Which means every red state GRUB can have only mail-in votes if he she done wanna do it.The pandemic pumpkina** trusts all of them to do the right thing. Period. End of story. FULL STOP.
What else does mousie pouncie not know. GOP HATES truth. GOP HATES honorable. GOP hates fair. GOP HATES EVERYTHING NOT pandemicpumpkina**. I knew mousie was stupid dump but ignoran... moreWhat else does mousie pouncie not know. GOP HATES truth. GOP HATES honorable. GOP hates fair. GOP HATES EVERYTHING NOT pandemicpumpkina**. I knew mousie was stupid dump but ignorant too? Whatta guy. Perfect veep.
Like say cheating on someone or lying to someone or maybe even killing/murdering someone?Practice makes perfect.Imagine being so practiced at lying it rolled off the tongue and nev... moreLike say cheating on someone or lying to someone or maybe even killing/murdering someone?Practice makes perfect.Imagine being so practiced at lying it rolled off the tongue and never hit the conscience at all.Imagine being so practiced at cheating people not cheating was abnormal and unacceptableImagine.
Once you realize what you are doing is NOT WORKING BUT MAKING THINGS WORSEwhy would you double down and keep doing it? At best it's stupid dumb and at its worse it is premeditated ... moreOnce you realize what you are doing is NOT WORKING BUT MAKING THINGS WORSEwhy would you double down and keep doing it? At best it's stupid dumb and at its worse it is premeditated evil and designed to do exactly what it is doing..
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bearFuzzy Wuzzy had no hairFuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzyNo by gosh he wasn't was he?The emperor is naked naked naked as a jaybird.His adoring worshippers see him as cl... moreFuzzy Wuzzy was a bearFuzzy Wuzzy had no hairFuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzyNo by gosh he wasn't was he?The emperor is naked naked naked as a jaybird.His adoring worshippers see him as clothed which is absurdThey stay in a tight herd together 24/7They believe that they are all headed headed for heavenThey are getting hotter and hotter and hotter each dayAs they trudge together on their wayAs they enter what they think are the gates of heavenThey're toasted like a grilled cheese from 7/11Pandemicpumpkina** is there to greet themHow kind of him to leave his golf game to meet 'emHe knows the place well since his whole life has been spent in HE**Together forever forever together together forever well well well well well less
Don't worry your pretty little head. Daddy is here to take care of it. Daddy will make sure you stay safe and secure. Daddy will see to it that no harm will come to you while he is... moreDon't worry your pretty little head. Daddy is here to take care of it. Daddy will make sure you stay safe and secure. Daddy will see to it that no harm will come to you while he is in charge.Daddy dearest has a perfect truth record. You can take to the bank whatever he says and CASH IT. It won't bounce. You can bet your life on it and rest assured you are in no danger whatever. HE IS ALL WISE ALL GOOD ALL TRUTH ALL WISDOM ALL GENIUS ALL KNOWLEDGE.Forget your troubles c'mon get happyThe pandemicpumpkina** insists on it. Demands. Orders it. less
Things will go away. It will go away.Magically disappear like magicMaybe 15 or five or none. Nothing to worry about. We have it under control.It is what it is.Go suck an egg.It's a... moreThings will go away. It will go away.Magically disappear like magicMaybe 15 or five or none. Nothing to worry about. We have it under control.It is what it is.Go suck an egg.It's all the same lame profane inane insane. The words matter not at all. The madness does.
It is being hailed as a DEBACLE for pandemicpumpkina** showing him to be confused bumbling stumbling and incapable of comprehending what he is talking about or even where he is at ... moreIt is being hailed as a DEBACLE for pandemicpumpkina** showing him to be confused bumbling stumbling and incapable of comprehending what he is talking about or even where he is at times. Disoriented is not a good place to be.There was also a not-so-hot interview with Chris Wallace priorly.For his own good pandemicpumpkina** should take a VOW OF SILENCE between now and election day. The DEMS already have tons of ammunition to use against him..all in his own words. Why give them more?
