Having the donjohntrump in control of allCovid 19 infections illnesses deathsANOTHER INNOCENT BLACK MAN MURDERED at the hands of white men...this time a cop and 3 others watchedThe... moreHaving the donjohntrump in control of allCovid 19 infections illnesses deathsANOTHER INNOCENT BLACK MAN MURDERED at the hands of white men...this time a cop and 3 others watchedThe first item was awful enough. Now add to that more? How much do we have in store OH LORD? How much more is there for us to endure experience survive? Will we survive the weight of it?Millions of hissyfit tantrum infants demanding their freedom at our expenseWho could ask for anything more?Anyway what's on YOUR COUNTRY'S plate?
He "likes" women for what he can get from them. What is that precisely?He denigrates their appearance all the time. Their intellect as well.The men he compliments swoons over celeb... moreHe "likes" women for what he can get from them. What is that precisely?He denigrates their appearance all the time. Their intellect as well.The men he compliments swoons over celebrates commends admires respects falls all over himself for.He has been know as a WOMANIZER which means he uses them promiscuously disrespectfully wantonlyIs he a MANIZER? He does use some men but never the powerful despot dictator FASCIST leaders of other countries. Them he extolls the "virtues" thereof all the time all the time all the time. He is FIXATED on macho dude tough guy powerful "leaders". I wonder if he dreams about them too?For you men out there in the elsewhere...do you see donjohntrump as a MAN'S MAN? If yes why specifically? less
We now OWN THE WORLD per donjohntrump and per him the world looks up to us admires us respects us adores us. For what? Letting them down? Breaking our word? Undercutting unde... moreWe now OWN THE WORLD per donjohntrump and per him the world looks up to us admires us respects us adores us. For what? Letting them down? Breaking our word? Undercutting undermining sabotaging?That is queerly peculiar if true. A hallmark of donjohntrump's words and deeds. Queerly peculiar.
Are quasi hemi demi ANTI censorship when it impacts YOUR desires YOUR views YOUR "best" interests and ALWAYS pro it when being pro makes it illegal to censor anything your donjohnt... moreAre quasi hemi demi ANTI censorship when it impacts YOUR desires YOUR views YOUR "best" interests and ALWAYS pro it when being pro makes it illegal to censor anything your donjohntrump wants to float out there no matter big a lie it is?Just wondering what ax you have to grind..what fight your dog is in...what script dogma mantra you are ordered to embrace and which one you are ordered to lie about sabotage vilify corrupt damage harm destroy?
Sameoldsameoldsameoldsameold.MURDER OF A BLACK MAN BY A WHITE MAN A COP with THREE OTHER COPS OBSERVING THE MURDER.Well ya see African Americans can only take so much before they E... moreSameoldsameoldsameoldsameold.MURDER OF A BLACK MAN BY A WHITE MAN A COP with THREE OTHER COPS OBSERVING THE MURDER.Well ya see African Americans can only take so much before they ERUPT and DEMAND JUSTICE! They are not SAINTS. They are living breathing human beings believe it or not. Ya want they should stifle it accept it be mum? Ya want they should think they DESERVE it? Ya want ya want ya want ya want?Well if you do then people like you are the part of the problem. Shame on you if you are not ENRAGED that once again murder by cop is going on? SHAME ON YOU. less
He said of solitary confinement the following "I found solitary confinement the most forbidding aspect of prison life. There was no end and no beginning only one's own mind w... moreHe said of solitary confinement the following "I found solitary confinement the most forbidding aspect of prison life. There was no end and no beginning only one's own mind which can begin to play tricks"How many of the hissy fit tantrum babies who railed against "sheltering in place" would last ONE DAY let alone 27 years?They are empty inside. Nothing there from which to derive anything useful. Empty heads empty hearts empty souls empty empty empty empty. Was anything ever inside? Doubtful. They are all superficial. The coating is very thin. Nothing substantial or substantive. I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW. You betcha.No there there anywhere to draw upon to survive.I WANT IT AND IT WANT IT NOW! Really? You are are all weak and incapable of doing what you have to do to survive. You play at it till you get bored and then you EXPLODE.Sheesh. Very unimpressive. That's America for ya. I WANT IT AND IT WANT IT NOW.Sure. less
Do you inform a sexmate if you have an STD?Do you go out about when you have a very transmittable deadly disease?Or are we all on our own and YOU have zero obligation to anyone for... moreDo you inform a sexmate if you have an STD?Do you go out about when you have a very transmittable deadly disease?Or are we all on our own and YOU have zero obligation to anyone for anything at any time?Just wondering.
