Chicken Little SCREAMINGTHE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLINGWhat shall we do? Hunker down in the bunker. The more you hunker the safe you will be. That is what ... moreChicken Little SCREAMINGTHE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLINGWhat shall we do? Hunker down in the bunker. The more you hunker the safe you will be. That is what bunkers are made for...hunkerers.
Y'all ARE CRAZY NUTS for tumbleweed. The rest of the world is watching you. The rest of the world is noticing you. The rest of the world thinks y'all are crazy. Good ta know.
Being prepped massaged and templated to possibly probably eventually ultimately subdue attack we the people?Would they be shocked to see WHAT their country had become since they ga... moreBeing prepped massaged and templated to possibly probably eventually ultimately subdue attack we the people?Would they be shocked to see WHAT their country had become since they gave their lives to keep wars from coming to our shores? Would any of THEM think tumbledweed is doing a good deed transforming the military to be his own hit squad? Doubtful.
For those who are paying attention to the question you do. But you also get this..WHADDABOUT MEN? THEY GET RAPED TOO!That is an ACTUAL response I got to a question about women bein... moreFor those who are paying attention to the question you do. But you also get this..WHADDABOUT MEN? THEY GET RAPED TOO!That is an ACTUAL response I got to a question about women being raped years ago on Answerbag.WHADDABOUT MEN? THEY GET RAPED TOO! Whaddabout it? That is not what the question was about but those who know more than I do about what I want to discuss whaddabout me to death. I have no idea why.First answer the question. THEN you might mention "men get raped too". But don't lead off with that. But people do. WHADDABOUT THIS AND WHADDABUT THAT AND WHADDABOUT THE WHADDABOUT? So WHADDABOUT IT? less
You know WHY they don't answer the question? Because they can't. So they set up a scenario to tackle what they want to talk about instead. Always a great clue that they are not up ... moreYou know WHY they don't answer the question? Because they can't. So they set up a scenario to tackle what they want to talk about instead. Always a great clue that they are not up to the task of answering but they want to play anyway so they chime in with whatever script aganda mantra is the favorite current flavor.Remember when hordes of "the other" were heading for our borders? Thousands of them? So tumbleweed sent the National Guard to the border to protect us.All tumbleweed does is set fires so he can put them out but what he really does is throw fuel on it to keep it going so he can keep showing up to be "the hero" where he plays the role at the moment holed up in the bowels of the white house hunkered down in a bunker because he is terrified of the people so he vilifies them instead of listening to them or meeting with them or engaging with them.Cowardly act of a cowardly homo sap. Again and again and again and again. His adoring peeps lap it up. They can't get enough of his act. Bring it on tumbleweed. Th... less
The height of our aspirations has been reached vis a vis tumbleweed and his racist Fascist minions and martial law being as good as declared? The military turning against the peopl... moreThe height of our aspirations has been reached vis a vis tumbleweed and his racist Fascist minions and martial law being as good as declared? The military turning against the people upon the demands commands orders of an inane insane crackpot? This is it? This is us? This the we who be? Sheesh. Losers.
"....names of 35 men and women whose deaths in many cases at the hands of the police were the result of systemic racism and helped fuel the rise of the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement.... more"....names of 35 men and women whose deaths in many cases at the hands of the police were the result of systemic racism and helped fuel the rise of the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement....Their names are a fraction of the many more who lost their lives because of the racist violence that has been part of this nation from its start."The more things change the more they stay the same.A nation conceived in racism believes in racism promulgates racism is a racist nation. Still. Even now. SAMEOLDSAMEOLDSAMEOLDSAMEOLD.An abomination or a celebration? Depends on what you are what you believe what you value what you embrace doesn't it?On the cover is a painting of an African American mother holding her child. How many African American women have held a child that was murdered for simply being?The death of any child no matter how old is heartbreaking. But the death of a human being due to simply being? In what universe would anyone find purpose in that or meaning or value or logic? less
My entire experience with the police has been almost entirely positive kind good helpful beneficial. The few times I've encountered them are GOOD memories.So here is my question. W... moreMy entire experience with the police has been almost entirely positive kind good helpful beneficial. The few times I've encountered them are GOOD memories.So here is my question. Were the people who used to become policemen and policewomen better human beings? Were they there to help you and protect you as I was told when I was a child? I only have my personal experience to offer.But today? It is so much the exact opposite. When did thugs and mafia infiltrate what used to be (according to me) an "honorable" profession?Of course legally carrying weapons and legally being able to kill someone was always there from the beginning. It took the bums and depraved deviates to begin to enter the profession and change it to just another vehicle to advantage themselves at the expense of "the other".Now if you can find a "good" cop it is probably very rare. The "special" cops who resigned when two of their kind (the two pusher downers of that old man) were suspended did not resign in protest of what the pusher downers did. ... less
Teargas isn't stopping we the people from showing how much we despise him. He has the patience of a gnat and the intellect to go with it so will today be the day live ammunit... moreTeargas isn't stopping we the people from showing how much we despise him. He has the patience of a gnat and the intellect to go with it so will today be the day live ammunition will replace teargas? He gets bored very easily. All mental midgets do. Can't concentrate on anything for very long. When does he pop explode?
