The Black Lives Matter (Too) protesters were all PEACEFUL. The thugs who showed up were there to make trouble steal destroy to benefit donjohnchump and the cabal. White Supremacist... moreThe Black Lives Matter (Too) protesters were all PEACEFUL. The thugs who showed up were there to make trouble steal destroy to benefit donjohnchump and the cabal. White Supremacists, underground militas, kKK, Nazi "americans". The ones waiting for the donjohnchump dog whistles to go out and plunder and rape and pillages villages. Why not point them out. The fakeAG spcifically mentioned ANTIFA and other similar organizations (WHITE SUPRECISTS NAZI AMERICANS SKINHEADS KKK etcetera etcetera etcetera. Why did he not mention THEM by name? He also to "foreign" sources. Like Russia maybe?Well ya see the fakeAG is just a doin' what his puppetmaster orders him to do. "I was just following orders". Right. less
Who would benefit from it? Not the peaceful protesters. Violence would sabotage undermine vitiate the whole point of the protests.The left? How would they benefit when they are alw... moreWho would benefit from it? Not the peaceful protesters. Violence would sabotage undermine vitiate the whole point of the protests.The left? How would they benefit when they are always protesting the vicious vile evil that donjohnchump promulgates propagates creates? That would be counterproductive and self-defeating. The left does not engage in that purposely purposefully knowingly. That is not their cuppa tea.So that leaves donjohnchump. He would benefit from violence during peaceful protests most of all. It gives him a reason to BIBLE PROP A PHOTO OP and show how he took control and quelled the violence when in fact he is the reason for it and the only one benefitting from it and the only one enjoying it completely.Now if logic hurts your head too much don't worry about it. Y'all never employ it anyway. Why start now? less
All they gotta do is say "I feared by my life" and that's that!Wooden shoe do that too?Are all insects bugs? Are all bugs insects?Are all cops racists? Are all racists cops?Why did... moreAll they gotta do is say "I feared by my life" and that's that!Wooden shoe do that too?Are all insects bugs? Are all bugs insects?Are all cops racists? Are all racists cops?Why did the chicken cross the road?Which came first the chicken or the egg?
They mouth off mouth off mouth off mouthThey can backlashed very quickly these days. They apologize.Bullpuckey! They aren't sorry they just don't like the heat so they pretend they... moreThey mouth off mouth off mouth off mouthThey can backlashed very quickly these days. They apologize.Bullpuckey! They aren't sorry they just don't like the heat so they pretend they understand. LOSERS all of them with mouths and tiny brains who apologize when they get in trouble for dumbspeak.Ain't they sweet?
Being an AMERICAN CITIZEN, that's what. Being that he can never touch or harm or kill or damage or taint. He will keep trying in that endeavor but he will always FAIL.
Some retired folks he can't touch. They spoke out.The current speaker outer going against him...Big military guy? Of course dumbdon is very unhappy with the job he is doing and he ... moreSome retired folks he can't touch. They spoke out.The current speaker outer going against him...Big military guy? Of course dumbdon is very unhappy with the job he is doing and he will be replaced by Jared the K, jack of all trades master of none. Wait for it. It's coming soon to a theater near you.Also remember he has his BEAUTIFUL daughter Ivanka. That object of desire who has absolutely no interior. All she is is surface. What you see is all you get because that is absolutely all there is. Dutiful daughter stands by her man (papa dearest please love me please adore me please don't hate me please don't destroy me)Whatever he does/says is she is that same thing too. A duplicate minihim with well female features. All surface just like donjohnchump. Dig deep and you will find nothing but empty space filled with hot air.Not her fault. Her DNA from her papa dearest and mummy dear. She had no say in it at all. She was stuck at birth being her and nothing else ever. less
He is far too busy whining instultin attacking and BIBLE PROP PHOTO OPS plus hate rant rave rage tweeting he has no time to do that I guess.He knows his priorities which begin and ... moreHe is far too busy whining instultin attacking and BIBLE PROP PHOTO OPS plus hate rant rave rage tweeting he has no time to do that I guess.He knows his priorities which begin and end with he and him with him more "me" meaning him.MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMENo time to spare creating WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION to put people to work doing something USEFUL. No time to spare repairing roads and bridges, some of which are deadly and will cause deathsNo time to spare talking to protesters about their problems and seeing what you can do to help themNo time to spare presidenting anything anywhere anytime anyhow anyplace anywayPHOTO OPS WITH BIBLE PROPS. It was such a winner he will do it again very soon after having ordered peaceful protesters to be sprayed with tEAR GAS and beating some of them for no reason. Gotta show tough. Gotta be tough. Gotta be law and order. Gotta be hunkered down in bowels of a bunker deep inside a safe room somewhere out there. less