Personally, I feel that through gradualism, most have become complacent and feel that what mankind is dealing with is normal. Thoughts?https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questio... morePersonally, I feel that through gradualism, most have become complacent and feel that what mankind is dealing with is normal. Thoughts?https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/end-times-prophecy-sign/
Unmasked unsocial distanced unafraid of the exposure and closeness of all the other kids?How does that make any sense?On the one hand they refuse to allow injections for protection... moreUnmasked unsocial distanced unafraid of the exposure and closeness of all the other kids?How does that make any sense?On the one hand they refuse to allow injections for protections while on the other hand they willingly toss their kids into a den of poisonous snakes.Not the sharpest knives in the drawer are they?
He has a very delicate sensitive nature. He demands insists upon requires needs complete agreement else he feels he is being mistreated very bigly very badly and he cannot tolerate... moreHe has a very delicate sensitive nature. He demands insists upon requires needs complete agreement else he feels he is being mistreated very bigly very badly and he cannot tolerate that.Those who walk the line(the line donjohntrump draws of course) will get along just fine with the donjohntrump. Those who don't are THE ENEMY and must be taken down taken out or at the very least SILENCED. His delicate constitution cannot deal with naysayers and TRUTH pointer outers and accusers. They must be extincted antiquated eliminated extinguished. less
Does being politically partisanly vigorously absolutely dedicated to one upping "the enemy" no matter what it takes (which is by the way other Americans) proof of being tough... moreDoes being politically partisanly vigorously absolutely dedicated to one upping "the enemy" no matter what it takes (which is by the way other Americans) proof of being tough brave intelligent?Or is it proof of being weak cowardly stupid?The proof of the pudding is in the eating. To whom can you point as being tough brave intelligent in America?
PUTTING THE OUT OF WORK BACK TO WORK REPAIRING OUR DANGEROUS BRIDGES!Works Progress Administration was what FDR created and I believe put 3 million people to work.The donjjohntrump... morePUTTING THE OUT OF WORK BACK TO WORK REPAIRING OUR DANGEROUS BRIDGES!Works Progress Administration was what FDR created and I believe put 3 million people to work.The donjjohntrump could call it the "Trump Unemployment Solution" or TUS and create jobs repairing the life-threatening bridges.He could strut about bragging bragging bragging bragging and we would all applaud him.So why does he brag about what he didn't do when he could brag about something HE COULD DO?Anyone understand why he seems disinterested in putting people BACK TO WORK VIA EXECUTIVE ORDER?Seriously. less
The stats are all over the place. But one thing is clear. There are TENS OF THOUSANDS of bridges in the US in need of repair. Driving on them is DANGEROUS. One stat said as of Febr... moreThe stats are all over the place. But one thing is clear. There are TENS OF THOUSANDS of bridges in the US in need of repair. Driving on them is DANGEROUS. One stat said as of February 2018 54,000 of them needed repair. Another stat says in April 2019 47,000 needed repair. Another 1 in 9 is in desperate need of repair. One stat says there are 614,387 bridges in the US. Another says there are 612,000 or 614,000.It is an ongoing problem that could be solved but isn't. Why?
Many of our bridges are DANGEROUS and many roads need repair. What is the cause of donjohntrump doing nothing jobs creationwise? Does anyone have a clue? It seems to me that action... moreMany of our bridges are DANGEROUS and many roads need repair. What is the cause of donjohntrump doing nothing jobs creationwise? Does anyone have a clue? It seems to me that action would be APOLITICAL NONPARTISAN and common sense. It isn't happening and there must be a reason. I just can't come up with one. Can you?
Isn't that what advertising agencies do or Press Agents or publicity folks? Shade it so you can sell it?What folks don't know is better for you or for the "product" you're selling.... moreIsn't that what advertising agencies do or Press Agents or publicity folks? Shade it so you can sell it?What folks don't know is better for you or for the "product" you're selling.Don't we all "SHADE" info in our control now and then? So folks with power shade outcomes of their actions or inactions to make themselves look so much better than they really are. The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth would destroy their careers so they aren't going to let than happen. And so it goes. Lies and more lies and then lies to cover up the lies. The way of life now and maybe it was always that way. Getting to the TRUTH? I don't think there's a lot of money to be made in that. less
Unless those "numbers" are audited by OBJECTIVE NON-PARTISAN auditors we can never know the truth.It behooves them to lie about it so they can brag about their "low" numbers.Really... moreUnless those "numbers" are audited by OBJECTIVE NON-PARTISAN auditors we can never know the truth.It behooves them to lie about it so they can brag about their "low" numbers.Really does anyone really care about knowing the truth? Isn't all based on whether or not you are pro donjohn or con?The pros are maskless and apparently fearless. The naked faces are evidently happy showing how much they support him and how little they care about any of those who died, are dying, will die. Different strokes.
