Living each day under the control of a CONFEDERATE president is unpleasant to put it mildly., The RACISM the HATE the DEGRADATION OF A NATION in real time is not sublime or fine or... moreLiving each day under the control of a CONFEDERATE president is unpleasant to put it mildly., The RACISM the HATE the DEGRADATION OF A NATION in real time is not sublime or fine or divine. It is UGLY.Can YOU handle the truth? Or must it be perfumed sanitized deoderized romanticized painted?
Which country in YOUR opinion is the CLEANEST PUREST TRUEST MOST WORTHY country? Which of them has the cleanest purest truest most worthy homo saps residing therein?Can't think of one?
For instance, you were born in a particular country, but you have emigrated to/lived in another, or you have lived in another and acquired dual citizenship, or you id... more
For instance, you were born in a particular country, but you have emigrated to/lived in another, or you have lived in another and acquired dual citizenship, or you identify with the country where your parent or parents were born, or where your heritage/ethnic origin lies, or you have allegiance to a country, or you have adopted/been adopted by a country, or your country no longer exists yet you still claim it, etc. Any country or countries that you call your own.
A. Not even once, never.B. Just once.C. Way too many times to remember.D. A few times.E. Why, is some money missing?F. I got locked in here overnight, I think that counts.G... more
A. Not even once, never.B. Just once.C. Way too many times to remember.D. A few times.E. Why, is some money missing?F. I got locked in here overnight, I think that counts.G. I didn’t lock up, I just left. If anyone wants any of this cheap crap in here, they can have it. All of it. H. Two or more of the above.I. None of the above/other answer.
Why or what not? If so, where do you swim and what is your favorite way to swim? I love swimming and being in the water. I feel swimming is possibly the best exercise, because it u... moreWhy or what not? If so, where do you swim and what is your favorite way to swim? I love swimming and being in the water. I feel swimming is possibly the best exercise, because it uses all of your body muscles. I do it both for exercise and relaxation, not to mention fun. Usually do about 70 laps in the lanes. I was doing it at least 4 times a week up until our public pool closed, due to Covid-19. It's indoors and open year round otherwise.When I was a young boy. Dad would always make sure any motel we stayed at had a pool so we could both use it. Not sure if anyone here has their own personal at home pools. less
I have, it was at a fast food restaurant. I was kinda wondering why there wasn’t any urinals too, then when I walked out I realized I had over looked it and gone into the wom... moreI have, it was at a fast food restaurant. I was kinda wondering why there wasn’t any urinals too, then when I walked out I realized I had over looked it and gone into the women’s restroom by accident. Luckily no one came in while I was in there. I believe it’s only happened to me the one time.If so, did you feel embarrassed? Luckily no one witnessed it the time I did. It was slow and empty at the time.
As in would it bother you more if it was the same gender or opposite gender examining you, or does it not make a difference to you one way or the other?I’m a male and have al... moreAs in would it bother you more if it was the same gender or opposite gender examining you, or does it not make a difference to you one way or the other?I’m a male and have always had a male Dr. Though I know some do have the opposite gender, depending on their family Dr. and such. To me it would feel way more awkward if it’s a female Dr.
Or does it matter to you?Sometimes I wonder on it, but I have watched some things about organically grown food. For me when it comes to produce if it has a skin you can’t eat... moreOr does it matter to you?Sometimes I wonder on it, but I have watched some things about organically grown food. For me when it comes to produce if it has a skin you can’t eat, I usually might buy the non-organic, but with an edible skin I usually go for the organic. Your thoughts?
Homo saps have elected animals to public office..animals other than homo saps. They have elected people who were currently in jail/prison to public office. I expect they have even ... moreHomo saps have elected animals to public office..animals other than homo saps. They have elected people who were currently in jail/prison to public office. I expect they have even elected the dead to serve.Whether the dead did as good a job or not I don't know.
I truly believe the adoring worshippers would vote for pumpkina** POSTHUMOUSLY. A write-vote to re-elect a dead man. A vote of confidence that he can do anything..even govern from ... moreI truly believe the adoring worshippers would vote for pumpkina** POSTHUMOUSLY. A write-vote to re-elect a dead man. A vote of confidence that he can do anything..even govern from the grave. Also a show of loyalty. That even death will change a thing about how they will stay loyal to him to eternity and beyond to infinity and back again.
Sez that pumpkina** "should control all DIALOGUE and WHICH DEBATES WILL BE HEARD BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. "Y'all up with that? Down with it? Rolling over in the clover? Why?
His cash cow daddy dearest isn't there to bail him out...long since dead and buried and forgottenNo crooked lawyer to bail him out of any deals he made or lies he told or people he... moreHis cash cow daddy dearest isn't there to bail him out...long since dead and buried and forgottenNo crooked lawyer to bail him out of any deals he made or lies he told or people he screwed or damagedNo hostile foreign enemy to save his bacon since Russia already owns the whole hogYep. Pumpkin is all alone on his own with no one there to save him. All alone on his own and he owns the pumpkin virus as it affects Americans. He owns the economy derived from it. He owns the hate he owns the violence he owns the racism and favoritism and fear and desperation. He owns all of it.So googbye old bean. You screwed up too bigly and badly this time. No one left who could save your a** who would. Everyone says so. You're out there twisting in the wind. less
BAD LUCK of who/whom they were conceived by/born to through no fault of their own. No choice. No say in the matter.The Hobert GOHMERT will force his child to be just like s... moreBAD LUCK of who/whom they were conceived by/born to through no fault of their own. No choice. No say in the matter.The Hobert GOHMERT will force his child to be just like stupid dumb as they come. Any way out? Unless the child is super intelligent and independent there is no way out. NO EXIT.If he/she is INTELLIGENT and INDEPENDENT he/she can break the stupid dumb that shackles him/her to his/her parents and escape to the world of common sense truth logic and reason. Otherwise? Another one bites the dust. less