How many of them are liked loved TRUSTED by the people they are paid to protect and serve?How many make headlines for being heroes to the neighborhood? Going an entire career WITHO... moreHow many of them are liked loved TRUSTED by the people they are paid to protect and serve?How many make headlines for being heroes to the neighborhood? Going an entire career WITHOUT ONE COMPLAINT BEING LODGED AGAINST THEM?What you want is the kind of person who doesn't need to subdue but the kind who will LISTEN to you.So where do we go from here? I have no idea.
The KIND OF PEOPLE WHO ARE DRAWN TO THE PROFESSION.They're interchangeable replaceable but how does that solve the problem when the eager beavers are always the same mental spiritu... moreThe KIND OF PEOPLE WHO ARE DRAWN TO THE PROFESSION.They're interchangeable replaceable but how does that solve the problem when the eager beavers are always the same mental spiritual emotional intellectual cloth?The like carrying loaded guns so they legally murder people.Now I am not saying EVERY SINGLE COP IS A MURDERER WANNA BE. I am saying look at the profession over the years. How many cops have murdered or killed because they were antsy in the pansty or terrified and shot first and then rationalized justified later? It's a dependable gig. Immunity from accountability. License to carry a lethal weapon and get away with whatever they do because juries are loathe to convict them.Swinging doors. Merry go round. Hamster cage. All the same. Always all the same. less
Helicopters flying low to buzz the crowd so they would disperseMilitary weaponized marching alongside national guard and copsTeargassing beating rubber bulleting people to clear th... moreHelicopters flying low to buzz the crowd so they would disperseMilitary weaponized marching alongside national guard and copsTeargassing beating rubber bulleting people to clear them awayThe white house is more secure than Fort Knox. With each new day more and more and more is being done to keep the people away. Meanwhile inside scairdy tumbleweed lives his life in dire fear of having to confront deal with talk to listen to "the people". What a pleasant tableau.Is tumbleweed more scairdy cat than those subordinates who work inside or are they equally terrified?It's very embarrassing since we are now the entertainment for the world. They all tune in every day to see what the top clown will do or order done. The joke the slapstick the bizarre the weird the peculiar. They see us and they are comforted because they aren't us. I would be too except I'm one of us so whatcha gonna do?.How long do y'all wanna be the focal point of mockery and ridicule? I am not faulting anyone with all due respect. If I were one of THEM... less
Is that why they seem to thrive on it? Frustrated unfulfilled they need an outlet and legally they are protected so why not beat the crap out of "the other"? What could it hurt? Pa... moreIs that why they seem to thrive on it? Frustrated unfulfilled they need an outlet and legally they are protected so why not beat the crap out of "the other"? What could it hurt? Part of the job to "keep the peace" right?
Her answer to why tumbleweed had peaceful protesters teargassed and beaten so they'd leave the area she saidThe president wanted to go to church.The perimeter was expanded per the ... moreHer answer to why tumbleweed had peaceful protesters teargassed and beaten so they'd leave the area she saidThe president wanted to go to church.The perimeter was expanded per the AGWhen the president says he wants to do something people make it happenIt is said that she regularly lies every time she press conferences. I've actually never listened to one so I don't know if that's true or faux but I suspect she wouldn't last long if she always told the truth. She knows which side of her bread is buttered.I think Sara was the smartest but also the most disdainful and arrogant. The dumbest? Maybe Sean Spicer. One press secretary who came and went never had a single press conference. less
Stock market surges after the murders of unarmed black men.What does that say about our country? That white supremacy is the driver of the economy. That it is what separates us fro... moreStock market surges after the murders of unarmed black men.What does that say about our country? That white supremacy is the driver of the economy. That it is what separates us from the rest of the world. Good ta know.Now after the regurgitating of the bile and bilge Faux APOLOGIZED for linking death with financial gain.As if it matters. As if anyone believes they know they screwed up bigly. They just got a lotta heat and so pretended to be ashame and did the obligatory MEA CULPA. I wonder whose big bloated brain it was who thought to check out how the stock market reacts to murdering unarmed black men? A stat that is super nifty to know ya know? Stock market goes down white racists can feel good about murdering them because as we all know that is what tumbleweed is all about. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY! Okay. Now we know. SIGH. less
I was got to where I set-up just the personal hotspot, then now I cannot find it - don’t know if I might not look in the same place, or it/that feature might of got taken off... moreI was got to where I set-up just the personal hotspot, then now I cannot find it - don’t know if I might not look in the same place, or it/that feature might of got taken off-so I don’t know.