In the current universe of living beings (7 billion or so) others will have thought things I think. As outrageously impossible as they seem to be..if I can think them others can th... moreIn the current universe of living beings (7 billion or so) others will have thought things I think. As outrageously impossible as they seem to be..if I can think them others can think them too and make them come to life. Scary thought?I am not unique thinking-wise. Others out there in the everywhere have the same thoughts and come to the same conclusions based on the same verities."You call into your life what you focus on" is said.Well I didn't ever focus on a tumbleweed and martial law and having my life be put in jeopardy because I am and always will be anti FASCISTs and anti RACISTS which tumbleweed has based his entire presidency on.Yet here he is. In my life. WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AND AGAINST MY WILL!So much for that bullsh** crap..." what you focus on you attract to you". Another stupid dumb "profundity" repeated by stupid dumbs for eternity? Babble blather idiocy. Typical. less
Does it protect from every nerve agent or chemical whatever even things like RICIN?Will we the people (the anti tumbleweeds) be forbidden from having access to them if they are the... moreDoes it protect from every nerve agent or chemical whatever even things like RICIN?Will we the people (the anti tumbleweeds) be forbidden from having access to them if they are the only protection?Inquiring minds wanna know.
Other country despot dictators have nerve gassed and chemical warfared their own people. No big deal. You do what ya gotta do to keep the people in their place.Syria I believe as w... moreOther country despot dictators have nerve gassed and chemical warfared their own people. No big deal. You do what ya gotta do to keep the people in their place.Syria I believe as well as many other places. You start with baby steps. Teargas doesn't kill does it? It just temporarily stops people from doing what you don't want them to do. But you see they are incorrigible and teargas costs a lot of money. You don't want to have to keep laying out big bucks to subdue those who are against you so just kill them on the spot and you need no longer worry about THEM. See the logic there?I wonder what kind of chemical warfare tumbleweed plans to use on us? Whichever one it is rest assured he will have a financial stake in it. The more he uses the richer he will become. Who could ask for anything more?Which chemical agent will he choose? Which one exacts the most damage (death I guess) with more pain? Which is most gruesome grotesque cruel evil? That one is his cuppa tea.Y'all can make bazillions of bucks if y'all buy sto... less
Concentration camps of course for US citizens who are anti him and he knows whom we are.It began with the incarceration of immigrants in "camps" which still exist by the way though... moreConcentration camps of course for US citizens who are anti him and he knows whom we are.It began with the incarceration of immigrants in "camps" which still exist by the way though I doubt they are there to extinctify. Tubby is content torturing them so why fix what ain't broke?Now that D.C. is a military zone and we are living under martial law there will be no stopping tumbleweed in his goal to be hitler two too. Now that may come as a shock to those who believe tumbleweed is gift from GOD. But maybe their GOD is not the one we think HE is. It could be a GOD of the underworld the netherworld that "other" place and undoubtedly is.I don't know if any of you lived in another country ruled by oppression and FASCISM and race-baiting race-hating "powers that be". If so you know what lies ahead of you don't you? That's for you to KNOW and the rest of us to find out. Full speed ahead! less
All of them are cut from the same cloth. No matter the 'station" or financial situation. They are identically configurated. Emotion-based they haphazardly stumble from place to pla... moreAll of them are cut from the same cloth. No matter the 'station" or financial situation. They are identically configurated. Emotion-based they haphazardly stumble from place to place following a leader who is no more fit to lead a nation than they are.Day after day it is proven repeatedly. The consequences of wrong is more wrong of course. When did WRONG ever produce anything of value?The only thing of value that will have been achieved will be the permanent absence of tumbleweed. Whe will that day occur I cannot say because I don't know but it will surely be a celebration day! less
When mine was stolen it was strictly to charge things I had not ordered or authorized.It took months to resolve and I personally was never "out" any money but the thief got away wi... moreWhen mine was stolen it was strictly to charge things I had not ordered or authorized.It took months to resolve and I personally was never "out" any money but the thief got away with over $900 of merchandise! Police reports and copies to credit agencies galore. It was a pain in the butt but I learned my lesson. And I was so very lucky. The fake me did not commit murder.WHAT IF my stolen identity had been used to do much harm? To murder for example or do harm in some terrible way a perceived "enemy"? How do you fight that?The Boogalos who pretend to be antifa so they can create grievous harm that will be blamed on others are here and working very hard to cause the greatest amount of grief to their perceived "enemy"..the not thems. The tumbleweed president's devotees and adoring worshippers will do whatever they can to DESTROY those who despise the tumbleweed. They will do/say anything to anyone to advance his goals protect his wants and annihilate those who don't fall at his feet in abject adoration a... less
Do you know when to hold 'em or fold 'em?Do you know when to speak up or remain silent?Do you know when to challenge and when to not?Do you read the terrain before you advance or d... moreDo you know when to hold 'em or fold 'em?Do you know when to speak up or remain silent?Do you know when to challenge and when to not?Do you read the terrain before you advance or do you just barrel in and let the chips fall where they may?Timing. How critical to success is "good" timing?
