The military who joined him in a disgusting march colluded with him against we the people.All those including trump who marched in victory of having teargassed and beaten some of u... moreThe military who joined him in a disgusting march colluded with him against we the people.All those including trump who marched in victory of having teargassed and beaten some of us should resign or DRIVEN out of office.We the people need to DOMINATE them and rid oursleves of all of them. It is a huge shame that the world is watching.General Mattis spoke out ELOQUENTLY. FINALLY.
Windows so darkly tinted that other drivers cannot see the driver. Terribly unsafe in my opinion.There are times (often emergency and/ or unexpected types of situations) when we, a... moreWindows so darkly tinted that other drivers cannot see the driver. Terribly unsafe in my opinion.There are times (often emergency and/ or unexpected types of situations) when we, as drivers, need to see each other.
Oh, wait -- there are now driverless cars -- I guess it doesn't matter.
If there were no money and we all bartered service for service or service for products how well would you get along bartering? Bring it on or scary as he**?
Using the military as a THREAT to keep we the people "in line".Obvously he has NO CLUE what the job of the military is or he would not admit such dumb out loud.Yet there the manchi... moreUsing the military as a THREAT to keep we the people "in line".Obvously he has NO CLUE what the job of the military is or he would not admit such dumb out loud.Yet there the manchild continues on his path of wrongs every time he opens his mouth.He is unteachable. By now we KNOW that.Further he has no interest in learning anything about anything at any time. He is never wrong. What he says goes and therefore he is always right. Why learn anything? Of what use would it be since all his needs wants are filled to the brim with him?Said he put some General IN CHARGE. Of what he did not say. The thing is that general HAS NO AUTHORITY to do what the ignorant manchild said he would be doing. NONE! Matters not. His peeps are impressed as they always are with everything donjohnchump says and does. He always plays to them. They are his audience. Host and parasites. less
If any of the donjohnchump carte blanche givers are ashamed of themselves and want to rescind it can they or once given is carte blanche a forever thing?
OF course. donjohnchump is their knight in shining armor..the one they have been waiting for all their lives. He calls the 33% GOOD PEOPLE! Who else ever called them that? Who else... moreOF course. donjohnchump is their knight in shining armor..the one they have been waiting for all their lives. He calls the 33% GOOD PEOPLE! Who else ever called them that? Who else ever will?
The hapless wirless donjohnchump said the governors have to DOMINATE!Why that specific word choice?A subtle HOMAGE to other kinky sex devotees? A dog whistle to them to let them kn... moreThe hapless wirless donjohnchump said the governors have to DOMINATE!Why that specific word choice?A subtle HOMAGE to other kinky sex devotees? A dog whistle to them to let them know he is one of them?
He totally lacks the ability to comprehend. Understand. So everything to him ir coming from inside his gut or out of his arse. There is no info that gets through to him from outsid... moreHe totally lacks the ability to comprehend. Understand. So everything to him ir coming from inside his gut or out of his arse. There is no info that gets through to him from outside of him. Blocked everywhere. Stonewalled brickwalled off from life. Petrified. Marbleized. Cellfree.Whatcha gonna do? The guy is limited to himself so everything he knows he learned from himself. Everything he thinks he taught himself. He is entirely a product of donjohnchump. That's it folks. That's all she wrote.
Meanwhile donjohnchump tweets threats insults as usual. Nothing has changed in his life. He hides out in a fortress and tweets ugly 24/7. Tweets anger rage unconstitutional stronga... moreMeanwhile donjohnchump tweets threats insults as usual. Nothing has changed in his life. He hides out in a fortress and tweets ugly 24/7. Tweets anger rage unconstitutional strongarm intimidation which is what his base DEMANDS EXPECTS ADORES. The rest of us are left up a crik no oars.
