THREE RALLIES IN A ROW!PhoenixColorado SpringsLas VegasAll you hot and bothered adoring worshippers will be there cheering him on of course. OR ELSE. He is so excited he is beside ... moreTHREE RALLIES IN A ROW!PhoenixColorado SpringsLas VegasAll you hot and bothered adoring worshippers will be there cheering him on of course. OR ELSE. He is so excited he is beside himself...that's 400 lbs times two. A mammoth gargantuan full of so much emotion prancing about on stage in view of his peeps. Who can sleep? He doesn't need it. He is a very wise stable genius and we all know that the wise stable geniuses/genii thrive on sleepless.Gotchure tickets? Betchure all excited and good to go aren'tcha? Geez love in bloom and it isn't even spring yet! less
The dumb in don never shines as bright as when he give the middle finger to his critics and sucks up to those who kiss his a**! D'ya blame him? He is all about revenge retaliation ... moreThe dumb in don never shines as bright as when he give the middle finger to his critics and sucks up to those who kiss his a**! D'ya blame him? He is all about revenge retaliation retribution. He LIVES for it and gets off on it and the more he does the more hotsy totsy he is. Ain't he sumpin' though? Release the rats and lock up the rat killers. Oh what frabjous joy that brings to him. Ecstasy! Different strokes for different folks and no one is differenter than the dumb of don. It exceeds everything we have ever seen. It is topless bottomless sideless endless and growing bigger better minutely. The dumb in don is only just now beginning to flower. What you've seen was just a paltry puny appetizer. The piece de resistance will appear and then by golly you will bow down to him. Good going. less
Joe Biden was looked at as the frontrunner originally. He has faded since then but is he capable of making a FANTASTIC COMEBACK? The dumb don feared him most and set all the dogs h... moreJoe Biden was looked at as the frontrunner originally. He has faded since then but is he capable of making a FANTASTIC COMEBACK? The dumb don feared him most and set all the dogs he could upon him to tear him apart. Does dumb don KNOW something we don't? That Joe Biden is his worst nightmare and best to beat the crap outta him at the polls in November. I don't know. I've always loved COMEBACKS. You?
Every crook and criminal and sleazy bum and rotten sot dumb don is going to release pardon let go. To spread their icky yuck among us once again. He takes GREAT PRIDE that he can d... moreEvery crook and criminal and sleazy bum and rotten sot dumb don is going to release pardon let go. To spread their icky yuck among us once again. He takes GREAT PRIDE that he can do this for the world.Y'all are THRILLED as he**!Well dumb don has to make room for all the ones he will get back at and sic his fakeAG on to incarcerate them. Makes sense?Cheers to dumb don for the glory of his merciful and kind heart. Fie on anyone who DARES critcize him. GOD knows what is in dumb don's heart. Right?
As for me only twice did that occur in my life.JFK and Barack Obama. Elsewise otherwise my brain ruled and that's how I voted. I had no personal love for the person but I didn't Di... moreAs for me only twice did that occur in my life.JFK and Barack Obama. Elsewise otherwise my brain ruled and that's how I voted. I had no personal love for the person but I didn't Dislike anyone for whom I voted. Till Hillary. What a revoltin' development it will be this year. Repeat performance? Redux? Whatever. Sheesh.
It's when I eat JUNK FOOD. I know it isn't healthy for me and I don't indulge oftenly only very seldomly. Potato chips can be my downfall. Salty crunch is seductive and almost irre... moreIt's when I eat JUNK FOOD. I know it isn't healthy for me and I don't indulge oftenly only very seldomly. Potato chips can be my downfall. Salty crunch is seductive and almost irresistible. I dream of corn curls but haven't had them for years!I make our cookies so they are healthy. No worries there. We don't enjoy supersweet anything. Tastebuds you know.What is your main source of guilt or are you entirely GUILT-FREE? If so are you perfect in other ways as well?
If others were to know that about you would they ridicule you look down on you laugh at you? Maybe you adore the Kardashians but dare not say so? Or belong to secret conspiracy soc... moreIf others were to know that about you would they ridicule you look down on you laugh at you? Maybe you adore the Kardashians but dare not say so? Or belong to secret conspiracy societies and believe the earth is flat the moon landing was fake and there is no such thing as fairy tales or mother goose or nursery rhymes. Whatever secret vice you have..does it shame you?