So far cops have been the major source of awful terrible horrible grotesque DAMAGE PAIN. Then a strain of infection known as white supremacists have snuck in and done their best to... moreSo far cops have been the major source of awful terrible horrible grotesque DAMAGE PAIN. Then a strain of infection known as white supremacists have snuck in and done their best to exacerbate things by making it appear to be the left that is so destructive.All the while the tumbleweed prez looks on with great joy that his handiwork and efforts are finally paying off.Attack the peopleHarm the peopleSubdue the peopleDestroy as much as you can and blame on "the other" over and over and over and over and over againBlame it all on his most hated enemy...the not hims the not hims the not hims. Perfect plan dont'cha think?And the band played on. And so it goes. No one promised you a rose garden. Who says life is fair?. All is fair in love and war and the tumbleweed universe.My way or the highway. My way or the highway. My way of the highway.Etcetera etcetera etcetera. Why promulgate coming together when divide and conquer worked so well for adolf hitler? It works here too. Just look around you. Are you the pro hitler w... less
Could they be brothers from different mothers?The tumbleweed dies his hair and gets implants and sprays himself with orange paint to look suntanned and healthy and hot which he is ... moreCould they be brothers from different mothers?The tumbleweed dies his hair and gets implants and sprays himself with orange paint to look suntanned and healthy and hot which he is not.Underneath all that camouflage and gray hair and pale skin could he be a twin decades removed of DER FUHRER?Same MO. Same supporters. Same goals. Same enemies. Same delusions. Same insane inanities. Same hates. Coincidence? I think not.
What do you personally owe liddlebillybarrroycohn for creating your favorite guy? The one you adoringly worship 24/7? The one you will never abandon no matter what?Remember it was ... moreWhat do you personally owe liddlebillybarrroycohn for creating your favorite guy? The one you adoringly worship 24/7? The one you will never abandon no matter what?Remember it was liddlebillybarrroycohn who gave us a half-a** untrue synopsis of the Mueller Report? That was when his creating begain. His hand is in everything that tubby does. Worship him and make him a saint for what he has done for y'all.Think about it. Without liddlebillybarrroyohn calling all the shots tumbleweed might have been an also was usta be footnote to history!That is the real power behind the king! Liddlebillybarrroycohn..old fat man. More powerful than you knew. Worship him too. You do don't you? less
All along that deep state was bubbling and boiling and keep alive to service a madman.He is the deep state as liddlebillybarrroycohn has created him.Yep.liddlebillybarrroycohn crea... moreAll along that deep state was bubbling and boiling and keep alive to service a madman.He is the deep state as liddlebillybarrroycohn has created him.Yep.liddlebillybarrroycohn created the monstrous tumbleweed president you see and despise.
The mendacious tumbleweed prez has ignored it since he was inaugurated and simultaneously BROKE THE EMOLUMENTS clause. Every day he shows CONTEMPT and DISDAIN for it. The faux fake... moreThe mendacious tumbleweed prez has ignored it since he was inaugurated and simultaneously BROKE THE EMOLUMENTS clause. Every day he shows CONTEMPT and DISDAIN for it. The faux fake phony law and order guy won't fly.
it is because they PERCEIVE cops as being a problem and so we have to correct that!Is he nuts?Every young black man has to listen to THE TALK they are going to get from their paren... moreit is because they PERCEIVE cops as being a problem and so we have to correct that!Is he nuts?Every young black man has to listen to THE TALK they are going to get from their parents. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. When stopped by cops "keep your hands on the steering wheel. DO not move your hands for any reason. Say "yes sir no sir". This pol sez that is all wrong. The young black men have a MISTAKEN PERCEPTION of police due to what they have been told by their parents. Bad parents right?I kid you not. This is the level of braindead politician you guys elect to represent you. Good job. Keep it up. More like him are sorely needed. Right? The more dumbsh** idiots in government the better off we will be. Right. Sure. You betchum red ryder. You betchum. less
The straw that broke the camel's back MURDER OF ANOTHER BLACK MAN BY A WHITE 4 WHITE COPS.First they had to battle being ignored shoved aside and irrelevant due to the vir... moreThe straw that broke the camel's back MURDER OF ANOTHER BLACK MAN BY A WHITE 4 WHITE COPS.First they had to battle being ignored shoved aside and irrelevant due to the virus. That went away (not really...folks are still getting sick and dying but no one cares) they thought there were in the catbird seat again. THEN George Floyd happened. Today is the 12th straight day of protest world wide. They cannot compete with that. Once again they are immaterial irrelevant meaningless toothless clawless miniscule microscopic. What is it going to take?I dunno. Why don't you get the tumbleweed to bomb a country? Try that. He will get attention for that which will put y'all right back in that catbird seat. What could it hurt? Try it you might like it. Meanwhile stick close together so you can pretend you are still fearsome awesome powerful. Why not? What could it hurt? Y'all?in the meanwhile are y'all hiding in a basement deep in the bowels of your home just like the tumbleweed president is doing? How long he will be... less