Well the murderer was charged with 3rd degree murder which has been changed to SECOND DEGREE.The 3 watcher cops have all been charged with AIDING AND ABETTING.I s'pose this mean a ... moreWell the murderer was charged with 3rd degree murder which has been changed to SECOND DEGREE.The 3 watcher cops have all been charged with AIDING AND ABETTING.I s'pose this mean a jury trial will be happening. Here's the fear.How many times have cops been charged, tried, convicted of anything versus how times have cops WALKED?The massive protests about the murder has led to the larger issue of rampant centuries old RACISM. It was the murder of another innocent unarmed black man who was of no danger to them as he was handcuffed and on the ground yet they murdered him anyway due to being black. It is a hazard you know. Being black.Finally it has erupted worldwide and THIS TIME PEOPLE OF ALL COLORS ARE MARCHING IN PROTEST! Yes. That is correct. PEOPLE OF ALL COLORS ARE MARCHING TOGETHER IN PROTEST and there have been protest marches in other countries of sympathy but also of people there who were also sick and tired of it.OK. Now what comes next? WE know what comes next and we also think we know the possible ... less
I know it doesn't rise to the level of being murdered.That is the Minneapolis version I guess else why would the murderer and and three aiders and abettors have sunk to that? Was i... moreI know it doesn't rise to the level of being murdered.That is the Minneapolis version I guess else why would the murderer and and three aiders and abettors have sunk to that? Was it done before or was that the first time? I dunno. I expect it happened before. Not necessarily exactly that way but there are other ways to "murder" and have the vic end up dead. Those who kill/murder are extremely RESOURCEFUL you see.
Yet we continue to write and speak as if every word is being received by someone somewhere don't we?Elsewise we just talk to ourselves and write for ourselves and that is kinda wac... moreYet we continue to write and speak as if every word is being received by someone somewhere don't we?Elsewise we just talk to ourselves and write for ourselves and that is kinda wackadoodlenoodly except...well some people write diaries listing thoughts and situations and experiences which I think is meant for their eyes only. I do not this because I have never written one. Mayhap I needs ask.
Or the opposite kind whose every waking hour is spent defending himself because he posits that everyone is out to get him? The kind that employs millions of his minions to spend al... moreOr the opposite kind whose every waking hour is spent defending himself because he posits that everyone is out to get him? The kind that employs millions of his minions to spend all their waking hours defending him because they believe that everyone is out to get him?If the former lucky you.If the latter sad to be your comrade and fellow citizen. SIGH. I KNOW no one promised us a rose garden but a thorn garden made of shattered glass where earth should be and every step causes blood to flow leaving us in excruciating pain? Seriously? less
Will THIS TIME BE DIFFERENT THAN ALL THE OTHER TIMES?Are more of us awake and aware and involved and upset than we have ever been before?We know worldwide there have been sympathy ... moreWill THIS TIME BE DIFFERENT THAN ALL THE OTHER TIMES?Are more of us awake and aware and involved and upset than we have ever been before?We know worldwide there have been sympathy protest marches. We are not alone.
Suffer a humiliatingly enormous LANDSLIDE LOSS and be disgraced.Everyone is turning on him but his base. He will suffer enormous disgrace by the great massive margin of loss he wil... moreSuffer a humiliatingly enormous LANDSLIDE LOSS and be disgraced.Everyone is turning on him but his base. He will suffer enormous disgrace by the great massive margin of loss he will "enjoy"/experience if he stays in the race.The people know this about that. November is not far away. It gets closer every day and every day it gets closer the donjohnchump loses more support by his outrageous doings and sayings. GROTESQUE man. GHASTLY track record. Gets ghastlier and more grotesque each day. Just a suggested out/lifeline to save his a** from the worst defeat ever recorded anywhere! As always I try to be helpful. less
Divide and conquer. Divide and conquer. Divide and conquer. Tell lies 24/7 often enough loud enough and long enough that the gullbiles will pay attention and cross the Rubicon.Whin... moreDivide and conquer. Divide and conquer. Divide and conquer. Tell lies 24/7 often enough loud enough and long enough that the gullbiles will pay attention and cross the Rubicon.Whine moan groan complain play victim 24/7. Conspiracy and deep state 24/7 everything and everyone.The weak mind will be susceptible to any ABSURDITY if told often enough loud enough long enoughThat's how the uninvited unwanted ignored less-than man gets in.If it were not for the weak of mind gullibles he'd never be paid attention to. IF IF IF IF IF IF IF.A very big word. IF. less
Yesterday was the NINTH DAY of peaceful protesters peacefully protesting or trying to.How relevant is the boychick law and order energizer bunny? Not at all. No one pays any attent... moreYesterday was the NINTH DAY of peaceful protesters peacefully protesting or trying to.How relevant is the boychick law and order energizer bunny? Not at all. No one pays any attention to him. He is an afterthought an also ran a wanna be but never was or can be. Talktalttalktalk.
