A CHESSMASTER takes on everyone. A CHESSMASTER can play multiple games at a time and keep track of all lof them.No one can beat a CHESSMASTER but another CHESSMASTER.None of the pi... moreA CHESSMASTER takes on everyone. A CHESSMASTER can play multiple games at a time and keep track of all lof them.No one can beat a CHESSMASTER but another CHESSMASTER.None of the pieces has a life of its own. All of the pieces are dependent upon the whims of the player.Of course you know where I'm going with this.How masterful a CHESSMASTER is the powers that be in your opinion? So far no one has bested IT. This CHESSMASTER IS QUEERLY PECULIAR. One of a kind. Plays by its own rules and forces those upon all opponents. The rulles keep changing to keep all opponents off balance. Will it take an EQUALLY QUEERKY PECULIAR chessmaster to best IT?If you were a betting person on whom would you place your bet? The devil we know or the yet-to-be unknown devil we don't? less
Not only do they rationalize and justify it they advertise promulgate the virtues of it.They become advocates for it and the most effective among them proselytize and gain converts... moreNot only do they rationalize and justify it they advertise promulgate the virtues of it.They become advocates for it and the most effective among them proselytize and gain converts for "the cause"..Is that a defect a condition a tragedy? Being puppets of madmen?During the Second World War in France there were collaborators. The Vichy government sucked up to the Nazis and did their bidding and turned on their own country's citizens. Betrayers traitors they were.What causes this to occur? Some die fighting against it while others become part of it.A defect of nature or nurture? less
I wanted to be a "grown up" so I could do what I wanted to do...not what I was told I should do or could do.But not all of us are alike. Apparently some children grow up and still ... moreI wanted to be a "grown up" so I could do what I wanted to do...not what I was told I should do or could do.But not all of us are alike. Apparently some children grow up and still NEED/WANT/REQUIRE being told what they can/cannot do or think or say. That's why there are groups of like-minded ilk with strict rules. Political parties are among the most notorious of the genre. Also hate groups. I mean you can't be a good Nazi and love humankind without exception. Your hates have got to be in line with the philosophy of the group.So kids do what they are told to do. Many adults do too. Extended childhood or arrested development?Some or possibly many grownups do what they are told to do to believe in to espouse and luxuriate in it. They are just old kids aren't they? Never grew up to decide for themselves but immediately got sucked into some group that told them what they could/could not do/think/say. The "leaders" are the parents with strict rules that you will follow if you know what's good for you.And so it goes. less
Can anyone/everyone be BRAINWASHED?If the information is repeated often enough will it sink in soak in an become the "truth" for the brainwashable among us?What causes so many to b... moreCan anyone/everyone be BRAINWASHED?If the information is repeated often enough will it sink in soak in an become the "truth" for the brainwashable among us?What causes so many to be docile and easily led? What need is it within them to subject themselves to the control of others? Are they lost on their own and NEED others to guide them?
Both Trump and Pence made their way down to Florida to generate enthusiasm for this space launch. Mother Nature, being a Democrat, decided to screw up the weather.
IT is so busy tweeting and watching FAUX cable TV and eating burgers in his jammies in bed and playing golf he has NO TIME to pay attnetion to anything else. The IT main directive ... moreIT is so busy tweeting and watching FAUX cable TV and eating burgers in his jammies in bed and playing golf he has NO TIME to pay attnetion to anything else. The IT main directive now? DESTROY TWITTER. Why? Why do you think? Why does IT destroy anything? Because it/they do not lie down beg roll over and play dead. Why Else?
Are y'all as BORED and INDIFFERENT to the numbers as is IT (the powers that be"? Don't bother you with facts because your fantasy is sufficient? Okay. Whatever you say.
For their AUDACITY to label his postings "MISLEADING". They could have labeled them LIES.Anyhoo does that sit well with YOU? Does IT have the right to demand everyone everywhere ag... moreFor their AUDACITY to label his postings "MISLEADING". They could have labeled them LIES.Anyhoo does that sit well with YOU? Does IT have the right to demand everyone everywhere agree with IT OR ELSE?
I have one "baby" sister (she's 75) and I adore her. But I always wanted an older brother and I wonder if I had had one how we would have gotten along in old age.Why did I want one... moreI have one "baby" sister (she's 75) and I adore her. But I always wanted an older brother and I wonder if I had had one how we would have gotten along in old age.Why did I want one? Well I was very shy and introverted and I always though an older brother could help me through the awkward stages of childhood. A shining night in armor who'd always look out for me. I expect that is what older brother are obligated to do aren't they? And not just when you're a kid but your entire life right?
Prison for life? 15 years? Two months? Free as a bird to fly away to another somewhere and get hired on as a cop again and again and again?When a cop MURDERS an innocent civilian d... morePrison for life? 15 years? Two months? Free as a bird to fly away to another somewhere and get hired on as a cop again and again and again?When a cop MURDERS an innocent civilian doesn't he/she give up any rights to be a cop futurely?
