Sure of course it's kinda nice to encounter someone whose views are similar to yours. Gives you a common bond...something to discuss. But really in the long run why is it such a bi... moreSure of course it's kinda nice to encounter someone whose views are similar to yours. Gives you a common bond...something to discuss. But really in the long run why is it such a big deal to convert conscript conscribe?It is rampant in religions and politicians. My way or the highway. Either or.Believe what you want and allow others to do the same. Easy peasy is the name of the game. Live and let live.Is it validation from one another that people need so much they will badger intimidate threaten others to get it?They have no confidence on their own all alone? What causes that lack? less
Just imagine dumb don squaring off against that? Well that's what it will take to down him, puncture his ego, deflate his lies, call him out every time he "misstates". Imposing siz... moreJust imagine dumb don squaring off against that? Well that's what it will take to down him, puncture his ego, deflate his lies, call him out every time he "misstates". Imposing size wouldn't hurt either. Say 6' 5" and IN SHAPE? No fat anywhere especially none in the head.Anyone come to mind who fits?
The bernie peeps are as smitten and devoted to bernie as the dumb don peeps are smitten and devoted to dumb don.I suppose all true believers are alike. It is what it is.
I think I can answer that and that's what SCARES me.The opponent will need to be able toOUTLIEOUTPUNCHOUTFOXOUT CLEVEROUT MANIPULATEOUT INTIMIDATEOUT DANCEOUT THINKdumb don. So ins... moreI think I can answer that and that's what SCARES me.The opponent will need to be able toOUTLIEOUTPUNCHOUTFOXOUT CLEVEROUT MANIPULATEOUT INTIMIDATEOUT DANCEOUT THINKdumb don. So insults attacks and LIES galore is what it will take to take down to the floor the master of gore whom we all abhore except his base.Whom do you know who can do that? Someone who can become vile vicious without missing a beat?Does such a person exist? One who is even more evil and vile maggotty in the fight but as president would rise to great heights and perform the job the best it had ever been performed before FOR THE PEOPLE?When I put it that way isn't that an IMPOSSIBILITY? So what do we do? Go with what we have? Sheesh. less
When interviewed after the "travesty" Amy K said she regretted that they did not direct their attacks on dumb don instead of one another.DUH! YA THINK? All of them showed what they... moreWhen interviewed after the "travesty" Amy K said she regretted that they did not direct their attacks on dumb don instead of one another.DUH! YA THINK? All of them showed what they are whom they are and why they are. Same same same same same. No one stood out due to SMART or USEFUL or VALUABLE. Each of them attacked the other. That was a complete waste of time and showcased each of them as what they are. A bunch of political hacks DESPERATE to be prez. BAH HUMBUG! And so we go to the next debacle debate slugfest nursery school sandbox hissy fit tantrum? Count me out. less
Pope Francis gives special prayer for coronavirus victims... moreNEWS
Pope Francis gives special prayer for coronavirus victims
By Lee Brown
January 26, 2020 | 10:30am
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Getty Images
Pope Francis on Sunday gave special prayers for those sickened and killed by the coronavirus, praising the “great commitment” to contain the outbreak that is sparking global panic.
“I would like also to be close to and pray for the people who are sick because of the virus that has spread through China,” Francis told tens of thousands of people in St. Peter’s Square for his weekly blessing.
“May the Lord welcome the dead into his peace, comfort families and sustain the great commitment by the Chinese community that has already been put in place to combat the epidemic,” he said.
The coronavirus has infected nearly 2,000 people and killed at least 56, all in China, officials there have said.
Early Sunday a third US case was also confirmed, with an Orange County patient who had ... less
Inharmonious/discordant. Like fingernails on a chalkboard. Relentless Harsh. Cacophony I expect some adore it thrive on it and think it is exquisitely beautiful. It hurts my ears. ... moreInharmonious/discordant. Like fingernails on a chalkboard. Relentless Harsh. Cacophony I expect some adore it thrive on it and think it is exquisitely beautiful. It hurts my ears. Run away from it as fast and as far as possible. Not my cuppa tea but for some perhaps soothing calming relaxing mystical.No accounting for the eye of the beholder or the ear of the hearer is there? What some think of as precious and fine others think is grotesque. Go figger!
