At its heart, QAnon supporters believe that a secretive network of deep state government officials, Democratic politicians, and liberal elites are running an international pedophil... moreAt its heart, QAnon supporters believe that a secretive network of deep state government officials, Democratic politicians, and liberal elites are running an international pedophile ring and conspiring to bring down President Trump because he’s close to bringing them to justice.
Aren't we supposed to be honoring/remembering those who died in wars? And those of our loved ones who are no longer here because they have "moved on"?Any excuse for a celebration o... moreAren't we supposed to be honoring/remembering those who died in wars? And those of our loved ones who are no longer here because they have "moved on"?Any excuse for a celebration of tanning and drinking I guess. Different strokes.
Back before women had the vote, or could own anything on their own. Back before there were no slaves. The reactionaties LOVED owning slaves and looking down upon them. Back to when... moreBack before women had the vote, or could own anything on their own. Back before there were no slaves. The reactionaties LOVED owning slaves and looking down upon them. Back to when women were pregnant in the kitchen with 10 kids and quiet and let men do the country running. Back to when the man ruled with an iron fist and no woman DARED speak up and every child obeyed and feared him. The good old days.The good old days. Well with an old man like the powers that be in power he will indeed drag us back even further. Caveman days? No one had to wear masks then. He can go out and kill the food himself and bring it back to the cave where "the little woman" prepares it and cooks it and serves him? Mebbe. less
Offhand? I'd have to look up the list that the powers th be thinks is okay to release that everyone who is anyone will repeat VERBATIM when asked exactly what it is they did ... moreOffhand? I'd have to look up the list that the powers th be thinks is okay to release that everyone who is anyone will repeat VERBATIM when asked exactly what it is they did done do and do done did for you.
Cuz the decier guy gets his marching orders from everyone anyone no one and dares not disobey.PARTISAN ALL THE WAYHEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEYPARTISANS OTHERS DIEPARTISAN IS THE ONLY WA... moreCuz the decier guy gets his marching orders from everyone anyone no one and dares not disobey.PARTISAN ALL THE WAYHEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEYPARTISANS OTHERS DIEPARTISAN IS THE ONLY WAY TO FLY PARTISAN DO OR DIEGive me a P give me a P give me a PAR give me a t give me a t give me an sanPARTISAN PARTISAN PARTISAN PARTISAN
The witless braindead ignorant stupid dumb powers that be sez he plans to could or might and will WITHHOLD FUNDS from states that allow voting by mail.Allegedly that is a CRIME.Of ... moreThe witless braindead ignorant stupid dumb powers that be sez he plans to could or might and will WITHHOLD FUNDS from states that allow voting by mail.Allegedly that is a CRIME.Of course that doesn't matter to him or his corrupt henchmen. BRING IT ON! HE DARES YOU TO PUNISH HIM FOR CRIMES HE GETS AWAY WITH! DOUBLE DARES!
He left if up to the State Governors before. Now he is taking it all on his own shoulders and will lie or die as a result?Or will he once again backtrack throw his hands up and say... moreHe left if up to the State Governors before. Now he is taking it all on his own shoulders and will lie or die as a result?Or will he once again backtrack throw his hands up and say once again it's up the individual states to do or not to do. He will have NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.Stay tuned. Ya never know. The worm may turn again.
WHINE ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES!You asked for it you got it...ToyotaNo. You asked for it you get it shut up about it. You INSISTED on it and DEMANDED it so stifle it. No one cares. No... moreWHINE ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES!You asked for it you got it...ToyotaNo. You asked for it you get it shut up about it. You INSISTED on it and DEMANDED it so stifle it. No one cares. No one is interested in your bit**ing. Can you do that d'ya think? Go ahead. Try it out. What could it hurt? Everyone says so. That I can tell you. Build A wall. Lock her up. MaKe America Gag Again. Mexico will pay for the wall! It will just disappear like magic in April when it gets warmer. Why not inject disinfectant into your body? What could it hurt? less
That the powers that be is NOT intelligent. What else does one conclude?"They" say he thinks it makes him look very strong by not wearing one.Doing something wrong never makes the ... moreThat the powers that be is NOT intelligent. What else does one conclude?"They" say he thinks it makes him look very strong by not wearing one.Doing something wrong never makes the wrongdoer look strong. He should rethink his think because it stinks.
If any of you suffered any of the potential DANGEROUS side effects would you disclose that or die keeping it your secret because alive or dead you'd rather die than make the powers... moreIf any of you suffered any of the potential DANGEROUS side effects would you disclose that or die keeping it your secret because alive or dead you'd rather die than make the powers that be look like a dam* fool?
Once againMUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHINGThe powers that be, all his toady sycophants, FAUX NEWS..all of them are in on it.Created "Obamagate" around something that now we are told NEVER HA... moreOnce againMUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHINGThe powers that be, all his toady sycophants, FAUX NEWS..all of them are in on it.Created "Obamagate" around something that now we are told NEVER HAPPENED.How nice it must be to waste time chasing unicorns.
