first time I've ever seen it happen like this. You too?
Says COVID 19 is nothing more than a cold and there are bazillions who die each year in the US from flu or whatever and no one makes a big deal out of it. Making a big deal out of ... moreSays COVID 19 is nothing more than a cold and there are bazillions who die each year in the US from flu or whatever and no one makes a big deal out of it. Making a big deal out of this is just ridiculous.We know. Y'all talk from the same dam* script. Once memorized there is no forgetting it. Y'all repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat. SIGH.
Are you a blower upper maximizer enhancer exaggerator or a player downer minimizer understater? Which serves you well and best and were you ever "the other"?
Do you like living there among the unaware who frolic about gleefully in a perfect world?WHAT ME WORRY?Don't be stupid. What's to worry about? Everything is perfect fine divine sublime.
Rather than extending any sympathy he called the Governor "A SNAKE".Typical dumb don..hits ya when you're already down.I know y'all have never been prouder of dumb don than you are... moreRather than extending any sympathy he called the Governor "A SNAKE".Typical dumb don..hits ya when you're already down.I know y'all have never been prouder of dumb don than you are right now during this massive jokesy folksy hoax. He is standing his ground taking on all comers using every avenue he can to congratulate himself for his brilliance..asks about his ratings..promote faux news..wears a campaign hat...brags on his MIT super genius uncle..says the scientists don't understand how he knows so much about so much.Now that shows how much HEART he has doesn't it? The merciful son of a bi**h is the bestest thing since sliced WHITE bread isn't he? less