We know dumb don is big on his gut hunches and he is telling folks to calm down worry not hang out at home or go to work and they will get over COVID 19. The experts say STAY AT HO... moreWe know dumb don is big on his gut hunches and he is telling folks to calm down worry not hang out at home or go to work and they will get over COVID 19. The experts say STAY AT HOME or GO TO THE DOCTOR or QUARANTINE YOURSELF. Who ya gonna believe? The guy who is always thinking only of YOUR bests interest or the science folks who base what they say on TRUTH PROOF EVIDENCE?That's a real hard decision isn't it? I'm sure it is. Stay tuned. Dumb don will keep on advising y'all what to do when to do it what to think what to ignore. Just do as he says and you too will emerge victorious. Easy peasy. Don't believe the scientists. What do THEY know? less
All he knows is to lie his way out of something over which he has no control.Now most of us know he is full of sh** a liar and hater of truth. But sadly millions of folks who belie... moreAll he knows is to lie his way out of something over which he has no control.Now most of us know he is full of sh** a liar and hater of truth. But sadly millions of folks who believe in him completely will believe whatever he says and that could kill them.
Dumb don says he has a "hunch" it's much less...some fractiom of 1%. We know math is not his strong suit nor is truth. But forcing the extent of his dumb on everyone as he keeps do... moreDumb don says he has a "hunch" it's much less...some fractiom of 1%. We know math is not his strong suit nor is truth. But forcing the extent of his dumb on everyone as he keeps doing is very puzzling. What is the point of doing that? Does anyone have a clue whassup with that?
The dumb of don CRITICIZED justices Ginsberg and Sotomayor by saying they should recuse themselves from all cases having anything to do with him.So where is Chief Justice Roberts t... moreThe dumb of don CRITICIZED justices Ginsberg and Sotomayor by saying they should recuse themselves from all cases having anything to do with him.So where is Chief Justice Roberts there? The implication is that Ginsberg and Sotomayor will not be FAIR.Or is it rather only Democrats will be criticized and never Republicans because well he** the chief justice IS A REPUBLICAN AFTER ALL and just another ordinary average typical standard off-the-shelf partisan scairdy cat template toady sycophant who rolls over whimpering for dumb don? I dunno. Looks very fishy stinky to me. less
Imagine my shame and embarrassment the other day at work to hear someone yell from the copier room, “Hey, whose peanut butter and jelly sandwich is this?”
There will be multiple financial impacts and tons and tons and tons of people. Quarantined. Places closed. Life goes on. Bills will still need to be paid. How is this all going to ... moreThere will be multiple financial impacts and tons and tons and tons of people. Quarantined. Places closed. Life goes on. Bills will still need to be paid. How is this all going to be handled? Another crisis on top of a crisis?
I expect by now everyone realizes the COVID 19 virus is not a Democratic hoax created to hurt dumb don. Even dumb don adoring worshippers may have finally realized that. Not him of... moreI expect by now everyone realizes the COVID 19 virus is not a Democratic hoax created to hurt dumb don. Even dumb don adoring worshippers may have finally realized that. Not him of course. He still keeps lying about it. SIGH.
Should they be censured? "I want to tell you (Judge Name), I want to tell you (Judge Name) - you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won't know what h... moreShould they be censured? "I want to tell you (Judge Name), I want to tell you (Judge Name) - you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions"
All bernie does is moan about the BILLIONAIRES who support Joe. Guess what bernie? We don't give a sh** about that. What WE care about is what you are going to do to make our lives... moreAll bernie does is moan about the BILLIONAIRES who support Joe. Guess what bernie? We don't give a sh** about that. What WE care about is what you are going to do to make our lives better. Moaning and groaning and KVETCHING and whining about Joe's supporters just makes you look so weak ya got nuthin' else going for you. If you do have otherwise elsewise WHAT is it and WHY NOT FOCUS ON IT and drop the envy/jealousy bit? Not a good schtick for ya. Your supporters might not mind but is that all you want supporting you? Aren't you the least bit interested in attracting others to vote for you? If you are STOP KNOCKING BILLIONAIRES. Can you do that or is that your one and only main platform? less
So bernie has some VICIOUS supporters too just like dumb don do?Why does vicious go hand-in-hand with intense passionate obsessed? Are the vicious all cuckoobird wackadoodle crackpots?
The A**HOLE shaun king LIED about Rachel Maddow tweeting something SHE NEVER DID. GET RID OF ALL THOSE A**HOLES bernie or they will do you in. SERIOUSLY. ROUT THEM OUT AND CONDEMN ... moreThe A**HOLE shaun king LIED about Rachel Maddow tweeting something SHE NEVER DID. GET RID OF ALL THOSE A**HOLES bernie or they will do you in. SERIOUSLY. ROUT THEM OUT AND CONDEMN THEM BY NAME. THEY ARE HURTING YOU BIGLY. HOW MANY A**HOLES LIKE HIM ARE THERE WHO SUPPORT YOU?I don't know but one like him is all you need to SINK YOU.