Well Mr. Barack Obama was president for 8 years DURING WHICH TIME NO ONE WAS INDICTED IN HIS ADMINISTRATION. NO SCANDALS NO CORRUPTION.Maybe the CLEANEST administration ever?Wherea... moreWell Mr. Barack Obama was president for 8 years DURING WHICH TIME NO ONE WAS INDICTED IN HIS ADMINISTRATION. NO SCANDALS NO CORRUPTION.Maybe the CLEANEST administration ever?Whereas forsooth forthwith to whitThe POWERS THAT BE GUBMENT IS THE MOST CORRUPT IN OUR HISTORY.Yet what does the powers that be focus on? Obamagate. Now he can have a gate too. All he has to do is call FENCEMASTER and VOILA. Trumpgate. No need to be jealous/envious of the gate at all. Trump can gate himself with gold I expect. Isn't he obscenely wealthy or is that a con too? Whatever. less
True HEAVYWEIGHTS any one of whom merely has to sit on you to kill you.Are you impressed by size? The "larger" the betterer? The "heavier" the way betterer? Might makes right and m... moreTrue HEAVYWEIGHTS any one of whom merely has to sit on you to kill you.Are you impressed by size? The "larger" the betterer? The "heavier" the way betterer? Might makes right and mobrbidly obese is the way to go. No?
When your bedmate sexmate turns on you what should you do? Keep on keeping on while you are being stabbed in the back the bront the top the bottom? D'ya think the powers that be is... moreWhen your bedmate sexmate turns on you what should you do? Keep on keeping on while you are being stabbed in the back the bront the top the bottom? D'ya think the powers that be is a GLUTTON for punishment or just a glutton?
Obviously y'all are gonna say that's faux rigged fixed. Those polls are prepared by the ENEMY. The powers that be prepared polls are very different.Except...wait a minit. The FAUX ... moreObviously y'all are gonna say that's faux rigged fixed. Those polls are prepared by the ENEMY. The powers that be prepared polls are very different.Except...wait a minit. The FAUX NEWS polls also show a drop? SAY WHAT?So how do y'all reconcile that..tit for tat...up is down...the powers that be is a crown a clown who would drown his mummy dearest if it benefitted him?I guess we will see what will be.
It is TRADITION that the unveiling of the Presdential Portrait is ALWAYS led by the current sitting president when his predecessor's portrait is unveiled and hung alongside the oth... moreIt is TRADITION that the unveiling of the Presdential Portrait is ALWAYS led by the current sitting president when his predecessor's portrait is unveiled and hung alongside the others.No surprise that the powers that be REFUSED to do that.I read the Predient Obama REFUSED to be a part of it but I think if the powers that be were up for it President Obama would have tolerated it.We KNOW the powers that be depises President Obama. He makes that clear every day. No love lost there.So. Do you adore the he** out of the powers that be for showing his disdain/contempt for President Obama or do you adhor him for his indecency, boorish behavior?ADOREABHOR less
Is that another FIRST?Every other president in American history at one time or another DID HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS?Well I guess if singularity is essential t... moreIs that another FIRST?Every other president in American history at one time or another DID HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS?Well I guess if singularity is essential to him he will take it since it outstands him from all the others who went before him.
So what the he** is going on?We hear that anywhere from 23% to 36% believe everything the powers that be says and does. They will follow him over a cliff to their deaths before the... moreSo what the he** is going on?We hear that anywhere from 23% to 36% believe everything the powers that be says and does. They will follow him over a cliff to their deaths before they go their own way and do what makes sense to them. He is the only thing that makes sense to them apparently. But only 8% are faithful loyal and go maskless?Something is very fishy here. Very fishy. Stinks.
You need immediate SURGERY to save your life but the ""doctor" says you are a hypochrondriac and it's all in your head!The one with the power to help writes you off and moves on.Ho... moreYou need immediate SURGERY to save your life but the ""doctor" says you are a hypochrondriac and it's all in your head!The one with the power to help writes you off and moves on.How does that make you feel toward the writer offer? Still adoring? Still worshipful? Seriously?
Unmasked ungloved unsocialdistanced? Gonna send your kids back to school and order them to mingle too just like you?I wonder how this will end. Anyone see it "ending well"? How?
In Mountain View, California November 24, 1984 SETI was incorporated. It began operations February 1, 1985. NASA and the NSF (National Science Foundation) use it as a source for in... moreIn Mountain View, California November 24, 1984 SETI was incorporated. It began operations February 1, 1985. NASA and the NSF (National Science Foundation) use it as a source for information. There are participants all over the world working on the project. Parkes Observatory in Australia. The Arecio Observatory in Puerto Rico. The Robert C Byrd Telescope in Green Bank West Virginia. Various names were assigned to the various projects. PHOENIX, SERENDIP, BETA, NMETA, ITALIA. In Lofar,Norway is a participant.It is impossible to imagine a day when all of this will shut down and homo saps will walk away from the search and move on.We know there is a great deal we do not know. Which means believing something is impossible to achieve is impossible to know in the present. All we have to do is look at what we have now and what we had 100 years ago 0r 1000 years ago. All of that was "impossible" then but here we are. We have no idea what we will accomplish or whom we will be futurely.I think it's unwise to close a door y... less