ENLARGE THE NOSE OF HIS JEWISH opponent in a Facebook Ad. ALLEGEDLY. Then the scumbag took the ad down under charges of anti-semitism! No kidding? Really? Who would take any offens... moreENLARGE THE NOSE OF HIS JEWISH opponent in a Facebook Ad. ALLEGEDLY. Then the scumbag took the ad down under charges of anti-semitism! No kidding? Really? Who would take any offense at that?Sheesh.Are all pumpkina** republicans anti-semitic white racist fascist scumbags? Scratch under the surface of any one of them and what will you find? Dreadful despicable degenerate disgusting. NO EXCEPTIONS? Happy family. Same type. Homogenized. Emulsified.
Do you also know what pumpkina** did Wednesday, July 29, 2020? RESCIND THAT LAW.Then he took victory laps informing all his adoring worshippers and toady sycophants that they would... moreDo you also know what pumpkina** did Wednesday, July 29, 2020? RESCIND THAT LAW.Then he took victory laps informing all his adoring worshippers and toady sycophants that they would no longer have to be worried by lesser housing ruining their neighborhoods with "poor" people living.
When President Reason signed the bill and strengthened it he specifically mentioned John Lewis.
You do see how very low we have fallen do you not? If President Reagan were alive today he'd be at John Lewis funeral.But pumpkina** disrespects everyone and by so doing invites disrespect in return.He not only disses John Lewis he took great pleasure in CRUSHING one of things John Lewis worked hard to achieve.The pumpkina** isn't worth a nail clipping on the smallest finger of the John Lewis Hand. The pumpkin is beyond contempt. less
Somewhere hiding away tweeting or eating or watching Faux news. All the important stuff he does. Oh or he might just take the day off from doing nothing and play some golf. Or he c... moreSomewhere hiding away tweeting or eating or watching Faux news. All the important stuff he does. Oh or he might just take the day off from doing nothing and play some golf. Or he could play with his busybox.
What would it take to do what he wants? Can billybarr force a new temporary law up our a**es and down our throats simultaneously to give the smashed pumpkin what he desperately see... moreWhat would it take to do what he wants? Can billybarr force a new temporary law up our a**es and down our throats simultaneously to give the smashed pumpkin what he desperately seeks above all else? NO ELECTION! I dunno. If there is any way to do it billbarr and pumpkina** will definitely get it done.
He says it was BECAUSE OF THE MASK. No kidding.That is how the "brain" of a wounded animal asks when hit and dying (figuratively).The pumpkin does that every time his a** gets nail... moreHe says it was BECAUSE OF THE MASK. No kidding.That is how the "brain" of a wounded animal asks when hit and dying (figuratively).The pumpkin does that every time his a** gets nailed. HE DOUBLES DOWN.Pretty soon every pro pumpkin republican will have his/her a** nailed to something somewhere and in unison in concert they will use the same ruse excuse. Watch and wait. It's all they know. When you're caught attack. When you're nailed attack. When your lies are revealed attack. Typical average ordinary dull mediocre. less
I didn't feel it in Hemet.It hit with a 4.3Then aftershocks of 4.3 and 3.3. Well we've been waiting for THE BIG ON for decades. A perfect storm have it hit now. Whatever.
What is your favoritest way to "enjoy" one?PieStir FrySoupPuddingHashSuccotashRawGratedBroiledBoiled Deep friedJamButterStewShreddedFrench friesIce creamCakeCookiesMuffinsCupcakesC... moreWhat is your favoritest way to "enjoy" one?PieStir FrySoupPuddingHashSuccotashRawGratedBroiledBoiled Deep friedJamButterStewShreddedFrench friesIce creamCakeCookiesMuffinsCupcakesCoffeeTeaCompoteJack-0-LanternMashedSmashedSmushedpresident
They are probably a different species entirely and were mislabeled early on based on looks.They may be a subspecies that got made crooked twisty deformed due to diseased or defecti... moreThey are probably a different species entirely and were mislabeled early on based on looks.They may be a subspecies that got made crooked twisty deformed due to diseased or defective DNA and were born that way.There is no doubt their brains are atypical abnormal destable unlogical. All of them. No exceptions. And their progeny spawn will be exactly like them and so on and so on and so on. :(
I'm a scairdy cat but also very curious about the possibility that the world is way more than I can see. Here's what I'd try.I'd tether myself to something in this world so I could... moreI'm a scairdy cat but also very curious about the possibility that the world is way more than I can see. Here's what I'd try.I'd tether myself to something in this world so I could go into another dimension but never get lost in it. Always be able to come back to here.I have no idea if that is possible of course. But if it were it's what I'd do. What about you? No interest at all or so much interest you'd not even bother being tethered?
They will spend eternity lying to one another embracing one another supporting one another as their flesh is eaten up by worms and such. They deserve that much. And when all that i... moreThey will spend eternity lying to one another embracing one another supporting one another as their flesh is eaten up by worms and such. They deserve that much. And when all that is left of them is bones let the bones be dug up by ravenous dogs who gnaw on them forever.A bit dramatic ya think? MEAN?A pox on all their houses. They EARNED IT and WORKED FOR IT and DESERVE it. Why deny them their JUST DESSERTS! Put whipping cream on top with nuts and cherries. Why not? What could it hurt? EVERYONE SAYS SO!
Pumpkin boy is filled with joy each and every ntime he can deploy those mystery meat thugs.He thinks that makes up for his being a five-time fake bonespure draft dogers. It don't!
An unknown dame on TV who also quoted Yogi Berra (no not yogi bear)"The future isn't what it used to be""You can observe a lot by just watching"Are YOU an observer who watches?
Get the virus of course.It's only fair and just. Deny it and get it and that will be what you experience for having denied and lied and mocked and ridiculed. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YO... moreGet the virus of course.It's only fair and just. Deny it and get it and that will be what you experience for having denied and lied and mocked and ridiculed. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. Eventually.Keep it up. You really are amazing.
Pumpkin of course. Now ALLEGEDLY the pumpkin who is now in Texas "to meet with Jacka** GOHMERT". I guess he won't meet with the Jacka**! Just as well. Two jacka**es in one place is... morePumpkin of course. Now ALLEGEDLY the pumpkin who is now in Texas "to meet with Jacka** GOHMERT". I guess he won't meet with the Jacka**! Just as well. Two jacka**es in one place is more than bit of enough to take.