Of all the folks who bastar**zed themselves liddle4devinnunes done it best. He DESERVES the post of Chief of staff for his slimy smarmy maggot service to dumbdon since the beginnin... moreOf all the folks who bastar**zed themselves liddle4devinnunes done it best. He DESERVES the post of Chief of staff for his slimy smarmy maggot service to dumbdon since the beginning. He got screwed out of something he corrupted himself for? What's he gonna do d'ya think? Sabotage undermine confront markiemeadows? The dumb of don doesn't know how to reward his most loyal corrupt treasonous toady sycophants. He OWED devin that job. He OWED him bigly. Didn't he?
We KNOW dumb don is a cartoon character and he got elected! So that means the choices are unlimited doesn't it? Anything goes? Which anything grabs you best?
How would he spin that to his advantage? Something he INSISTED was a DEM HOAX to bring him down actually does BRING HIM DOWN? As I've said before I ADORE IRONY. Looking forward to ... moreHow would he spin that to his advantage? Something he INSISTED was a DEM HOAX to bring him down actually does BRING HIM DOWN? As I've said before I ADORE IRONY. Looking forward to the next ironic thing the dumb of don promulgtes. Aren'tchoo you too?
We gotta get him the he** away and well what better way to occupy his time than you know what? Right?Only for a "certain period of time". A few years give or take a dozen. What cou... moreWe gotta get him the he** away and well what better way to occupy his time than you know what? Right?Only for a "certain period of time". A few years give or take a dozen. What could it hurt? What might it help? Why do you think so?
Until yesterday, there were three. However, Mick Mulvaney is out and, as of April 1 (April Fool's Day), Mark Meadows will be the fourth and next contestant in the revolving d... moreUntil yesterday, there were three. However, Mick Mulvaney is out and, as of April 1 (April Fool's Day), Mark Meadows will be the fourth and next contestant in the revolving door known as the position of Chief of Staff.
Ivanka was dragged along to China and Japan along with daddy dearest to ply her brand and make personal deals. Why not INVESTIGATE IVANKA FIRST?Then JARED needs bigly investigating... moreIvanka was dragged along to China and Japan along with daddy dearest to ply her brand and make personal deals. Why not INVESTIGATE IVANKA FIRST?Then JARED needs bigly investigating. All the deals and wheels and jiggers he has effected as the SIL of dumb don is probably shockingly staggering. Investigate him next.Then the dumbdonjohnjr, eric. I think dumb don ignores Tiffany and Barron so they don't need investigating.Let's make it an annual event! INVESTIGATION DAY where the new targets are named and the investigations begin. less
The dumb has certainly castigated HIS FLESH AND BLOOD SON dumbdonjohnjr. Eric too but not as much. IVANKA is his pride and joy because she is a beautiful dame and not a boy. Why no... moreThe dumb has certainly castigated HIS FLESH AND BLOOD SON dumbdonjohnjr. Eric too but not as much. IVANKA is his pride and joy because she is a beautiful dame and not a boy. Why not INVESTIGATE ALL OF THEM for what they have gained by being in the main ring of the dumb don circus? What could it hurt?
When he got flak for it he did not back down or retract but he doubled down. To what audience was he playing? Bernie peeps? None of them are Latino? Didn't bernie know he gave Flor... moreWhen he got flak for it he did not back down or retract but he doubled down. To what audience was he playing? Bernie peeps? None of them are Latino? Didn't bernie know he gave Florida a gut punch when he did that with those of Cuban descent? What was he thinking? What is there in his platform that REQUIRED him to compliment someone like Castro and then repeat it as if it were a matter of integrity when criticized? Was it?