I know. Different strokes for different folks. I guess shock value is memorable. Does it last or does shock become dull boring? Two restaurants side by side. One is called "The Tor... moreI know. Different strokes for different folks. I guess shock value is memorable. Does it last or does shock become dull boring? Two restaurants side by side. One is called "The Tortured Gut". The other is called "The Cozy Cafe". I wonder how many folks will prefer the tortured gut?
He refused to allow the women who signed them to speak up about them. Period. End of story.Surely what's in them will humiliate and embarrass him. Also where are his tax returns?An... moreHe refused to allow the women who signed them to speak up about them. Period. End of story.Surely what's in them will humiliate and embarrass him. Also where are his tax returns?Another trump apparent who isn't orange but that's the only difference? Oh and that he is way more loaded with dough? Big deal. It was a very bad start for a guy who is allegedly a mover and shaker. Very bad start. Is he out because of it? Not yet. But he cannot afford another "performance" like that or he will have struck out big time for all time vis a vis the presidency. Pressure is on. Will he get the yips and fade or come through? less
Superdelegates will not be allowed to vote on the first vote unless there is no doubt about the outcome.What is a Superdelegate? One whose vote is UNPLEDGED. Now about 16% of Dem d... moreSuperdelegates will not be allowed to vote on the first vote unless there is no doubt about the outcome.What is a Superdelegate? One whose vote is UNPLEDGED. Now about 16% of Dem delegates are Superdelegates. How that change plays out we'll find out.
He allegedly invited people over to watch the predictable EXPECTED bloodbath with him. For the next few months he will enjoy their tearing one another apart. For once he is delight... moreHe allegedly invited people over to watch the predictable EXPECTED bloodbath with him. For the next few months he will enjoy their tearing one another apart. For once he is delighted not to be mentioned.How nice for the repubbacans. Not so hot for the dems but well don't count them out just yet. Though if ya ask me more of the same they showed last night will sink them all fer shure.Someone among them has to be the grownup. Silly little babies fighting among one another does not bode well. Picking one of THEM to lead the country when they cannot even be civil to one another? SERIOUSLY? Ya gotta be joking. less
I've heard the term but wasn't sure what it meant so I Googled it. It means the folks voting can't agree on whom to nominate and so the first vote is meaningless. Then the pledged ... moreI've heard the term but wasn't sure what it meant so I Googled it. It means the folks voting can't agree on whom to nominate and so the first vote is meaningless. Then the pledged delegates are released from the pledges and folks start making votes..for I expect big considerations. Quid pro quo don't ya know? It's a less conclusive and very fraught with concessions and deal making way ta go. I guess in politics a lot rides on quid pro quo all the time don't it though?So d'ya think the BERN will ride the wave to a first vote conclusive nomination? Or will bedlam ensue and will there be fights figuratively and perhaps literally? Bloody but unbowed? I dunno. We'll see what happens. Everyone says so. That I can tell you. less
I know nothing will be locked up until the Dem Convention but ya think the groundswell by then will be so huge there will be no doubt who the nominee will be?Now I've heard about t... moreI know nothing will be locked up until the Dem Convention but ya think the groundswell by then will be so huge there will be no doubt who the nominee will be?Now I've heard about the possibility of a BROKERED CONVENTION. I shall Google it so I can understand it. How often do the dems rely on BROKERED CONVENTIONS to select their candidate? Do the Republicans ever get their candidate on a BROKERED CONVENTION? I know this year there is no doubt whom they will choose as their standardbearer. No surprise there. less
He sure gets attention when he talks. He shouts. The louder more emotional the more his folks must appreciate him. Loud means he has great convictions? Quieter would indicate less ... moreHe sure gets attention when he talks. He shouts. The louder more emotional the more his folks must appreciate him. Loud means he has great convictions? Quieter would indicate less than? It's puzzling.
Sez he will not release any further health records.Three of a kind. Transparency is the enemy here. Stonewall. Obfuscate. They will all get away with it. Watcha gonna do about it? ... moreSez he will not release any further health records.Three of a kind. Transparency is the enemy here. Stonewall. Obfuscate. They will all get away with it. Watcha gonna do about it? Go pound mud. Suck it up. GET OVER IT. Sheesh. Do I gotta draw you a picture?