Election time is a few months away. Advertising is revving up. All kinds.The most DEVASTATING ads Dems can run are of pandemic pumpkina* misprouncing words several times and then s... moreElection time is a few months away. Advertising is revving up. All kinds.The most DEVASTATING ads Dems can run are of pandemic pumpkina* misprouncing words several times and then saying them again to erase the errors. Or wandering off into lalaland getting off topic and off off topic relententlessly endlessly and going over "charts and statistics" that he doesn't understand comprehend grasp at all yet insisting on his interpretation. It is at once hilarious and tragic. His own words will do him in better than anyone else or anything else.Lots more clip ahead of the bumbleman. Over 3-1/2 years worth of his style of "presidenting" like a madman.Can billbarr STOP the running of these ads? SILENCE his master? I dunno. Pandemicpumpkina** has no clue what he sounds like or looks like. To him every word out of his is golden and brilliant and wise and genius.Dems will save tons of money because they do not have to pay ad agencies to come up with political ads at all.Stand back and let pandemicpumpkina** talk. That... less
Why do they adoringly worship and obstinately obdurately insist on never abandoning the RUINERS and defend protect embrace be willing to die for them? They are all crackpot wackado... moreWhy do they adoringly worship and obstinately obdurately insist on never abandoning the RUINERS and defend protect embrace be willing to die for them? They are all crackpot wackadoodlenoodles to be sure. What else are they or is it rather what they lack? "If I only had a brain" "If I only had a heart" "If I only weren't cowardly".Welcome to Oz. The WIZARD is out to lunch.
They are polite, respectful and wait their turn.BAD GUYS kick people out of the way, walk over them, destroy them to be first. Question. Why do so many homo saps select and elect t... moreThey are polite, respectful and wait their turn.BAD GUYS kick people out of the way, walk over them, destroy them to be first. Question. Why do so many homo saps select and elect the bad guys to run their world? Anyone?
What is the mechanism within them to trigger that? Survival of the fittest INCLUDING virus and bacteria?Automatic? So survivial is the most important thing at any level of "life"? ... moreWhat is the mechanism within them to trigger that? Survival of the fittest INCLUDING virus and bacteria?Automatic? So survivial is the most important thing at any level of "life"? Change however you must over the generations and centuries and epochs and milleniums?Maybe all life has inbuilt programming we don't quite understand.The virus bacteria superthings are always ahead of us. We are unable to anticipate the next iteration so we can never be prepared for it. Why is that?
What you wish it were.Not interested because you are completely happy as-is and want no lousy liberals messing with you.Interested because try as you might you keep making the same... moreWhat you wish it were.Not interested because you are completely happy as-is and want no lousy liberals messing with you.Interested because try as you might you keep making the same mistakes and would like to try on for size a personality that was more grounded in reality and was an extremely good learner of lessons the first time around?