Why not Elizabeth Warren. Sorry but she's kinda oldWhy not Amy Klobashur. Sorry but she is known for mistreating her staff. I'm not big on that.Why not Tulsai G? SERIOUSLY?Marianne... moreWhy not Elizabeth Warren. Sorry but she's kinda oldWhy not Amy Klobashur. Sorry but she is known for mistreating her staff. I'm not big on that.Why not Tulsai G? SERIOUSLY?Marianne Williamson? She already has a powerful gig. She doesn't need the presidency.There ya go. Whaddaya know Two MALE Septuagenarians who are white. What a surprise! Right?Mayor Pete would have been more multi-dimensional if they had to have another WHITE GUY. At least he isn't long in the tooth and HE IS VERY SMART and SERVED HIS COUNTRY IN THE MILITARY. SIGH. Well I expect he will be BAAAACK futurely. less
Oh and dumb don says he will shake anyone's hand who wants him to do so.Do YOU want to shake that hand? Do you know where it's been? After he shakes hands with bazillions of his ad... moreOh and dumb don says he will shake anyone's hand who wants him to do so.Do YOU want to shake that hand? Do you know where it's been? After he shakes hands with bazillions of his adoring worshippers do you really think his hand is gonna BE CLEAN AND GERM-FREE? I thought dumb don was a germaphobe. Apparently he isn't. Good to know for those who are fans of shaking hands! Are you? I used to be but I shopped COLD TURKEY. It's EASY.
Nothing coherent. Just that we should stop focusing on the negative and choose to focus on the positive.Well he** why not a TENNIS PAVILLION? HOW much will THAT COST us I wonder? J... moreNothing coherent. Just that we should stop focusing on the negative and choose to focus on the positive.Well he** why not a TENNIS PAVILLION? HOW much will THAT COST us I wonder? Just what fatboy needs. He should look real hot in shorts and a maternity blouse to cover his bloated belly. Geez. You can't make this stuff up folks. You just can't! A TENNIS PAVILLION?
How do they process what is going on all around them or does the bubble of alternate reality they live in protect them from that? What do they do about their kids? If they think it... moreHow do they process what is going on all around them or does the bubble of alternate reality they live in protect them from that? What do they do about their kids? If they think it's all a hoax they will obviously do nothing to protect their kids. Geez what a life. Lucky kids to get parents like that so "in the know". God help the children and keep them safe IN SPITE of their parents lack of caring.If these folks start coughing have fevers and shortness of breath they won't think anything of it. They won't seek treatment for a hoax, right? Whaddya think they are STOOPID? less
The corona virus is a hoax. The death count isn't true. The scienctists who have stated what is going on are all lying and part of the hoax.Multiply that "mental gymnastics" by mil... moreThe corona virus is a hoax. The death count isn't true. The scienctists who have stated what is going on are all lying and part of the hoax.Multiply that "mental gymnastics" by millions of people...all the adoring worshippers...and do you see the magnitude of the problem?These folks ONLY BELIEVE WHAT THEY ARE TOLD TO BELIEVE BY DUMB DON. Nothing will convince them otherwise. Not statistics or death counts or test kits or confirmed cases. Here there everywhere. A worldwide global hoax.Kinda scary don'tcha think? Many of these people may have it and go out and about and INFECT US with their abject dumb don ignorance. I'm just sayin' this is when death comes as a result of having a liar in whom people believe completely. Condolences. Good luck. less
With the preemptive interpretation of the Mueller Report IN ADVANCE of its release barrbell very badly DISTORTED the truth and the judge says he LACKS CREDIBILITY among other TRUTH... moreWith the preemptive interpretation of the Mueller Report IN ADVANCE of its release barrbell very badly DISTORTED the truth and the judge says he LACKS CREDIBILITY among other TRUTHS. Well we all know that the fakeAGliddlebillybarrroycohn IS NOT THE TOP LAWYER FOR THE COUNTRY. HE IS THE PERSONAL LAWYERPROTECTOR for dumb don and makes no bones about it. That is not the job of the Attorney General but that is what fakeAGliddlebillybarrroycohn has delivered to survive. Anything less than being a simpering whimpering begging lying down and rolling over doggy for dumb don and the fakeAGliddlebillybarrroycohn will be out on his a** and replaced by another DEPENDABLE LOYAL a**kisser. And so it go. Hamsters in a cage going nowhere.Merry-go-rounds makes lots of sounds. So what? It is worthless just like the fakeAGliddlebillybarrroycohn lapdog. The BEST people dumb don promised. Draining the swamp dumb don promised. He did drain it of all the useful PATRIOTIC people and replaced them with more lapdog whinya** cretins whose... less
What happens to mickeymousepounce who has already disgraced himself by his support of the dumb don? Frankly m'dear I don't give a dam*. He is cipher a ghost a hologram. No one will... moreWhat happens to mickeymousepounce who has already disgraced himself by his support of the dumb don? Frankly m'dear I don't give a dam*. He is cipher a ghost a hologram. No one will miss him..