Dem convention is scheduled to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin July13-16.GOP convention is scheduled to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina August 24-27Both are months away ... moreDem convention is scheduled to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin July13-16.GOP convention is scheduled to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina August 24-27Both are months away so maybe things will have settled down by then. If they don't what happens if there are cancellations of both conventions?
If Joe were not Obama's veep would he have any chance at it? I don't mean to be disrespectful. I just don't know what things distinguished him in his political career. I know about... moreIf Joe were not Obama's veep would he have any chance at it? I don't mean to be disrespectful. I just don't know what things distinguished him in his political career. I know about his loss of loved ones on different occasions. But not very much else. So what do YOU think?He always brings up President Obama and if he didn't have that to bring up what would he be talking about?
That is precisely what the dumb of don does. He will hear/read a lie and forward it with ALACRITY to his vast adoring base who then obligingly retweets the lies and thus they trave... moreThat is precisely what the dumb of don does. He will hear/read a lie and forward it with ALACRITY to his vast adoring base who then obligingly retweets the lies and thus they travel worldwide to infect the believers with the venom. Speed of transmission of lies can't be beat when you tweet. A pox on twitter a pox on tweets that are lies a pox on all liars who forward lies. A pox on all of them.
Obviously he cannot absorb it digest it understand it process it. Not equipped for it. So they tippytoe around NEVER telling him a truth and trying to quietly BEHIND HIS BACK do th... moreObviously he cannot absorb it digest it understand it process it. Not equipped for it. So they tippytoe around NEVER telling him a truth and trying to quietly BEHIND HIS BACK do their best to offset all his dumb. Not working too well of late.
A MILLIONAIRE who puts down the wealth of a BILLIONAIRE.From where I sit being neither one of those my having a million bucks sounds fantastic to me. $500,000 does too! GADZOOKS th... moreA MILLIONAIRE who puts down the wealth of a BILLIONAIRE.From where I sit being neither one of those my having a million bucks sounds fantastic to me. $500,000 does too! GADZOOKS that would set us up to live a fancy dancy life...with whatever time we had left. SEE? EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE.However if I ONLY HAD a few millions and ONLY HAD three homes I might resent someone who had $60 BILLION BUCKS and change with a bazillion homes. I can see how jealousy/envy rears its ugly head. Actually I think it is RIDIKKALUS to whine and moan and groan about big money when the moaner groaner is loaded with money. Don'tcha think? Ridikkalus to me and possibly to thee but to bazillions of adoring supporters it makes lots of sense. Don't ask me how. less
Obviously I refer to those who voted for and support the dumb of don who says/does everything wrong and keeps coming in last dragging his a** behind him. They make excuses constant... moreObviously I refer to those who voted for and support the dumb of don who says/does everything wrong and keeps coming in last dragging his a** behind him. They make excuses constantly for the poor showing and keep betting on him to "show his stuff". He keeps showing his stuff but they keep justifying it excusing it embracing it supporting it celebrating it. Go figger. What motivates folks who keep betting on a SURE LOSER?
They think he immediately did the right things and got things rolling supporting the SCIENCE folks who were ringing the alarm bells. They think he was at the forefront of smart and... moreThey think he immediately did the right things and got things rolling supporting the SCIENCE folks who were ringing the alarm bells. They think he was at the forefront of smart and did everything correctly.The FACT that the United States was slowest to get enough kits to test? They say that is a fake news hoax. That the dumb of don NEVER gutted anything that we had in place to protect us. That the dumb of don NEVER DOUBTED that COVID 19 was a terrible thing. They think that the dumb of don never said COVID 19 was a democratic hoax designed to take him down by frightening people. When the rush of limbaugh told them that COVIED 19 is a simple cold they believed him too. They refuse to believe what they see and hear because the dumb of don told them THAT IS NOT WHAT IS HAPPENING. They believe only him. Must be nice to know you can always trust someone to tell you the truth at all times and watch your back. The adoring peeps of the dumb of don truly believe that about him. SIGH. less
Friday February 28 Fundraiser mikepounce shook hands at a fundraiser, his main job, with 44 cadets from Sarasota Military Academy whose FELLOW STUDENT WAS BEING QUARANTINED F... moreFriday February 28 Fundraiser mikepounce shook hands at a fundraiser, his main job, with 44 cadets from Sarasota Military Academy whose FELLOW STUDENT WAS BEING QUARANTINED FOR COVID 19.That was LAST FRIDAY FOLKS! Comments?