The dumb of don MUST BE WORSHIPPED 24/7 or he gets very nervous and scared and vicious.Best to kiss his corpulent a** 24/7. Tell him how beautiful he is how wise he is how genus he... moreThe dumb of don MUST BE WORSHIPPED 24/7 or he gets very nervous and scared and vicious.Best to kiss his corpulent a** 24/7. Tell him how beautiful he is how wise he is how genus he is and record it so when you sleep he will hear you telling him. He won't know the difference between a recording and a real life person. To him they are all the same. Delicate sensitive precious little boy. Keep him wrapped in cotton batting to protect him from life's cruelties. CRUELTY? He loves that. Right? Protect him from everything but his ability to DISH OUT CRUELTY. His base demands it. less
Dumb don ADORES most of all the ratfinks who kiss his butt daily and provide him with INTEL about those who don't adore him. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!Dumb city d.c. is now RATFINK city... moreDumb don ADORES most of all the ratfinks who kiss his butt daily and provide him with INTEL about those who don't adore him. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!Dumb city d.c. is now RATFINK city. Progress or truth in advertising?
Aren't those who enjoy WATCHING PAIN BEING INFLICTED as guilty as those who enjoy doing the INFLICTING?Maybe there is a difference that those "in the know" can deal with. From the ... moreAren't those who enjoy WATCHING PAIN BEING INFLICTED as guilty as those who enjoy doing the INFLICTING?Maybe there is a difference that those "in the know" can deal with. From the outside looking in both inflictors and watchers are the same. But inside among them maybe there is a hierarchy wherein the inflictors are tops and the watchers are bottoms? However it works they will figger it out.
If so make your reservations NOW. There will be millions and millions and millions of you. I don't know how many millions so you don't want to be shut out. The dumb don has a burea... moreIf so make your reservations NOW. There will be millions and millions and millions of you. I don't know how many millions so you don't want to be shut out. The dumb don has a bureau in the White House already set up to take reservations. Payment in advance will be required. Knowing dumb don he will gouge as much out of you as he can but then you don't mind. Prices will rise. BUY NOW. GET in at the cheapest rates.Some folks look forward to heaven. Y'all can look forward to living forever on CRUEL ISLAND with dumb don and his peeps.Planning ahead is key. Be there or be square. less
Simplicity is key. CRUELTY YESTERDAY CRUELTY TODAY CRUELTY TOMORROW. CRUELTY AS FAR AS TH EYE CAN SEE. Finally a saviour who will deliver unto them what they have prayed for. CRUEL... moreSimplicity is key. CRUELTY YESTERDAY CRUELTY TODAY CRUELTY TOMORROW. CRUELTY AS FAR AS TH EYE CAN SEE. Finally a saviour who will deliver unto them what they have prayed for. CRUELTY TO THOSE THEY FEAR AND HATE is what they thrive on survive promulgate. SIGH.If you are a CRUEL SADISTIC homo sap join the dumb don party. You will have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Or are you already one of them?
I was given a link to this article by an Answermug friend in answer to a question I asked. I read every word. I dare you to do the same.'THE CRUELTY IS THE POINT. President trump a... moreI was given a link to this article by an Answermug friend in answer to a question I asked. I read every word. I dare you to do the same.'THE CRUELTY IS THE POINT. President trump and his supporters find community by rejoicing in the suffering of those they hate and fear."What is addressed in that article are the "many photos of white men grinning as they witness together atrocities being committed against those they hate and fear. The cruelty makes them feel good proud happy and makes them feel closer together to witness it as a group. Male cruelty toward women is a bonding mechanism and a vehicle for intimacy through contempt"It is a rather long article and I've simply excerpted a bit. But now I finally understand why dumb don has such a devoted following. Cruelty brings joy and bonding among them. Nothing can put them asunder since what they have always cherished is now a 24/7 reality. The base will never leave dumb don as long as he keeps delivering cruelty.I shall be slow to absorb this awful fact but I will... less
You meet someone who seems ok but turns out to be a few cards short of a full deck. It's in your own best interests to get along with him/her. Do you or don't you? Do hang in or mo... moreYou meet someone who seems ok but turns out to be a few cards short of a full deck. It's in your own best interests to get along with him/her. Do you or don't you? Do hang in or move on? Why?
If it isn't who the he** will pay any attention to it. If it is? If it is a loose-cannon base that is unpredictable? Who could ignore that?Whose base has more potential for VIOLENCE?
Excluding the OBVIOUS physical differences do you prefer receiving feedback from a him or a her?When does gender matter most? If you are talking about pregnancy what does a male kn... moreExcluding the OBVIOUS physical differences do you prefer receiving feedback from a him or a her?When does gender matter most? If you are talking about pregnancy what does a male know right?But maybe guys have other insights having observed their wives or daughters or sisters. Are all opinions valid or are some more so than others?
Of course they could be lying too. To what end I don't know but I expect anyone can lie about anything at time for any reason or no reason. It's complicated.