Is there a test to see how sadistic some homo saps be?It seems they are drawn to positions where they can inflict great pain on others. Why not simply never hire them? Oh. Right. T... moreIs there a test to see how sadistic some homo saps be?It seems they are drawn to positions where they can inflict great pain on others. Why not simply never hire them? Oh. Right. The current gubment adores inflicting pain on every level to everyone not of their ilk. Of course. That makes sense. Why hire competent human beings when you can get monstrous sadistic SOB's to work for you? I get it. You do too don'tcha?They get off on inflicting CRUELTY just like donjohnchump...sadist in chief.
How many times has donjohntrump sat down with protesters to listen to their complaints? NOT ONCE.He FIRST RESORTS violence because he gets off on it! He thrives on CHAOS and DIVISI... moreHow many times has donjohntrump sat down with protesters to listen to their complaints? NOT ONCE.He FIRST RESORTS violence because he gets off on it! He thrives on CHAOS and DIVISION and HATE so he forcuses on that and foments that and promulgates that and gets off on that 24/7.He first resorts violence in word and deed. A fightened cowardly man with nothing there to lean on but himself...nothing there nothing there nothing there nothing there NOTHING THERE!
The BIBLE PROP PHOTO OP committed by donjohnchump ANDTeargassing and beating up the Peaceful Protesters to get them to move to leave that space empty to be filled by a trimphant BI... moreThe BIBLE PROP PHOTO OP committed by donjohnchump ANDTeargassing and beating up the Peaceful Protesters to get them to move to leave that space empty to be filled by a trimphant BIBLE waving donjohnchump. NOT ONE WORD about his disgust at the blasphemy. Conclusion?The veep is a LIAR and does not stand up for GOD at all ever when donjohnchump blasphemes.Whatever donjohnchump does/says the LIAR VEEP supports by his silence. So much for devoted religion man. Another SHAM.
Isn't that a GIVEN?Shouldn't that be AUTOMATICALLY embraced believed and acted upon?Those whose allegiance is to a madman are mad as well. Demented/mentally defective. Elsewise the... moreIsn't that a GIVEN?Shouldn't that be AUTOMATICALLY embraced believed and acted upon?Those whose allegiance is to a madman are mad as well. Demented/mentally defective. Elsewise they would never support him. Elsewise they could not support him. Beyondwise upsidedownwise sidewise insideoutwise...crazy admires crazy. Insane worships insane. Crackpot adores crackpot. That's the way it is folks. They admire their own ilk and despise everyone and everything else.
Threats to send the military in to teargas and beat up peaceful protesters is a bridge too far. Doing it for a bible prop photo op to appear to be in charge is ludicrous and scanda... moreThreats to send the military in to teargas and beat up peaceful protesters is a bridge too far. Doing it for a bible prop photo op to appear to be in charge is ludicrous and scandalous and blasphemous! The donjohnchump keeps shooting himself in the foot. He is now shooting himself in the heart. He is very bad shooter but if he keeps it up he will surely destroy himself. In the meantime sit back and enjoy the spectacle.So now the military is speaking up and out AGAINST the lunatic. WHAT TOOK THEM SO LONG? less
Have a firing squad made up of Generals with General Mattis' back against a wall. The execution will be on pay TV with all monies going into one of the donjohntrump bank accounts.W... moreHave a firing squad made up of Generals with General Mattis' back against a wall. The execution will be on pay TV with all monies going into one of the donjohntrump bank accounts.Will you watch as General Mattis dies at the hands of former colleagues on the orders of donjohntrump?