Well ya see he is a wise extremely stable genius. One cannot expect such an intellectual giant to know how to use proper punctuation does one?The dumb don cannot be all things to a... moreWell ya see he is a wise extremely stable genius. One cannot expect such an intellectual giant to know how to use proper punctuation does one?The dumb don cannot be all things to all people. His peeps think he is a soaringly grand and glorious speaker. Wisdom drips from his lips 24/7. Every drip is precious. The same drips. He is nothing if not repetitive.The other presidents can go suck an egg or pound mud. The dumb don is the only president who ever lived who DESERVES the title of "president". Everyone says so. That I can tell you!Celebrate the dumb! less
The state of confusion is where I live. I feel like the ball in one of those arcade machines. Someone pulls the lever and I carom all over the place bouncing here bouncing there bo... moreThe state of confusion is where I live. I feel like the ball in one of those arcade machines. Someone pulls the lever and I carom all over the place bouncing here bouncing there bouncing everywhere in no particular sequence or order. There is NO RATIONALE behind it at all. Once that lever or whatever is pulled it's over. You go hither and yon willy nilly. Over and over and over and over and over. SIGH.
Bernie has adoring worshippers too. They're frustrated as he** that he got screwed in 2016 and the anger and frustration has built up to the point that you cannot tell bernie peeps... moreBernie has adoring worshippers too. They're frustrated as he** that he got screwed in 2016 and the anger and frustration has built up to the point that you cannot tell bernie peeps from dumb don peeps. ADAMANT CERTAIN ANGRY. Sheesh. Been there done that. Furiosty is not becoming in anyone. Neither is RAGE.A circumstance I did not expect and it is very bizarre to see.No daylight between them. Only the name of the one they worship adoringly is different. Who wouldda thunk it?
Is there anything Bernie could do to make his emotional supporters abandon him? WHAT IF he did choose Hillary to be his veep? Would you vote for someone because you hate her so muc... moreIs there anything Bernie could do to make his emotional supporters abandon him? WHAT IF he did choose Hillary to be his veep? Would you vote for someone because you hate her so much or would you still vote for because you love him so much?
Yesterday I was told that our 5 year old Granddaughter completed her first week of Karate classes and her Sensei says she shows good potential. I find it pretty comforting thi... moreYesterday I was told that our 5 year old Granddaughter completed her first week of Karate classes and her Sensei says she shows good potential. I find it pretty comforting thinking she will be able to take care of her self when she gets older. Cheers!
Rush Limbaugh Turned Heads by Revealing the Name of the Ukraine Whistleblower
Donald Trump is seeing red.... moreRush Limbaugh Turned Heads by Revealing the Name of the Ukraine Whistleblower
Donald Trump is seeing red.
The President and all of his supporters were betrayed by an anonymous CIA officer that filed a complaint over Donald Trump’s July phone call with the Ukrainian President.
Rush Limbaugh dropped this bombshell by revealing the name of the Ukraine whistleblower.
Leave it to Rush Limbaugh to come up with a different take on the Democrats’ phony Ukrainian witch hunt.
Most of the Washington, D.C. political media is consumed by the parlor game of trying to figure out the identity of the spy that staged an attempted coup against President Trump.
Limbaugh examined the story from another angle.
And the top rated conservative radio talk show host told his audience that the whistleblower was none other than Donald Trump himself.
Limbaugh explained this was the case because President Trump was the one blowing the whistle on all the crimes committed by the Deep State, fake news media, D.C. swamp, and... less
I realized that pigs were perfect when I viewed this picture. This is an altered pig. NOW. THIS IS UGLY. THIS IS FREAKING UGLY. I BELIEVE THE WORD IS ... moreI realized that pigs were perfect when I viewed this picture. This is an altered pig. NOW. THIS IS UGLY. THIS IS FREAKING UGLY. I BELIEVE THE WORD IS FUGLY. COMPARE THIS PIG WITH ANY NORMAL PIG, AND YOU WILL SEE WHAT I MEAN. THE NORMAL PIG LOOKS BEAUTIFUL IN COMPARISON AND IF YOU DISAGREE? YOU HAVE BEEN WATCHING TOO MUCH FOX.