He is using all his "power" and "authority" to suppress it including curfews and military presence and national guard presence and pentagon presence and teargassing and beating and... moreHe is using all his "power" and "authority" to suppress it including curfews and military presence and national guard presence and pentagon presence and teargassing and beating and clearing out everywhere for a hotshot photo op.How does this make any sense to REASONABLE LOGICAL INTELLIGENT KNOWLEDGEABLE people? It doesn't. It is a threat to those who are none of those things at the top of which totem pole is donjohnchump.Much he has done has been tolerated. Is there no end to the toleration of his aberrational abominations? No end? No depth?Where are you in all of this? Applauding and cheering and "atta boying" or appalled enraged infuriated with the GALL of it all? less
Would you apologize for the BIG WHITE HUNTERS who go out and murder them?Would you apologize for the ivory tusk hunters who kill elephants just for their tusks?Would you apologize ... moreWould you apologize for the BIG WHITE HUNTERS who go out and murder them?Would you apologize for the ivory tusk hunters who kill elephants just for their tusks?Would you apologize to the rare breeds when you capture them and isolate them in cages to show them off?Would you apologize for all the zoos and the circuses?What would YOU say to the animals you've had as pets?
Work out to build muscle lose fat...jog long and hard to tone that bodyPlastic surgerize to look handsome/beautiful when born plainWear makeup to enhance attract trickWear FALSE ey... moreWork out to build muscle lose fat...jog long and hard to tone that bodyPlastic surgerize to look handsome/beautiful when born plainWear makeup to enhance attract trickWear FALSE eyelashes, fingernails, boobs, butts to appear gorgeouser than they were bornDress up in fancy dancy clothes shoes wraps...designer brand or nothing at all..the better to brag aboutWear eye-catching jewelry VERY PRICEY...Tiffany's anyone?Wear colored contact lenses to change eye color and improve the sight of the bad eyesight folksDrive hot cars to be thought of as hot by extensionLive in fancy domes of fancy homes and travel extensively from pillar to post to brag on itNo. All other animal species are born live and die as what they are. No trying to be other than. Simpler. Certainly far more honest. More honorable too?There ya go. less
It was FAKE AG liddlebillybarrroycohn. He walked the area first to assess it then gave the orders. Tandem two. Dynamic not. The "best" we got? Sheesh. Sad.
A PRESIDENT would not be cowering hiding anywhere. A PRESIDENT would be addressing the nation during the crisis.Cowering frightened terrified little man is just cut out to be anyth... moreA PRESIDENT would not be cowering hiding anywhere. A PRESIDENT would be addressing the nation during the crisis.Cowering frightened terrified little man is just cut out to be anything but what he is. A cowering terrified frightened little man (morbidly obese) little man little man little man little man. A DISGRACE to his race.
The world is his erster filled with pearls.The "mind" of the donjohntrump is twisted and gnarled and pretzelized so anything is possible probably certainly. Anything.What "better" ... moreThe world is his erster filled with pearls.The "mind" of the donjohntrump is twisted and gnarled and pretzelized so anything is possible probably certainly. Anything.What "better" anything do you foresee? A lockdown of the entire country with the donjohnchump military patrolling all streets everywhere as long as donjohnchump is in control? The military lying down rolling over begging playing dead at the command of donjohnchump? Are there no angels out there to help us? No heroes? ARE WE DOOMED? Is this the way the world ends? At least the United States of donjohnchump? At the hands of a madman? less
Or does he thinks it is all divinely fine because for him the BIBLE is nothing but a book like any other book to be burned when so deemed and to be fawned over and lauded when it's... moreOr does he thinks it is all divinely fine because for him the BIBLE is nothing but a book like any other book to be burned when so deemed and to be fawned over and lauded when it's convenient. A whinya** scairdy cat who is a shameful symbol of devotion and loyalty to what? To donjohntrump NOT GOD. No one believes that act any more if they ever did. No one.
I'm 82 and in LA we have a CURFEW. I expect all of you have curfews too wherever you live in the US of donjohntrump!Imagine that? Next thing you know we will be grounded and daddym... moreI'm 82 and in LA we have a CURFEW. I expect all of you have curfews too wherever you live in the US of donjohntrump!Imagine that? Next thing you know we will be grounded and daddymummy will take away all privileges and the keys to the car and it will last until daddymummy dearest decides we've learned our lessons.