I wouldn’t accept a mayonnaise-laden cracker sample at the grocery store being offered to me by a sales rep.
Companion question: https://answermug.com/forum... moreI wouldn’t accept a mayonnaise-laden cracker sample at the grocery store being offered to me by a sales rep.
but statewide, nationwide, and worldwide. In my county alone, there were instances of flip-flopping numbers within hours of initial reports when it was discovered that they were in... morebut statewide, nationwide, and worldwide. In my county alone, there were instances of flip-flopping numbers within hours of initial reports when it was discovered that they were incorrect. Figures from January and February of 2020 were downplayed or skewed. Shutdowns of businesses, churches, schools, gyms, parks, etc. we’re based on purported percentages that were compiled by dubious or difficult-to-verify sources. Sweeping measures for contact-tracing relied on sensitive personal information that was collected by technological means without checks and balances that ensured the data wouldn’t be leaked or otherwise misused.
Now, in February 2021, allegations have surfaced that at least one governor’s administration intentionally withheld accurate COVID19 numbers in order to feign its success in addressing the pandemic. Were you, as I, also wary in general of whether or not the numbers were being reported truthfully, either in your local area, nationally, or internationally?~ less
The biggest two I've experiencedFebruary 9, 1971 Sylmar California 6.6January 17, 1994 Northridge California 6.7We've been due THE BIG ONE for decades. How big? They don't say EXACTLY.
The GOP Senators who voted to acquit FOOTOO (the piece of crap) said this.They voted to acquit on PROCEDURAL ISSUES. Not because they believed he was innocent of the charges. Not b... moreThe GOP Senators who voted to acquit FOOTOO (the piece of crap) said this.They voted to acquit on PROCEDURAL ISSUES. Not because they believed he was innocent of the charges. Not because they believed he was NOT GUILTY. That did not even enter into it at all. NOT ONCE!There ya go. Guilt or innocence is IRRELEVANT. All that counts is process! MY A**! This is the gibberish blather they are spreading around to account for the egregious wrong decision. They want it both ways.They want to kiss the a**es of those who know FOOTOO (that piece of crap) is guilty as he** and they want to appease the violent white domestic terrorists who will target them for annihilation if they dare do what the right thing to do would have been. Which was to find him guilty as charged!Disgusting. less
Dumb me. I thought Mike Pence was highly regarded by the Evangelicals and delighted with him.Yet they had no problem sacrificing him on the altar of FOOTOO. GONE or almost. HANGED ... moreDumb me. I thought Mike Pence was highly regarded by the Evangelicals and delighted with him.Yet they had no problem sacrificing him on the altar of FOOTOO. GONE or almost. HANGED or almost. A NOOSE WAS SET UP FOR HIM. Where is the outrage from the ever so religious devoted GOD believers? I have heard NONE! ZERO!So much for thinking that at least EVANGELICALS could be supportive of Mike Pence...one of their own.What will I be wrong about again next? Beats me.So I guess Mike Pence will always have a price on his head and a noose with his name on it until he dies.Nancy Pelosi too but that doesn't SHOCK me nearly as much. Nancy has always been "the enemy" right?But MIKE? I wonder how he feels about the terrible betrayal of them. He probably knew all along that FOOTOO would turn on him but he did his job in spite of it. But to have NO OUTCRY from Evangelicals? That must hurt him terribly. less
Pepe started off as a funny fine benign cartoon.For whatever reason FOOTOO (that piece of crap) appropriated it for his 2016 prez campaign ASSAULT on democracy and the extreme righ... morePepe started off as a funny fine benign cartoon.For whatever reason FOOTOO (that piece of crap) appropriated it for his 2016 prez campaign ASSAULT on democracy and the extreme right wingers and WHITE SUPREMACISTS climbed aboard and turned Pepe into a symbol of HATE.The creator of Pepe was not happy but I guess a creator of something has no sovereignty over how it is used and so Pepe was bas**rdized to represent ugly hateful vicious vitriolic demonic devilish evil vile. violent white domestic TERRORISTS forevermore.What would you do if something you created in fun and joy were hoored up and prostituted into a slut?Would you try to sue the bas**rdizers or just leave them alone hoping they would tire of it and move on to something else like say a CRUCIFIX or the AMERICAN FLAG or a Star of David?IS NOTHING SACRED ANY MORE?NO ISLANDS OF SAFETY that some evil crapper won't bas**rdize? How sad is that?Well next the Virgin Mary will be shown as a prostitute. You think THAT'S blasphemous?What EVANGELICALS have done and c... less
Emotion of course which is always brainless.RAGEHATEFEARNot one scintilla of thinking is ever involved in any of them. RAGEHATEFEARThe bottom of the barrel scrapings.OhJEALOUSYENVY... moreEmotion of course which is always brainless.RAGEHATEFEARNot one scintilla of thinking is ever involved in any of them. RAGEHATEFEARThe bottom of the barrel scrapings.OhJEALOUSYENVYCOVETINGMore emotional crap for the crappers who adore admire.No brains to engage. if there were they would never be able to support a FOOTOO (piece of crap).There ya have it.