Special Envoy to IRELAND! No kidding folks. I expect liddlemarkie knows what he must do to SURVIVE. Keep on sucking up bigly as he has done all along. Sucking up works so well don'... moreSpecial Envoy to IRELAND! No kidding folks. I expect liddlemarkie knows what he must do to SURVIVE. Keep on sucking up bigly as he has done all along. Sucking up works so well don'tcha know! Who is next on the hatchet list for the dumb of don. It could be ANYONE.
I expect in a few weeks or maybe a few months (hopefully) the crisis will be waning so maybe it would be wise to reschedule an appointment that is simply routine. I'm going t... moreI expect in a few weeks or maybe a few months (hopefully) the crisis will be waning so maybe it would be wise to reschedule an appointment that is simply routine. I'm going to call the Kaiser hotline and see what they advise since I'm in the high-risk group. I mean waiting rooms in medical facilities are where sick people congregate. Right?
Those who REFUSE to take responsibility about those things will never take responsibility for anything. Be warned. Beware! We don't need another dumb don responsibility accountabil... moreThose who REFUSE to take responsibility about those things will never take responsibility for anything. Be warned. Beware! We don't need another dumb don responsibility accountability SHIRKER do we? Isn't one quite enough?
You name it! Top of the list we are the only so-called "civilized" nation that sticks it to its citizens vis a vis lack of affordable universal health care for its citizens. We fin... moreYou name it! Top of the list we are the only so-called "civilized" nation that sticks it to its citizens vis a vis lack of affordable universal health care for its citizens. We finally got something many needed when President Obama took charge and all the republican eunuchs led by dumb don have tried to do is dismember behead grind it up and get rid of it. To replace it with what? The dumbhead bumbleheads idiots don't have a clue. The jury is out on that STILL! They've had a BAZILLION years to come up with something and they haven't. They don't give a sh**. All they are programmed to do is DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY. Sheesh. This is the best we have folks. Proud as he** aren'tcha? I thought so. less
He schlepped a visit dressed way down. Disrespectful? Where was the suit and tie he always wears when he holds his HATE RALLIES? Was that a sotto voce DIG at his view of the CDC? H... moreHe schlepped a visit dressed way down. Disrespectful? Where was the suit and tie he always wears when he holds his HATE RALLIES? Was that a sotto voce DIG at his view of the CDC? He went slumming?
There have been rumblings that bernie's beasties have been just like those of dumb don...sending threatening hate messages to bernie's opponents. For whatever reason bernie elicits... moreThere have been rumblings that bernie's beasties have been just like those of dumb don...sending threatening hate messages to bernie's opponents. For whatever reason bernie elicits the same degree of intense devotion as does dumb don. Why that is I have no idea. But at any rate the supporters of a candidate ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY of the candidate. Just as a business owner is responsible for whatever goes on in his/her company. So it is hardly shocking that Elizabeth Warren who was a target of vicious bernie beasties does not immediately endorse bernie. Isn't it? She may not endorse anyone. She may go with Biden. Whatever she does is her right. She has no duty to bernie just because they may agree on certain things.So we'll see what she does. I wonder if the bernie beasties are STILL sending her threats? less
I've always been a homebody so my lifestyle really hasn't changed much. Jim used to go out putzing around doing "guy" stuff at Lowe's or Home Depot or Harbor freight just to see wh... moreI've always been a homebody so my lifestyle really hasn't changed much. Jim used to go out putzing around doing "guy" stuff at Lowe's or Home Depot or Harbor freight just to see what they had that was new. Or Costco too. Not "NEEDING" anything in particular. He stopped doing that. So he's at home more which I kinda like. Also though when we'd go out to do errands or marketing I wouldn't cook when we got home. We'd do takeout. We stopped that too so I'm cooking every day now. No biggie. I LOVE to cook. What about you? Any changes yet or are you still waiting? less