Was the dumb of don shamed and hammered for trying to muzzle the science expert? Was the dumb of don hammered for flying off to a hate rally in south carolina while his mickeymouse... moreWas the dumb of don shamed and hammered for trying to muzzle the science expert? Was the dumb of don hammered for flying off to a hate rally in south carolina while his mickeymousepounce spokesmouth flew to Florida for a fundraiser? Inquiring minds wanna know why this leopard changed his spots so quickly? Was he getting bad press from his own adoring worshippers? Will we ever know why the term wormed? I dunno. Stay tuned.
Out of one side of his mouth at his hate rally in south carolina he referred to the Coronavirus as A HOAX.As such there would be no need for him to stop traveling or shaking hands ... moreOut of one side of his mouth at his hate rally in south carolina he referred to the Coronavirus as A HOAX.As such there would be no need for him to stop traveling or shaking hands if hoax indeed it be. He should make a special to China and Itarly and Iraq where the fake hoaxy outbreaks are being touted as the most high to prove to his peeps how hoaxy all of this is. Another Dem attemptto take him down.From the other side of his mouth he stands behind Dr. Fauci looking very stern very grim very serious listening to the ACTUAL TRUTH. Now an aside. He is ALLOWING DR. FAUCI to speak. Why? Dr. Fauci is a scientific expert who is very knowledgeable about WHAT IS GOING ON and WHAT TO EXPECT. The dumb of don ALWAYS silences such people. Fires them. Forbids them to speak. What changed? less
"BOOGALOO civil war talk takes on a life of its own as far-right extremists coalesce".Apparently allegedly these folks believe a civil war is coming and they are getting prepared f... more"BOOGALOO civil war talk takes on a life of its own as far-right extremists coalesce".Apparently allegedly these folks believe a civil war is coming and they are getting prepared for it. They believe Liberals will try to take away all they hold dear and pockets of BOOGALOO's gather together to plan the war.Alarmist Exaggeration or what is going on sub rosa sotto voce all over the country?How do we protect ourselves from THEM?
*As opposed to any abstract concept of discernment, such as learning about something and referring to it as being heard. This question is specifically about sound(s). A... more*As opposed to any abstract concept of discernment, such as learning about something and referring to it as being heard. This question is specifically about sound(s). Also, any device that enhances sound or that enhances one’s ability to sense sound will not count if the human ear is what facilitates the actual act of hearing. Thank you.
This post was inspired by the question shown in the link below, but does NOT refer to the member who posted it, it refers to an entirely diff mem. https://answermug.com... more This post was inspired by the question shown in the link below, but does NOT refer to the member who posted it, it refers to an entirely diff mem. https://answermug.com/forums/topic/101499/guys-can-you-married-a-woman-who-she-is-did-not-she-that-her-she/view/post_id/757825~
The vacation from which my wife and I just returned today was preplanned for more than eight months, yet I did not announce here beforehand that I would be out of contact.~
The only thing stopping me from getting a pet chimpanzee is that my living room isn't big enough for a chimpanzee to ride their tricycle around in (chimps love to ride tr... moreThe only thing stopping me from getting a pet chimpanzee is that my living room isn't big enough for a chimpanzee to ride their tricycle around in (chimps love to ride tricycles). Cheers and happy weekend!
Dumb don demanded all info go through mickeymousepounce who would be the ONLY GUBMENT SPOKESMOUTH allowed to speak. Ya think the sh** hit the fan bigly and that's why dumb don back... moreDumb don demanded all info go through mickeymousepounce who would be the ONLY GUBMENT SPOKESMOUTH allowed to speak. Ya think the sh** hit the fan bigly and that's why dumb don backed down and is letting the person WHO KNOWS THE MOST SPEAK? Liddle dumbdon backed down and didn't double down? Is he scared sh**less that screwing this up is gonna take him down? How long can he take that position of BACKING DOWN before he EXPLODES and DOUBLES DOWN ABOUT HOAXES AND DEMOCRATS? Your guess?
