Health officials are not allowed to speak at all about anything. EVERYTHING GOES THROUGH mickeymousepounceDumb don is going to endanger our lives by cutting us off the timely infor... moreHealth officials are not allowed to speak at all about anything. EVERYTHING GOES THROUGH mickeymousepounceDumb don is going to endanger our lives by cutting us off the timely information about the truth of what is going on.He will be the death of us yet. It's nothing personal. It's just politics. Doesn't that make you feel a whole better?
For the past 3 years the GOP has been paying a free lance writer in Pakistan $1 for every tweet he makes about Trump and they just gave him a 5 cent per tweet raise. I think it's a... moreFor the past 3 years the GOP has been paying a free lance writer in Pakistan $1 for every tweet he makes about Trump and they just gave him a 5 cent per tweet raise. I think it's another example of not hiring Americans like he promised. Included a link for more info. Cheers!
Of course dumb don may not sign it because it would OFFEND the racists in his base.Which will cost more votes? Signing or refusing to sign it? Whatcha gonna do when the well runs dry?
Hello:On FOX News, I just heard Governor Huckabee say that socialism has killed millions of people around the world.. But, is he confusing socialism with communism?excon
Stock market currently down 500 pts. Dumb don is STAKING his re-election on a strong economy. His only hope schtick stupid pet trick. He will act of course. He always does. How wil... moreStock market currently down 500 pts. Dumb don is STAKING his re-election on a strong economy. His only hope schtick stupid pet trick. He will act of course. He always does. How will bully people into buying bigly to get the American Stock market back up high again so he can win again? How many billionares does he have in his pocket who will do that for him.He has no other recourse of course.How fast will dumb don bully up the Stock market? Guesses?
Would he ever approve the transfer of his ego wall funds to fight the health crisis generated by a pandemic?Would YOU approve of trading lives for a wall not at all?
"We will take whatever congress wants to give".No lying no denying no blaming Dems for a fake phony bogus issue manufactured to take him down and out? The worm turned? TRUTH MATTER... more"We will take whatever congress wants to give".No lying no denying no blaming Dems for a fake phony bogus issue manufactured to take him down and out? The worm turned? TRUTH MATTERS?We'll see what happens. It will take a short period of time. Everything is under control. We are very very very prepared. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.Dumb don and the peeps believe this is hugely ALARMIST and wants all of it to just go away. Let us revisit him in one month six months and see how trivial and fake alarmist it really is. Shall we? less
The location is Solano County and there is NO KNOWN CAUSE of how this person contracted it. So I expect others will be identified with it and where they got it will remain unknown.... moreThe location is Solano County and there is NO KNOWN CAUSE of how this person contracted it. So I expect others will be identified with it and where they got it will remain unknown. Good luck to all of you.
How conversant are they with the word? "Young people like the message and they don't mind the word." Hmm. Well anyone can anything about anything. Doesn't make it true.
As gubnor of his state he had LOTS of experience with the HIV thingy. Well except that he had issues with the SCIENCE behind the importance of needle exchanges. I guess he is... moreAs gubnor of his state he had LOTS of experience with the HIV thingy. Well except that he had issues with the SCIENCE behind the importance of needle exchanges. I guess he is just like dumb don. He knows more about everything than the experts. Was he too cheap a skate to pop for the cost or just for a "certain period of time" too dumb to accept the truth? Either way isn't he just the absolute PERFECTEST person for the coronavirus thingy? Whom would you have chosen and who could do a better job than mikepounce? Look at his track record fer goodness sakes! Impressive no? less
How does that track with the alleged Conservative philosophy that small government and controlled spending was a desirable goal? Have they flipped turned or are they all now loboto... moreHow does that track with the alleged Conservative philosophy that small government and controlled spending was a desirable goal? Have they flipped turned or are they all now lobotomized to believe that whatever dumb don done done is the very best? That BIGGER IS BETTER? That bailing out farmers is no different than bailing out banks? That screwing the "little people" and throwing them scraps is all they require to adore him? So far it's working.
mikepounce of course. The quiet grey little man who is always very silent/mute and always looks at dumb don with adoration. Yep. That guy. The dumb of don did promise he would appo... moremikepounce of course. The quiet grey little man who is always very silent/mute and always looks at dumb don with adoration. Yep. That guy. The dumb of don did promise he would appoint/select only the very BEST people to do the job. If mike pounce is the very best perhaps maybe possibly dumb don should go for the very worst. See what happens. What could it hurt?
After many decades of contempt and disdain for SCIENCE he is now rolling over for it complying with it lying down for it? This is very weak of him. He usually stands his ground and... moreAfter many decades of contempt and disdain for SCIENCE he is now rolling over for it complying with it lying down for it? This is very weak of him. He usually stands his ground and doubles down. Why is he BACKING DOWN? Whassup with the dude? What's his game this time?
They rush to the beach and bury their heads in the sand IN DEFIANCE OF SCIENCE. They will never know what hit them. They will die believing in the righteousness of their actions. T... moreThey rush to the beach and bury their heads in the sand IN DEFIANCE OF SCIENCE. They will never know what hit them. They will die believing in the righteousness of their actions. Too soon old too late schmart. Ignorance is fixable. Dumb continues on forever broken forever beyond repair. And the beat goes on.
Either they vote for trump or they don't vote. We may see if that is what will really happen. It may be simply a scare tactic. We won't know until after the fact. Life is a gamble.... moreEither they vote for trump or they don't vote. We may see if that is what will really happen. It may be simply a scare tactic. We won't know until after the fact. Life is a gamble. No guarantees. Take the route you think will get to where you want to go. If the route was purposely rigged you won't know till it's too late.
Y'all are not dumb bunnies to believe all that crap are ya?There is no health crisis. There is no climate change crisis. There is no crisis of no kind no how no way. Every negative... moreY'all are not dumb bunnies to believe all that crap are ya?There is no health crisis. There is no climate change crisis. There is no crisis of no kind no how no way. Every negative word you might have heard is BOGUS FAKE PHONY ALTERNATE REALITY. All is well in the kingdom of the dumb of don. Couldn't be better. Everyone loves him and believes in him and trusts him. World leaders adore him and enjoy his company. What could be better than that? Nuttin' honey.To take out dumb don the Dems will go to any lengths to fake stuff that will harm him.Y'all are too dam* smart ta fall for it. Right? less
Will you be wearing face masks or just show up naked faced because you BELIEVE in dumb don and his telling not to worry. There is nothing to see here. Everything is in control. Do ... moreWill you be wearing face masks or just show up naked faced because you BELIEVE in dumb don and his telling not to worry. There is nothing to see here. Everything is in control. Do you trust him with your life?