Just because you follow them around like a sex-starved groupy and swoon and throw your panties on stage at them? Why do you think we think you troll? Because you are one you know. ... moreJust because you follow them around like a sex-starved groupy and swoon and throw your panties on stage at them? Why do you think we think you troll? Because you are one you know. Is that why?
What could it hurt? It might save lives. The current dumb dodobird cares only about the stockmarket plunge and his re-election. Someone who is honest intelligent knowledgeable and ... moreWhat could it hurt? It might save lives. The current dumb dodobird cares only about the stockmarket plunge and his re-election. Someone who is honest intelligent knowledgeable and COMPETENT would be a refreshing change. Try it you'll like it. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.
*National Institute of HealthAfter the news conference where the mickeymousemikepounce was declared the CZAR of the emergency Dr. Fauci was told to STAND DOWN. So he did. He did no... more*National Institute of HealthAfter the news conference where the mickeymousemikepounce was declared the CZAR of the emergency Dr. Fauci was told to STAND DOWN. So he did. He did not pass GO. He did not collect $200. He did not appear on any show.GOD FORBID someone knowledgeable and intelligent and honest tell we the people what the he** is going on.Can't have that. No way Jose. The bottleneck set up by dumb don will CONSTRICT the flow of information. All of it will be approved by dumb don or it doesn't flow! Get the drift?Truth is dead. Lies live freely. People will die and dumb don will tell us the virus disappeared and all is well.More people will die and dumb don will say it is FAKE NEWS and just another Dem conspiracy to harm him.You doubt that? Stick around. It's gonna get a whole lot worse. The dumb of don is desperate to look good and make this all about him once again. less
Of course his adoring peeps will only and foreverly believe him and will ignore the experts as they always do. They all have a HATE ON for science and truth. No one is perfect.
I read that NETFLIX stock is up. Whatever you do in the home is going to be golden. Whatever you go outside the home to do won't.No one knows how bad it will get or how long it wil... moreI read that NETFLIX stock is up. Whatever you do in the home is going to be golden. Whatever you go outside the home to do won't.No one knows how bad it will get or how long it will take. It is beyond the lies of dumb don to affect at all. Believing in him will buy you nothing but grief. But some you adore being miserable and so for you he is your perfect role model.
Disneyland Japan is closedConcerts are being canceled worldwideJapan has closed schools until April I thinkOther countries are doing similar thingsWhat is being done in your state ... moreDisneyland Japan is closedConcerts are being canceled worldwideJapan has closed schools until April I thinkOther countries are doing similar thingsWhat is being done in your state as far as you know right now?
Where do you go for that? How do you know the paranoid infurirted terrified dumb don won't shut all sources of TRUTHFUL information down? The TRUTH will make him look very ba... moreWhere do you go for that? How do you know the paranoid infurirted terrified dumb don won't shut all sources of TRUTHFUL information down? The TRUTH will make him look very bad and he will NEVER tolerate that so he will do everything he can to head us off at the pass. Is there a resistance underground that dumb don can't access? Infiltrate? Sabotage? Fake news fill?He weighs 400 lbs. I trust him as far as I can throw him which is to say not at all. I weigh 116 lbs. He can sit on me and kill me.Who among us has a way to go around the paranoid scairdy cat? His spokesmouth will certainly be of no use because spokesmouth wants above all else to be LOYAL to dumb don which means he will spread all the manure dung poop sh** he is told to spread and be ever so proud of what a good little boy he is.Allegedly very religious man? Black magic religious. Devil satan evil religious. Fake religious. The mouseypounce services an evil lying monster willingly. He cannot also serve GOD. Fake phony baloney mystery meat. Not fi... less
Three dimensionMy way,Your way, CompromiseTwo dimensionMy Way or the HighwayYou see clearly that one dimension is missing and it is not their fault. They did not ask to be born mis... moreThree dimensionMy way,Your way, CompromiseTwo dimensionMy Way or the HighwayYou see clearly that one dimension is missing and it is not their fault. They did not ask to be born missing a dimension. So whose fault is it? I dunno but I do know they would be far happier creating a world that is as two dimensional as they are somewhere out there and then move there. AND STAY THERE. And the three-dimension folks would be very happy to have them go there and stay there as well.Everybody wins. How can that be a bad thing? less
When that ALTERNATE REALITY world ceases to exist and DISAPPEARS with the light of truth shining upon it and destroying it what happens to them when conspiracy theory is all they k... moreWhen that ALTERNATE REALITY world ceases to exist and DISAPPEARS with the light of truth shining upon it and destroying it what happens to them when conspiracy theory is all they know believe in and worship? Do they disappear too?
The packaging shouldn't count. Just the content. So does the content of what is now the head satisfyingly charming and beauteous to thee? Or oppositely?
We got rid of the altars but the powers that be still sacrifice others to propitiate themselves.The powers that be SILENCE STIFLE IMPRISON BANISH MURDER those whom they wish to dis... moreWe got rid of the altars but the powers that be still sacrifice others to propitiate themselves.The powers that be SILENCE STIFLE IMPRISON BANISH MURDER those whom they wish to disappear. They are the sacrificial "lambs" today. Political targets that tell the truth and get in the way of the monster demon abomination that controls them and attacks them and retaliates against them.And so it goes.