It's taken me this long to realise, that I have an irritating habit of wanting to rush through almost everything.. when I think about most areas of my life, I seem to want to rush ... moreIt's taken me this long to realise, that I have an irritating habit of wanting to rush through almost everything.. when I think about most areas of my life, I seem to want to rush to get to the end.. Reading books, (which I love) the main aim is to 'finish' it so I can move on to another, I signed up to some online courses, I love them, really fascinating, but as usual I feel a pressure to get to the end.. When I do, I will probably go and start some more courses... and do the same thing... Other patterns people might have can be repeating relationships, getting involved with people of similar types. less
Who in his/her RIGHT MIND DARES say ALL when it comes to that or other things?I dunno. Being told by those who know nothing about me or my life that I am anything is SOME NERVE!The... moreWho in his/her RIGHT MIND DARES say ALL when it comes to that or other things?I dunno. Being told by those who know nothing about me or my life that I am anything is SOME NERVE!They don't know the paths I've walked or the experiences I've had or what's in my heart! HOW DARE THEY include me in their "ALL"?
In front of St. John's Church no less chump committed BLASPHEMY waving a BIBLE about as no one DECENT human being ever has. As if he WERE a snake oil salesman shilling and lying to... moreIn front of St. John's Church no less chump committed BLASPHEMY waving a BIBLE about as no one DECENT human being ever has. As if he WERE a snake oil salesman shilling and lying to hook people to believe his lies. A picture is better than a thousand words. He sunk himself at that moment.So allegedly there is a "softening" in support for some evangelicals. "SOFTENING"? After dumbdon committed BLASPHEMY there is a "softening"? Geez. Sheesh. What will it take to abandon the bum for evangelicals? HOW DARE THEY PRETEND to be part of the religious community when every excuse they make for him is yet another BLASPHEMOUS attack on GOD? Seriously folks there is spinach in your teeth and your slip is showing. GET A GRIP. Face up to it. You have supported a blasphemous loser. Cut your ties or drown with him. Your choice. GUESS WHO IS WATCHING TO SEE WHAT CHOICE YOU MAKE? GUESS? less
PhysicalMentalMoralSpiritual(not the same as religious)PoliticalSocialFamilialReligious (GOD not GOD)LiteraryPoeticImaginative Creative InventiveComprehensionCommunicationWhy becau... morePhysicalMentalMoralSpiritual(not the same as religious)PoliticalSocialFamilialReligious (GOD not GOD)LiteraryPoeticImaginative Creative InventiveComprehensionCommunicationWhy because how come?
That sounds teddibly teddibly teddibly familiar.Isn't that exactly the way the tumbleweed feels? Above the law. Life and death power. GET OUT OUT OUT OF MY FACE DAM*ED SPOT OR ELSE... moreThat sounds teddibly teddibly teddibly familiar.Isn't that exactly the way the tumbleweed feels? Above the law. Life and death power. GET OUT OUT OUT OF MY FACE DAM*ED SPOT OR ELSE YOU WILL REGRET IT.Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. A chip off the old blockhead. Birds of a feather plot together and sometimes murder together for kicks. Family idiosyncrasy.
WHAT IF he had that same dream every time he fell asleep? Only each time another former president would join President Lincoln in the importuning? How long would it take for him to... moreWHAT IF he had that same dream every time he fell asleep? Only each time another former president would join President Lincoln in the importuning? How long would it take for him to refuse to go to sleep and he would take STRONG WAKER UPPERS to keep him awake? How long can a sap remain awake before he loses his mind? Once lost can it be found again? The "mind"?