Many evil people wear figurative veils which they hide behind to entice others. They are vile but they live.What is your focus in life? Whatever it is you will probably encounter i... moreMany evil people wear figurative veils which they hide behind to entice others. They are vile but they live.What is your focus in life? Whatever it is you will probably encounter it. Depends on your perspective, point of view, interests, intellect, curiosity or lack thereof.People are the same all over except those who aren't.
We know the enemies list consists of everyone who does kiss the FOOTOO a** and roll over for him. That is very many MILLIONS.Of course the crazed mob will attack the well-known fol... moreWe know the enemies list consists of everyone who does kiss the FOOTOO a** and roll over for him. That is very many MILLIONS.Of course the crazed mob will attack the well-known folks first but eventually they will get around to thee and me.How exciting are these times? Aren'tcha glad you are living them instead of just reading about them as something that happened hundreds of years ago?
How do we reconcile the two opposites? The vile what mitch did and the truthful what mitch said?Do they cancel each other out? Which has more weight to it?Whatcha think?
Mitch said FOOTOO didn't get away with anything YETThere's no question FOOTOO is responsible for the violence and insurrectionists storming the CapitolHe can still be prosecutedFOO... moreMitch said FOOTOO didn't get away with anything YETThere's no question FOOTOO is responsible for the violence and insurrectionists storming the CapitolHe can still be prosecutedFOOTOO is PRACTICALLY and MORALLY RESPONSIBLE for what happened on January 6It was a DISGRACEFUL DERELICTION OF DUTYNow why did Mitch do that and say those things? To cover his a** and sate the fury of those who wanted FOOTOO IMPEACHED BY THE SENATE?His wife quit the cabinet after January 6. He acknowledged the RIGHT of Joe Biden to take the office of the President. So now is mitch a target too for the crazies who still believe what the piece of crap has told them? They really still think he won the election by a "landslide" and will just add mitch to their list of the hated? Does a noose await mitch too nalong with Mike pence and nancy pelosi?I dunno. What do YOU think of what mitch said? What do YOU think of what mitch did? Is he now a target for a noose too? Stay tuned. See what happens. What could it hurt? less
Everything you see, hear, feel, taste and smell is an illusion and heavens and the earth were created 6000 years ago in this scenario and even where one spends eternity is an illusion.
California National Guard troops enjoy breakfast, provided by House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, in the Rayburn Room of the Capitol. Too bad they were made to eat b... moreCalifornia National Guard troops enjoy breakfast, provided by House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, in the Rayburn Room of the Capitol. Too bad they were made to eat breakfast on the floor.
I recently heard that the 'thumbs up' emoji means "f*ck you" and I was shocked. It's my go-to quick response for almost every text I get! Emojis are hard for me. What does&nbs... moreI recently heard that the 'thumbs up' emoji means "f*ck you" and I was shocked. It's my go-to quick response for almost every text I get! Emojis are hard for me. What does mean? Does this mean dead or you're an angel and innocent?