All competent intelligent truthtellers will be gone soon. Their replacements will be the dregs and crumbums no one wants around.The don gets rid of the good.He PARDONS the crumbum ... moreAll competent intelligent truthtellers will be gone soon. Their replacements will be the dregs and crumbums no one wants around.The don gets rid of the good.He PARDONS the crumbum crooks and criminals and LOVES the he** outta them because they are HIS PEOPLE.He will continue on along this same path to his pure delights and yours too right y'all?You don't like the competent truthtellers any more than dumb don do so to you that a "GOOD RIDDANCE".Wonder what the titles of the robotic automatons are in BANANA REPUBLICS? If you are quaified get aboard that bandwagon. All ya gotta be is a very loyal toady sycophant who does as ordered without complaint and 24/7 a**kisses dumb don out loud all the time for photo ops. Any independent thinking and you are DEAD to him. Got it? You can do it can'tcha? less
Every ignorant incompetent dumb don has selected to HEAD gubment agencies had zero experience zero education zero competence. He is an equal-opportunity employer. Experience not ne... moreEvery ignorant incompetent dumb don has selected to HEAD gubment agencies had zero experience zero education zero competence. He is an equal-opportunity employer. Experience not needed. Intelligence will keep you from being selected. Requirements? Roll over and whimper and obey. Easy peasy nice and breezy makes ya quesy?
They were so busy taking down/attacking one another they completely IGNORED the clear and present danger that has taken control of everything we ever valued. What does that reveal ... moreThey were so busy taking down/attacking one another they completely IGNORED the clear and present danger that has taken control of everything we ever valued. What does that reveal to you about their perspicacity intelligence focus? Mediocrely competent at best and totally absorbed in an unhealthy self-interest at its worst. So intent on showing us how much better each is than the other fell flat on its a**. A mediocre stable from which to choose. How swell. Whichever horse you ride will undoubtedly throw you along the way one day. Happy Landings!On the other hand maybe some of you were VERY happy with the way things went. I cannot speak to that. I was outraged. less
Will his opponents FEEL THE BERN and be singed and damaged and TAKEN OUT of the running? I dunno. Seems so. Sheesh. The dems are just copycats. The 2016 battle went so well for the... moreWill his opponents FEEL THE BERN and be singed and damaged and TAKEN OUT of the running? I dunno. Seems so. Sheesh. The dems are just copycats. The 2016 battle went so well for the repubbacans the dems are copycatting. It is said "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"! Really?
A kiss a** devoted toady sycophant supporter who WAS the US Ambassador to Germany named Richard Grenell has been appointed as the new ACTING HEAD OF THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AGENC... moreA kiss a** devoted toady sycophant supporter who WAS the US Ambassador to Germany named Richard Grenell has been appointed as the new ACTING HEAD OF THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY.Now this is BRILLIANT on two levels.Richy G has ZERO experience background education in INTELLIGENCE and he is super dumb..a definite PLUSBeing "Acting" head removes the need for him to be CONFIRMED by anyone. SLAM DUNK GRAND SLAM ain't it?What other next brilliant act will the exceedingly dumb dumb don take on? It is breathtaking and amazing and well dam* near the gutsiest thing this coward ever done done.An ignorant dumb bum ACTING head of the National Intelligence Agency will please all our enemies. Incompetence at this level pleases them bigly. Putin is so happy with his little lapdog puppet. What's not to love? Y'all are PROUD AS HE** of your prez right? More to come. Stay tuned. Lots more dumb where Grenell came from. Dying to service dumb don in any way every day forever more. less
I expect it would have to be a senator who wears a tinfoil hat and is CERTAIN of conspiracy theories promulgated by FAUX news pholkes. Which conspiracy theory currently held is by ... moreI expect it would have to be a senator who wears a tinfoil hat and is CERTAIN of conspiracy theories promulgated by FAUX news pholkes. Which conspiracy theory currently held is by far the DUMBEST? Will there be MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE DUMB TO COME? Praise the lord and pass the Tums/Alka Seltzer.
I think being a LONER who isn't brave at all is kinda weird. Are you one? Usually Loners are VERY brave and courageous else they'd surround themselves with others. A puzzlement.