I guess it's very important for people to know where you are emotionally mentally spiritually physically and any other ally.So do you hold back or let loose all the time about ever... moreI guess it's very important for people to know where you are emotionally mentally spiritually physically and any other ally.So do you hold back or let loose all the time about everything just so folks know what's up with you what's down with you and what's even with you? Think maybe it helps others to know that?
Because he doesn't hide much. He will do whatever he does however egregiously vile vulgar evil corrupt and while doing it he tells you to not believe what you are seeing because th... moreBecause he doesn't hide much. He will do whatever he does however egregiously vile vulgar evil corrupt and while doing it he tells you to not believe what you are seeing because that is not what is really happening.AND YOU BUY IT! No wonder he is certain of you because you never fail to defend him. Even when even as even though. If it's pouring rain and you are drenched and the dumb of don tells you it's a lovely sunny day you will believe him and completely ignore how wet you are. In a trance maybe. Hypnotized? Lobotomized?.So maybe he is right to have contempt for your "thought"mechanisms. You don't believe what you see or hear because you are told that is not what is really happening. I dunno if that would register on any IQ test. How low can you test for dumb? less
Does dumb don have script he is ordered to memorize and then on cue EXPLODES with rage for an audience of one?We know the toady sycophants do/say everything for their audience of o... moreDoes dumb don have script he is ordered to memorize and then on cue EXPLODES with rage for an audience of one?We know the toady sycophants do/say everything for their audience of one..dumb don who in turns as an obedient lapdogpuppet plays to an audience of one...vlad.Like those nesting RUSSIAN dolls. Each of which gets smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller.
He refuses to read or listen to intelligence reports. He FIRES anyone who disseminates any information criticizing puin or russia. He EXPLODES when people disobey his orders. There... moreHe refuses to read or listen to intelligence reports. He FIRES anyone who disseminates any information criticizing puin or russia. He EXPLODES when people disobey his orders. There is no one left to report on what is going on. The sinaturd republican senate majority under that son of itch don't care a bit. They are happy following the orders of dumb don who follows the orders of putin. With all safeguard destroyed all dumb don did was make so much easier for his puppetmaster to take over and work through him. Y'all love russia too don't you? Y'all TRUST putin and russia far more than you truist our intelligence agents because you believe along with dumb don they are all part of a deep state created to remove him?You see the arrogance and conceit of the man. Another thing you adore about him. Everything is about him. Everything revolves around him. It is not the United States of Amerca. Is the chattel of putin working through dumb don. Putin's harem as it were...a sexual or not. Inhabitants of a harem I expect OB... less
Of course putin is in charge of our country and he is working through his lapdogpuppet to insure that HIS WILL BE DONE. The dumb don disseminates verbatin the putin talking points ... moreOf course putin is in charge of our country and he is working through his lapdogpuppet to insure that HIS WILL BE DONE. The dumb don disseminates verbatin the putin talking points as do all his adoring worshippers. Y'all know whom you are. It's working perfectly and vlad is well well pleased because he targeted dumb don specifically to perform these tricks. No doubt about it.Isn't it great when a plan comes together? Mr.T...where are you when we need you?
Guns kill living things. That's what they are made to do.The bleeding heart repubaccans are very anti women's health or using birth control because they cherish life in the womb an... moreGuns kill living things. That's what they are made to do.The bleeding heart repubaccans are very anti women's health or using birth control because they cherish life in the womb and don't want anyone messing with it.But once you're born you're on your own. They only value life IN UTERO. I have no idea why that is. Do you?
I believe Morgan Freeman has been cast as both?It would have to be someone who was not obese for starters. Someone with a fine voice a fine mind a fine demeanor and a fine personal... moreI believe Morgan Freeman has been cast as both?It would have to be someone who was not obese for starters. Someone with a fine voice a fine mind a fine demeanor and a fine personality/character. IDEALLY.So you could build one. Start with the voice. Then the appearance. Then the character. LIke the part Jimmy Stewart played in Mr. whatever goes to Washington. He had a strong decent morality and fought for what he thought was RIGHT not what would aggrandize himself. Unlike today's pols. Anyway moving on. Then the intellect. Then his/her likability. Then his/her CARING about ALL people. You could create perfection which would be the model for reality. With luck. Maybe a movie about a DECENT president would bomb at the box office. The millions who adore dumb don would have no interest in it. But the others? Of course the dumb donners could BLOW UP every theater at which such a movie was being shown. There is that. They are volatile and weaponized and itching to answer his dog whistle. Sigh. less
You walk into the shoe room filled with shelves of shoes. Nothing but shoes. Thousands of pairs of shoes.Would it take hours to decide which pair to wear? Is that part of every dai... moreYou walk into the shoe room filled with shelves of shoes. Nothing but shoes. Thousands of pairs of shoes.Would it take hours to decide which pair to wear? Is that part of every daily schedule. Shoe deciding?