Howver the FAUX NEWS talking heds synopsize it for them to guide them into how to think what to think what to believe what to ignore that's all they gotta do. Don' read newspapers ... moreHowver the FAUX NEWS talking heds synopsize it for them to guide them into how to think what to think what to believe what to ignore that's all they gotta do. Don' read newspapers and NEVER WATCH ANY OTHER news channel but the FAUX and Friends. They are FORBIDDEN from doing so. Now you know what they learn and why they think what they think when they think.
Soon after Alex Trebek passed away on November 8, 2020, it was announced that several episodes of the game show had been recorded in the preceding weeks, and would be aired ... more Soon after Alex Trebek passed away on November 8, 2020, it was announced that several episodes of the game show had been recorded in the preceding weeks, and would be aired throughout December. It was also announced that no specific plans had been finalized as to replacing his hosting position with someone else.
At that time, I had mixed reactions to the replacement idea. I didn’t even want to look at a screen depicting some schlub deigning to fill his shoes. I doubted I would ever watch any such a thing. Little by little, however, when the names came out as to whom might be selected, I warmed up to it over time. Once Ken Jennings took the stage, I watch every episode and have loved his performance from the start. He shows reverence to Alex Trebek not only on his declaration that he himself knows he can’t replace Alex in our hearts, minds and acceptance as host, but that he can honor the memory by doing a tribute in carrying out the duties.
I am disturbed, though, tha... less
This is what a Gregg Jarrett wrote"Defense skillfully destroys Dems' case against former president. The brilliance of the defense was the use of videotape to exonerate FOOTOO"While... moreThis is what a Gregg Jarrett wrote"Defense skillfully destroys Dems' case against former president. The brilliance of the defense was the use of videotape to exonerate FOOTOO"While the rest of us heard about INCITING RESURRECTION and "they hate him" and CALVARY (not insurrection and cavalry) the FAUX NEWS viewers get this out of it. Never once did they deal with the actual issue for which FOOTOO was being impeached A SECOND TIME. NOT ONCE.Their entire intellectual meals are roadkill. No wonder they are dying of malnutrition. No fresh veggies or fresh fruits or whole grains or beans or nuts and seeds figuratively. None of that. Only ROADKILL. ROADKILL. ROADKILL. They eat every bit of that including gristle and bones and salivary glands and stomach and heart. Can't waste any of it. It's all they got. It's all they got. It's all they got. less
The minds that embraced absorbed believed were neither SANE nor LOGICAL. About the degree of intellect I cannot be certain. I do know that being insane will grievously distort the ... moreThe minds that embraced absorbed believed were neither SANE nor LOGICAL. About the degree of intellect I cannot be certain. I do know that being insane will grievously distort the working of a brain no matter how highly brilliant.There you have it. Millions upon millions upon millions swallowed WHOLE the BIG LIE and still believe it. Will die believing it. They cannot help it. The wherewithall they have is simply not up to it. LUCKY FOR FOOTOO unlucky for we the people.
That variety of soul cannot possibly do what the insurrectionists did and continue to do which is HATE on behalf of FOOTOO. They seem to be all-consumed with it and get off on it. ... moreThat variety of soul cannot possibly do what the insurrectionists did and continue to do which is HATE on behalf of FOOTOO. They seem to be all-consumed with it and get off on it. They seemed buoyant and bubbly and energetic and "with it". Quite happy they seemed to be finally afforded to opportunity to show what they could do for FOOTOO who groomed them for 4 years. He was quite well pleased with them. So much so he told them he loved them and that they were very special people. To go home in peace.Aftermath of the attack.
"WE LOVE YOU. YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE. GO HOME IN PEACE. REMEMBER THIS DAY FOREVER.I don't hear a word of displeasure or criticism or anger at what they did in his name. NOT ONE WORD.Only love and support and acceptance.What a guy. less