The powers that be (IT) will now spend oodles of time trolling Twitter. Sit back relax and enjoy the show.What else does IT (powers that be) have to do but tweet eat play golf? Sin... moreThe powers that be (IT) will now spend oodles of time trolling Twitter. Sit back relax and enjoy the show.What else does IT (powers that be) have to do but tweet eat play golf? Since IT is inhuman IT requires no sleep.Watch the trolling rolling rolling rolling! Twitter will be lit up by IT and ITS 80 million adoring worshippers. Might the weight make Twitter crash and burn? I dunno. I don't tweet nor Twitter. That's not my cuppa tea.Still and all fun ahead amidst the tragedy the carnage the deaths. Fun ahead. Focus on that. How will IT shoot ITSELF in the foot today? Tomorrow? All ITS tomorrows? Stay tuned. What could it hurt. Everyone say so. That I can tell you! :) less
Yep. The powers that be tweeted or re vile ugly lies and the widower of the person involved in that lying SOB"s tweet wrote an impassioned letter to the head of Twitter BEGGING him... moreYep. The powers that be tweeted or re vile ugly lies and the widower of the person involved in that lying SOB"s tweet wrote an impassioned letter to the head of Twitter BEGGING him to remove the two vile cruel evil scurrilous tweets that hurt the family VERY DEEPLY.The Twitter guy refused to remove them but said he would flag them as being misleading! EVEN BETTER!It leaves the lies intact and the spreader of ITS specific brand of poopy manure exposed out in the open and then nails IT (the powers that be) by flagging it as MISLEADING!This will occupy IT the rest of ITS life. It will tweet about that and and that will be tagged MISLEADING and IT will rebut that and that will be labeled MISLEADING so IT (the powers that be) will be consumed with his busybox of rebuttals. Wouldn't that be supersplendid loverly? Carry on IT. Tweet all ya want and lie all ya want in those tweets. YOU WILL BE NAILED FOR IT EACH TIME. A loverly round robin of circular. Running faster and faster like any other hamster in place and gettin... less
We will let all fires burn themselves out naturally unhindered by human interaction We will be weeded out by Covid 19 and fewer and fewer and fewer and fewer of us will remain. In ... moreWe will let all fires burn themselves out naturally unhindered by human interaction We will be weeded out by Covid 19 and fewer and fewer and fewer and fewer of us will remain. In the end we are done in by a virus the OPEN WIDE cabal focused on and ignored as being hoaxy jokesy at first then inconsequential when they figgered it out. How smart are they? NOT AT ALL. A few cards short of a full deck and not the sharpest knives in the drawer. We were led by the dullest of the dull and the stupid dumbest to boot. What rotten luck!So once upon a time in the long ago on a carved marble slate it reads that the ideal population of the planet is 500,000.Currently over 7 billion population or around about that think we could get way way way down down down to that IDEAL as COVID 19 and its relatives wipe us out because we were too stubborn defiant hostile arrogant to think we were not invincible?I dunno. Doesn't look good. I could be wrong. I could be right. less
Where would your weather be when you hit PAUSE?The rest of the day would proceed as usual only the weather would not change. It would stay at your PERFECT all day.I know for others... moreWhere would your weather be when you hit PAUSE?The rest of the day would proceed as usual only the weather would not change. It would stay at your PERFECT all day.I know for others it would not be PERFECT. Could we find a way where they would be deluded into thinking it was PERFECT too, just for that one day?
And so far every single time you have been found wrong. IT always comes back no matter what awful IT spreads infects disseminates propagates promulgates creates. IT ALWAYS CO... moreAnd so far every single time you have been found wrong. IT always comes back no matter what awful IT spreads infects disseminates propagates promulgates creates. IT ALWAYS COMES BACK.Odd? Mysterious? Magical? EVIL?
His adoring worshippers will say "RESIGNING". This question is not intended for only for NOT THEM.Blow up the home one of his thousands enemes?Put out a HIT CONTRACT on someone he ... moreHis adoring worshippers will say "RESIGNING". This question is not intended for only for NOT THEM.Blow up the home one of his thousands enemes?Put out a HIT CONTRACT on someone he fears/despises? Abuse verybally and physically his most hated "enemies" and make Melania and Barron watch/listen?How low low low can IT go? Beyond your imagination?
Apparently IT (the powers that be) believes wearing a mask is a sign of weakness.Do you agree? Are you a cowardly mask wearer and brave naked face 24/7? Your children too and your parents?
The powers that be (aka IT) pardons all of them. Don't talk to me about legality. IT does whatever IT wants and legal is irrelevant. It ALWAYS HAS BEEN thus far and will not change... moreThe powers that be (aka IT) pardons all of them. Don't talk to me about legality. IT does whatever IT wants and legal is irrelevant. It ALWAYS HAS BEEN thus far and will not change any time soon.ORThe fake AG liddlebillybarrroycohn will determine that NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED and the 4 cops will get their jobs back and life will go on as before.Don't talk to me about fake AG liddlebillybarrroycohn not having that legal authority. Both the fake AG liddlebillbarrroycohn AND the powers that be (aka IT) middle finger the law. rules, protocol, tradition and what is RIGHT as well as The Constitution. Been doing so all along without a hitch or a glitch. No reason to ASSUME it won't continue worsely and morely and surely futurely.So which "fix" do you like better? less
Is IT a fan of any team and knowledgeable about the team members stats excellence or lack thereof?Besides ITself (the art of the deal ghostwritten by someone else) and "the Bible" ... moreIs IT a fan of any team and knowledgeable about the team members stats excellence or lack thereof?Besides ITself (the art of the deal ghostwritten by someone else) and "the Bible" does IT have a favorite author and/or book or poet or actor or anything/anyone other than ITself?Is IT what IT appears to be? A 24-7 self-aggrandizing self-interested selfish entity?Would IT sacrifice ITS life to save another? Would you?