Senile old man. Embarrassing.He is still going. Dumb isn't he? Clueless. Still going on about Afghanistan. Rambling dumb. Still going on about Afghanistan. Stupid old senile ... moreSenile old man. Embarrassing.He is still going. Dumb isn't he? Clueless. Still going on about Afghanistan. Rambling dumb. Still going on about Afghanistan. Stupid old senile dumb. DISGUSTING HUMILIATING EMBARRASSING old senile dumb. Still rambling about Afghanistan. Still rambling about Afghanistan. Still rambling about Afghanistan. NOT ONE WORD YET ABOUT THE Coronavirus. Or the death in Washington. Still rambling about Afghanistan. Still talking about Afghanistan. Old senile dumb keeps rambling rambling rambling about Afghanistan. Still talking about Afghanistan. Still talking ole man senile to the max. Still rambling about Afghanistan. Still talking about Afghanistan. Still Rambling still rambling. FINALLY the old senile dumbdon is getting around to it. Dumb don old senile clueless witness brainless heartless jacka**. less
The location of the death is the state of WASHINGTON in the United States of America , the West Coast specifically.Will all the dumb don supporters and trashmouth spokesmouths simi... moreThe location of the death is the state of WASHINGTON in the United States of America , the West Coast specifically.Will all the dumb don supporters and trashmouth spokesmouths similarly APOLOGIZE for bandwagonning the label of HOAX. What'cha think folks? Chances of or odds of that are what? What a shameful disgusting man dumb don be and his adoring worhsippers are worse because they are not all wackadoodle crackpots. Or are they? Politicizing a medical crisis. A pox on all of them. Disgustiinger than them does not exist. They are the dregs the scum the vermin the maggots of homo saps. If you are among them or support them may God have mercy on your soul. less
Do you take it as a matter of honor as did the folks who appeared on the Nixon ENEMIES list or those who are being attacked eviscerated by dumb don? It is a distinction you would l... moreDo you take it as a matter of honor as did the folks who appeared on the Nixon ENEMIES list or those who are being attacked eviscerated by dumb don? It is a distinction you would like to enjoy? Inquiring minds wanna know these things. Why? I dunno.
I shall be more than happy to tell you why.Because the judges are partisan and always go with whom they like and cut them lots of slack. Those they dislike are nailed to the wall f... moreI shall be more than happy to tell you why.Because the judges are partisan and always go with whom they like and cut them lots of slack. Those they dislike are nailed to the wall for the least slightest tiniest irrelevant thing.It happens at all levels in all walks of life. The power that be "LIKES" you? You will always get away with murder. People are weak and soft and unfair. Appeal to their "liking you" and you too can get away with murder. However if you DARE call them on it? Bye bye so long good luck. Sheesh. What a bunch of muck and yuck. No solution to this dilemma. It is what it is so you should always suck up to those who have power over you and you too will get away with MURDER. Yep. That's how it works alright. That's the name of THAT game alright. Are you someone who gets away with murder all the time? less
How does that advantage or disadvantage anyone for any reason? It makes me uncomfy.How about THE OLD ELECTORATE? That's me.I guess Bernie has a lock on THE YOUNG ELECTORATEMayor Pe... moreHow does that advantage or disadvantage anyone for any reason? It makes me uncomfy.How about THE OLD ELECTORATE? That's me.I guess Bernie has a lock on THE YOUNG ELECTORATEMayor Pete on the HIGHLY INTELLIGENT ELECTORATESay what? Seriously? Sheesh.
Obviously the LARGEST GROUP OF POTENTIAL VOTERS WILL BE PANDERED TO THE MOST. Everyone knows that. So why do the voters pretend pols care and why do pols pretend they care when eve... moreObviously the LARGEST GROUP OF POTENTIAL VOTERS WILL BE PANDERED TO THE MOST. Everyone knows that. So why do the voters pretend pols care and why do pols pretend they care when everyone knows exactly how that charade facade works? Is the phony baloney equal on both sides? Are voters as phony as the pols for whom they vote or is it a DRAW?