No doubt at all. He will never sacrifice himself for anything or anyone because sacrificing others or having them willingly sacrifice themselves for him is natural to him. He belie... moreNo doubt at all. He will never sacrifice himself for anything or anyone because sacrificing others or having them willingly sacrifice themselves for him is natural to him. He believes that is his due and nothing less than that will do. Le Droit du Seigneur!In light of that truth what makes anyone think dumb don gives a rat's a** about anything like the impact of the Coronavirus on other human beings? Seriously. His only fury is that the stockmarket plunge will impact his re-election chances. PERIOD. END OF STORY. The best thing about dumb don is his charmingly dependable consistency isn't it? less
How LONG do you wait to notify the target that a SHARK may be heading straight for him? Until you see the shark in its entirety and it strikes and you see blood in the waters?When ... moreHow LONG do you wait to notify the target that a SHARK may be heading straight for him? Until you see the shark in its entirety and it strikes and you see blood in the waters?When you see something INDICATIVE of something else do you stay silent? To what end for what purpose? Who gains from that but the SHARK?
The FACTS are being stopped dead in their tracks. The dumb of don has put a bottleneck in the way named mikepounce. Only mikepounce may speak about the Coronavirus. All information... moreThe FACTS are being stopped dead in their tracks. The dumb of don has put a bottleneck in the way named mikepounce. Only mikepounce may speak about the Coronavirus. All information dissemination will be funneled through him. One spokesmouth scripted by the dumb of don to put liptstick on the pig.So waiting for FACTS that will never arrive you want we should just shut up stifle it and wait for Godot?Is that YOUR MO? Is that what YOU recommend? Silence shutting up saying nothing as you are waiting? Sheesh. I think NOT. less
He cannot control the oceansHe cannot control the weatherHe cannot control "natural" disastersHe cannot control the stockmarketHe thought he was master of the universe. He isn't. H... moreHe cannot control the oceansHe cannot control the weatherHe cannot control "natural" disastersHe cannot control the stockmarketHe thought he was master of the universe. He isn't. He is currently tantrumming and hissyfitting enraged that the seas will not obey..the weather laughs at his impotence. Mother Nature smirks at him and ridicules him. The stockmarket will have its way with him as it seeks a level.Being faced with his impotence he is not handling it well. You didn't think he would now did you? More to come. From every direction. Protect yourselves.He is totally involved with HIMself 24/7. How is all of this affecting HIM? How can HE win? How can HE spin it all to benefit HIM? How does HE attack HIS enemies during all of this? What is the best exit path for HIM? Screw everyone else and everything else how does HE SURVIVE THIS? less
You are gonna LOVE this if you don't already know.She either HEADS or is PART OF a task force to out everyone who ever criticized dumb don. I am not joking.She is poking around wit... moreYou are gonna LOVE this if you don't already know.She either HEADS or is PART OF a task force to out everyone who ever criticized dumb don. I am not joking.She is poking around with others of her ilk and giving the dumb of don specific names of specific people he needs to get rid of permanently.Now she can't recuse herself from anything because she is a complete nobody. HOWEVER her rascally sex pervert depraved hubby Clarence is part of SCOTUS and perhaps he should recuse himself from his job permanently. Conflict of interest anyone? Shocking shoddy sh**ty anyone? Surprised or do you know and if so are you a great fan of hers for doing this wondrous magnificent thing? Being an informer. I wonder how much she gets paid for being a rotten human being? less
D'ya suppose the dumb of don is so paranoid he has put cookies on every internet user and TRACKS the sites they visit? Any who visit anti-him sites goes on his list?Would that be p... moreD'ya suppose the dumb of don is so paranoid he has put cookies on every internet user and TRACKS the sites they visit? Any who visit anti-him sites goes on his list?Would that be possible? We know our visits to certain sites are tracked. Could the dumb of don have put a "hit" out on all of us unbeknownst to us? Could he be employing and paying computer whizes to track us 24/7 automatically giving him feedback on us? Is it physically possible to gather that much detailed information about we the people?He is now on a track to week his administration out of all the "deep state" haters of him. less
There are a multitude of DISGUSTING DEPRAVED things in life. Which is more disgustinger I cannot say.RAPEMURDERTORTURELYNCHINGHATEBIGOTRYLYINGBETRAYINGBelieve it or not some folks ... moreThere are a multitude of DISGUSTING DEPRAVED things in life. Which is more disgustinger I cannot say.RAPEMURDERTORTURELYNCHINGHATEBIGOTRYLYINGBETRAYINGBelieve it or not some folks justify rationalize undemonize all of them. Why? Because they are aloof uninvolved indifferent uncaring. Everything with them is always an intellectualize exercise. Nothing more because they have nothing more to give. Words. Helps a lot to just not give a dam* about anything or anyone. Do you tend to be that person or tend to be the otherwise or are you somewhere in the middle? less
The dumb of don is SO PARANOID and PETRIFIED he does not want we the people to have any access to scientific information so how does he STOP ALL OF IT?Shut down all sources. How el... moreThe dumb of don is SO PARANOID and PETRIFIED he does not want we the people to have any access to scientific information so how does he STOP ALL OF IT?Shut down all sources. How else? Shut down all publications all radio broadcasts all TV shows. Except FAUX news of course which will always be the source of his sh** 24/7.We will be in a complete NEWS BLACKOUT. All we will get will be the empty suit veep in his most platitudinous mode telling us what is going on.Now of course y'all will believe every word of it. You always do. I would say y'all are stupid dumb but to be charitable I will replace stupid dumb with naive and ingenuous. Same thing only kinder softer.Congrats to all of you for sticking by your man. Ain't he grand? See what he will do futurely. This is just the tip of his iceberg. less