"They" want fakeAGliddlebillybarrroycohn to resign. FAT CHANCE of that. The FATBOY is raking in big bucks breaking all laws and running interference for his master. He ain't about ... more"They" want fakeAGliddlebillybarrroycohn to resign. FAT CHANCE of that. The FATBOY is raking in big bucks breaking all laws and running interference for his master. He ain't about to give that up. Fat boy and Fatter Boy make a swell team don't they though? Nothing will put them asunder. A marriage made in he** and blessed by the devil himself.What happens next? Well putin will keep meddling biglier and bigilier and dumb don will keep exploding biglier and biglier. Is there any end to any of it? We'll see what happens. Everyone says so. That I can tell you. less
It seems dumb don became ENRAGED that a representative of the various Intelligence Agencies went before the Congressional Intelligence Committee and reported that RUSSIA is doing t... moreIt seems dumb don became ENRAGED that a representative of the various Intelligence Agencies went before the Congressional Intelligence Committee and reported that RUSSIA is doing the same thing in the 2020 prez election. Putin WANTS dumb don to remain as king No surprise. WE ALL KNOW THAT. However allegedly a rep of viper maggot Devin Nunes was in that meeting and reported to Devin what transpired. Devin rushed to dumb don and told him everything. Dumb don predictably EXPLODED WITH RAGE that the report was made..particularly it seems because Adam Scniff was in attendance and dumb don said "Democrats will use that against me". So what did dumb don do? He FIRED the acting head of the National Security Agency for the egregious act of allowing a staff member to report the TRUTH.! No kidding. And now he will place another devoted adoring worshipper toady sycophant stupid dumb ignoranmus in that job temporarily until he can find someone to take over completely. Isn't he swell as he**? He fires people for doing their j... less
His destruction was exacerbated by taking on fake AG fatboy liddlebillybarrroycohn who is allegedly the TOP LAW BRAIN in the country. A year now the fakeAG has held all that power.... moreHis destruction was exacerbated by taking on fake AG fatboy liddlebillybarrroycohn who is allegedly the TOP LAW BRAIN in the country. A year now the fakeAG has held all that power. Everything he has done was to a**pat dumb don. Only NOW people are noticing what a ratfink viper maggot he is? Why now? They talked about how horrible he is ever since he took over. A tag team of two immoral fat boys who are getting away with murder and have been since the beginning. Still what is being done about it practically? This is ridiculous. Just imagine the joy of another 4 years of the same level of "governing". Who or what is a match for dumb don and his fakeAGfatboyliddlebillybarrroycohn? I think everyone witha conscience should just walk out and quit. Leave all the ignorant stupid dumb impotent lemmings to run the country. That's what dumb don adoring worshippers want more than anything. No laws no rules no requirements. What will happen next? Guess! less
In my opinion the so-called "debate" was appalling but certainly the cup of tea for everyone in the White House. I don't blame them for being thrilled and pleased and delighted. Br... moreIn my opinion the so-called "debate" was appalling but certainly the cup of tea for everyone in the White House. I don't blame them for being thrilled and pleased and delighted. Bring it on. Give 'em more of that.To a person the stupid shone brightly. How could that be? Surely among them some are BRILLIANT intellectually. But you sure couldn't find it anywhere. It was MIA. They were all so intent at "hitting back" and "striking out" at one another they totally missed the opportunity to fight the real monster who was not evem present.Now ya gotta remember these are all folks who have the NERVE to refer to themselves as Democrats. Not to me they aren't. No focus on what matters. Childish behavior. Mediocre mentality. The worst I trust of what they have to offer. Why did they CHOOSE to do it that way? Will it be a repeat performance the next time out? Do they learn NOTHING from their failures? Some of 'em collected MILLIONS from their performances. Boy I sure don't understand why! Their supporters don't expec... less
We also hear "ignorance is no excuse". So which is it? "When we know better we do better" per Maya Angelou. Well maybe in her world but not my world. Of course what is "better"? Is... moreWe also hear "ignorance is no excuse". So which is it? "When we know better we do better" per Maya Angelou. Well maybe in her world but not my world. Of course what is "better"? Is there any standard we can apply to measure it or compare it? Is "better" always subjective and personal?
Today it's supposed to rain with a high of 56. BUT Thursday will be 80 and Friday 81. That is crazy! It's still winter. Spring is a month away. This bodes very ungood for our summe... moreToday it's supposed to rain with a high of 56. BUT Thursday will be 80 and Friday 81. That is crazy! It's still winter. Spring is a month away. This bodes very ungood for our summer. Is your weather wackadoode too this "winter"?
When I'm joyful I APPRECIATE more keenly. It's like SEEING each petal on a beautiful flower rather than just a blot of color. Some things bring out the joy predictably. When I'm IN... moreWhen I'm joyful I APPRECIATE more keenly. It's like SEEING each petal on a beautiful flower rather than just a blot of color. Some things bring out the joy predictably. When I'm IN IT I KNOW IT. How about you? Are you familiar with being joyful or not so much? IN THE MOMENT or only in retrospect?