I thing ignoring is the best putdown. It makes the attacker show the impotence and irrelevance of the attack. It shows weakness not strength. In my opinion. Just IGNORE IGNORE IGNO... moreI thing ignoring is the best putdown. It makes the attacker show the impotence and irrelevance of the attack. It shows weakness not strength. In my opinion. Just IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE. What could it hurt?
His sits on the scale of justice with august majesty of his enormous obesity and crushes it. Where he sits. As he did with roger stone and as he is doing with mike flynn. 400lbs wi... moreHis sits on the scale of justice with august majesty of his enormous obesity and crushes it. Where he sits. As he did with roger stone and as he is doing with mike flynn. 400lbs will crush anything won't it?Like it y'all? More to come. More to savor. More to adoringly worship. Watch this space.
This past Sunday, a pollster for Mike Bloomberg knocked on the door of my home and asked for my presence.When I went out to meet her, she pitched me on,"virtues" of Mike B... moreThis past Sunday, a pollster for Mike Bloomberg knocked on the door of my home and asked for my presence.When I went out to meet her, she pitched me on,"virtues" of Mike Bloomberg and asked if I had decided whom to vote for. I just wanted her to go away as quickly as possible, so I didn't react to her pitch and told her that I'm "undecided" (which is technically true, but omits the important "but definitely NOT Bloomberg" caveat).Am I giving the Bloomberg campaign false hope and distorting "polling numbers" with my action? less
Morality? The motive is identical. Buy what you want. It's just one buyer has a lot more money. It doesn't change anything at all. It is naive and ingenuous to think so. Method/mot... moreMorality? The motive is identical. Buy what you want. It's just one buyer has a lot more money. It doesn't change anything at all. It is naive and ingenuous to think so. Method/motive identical. Where's the bad?
Bernie has the right to buy whatever he wants. Why does he think he has the right to tell Bloomberg he doesn't have the right to buy the presidency? Seriously?Illogical.Bernie is t... moreBernie has the right to buy whatever he wants. Why does he think he has the right to tell Bloomberg he doesn't have the right to buy the presidency? Seriously?Illogical.Bernie is trying to buy the presidency too. On a smaller scale. Why else does he brag about the millions his supporters send in? Money talks Bernie and you've been talking it up too else we would never know what YOUR war chest has in it. Bloomberg came along and made yours look puny. Before Bloomie showed up weren't YOU top dog money-wise? The difference is just in the size not the purpose. Buying elections is what people do. It takes money to run ads. It takes money to pay people to go out and try to get folks to vote for you.Bernie wants it two ways it seems. Can he have his cake and eat it too? Mebbe. He has a powerful lot of supporters. less
I have enjoyed being BEST FRIENDS with men starting with my dad and fast forwarding to today. Not one of them ever crossed a line or misunderstood me. Nor did I misunderstand any o... moreI have enjoyed being BEST FRIENDS with men starting with my dad and fast forwarding to today. Not one of them ever crossed a line or misunderstood me. Nor did I misunderstand any of them. Mutual RESPECT precluded that. So I am sad that many folks have never experienced what I have experienced. I have been very lucky. You?
He laughed! He thought that was the strangest thing to say to anyone but he took it very well. He told me the obvious of course. "Well you can't but thank you for the compliment" o... moreHe laughed! He thought that was the strangest thing to say to anyone but he took it very well. He told me the obvious of course. "Well you can't but thank you for the compliment" or words to that effect.He was hands down the smartest most intelligent boss I ever had and actually he forced me to expand my perception of my abilities. No joke. He would not hand me easy answers. He told me to figure it out and then if I needed help he'd be happy to explain things. I was FURIOUS with him. In fact I remember slamming the door behind me when I left his office once! His reaction to that? Nothing. Never said a word. Never mentioned it. It was my short-term temper tantrum hissy fit. Never did it again. In my fury I began to figure things out because he gave me no other option. Best boss I ever had. Thanks to him I eventually became an INTERNAL AUDITOR which is all about figuring things out on your own! Those were very good days retrospectively. Very good indeed! Your favorite boss is/was and why? less