A CABAL is a group of people with a specific special nature. It is distinct and different from a group of people and that is why it is called a CABAL.Now you may be part of a Cabal... moreA CABAL is a group of people with a specific special nature. It is distinct and different from a group of people and that is why it is called a CABAL.Now you may be part of a Cabal. It is not an epithet or a critique. It is a statement.Being upset about something when you don't really know what it means seems weird odd bizarre peculiar and queer. Don'tcha think?
a) Complimentsb) Seeing someone wearing revealing clothingc) When person whom I find attractive talks to med) Off-color or outwardly dirty jokese) When I hear or read vulgar... more
a) Complimentsb) Seeing someone wearing revealing clothingc) When person whom I find attractive talks to med) Off-color or outwardly dirty jokese) When I hear or read vulgar or profane words, especially in unexpected situationsf) When I do something silly or stupidg) When I see someone do something silly or stupidh) When I think of something naughty, especially in circumstances where I shouldn’t be thinking that wayi) When I am called upon to speak in front of others or perform some type of demonstrationj) When I’m caught in a lie or other transgressionk) Nothing; I’ve never blushed in my entire lifel) Two or more of the above, specifically ___________
m) None of the above, but a different reason, specifically _______________
Naw. They don't have the "right stuff" to be grateful appreciative thoughtful humane. Eventually will they finally get it or will they die never understanding any of it?
We would. I have THREE fridges filled with food I've made and frozen. I have cupboards full as well. We might have lacked fresh fruits/veggies/milk/eggs but we would have survived ... moreWe would. I have THREE fridges filled with food I've made and frozen. I have cupboards full as well. We might have lacked fresh fruits/veggies/milk/eggs but we would have survived for a very long time. Would you?
He connects the Covid 19 worst sufferers with the violence that afflicts the African Americans.Would you dare to do that under the current political situation where the don of john... moreHe connects the Covid 19 worst sufferers with the violence that afflicts the African Americans.Would you dare to do that under the current political situation where the don of johns is ever watchful as are his millions of minions?Returning hate for hate multiplies hate. Per the New York Guv. True and isn't that what we all do every day in every way we can? We don't return the hate we get with love ordinarily normally typically. Per the don of johns we DOUBLE DOWN and return double the hate.Eventually it will destroy us. The don of johns believes that is a winning stategy. It's worked for him so far. What fix what ain't broke? less
Those who LEGITIMATELY mourn an unnecessary death have nothing to gain by setting fires or smashing windows or looting or smashing anything.Another element showed up to POUNCE on t... moreThose who LEGITIMATELY mourn an unnecessary death have nothing to gain by setting fires or smashing windows or looting or smashing anything.Another element showed up to POUNCE on the opportunity. Is it a planned mob with instructions of what to do or are they just individual opportunists there to see what they can steal for themselves under the guise of emotional pain? I don't know. Do you?
"We did not have all the evidence we needed to bring any charges".We have MULTIPLE VIDEOS OF ALL ANGLES OF THE MURDER.WHAT MORE EVIDENCE WAS NEEDED? WE WERE ALL WITNESSES. THOSE ON... more"We did not have all the evidence we needed to bring any charges".We have MULTIPLE VIDEOS OF ALL ANGLES OF THE MURDER.WHAT MORE EVIDENCE WAS NEEDED? WE WERE ALL WITNESSES. THOSE ON SCENE NOT ONLY WITNESSED BUT HEARD THE MURDER VICTIM'S PLEAS AS HE LAY DYING "I CAN'T BREATHE"5 minutes in the victim stops moving. A full 2 minutes 53 seconds passes while the knee-in-neck MURDERER continues to press down on a dead body with his knee. One cop was standing up watching. Two were down on the ground holding down the legs of the murder victim. So he wouldn't twitch as he died? I've heard that dead frogs twitch awhile after they die. Do dead humans also have after death body twitches? Involuntarily of course.Also a jacka** (possibly the same one) said earlier "there was evidence that it was not a criminal event". Really. What was it and why haven't we seen it?More automatic cover the cop a** while you rig some half-vast defense? Well it didn't work this time. less
Mkght as well middle finger others. More naked faces on display PROUDLY as times goes by.No one promised you a rose garden. You know folks don't give a rat's a** about others. Look... moreMkght as well middle finger others. More naked faces on display PROUDLY as times goes by.No one promised you a rose garden. You know folks don't give a rat's a** about others. Look how they drive for goodness sakes! ROAD HOGS who are oblivious to anyone else being there. It is all about them only them no one but them.Natcherly. That's what they're doin. "Doin' a what comes natcherly". Natcherly.
I know the don of many johns has many more tricks up his sleeve.More than one batter at bat (illegal you say?)Multiple batters ON DECKMore batters standing in line waiting for time... moreI know the don of many johns has many more tricks up his sleeve.More than one batter at bat (illegal you say?)Multiple batters ON DECKMore batters standing in line waiting for time to shine or whine or dine..whateverJust wait for the show. He has only just begun. Dam* the torpedoes? Full steam ahead? Arm the torpedos? Full steam ahead? Steam the torpedoes. Full dam* ahead? All of the above simultaneoulys to create more calamity?What's a day without chaos worth? Nuttin' hunny.
