A cluster was found and contained in Washington State. Will every state eventually have these hot spot clusters?"Testing has been such a FIASCO". Per guv Cuomo. Other than dumb don... moreA cluster was found and contained in Washington State. Will every state eventually have these hot spot clusters?"Testing has been such a FIASCO". Per guv Cuomo. Other than dumb don and his dumb don cabal et all does anything anywhere think the US did well at the outset or did we suck and get stuck in the crazy brain of the inane profane insane of dumb don who labeled all of it A DEM HOAX to take him down?We wasted weeks on his crazy nutty wackadoodle idiotic stupid dumb DANGEROUS TRAGIC lie. WEEKS!Whatta guy! Whatta guy! Whatta guy! less
Dumb don obviously will ignore the advice to stay away from crowds. No one tells dumb don what to do. No one. He can't give up his ego-based hate rallies. What would he do without ... moreDumb don obviously will ignore the advice to stay away from crowds. No one tells dumb don what to do. No one. He can't give up his ego-based hate rallies. What would he do without them? It's where he vomits his hate in the crowd and they vomit back with their cheers and applause. Dumb don vomits daily with his tweets too of course but well real-life encounters with his adoring worshippers can't be beat. He'll shake hands with anyone who wants to do that. He will draw huge crowds because those who believeth in him will have everlasting life.God speed to those of you who decide to do that. Carry on. Chin up. Eyes straight. Stand upright and tall. You are invincible because dumb don is there for you. SIGH. less
If there are African Americans among bernie supporters what makes them different from the ones who do not support him? Did bernie ever do anything that would cause that rift?
Because the stupid dumb of dumb don is obtuse and oblivious to his own yards and miles and acres of slurred words mispronounced words and words that don't exist except in his muddl... moreBecause the stupid dumb of dumb don is obtuse and oblivious to his own yards and miles and acres of slurred words mispronounced words and words that don't exist except in his muddled addled brain.He attacks insults Joe Biden for how Joe speaks.Dumb don is really dumb doing that because all the late-night comedians and all the dumb don enemies are having so much fun showing how idiotic and jumbly mumbly dumb don speak is. It's a RIOT! Attacking Joe Biden for messing up a word here and there and we get a refresher EVERY DAY of the extent which the idiot man dumb don is a bazillion times worse. Proof he isn't normal. Too funny in a tragically sad way isn't it? less
If people with COVID 19 go to a hospital isn't that putting everyone there at risk? You have people there who are suffering from underlying conditions which is what will cause thei... moreIf people with COVID 19 go to a hospital isn't that putting everyone there at risk? You have people there who are suffering from underlying conditions which is what will cause their deaths if they are elderly and get the COVID 19 virus."We going to need 200,000 Intensive Care beds. The US only has 100,000 Intensive Care beds". Just heardand I don't know the name of the health care professional who said it.Our path forwards seems to be getting darker and harder.Who will take care of the ill? When they take ill who cares for them? See the problem? less
"We need people we need equipment we need space". Just said by some health official. "We" being in the USA.Do other counties have all they need to fight it? The USA hoaxmaster made... more"We need people we need equipment we need space". Just said by some health official. "We" being in the USA.Do other counties have all they need to fight it? The USA hoaxmaster made sure we'd be far behind in this effort to deal with COVID 19.
How many of those who voted for dumb don in 2016 will never vote for him again? His WATERSHED moment that he is still screwing up 24/7 by continuing to LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE?... moreHow many of those who voted for dumb don in 2016 will never vote for him again? His WATERSHED moment that he is still screwing up 24/7 by continuing to LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE? Some of you have had it. Some of you adore him for it. Truth be told no one knows which among you are fed up with him and will never vote for him again.Taking bets.Dumb don so feared Joe Biden he was impeached. Dumb don showed us what a fearful weak jealous frightened old man he was is and always will be. Just what America needs to lead it forward futurely.Dumb don is devoid of human feelings even now he is still attacking insulting people via tweet while other people around him are suffering some of whom will die. Does he care? Hahahahahaha. Seriously? less
Build the wallLock her upSend her backIt's a HOAXIt's FAKE NEWSHe said he didn't do it.I believe himI don't know anything about itYou'll have to ask him.FAUX NEWS rocksJust a few a... moreBuild the wallLock her upSend her backIt's a HOAXIt's FAKE NEWSHe said he didn't do it.I believe himI don't know anything about itYou'll have to ask him.FAUX NEWS rocksJust a few among the plethora of wise extremely stable genius brilliant words the dumb don done spoke.Which among them will do the most mean the most have the most lasting impact on homo saps and why do you think so?Of course dumb don is still capable of coming up with more bon mots. He regurgitates daily and we never know what extraordinary thing his brain will generate create next. So far though what is your favorite and why?Mine is "IT'S A HOAX". That will always be my favorite. Thanks to that view and dumb don's promulgation of it the United states is WEEKS BEHIND THE CURVE in dealing with the COVID 19 HOAX. What a gift to mankind that was. Denying it ignoring it repeating it...HOAX. It's all on him. The best 4-letter word ever used for any reason at any time anywhere.Dumb don will always be THE HOAX master. No one can ever take that awa... less
Dems are gleefully watching y'all crumble and run scared like liddle babies. SHAME ON YOU. You are betraying dumb don bigly and badly and he is watching you.There is no threat. The... moreDems are gleefully watching y'all crumble and run scared like liddle babies. SHAME ON YOU. You are betraying dumb don bigly and badly and he is watching you.There is no threat. There is no problem. There are no deaths. ALL fake. All phony. All of this is manufactured created worldwide to take dumb don down and out. Why can't you remember that? Repeat after me.HOAX HOAX HOAX HOAX HOAX HOAX. Take 2 pills and call me in the morning if you forget. I'm here for ya.