Did you have a parent or possibly both whom you could never quite please no matter how hard you tried?My dad was awesome great in that regard. Always bolstering me and supporting m... moreDid you have a parent or possibly both whom you could never quite please no matter how hard you tried?My dad was awesome great in that regard. Always bolstering me and supporting me and helping me to feel better about myself. As a very shy child I sure needed that.My mom bless her heart was not quite as kind. I think she just didn't know how NOT to criticize about everything all the time. I could never be or do 100% of anything. I was always not quite there where she expected me to be.I gave up trying when I was 50. If you can relate when did you give up trying to please a parent or anyone that never seemed satisfied or content or happy with your performance? less
If YOU were the very best in the world at something what would you like it to be and why?For me it would probably be something likePatientKindThoughtfulCaringI'm not remotely any o... moreIf YOU were the very best in the world at something what would you like it to be and why?For me it would probably be something likePatientKindThoughtfulCaringI'm not remotely any of those at all but "like to be"? You betcha.AlsologicaltruthfulrealisticThat would be easier for me because it doesn't involve abstract things. How do you measure/test patience or kindness or caring or being thoughtful? Logical is easy as is truthful. Realistic is a little tougher since we see what we want to see and interpret as we need to interpret it to make ourselves feel good about whom we are.. less
You are no longer a CHILD when you reach the age of 18The "middle" years or middle-aged generally 55-65 though that varies a bit from list to listOld Age is generally when you reac... moreYou are no longer a CHILD when you reach the age of 18The "middle" years or middle-aged generally 55-65 though that varies a bit from list to listOld Age is generally when you reach 65 but that too has a little wiggle roomSometimes when you're young you feel oldSometimes when you're old you feel youngWhat is the cause of not "feeling" your age?I expect health or lack thereof plays a large part. But how much does the "mind" have to do with it?Do optimistic people feel old less often than pessimists?Do Atheists "feel" their age more often than the Religious or is it opposite or is that not a factor at all?Do the poor the ill the downtrodden feel older than the wealthyIS AGE ALWAYS A STATE OF MIND? less
https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/360/response-to-coronavirus-health-orders-mirrors-response-during-colorados-deadly-1918-flu-outbreakB**ching about your rights while failing t... morehttps://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/360/response-to-coronavirus-health-orders-mirrors-response-during-colorados-deadly-1918-flu-outbreakB**ching about your rights while failing to acknowledge your responsibilities isn't "freedom", it's adolescence.
I was stationed on Oahu, Hawaii for five years, almost a decade before my arrival, “Hawaii 5-0” was filmed there, and while I was there, “Magnum, P... more
I was stationed on Oahu, Hawaii for five years, almost a decade before my arrival, “Hawaii 5-0” was filmed there, and while I was there, “Magnum, P.I.” was filmed there. Both shows were filmed at numerous locations throughout the Hawaiian Islands during their years of production. Additionally, many other television shows have been filmed there, and many movies also. I now live in San Diego, California. “Simon and Simon” is just one of the television shows that have been filmed here. Its production was many years before my arrival, and I have never seen even one episode of the show, not even in reruns.
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Do you know of any places have rows of roadways that are named after the 50 US capitol cities?Ex: Pierre Boulevard, Sacramento Road, Cheyenne Parkway, Albany L... more
Do you know of any places have rows of roadways that are named after the 50 US capitol cities?Ex: Pierre Boulevard, Sacramento Road, Cheyenne Parkway, Albany Lane, Denver Street, Boise Avenue . . .
Still stuck in his gut or his a**? In two weeks he said he'd show us. In the midst of this pandemic won't you love him even more for canceling your insurance and throwing you to th... moreStill stuck in his gut or his a**? In two weeks he said he'd show us. In the midst of this pandemic won't you love him even more for canceling your insurance and throwing you to the wolves? He only wants to DESTROY what President Obama created. He doesn't give a rat's a** about anything else especially YOU. Silly thing. You think he cares about YOU? Silly little thing. You still love him don'tcha?
LOCK HER UPSEND HER BACKGO TO HE**KISS MY A**You know. Stuff like that. Does it thrill you and chill you and make you all goosebumpy EVERYWHERE?Does hearing one make you go all sof... moreLOCK HER UPSEND HER BACKGO TO HE**KISS MY A**You know. Stuff like that. Does it thrill you and chill you and make you all goosebumpy EVERYWHERE?Does hearing one make you go all soft and squishy inside? Why? What did a slogan ever do FOR you? Don't they usually do TO you? BAD STUFF? REAL BAD STUFF.
Usually it's the redneck white racists who buy tons of guns all the time especially after a massacre because they are terrified that the bugment gubment will confiscate all their d... moreUsually it's the redneck white racists who buy tons of guns all the time especially after a massacre because they are terrified that the bugment gubment will confiscate all their death toys.I dunno. What the heck?