The LINCOLN PROJECT is a group of anti-don of johns Republicans. Allegedly Mark the zuck of berg took down an anti don of johns ad from FB created by THE LINCOLN PROJECT. FAVORITIS... moreThe LINCOLN PROJECT is a group of anti-don of johns Republicans. Allegedly Mark the zuck of berg took down an anti don of johns ad from FB created by THE LINCOLN PROJECT. FAVORITISM?The same mark of zuck and berg who maintains it is not the job of any social site to monitor the content of the posting for insult or lies or virulent ads? That mark of zuck and berg? I thought he was supposedly smart. NOT. That "logic" doesn't work for me partisan as it is and so very EXTREME RIGHT WING. It might work for the zuck of berg and his ilk. Disappointing but oh well.Hey maybe the mark of zuck and berg is bucking and winging to get a job in the don of johns gubment. What would be a good fit? Secretary of HYPOCRITE? Sheesh. less
Let the don of so many johns EXECUTIVE ORDER them out of business. He will concomitnantly be out of business too he has clue about that since he can't think ahead.Totally obtusely ... moreLet the don of so many johns EXECUTIVE ORDER them out of business. He will concomitnantly be out of business too he has clue about that since he can't think ahead.Totally obtusely obliviously the results of his actions. It insulates him from using brakes you see so he can do anything he wanna do at any time and he do do it. If he could foresee results consequences it might hinder him from his quest of indulging his every whim and so on he rolls obtuse and of course entirely totally completely foreverly BLAMELESS. less
Individuals groups companies. All work against him and want him to fail. Every day he targets more who find him despicable. Odd that he is prez then isn't it? If EVERYONE and EVERY... moreIndividuals groups companies. All work against him and want him to fail. Every day he targets more who find him despicable. Odd that he is prez then isn't it? If EVERYONE and EVERYTHING works against him because they despise him how the he** did he get to be prez?Oh right. IT WAS RIGGED.
Natural disaster! Earthquakes, torrential rains causing flooding, hurricanes, tornados, mudslides TSUNAMI's and to top it off something heading straight for us hurtling at us from ... moreNatural disaster! Earthquakes, torrential rains causing flooding, hurricanes, tornados, mudslides TSUNAMI's and to top it off something heading straight for us hurtling at us from outer space.It could be worse I guess. It will be. Stay tuned. Coming to your neighborhood any day now.
Volunteer at HABITAT FOR HUMANITY and build homes for the homeless with that energy.Volunteer at food banks or homeless shelters or old people's homes or cancer wards in Children's... moreVolunteer at HABITAT FOR HUMANITY and build homes for the homeless with that energy.Volunteer at food banks or homeless shelters or old people's homes or cancer wards in Children's Hospitals.I don't get it. There are OPTIONS that are good positive hopeful helpful.Why do the saps in homos always go for the bad the negative the hopeless the harmful? DEFECTIVE species.
"I can't breathe". Well we heard that before as Eric Garner lay dying. So it's nothing new. Isn't that the point of putting a knee on a neck and pressing in? Why else do it?Ever ha... more"I can't breathe". Well we heard that before as Eric Garner lay dying. So it's nothing new. Isn't that the point of putting a knee on a neck and pressing in? Why else do it?Ever have the breath knocked out of you? Ever gasp for air and think you might die?I have. As a kid I slipped and fell in the bathtub and hit my side on the edge of the tub. I do not remember a time I was MORE TERRIFIED. I have been in more pain but this was beyond pain. It passed after what seemed hours but was probably a minute or so.Almost 8 minutes of trying to breathe and ending up not breathing at all for the newest victim of murder by cop. That cannot be painless. A very bad sad way to die. less
Kneeing crushing or smothering. I betcha some copycat murderers will emulate the knee-in-neck murderer. SIGH> A new wave of crushed windpipe dead will spread over the nation.
Was he terrified of what a dead man might do to him? Or was he enjoying what he was doing so much he got carriied away by the ecstasy of the physical delightful sensation? Who know... moreWas he terrified of what a dead man might do to him? Or was he enjoying what he was doing so much he got carriied away by the ecstasy of the physical delightful sensation? Who knows? Ask him.
In word and deed the don of many many johns exhibit DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE to anyone and anything that doesn't not accrues all benefits to him. And his cohorts cabal support that so... moreIn word and deed the don of many many johns exhibit DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE to anyone and anything that doesn't not accrues all benefits to him. And his cohorts cabal support that so in effect DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE is the basic script mantra dogma BIBLE of the Republican party as so transformed by the don of many many johns. Are they all guilty of third degree murder figuratively? Mebbe.
He make all the necessary preparation for DORAL to be the site of the Republican Convention.Wanna bet he don't won't? That's big money in his pocket. Really think he can or will pa... moreHe make all the necessary preparation for DORAL to be the site of the Republican Convention.Wanna bet he don't won't? That's big money in his pocket. Really think he can or will pass that up?
The don of many johns ADMIRED the "good people who were just very angry" who protested for their freedom in Michigan. A big thumbs up to them from the don of many johns.Contrasted ... moreThe don of many johns ADMIRED the "good people who were just very angry" who protested for their freedom in Michigan. A big thumbs up to them from the don of many johns.Contrasted with his thumbs down for the "thugs" who were protesting the loss of life (MURDER) in Minneapolis.Gee he values FREEDOM more than he values LIFE? What kind of cockamami depraved perverted jacka** is he anyway?