They are weenies wusses crybaby scairdy cats and don't have the courage of their convictions. Once a HOAX always a HOAX folks. Straighten up and fly right for cryin' out loud. Why ... moreThey are weenies wusses crybaby scairdy cats and don't have the courage of their convictions. Once a HOAX always a HOAX folks. Straighten up and fly right for cryin' out loud. Why the sniveling and hoarding and backtracking? You are giving in to believing a HOAX that will take dumb don down? HOW DARE YOU BE SO DISLOYAL TO HIM? HOW DARE YOU? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
You speak aloud and the text appears to form your questions and replies then you post.You click on the icon and you can hear the person's voice asking the question or making reply.
They must spend an incredible amount of time and energy into the investigation of their stories, this was last month. :P
San Diego lab discovers coronavirus vaccine in 3 hours
Their entire goal is to GUT social service programs. EVISCERATE the Affordable Health Care Act. GUT social security, medicare, medicaid. That's what they keep telling us repeatedly... moreTheir entire goal is to GUT social service programs. EVISCERATE the Affordable Health Care Act. GUT social security, medicare, medicaid. That's what they keep telling us repeatedly cuz they got something way better.So now they are telling us that what they want to GUT is going to be used to help us?Seriously? What the he** is going on? They want it both ways. Ya gonna let 'em get away with it? WHY?
How come DUMB DON stopped HOAX POUNDING us every day? How come y'all have buttoned up HOAX wise and have gone DARK and SILENT? Wassamatta folks? No jokes about the hoax?Any of you ... moreHow come DUMB DON stopped HOAX POUNDING us every day? How come y'all have buttoned up HOAX wise and have gone DARK and SILENT? Wassamatta folks? No jokes about the hoax?Any of you have elderly relatives who are at HIGH RISK? From a HOAX? You are nuts aren't you?
This is just the beginning..the tip of the iceberg. What you do now may not enough or may be the wrong thing to do.Dumb don says he will be meeting with Mitch McConnell and other R... moreThis is just the beginning..the tip of the iceberg. What you do now may not enough or may be the wrong thing to do.Dumb don says he will be meeting with Mitch McConnell and other Republicans.No Democrats invited to the discussion table then dumb don? Geez thanks a lot for including us OUT.
Whether Nero actually fiddled while Rome burned is irrelevant. Engaging in frivolity while everything around you is being destroyed is the point and we know dumb don does that 24/7... moreWhether Nero actually fiddled while Rome burned is irrelevant. Engaging in frivolity while everything around you is being destroyed is the point and we know dumb don does that 24/7.His focus is always on himself..very frivolous superficial irrelevant.
Are you nuts or what?Now Italy has 60 million people and is containing their movements. Apparently ITALY despises dumb don so much they are doubling down on the hoax just to kick h... moreAre you nuts or what?Now Italy has 60 million people and is containing their movements. Apparently ITALY despises dumb don so much they are doubling down on the hoax just to kick his fat a** out in November. Gotta admire them for taking it that far.What other countries who DESPISE dumb don very very very BIGLY will follow suit and lock up their countries just to get rid of dumb don? A global recession all to sabotage undermine dumb don. He is that important you see and he has that many enemies who DESPISE him. But he will overcome. He will survive. He is the second coming sent by GOD to save y'all and deliver you from evil (DEMOCRATS). GOD has dumb don's back and his front and his top and his bottom. Nothing will happen to dumb don without GOD's approval. Relax. Kick back. Nothing to worry about. less
Allegedly dumb don was given a list of thing high-risk folks should NOT do (those over 65 and especially those over 80). On that list was to NOT TRAVEL by plane. Plane trips especi... moreAllegedly dumb don was given a list of thing high-risk folks should NOT do (those over 65 and especially those over 80). On that list was to NOT TRAVEL by plane. Plane trips especially where strangers are jammed together for hours.Guess what dumb don done done ALLEGEDLY?He dropped the item about old folks NOT TRAVELING BY PLANE because he did not want to adversely affect the bottom line of airlines.Willing to have old folks die rather than not fly! WHATTA GUY! ALLEGEDLY!
Who is gonna tell dumb don that isn't where the problem is? Who is gonna tell dumb don he is so beyond stupid dumb there is no hope for him? Whose is gonna tell dumb don he SUCKS b... moreWho is gonna tell dumb don that isn't where the problem is? Who is gonna tell dumb don he is so beyond stupid dumb there is no hope for him? Whose is gonna tell dumb don he SUCKS bigly in every way at every level?His only concern is the political optics and how it will affect HIM. Still. Even now. Is that your only concern too? Y'all?
Some two-faced liars are maligning FAUX NEWS VERY BIGLY.THE LIE?That one or some FAUX NEWS hosts looked directly into the camera to say "this is serious folks. Let's take it seriuo... moreSome two-faced liars are maligning FAUX NEWS VERY BIGLY.THE LIE?That one or some FAUX NEWS hosts looked directly into the camera to say "this is serious folks. Let's take it seriuosly" vis a vis COVID 19. A big fat lie and if so they gotta go. Right?
What will they do when reality bites them in the a** and they start to bleed from it?Stay tuned. We'll find out in "a certain period of time". keep the faith baby. It's all a terri... moreWhat will they do when reality bites them in the a** and they start to bleed from it?Stay tuned. We'll find out in "a certain period of time". keep the faith baby. It's all a terrible conspiracy to take dumb don down and out. Y'all believe that with all your "heart" and "soul" don'tcha? Of course you do because dat be when dumb don insist you do. Good liddle obedient boils and goils. Who luves ya baby? Why da dumb don do.