The underground resistance grows larger and stronger every day. It began when tumbleweed won the election surprising everyone and has built steadily since then. Now it INCLUDES for... moreThe underground resistance grows larger and stronger every day. It began when tumbleweed won the election surprising everyone and has built steadily since then. Now it INCLUDES former Republicans who are also growing in number. If you listen closely you will hear the rumblings. Allons enfants de la patrie! Are you now or were you ever a tumbleweed supporter?
He cannot be taught or learn or checked. He is a like an amoeba always changing shape.And as for balance? He would not have been elected president if he were not UNBALANCED.What wi... moreHe cannot be taught or learn or checked. He is a like an amoeba always changing shape.And as for balance? He would not have been elected president if he were not UNBALANCED.What will he do next with the CONSTITUTION? Wipe his butt with it in private on or PAY TV for a price?
Words like truth justice LIAR. He doesn't like 'em so just eliminate them.Y'all don't mind. Your vocabularies are not that extensive and you follow the approved script when you use... moreWords like truth justice LIAR. He doesn't like 'em so just eliminate them.Y'all don't mind. Your vocabularies are not that extensive and you follow the approved script when you use any words anyway so you will never miss them. Can't offend tumbleweed whose vocabulary is virtually non-existent beyond me me me or I I I. Don't want to show him up or have him think you are a showoff at his expense. That will not be good for your future. Trust me. Gotta dumb down bigly when you are anywhere near him or his fink minions who will rat you out in a heartbeat! less
That way the weed will not have to answer questions he hates, read words that he hates and see peaceful protesters coming together in search of justice which he hates and FEARS.Jus... moreThat way the weed will not have to answer questions he hates, read words that he hates and see peaceful protesters coming together in search of justice which he hates and FEARS.Just make illegal and prison-worthy any exercise thereof and PROBLEM SOLVED.Of course FAUX news would be exempted since whatever is said or read from that source is always already approved by the tumbleweed. Also the rush of baw radio show and other extreme right wing racist FASCIST tumbleweed true believers. They know better than to go off the "right" path.Your future. Warning. Things are closer than they appear to be in the mirror. less
Does extreme wealth impart respectability and acceptability on those who have it color notwithstanding?So if we magically made ALL African Americans obscenely wealthy would that be... moreDoes extreme wealth impart respectability and acceptability on those who have it color notwithstanding?So if we magically made ALL African Americans obscenely wealthy would that be the trick that eliminated racism?
To protect and insure that its members are never punished for any wrongdoing they wrongdo. EVER NEVER.Police unions are criminal enterprises that protect the corrupt from being acc... moreTo protect and insure that its members are never punished for any wrongdoing they wrongdo. EVER NEVER.Police unions are criminal enterprises that protect the corrupt from being accountable.Simple as that.So you see why tumbleweed and cops go together like peanut butter and jelly ham and eggs coffee and cream blood and guts guns and roses bread and butter guns and ammo?Contempt for the rule of right. Support of all wrong and wrongdoers. Unequivocally relentlessly AGGRESSIVELY thy will be done. Whatcha gonna do? You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear now can you? Expecting to is well a fantasy. less
CIVILIAN OVERSIGHT is needed to keep cops in check. THEY HATE IT. They don't want no outsiders telling them what they can and cannot do. To them whatever they do was essential and ... moreCIVILIAN OVERSIGHT is needed to keep cops in check. THEY HATE IT. They don't want no outsiders telling them what they can and cannot do. To them whatever they do was essential and no one is gonna tell them diffrunt.Aye. There's the rub.Those who MOST NEED oversight are the ones who are insuring it will never happen. The guilty take the 5th. The innocent have no need of it.Well the crooks don't want no lousy oversight. It curtails their ability to screw us.Alas farewell oversight. Once upon a long time ago we knew ye well and loved ye. RIP oversight. less