There would be a delay in posting and if it were found to be "misleading" or a lie it would never post?Of course opinions based on personal taste would be very tricky to assess. I ... moreThere would be a delay in posting and if it were found to be "misleading" or a lie it would never post?Of course opinions based on personal taste would be very tricky to assess. I might think someone was averagely ok lookswise and you might think the opposite. That would be a lot harder. Or I'd think someone was very smart and you'd think that person was very dumb. Murky fuzzy hard to assess which was truer.Setting that aside outright lies innuendos conspiracy theories based on nothing but the desire to harm others would simply never see the light of day. Never happen of course unless/until the Internet becomes all-knowing.Just a thought a wish a "wouldn't it be loverly?" less
EDIT:When using "Google" browser, the videos would not play.
I then tried Firefox, and all the videos playedThat's never happened to me as far as Google and posted videos on ... moreEDIT:When using "Google" browser, the videos would not play.
I then tried Firefox, and all the videos playedThat's never happened to me as far as Google and posted videos on this site. Oh, well. I'll go to Firefox, I guess, when I need to watch and / or post videos -- heck, that's all I do, though, on answerMug -- post videos! Ha!
Naked faces arrogantly out and about attracting attention...not the good kind.Different strokes. They are not respectful of others. Not trustworthy. My way or the highway folks. Ho... moreNaked faces arrogantly out and about attracting attention...not the good kind.Different strokes. They are not respectful of others. Not trustworthy. My way or the highway folks. How long will they last do you think?
Go out and live your lives to the fullest however the he** ya want. Let the chips fall where they may.Your parents you your mate your kids. SO WHAT SO WHAT SO WHAT?
Any of you have parents who are racists and you aren't? How'd you escape it?Any of start off not being racists but turned for whatever reason? Your mate was racist? Your boss was r... moreAny of you have parents who are racists and you aren't? How'd you escape it?Any of start off not being racists but turned for whatever reason? Your mate was racist? Your boss was racist? Your friend was racist. So you became one too. Is it really that easy to from what you were to that you?
What in the he** is wrong with those particular racists? Would they rather die than that an Asian AMERICAN help them live?Talk about crackpot wackadoodle noodle.THE VIRUS CAME TO N... moreWhat in the he** is wrong with those particular racists? Would they rather die than that an Asian AMERICAN help them live?Talk about crackpot wackadoodle noodle.THE VIRUS CAME TO NEW YORK FROM EUROPE YOU DINGBATS! It hit the west coast from China. LOOK AT A MAP FOR GOODNESS SAKES. GET A GRIP. THINK! Out of your wheelhouse right? Not in your arsenal of weapons? THINKING IS MIA? No surprise.
Is truth once again expendable? If a license holder does nothing but transmit lies and fake conspiracies and insults and attacks and defames as it's basic format why does the FCC c... moreIs truth once again expendable? If a license holder does nothing but transmit lies and fake conspiracies and insults and attacks and defames as it's basic format why does the FCC continue to allow it to operate? FAUX News should be dead in the water. So too should anything coming from the fingers or mouths or gut or butt of donjohntrump. It shouldn't matter what the source or the packaging is. CONTENT should matter. Why doesn't it?Have they no DECENCY?
Because donjohntrump pulls that out of his butt every time he can't get his way. He does it immediately and does not wait for the ballot box or election time.Y'all say we the peopl... moreBecause donjohntrump pulls that out of his butt every time he can't get his way. He does it immediately and does not wait for the ballot box or election time.Y'all say we the people have it when we vote. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. When we have to WAIT months or years to use it and the donjohmtrump pulls it out of his butt at will whenever there is no equity or fairness. We have to level the playing field that WE THE PEOPLE OWN AND PAY FOR. The donjohntrump is a temporary hire. We the people are forever.Either he waits or we don't wait.We can call it whatever you like. WE THE PEOPLE ACTION. WEPA. After all donjohntrump is an EMPLOYEE of we the people. He is nothing more and never can be. HE WORKS FOR US (hahahahahahahahahaha). Allegedly. We know he works always and forever only for himself in reality. But he took an oath that said otherwise. I know. Once again he lied. No surprise there. He has never lived up to that oath. Never had any intention of doing so..Well two can play that game little man. WE THE PEO... less