They're all wired a**backwards.Their up is down their in is out their yes is no their hate is love. Everything absotively and posilutely is upside down rightside in downside up and... moreThey're all wired a**backwards.Their up is down their in is out their yes is no their hate is love. Everything absotively and posilutely is upside down rightside in downside up and upside nonexistent.Not their fault. WHO DID THE WIRING? That's the one to go after.
The powers that be INSISTS that voting by mail causes FRAUD.Without a shred of evidence he accuses. His MO. His style. What's sad is that millions of his adoring worshippers believ... moreThe powers that be INSISTS that voting by mail causes FRAUD.Without a shred of evidence he accuses. His MO. His style. What's sad is that millions of his adoring worshippers believe him. They never require him to PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Why are they so gullible trusting so easily DUPED?
How'd it go?I can't consciously knowingly fake it till I make it. Never tried. I'd feel very stupid. I can and have thought I understand what was going on but didn't. Much to... moreHow'd it go?I can't consciously knowingly fake it till I make it. Never tried. I'd feel very stupid. I can and have thought I understand what was going on but didn't. Much to my chagrin.So how do you KNOW you KNOW what's going on and not just think you do? Ever happen to you? Makes you feel like a dam* fool! Sheesh. Been there done that. NO FUN at all. Do not recommend it.
My country tis of ObamaMy country tis of nixonMy country tis of johnsonMy country tis of trumanMy country tis of kennedyMy country tis of RooseveltSee what I mean? Only a one sylla... moreMy country tis of ObamaMy country tis of nixonMy country tis of johnsonMy country tis of trumanMy country tis of kennedyMy country tis of RooseveltSee what I mean? Only a one syllable prez works.What one-syllable prez best represents your idea of the thee?
One note sambaOne trick ponyOne hit wonderOnly one interest in the whole entire world and that interest is POLITICS?Are you kidding me? Seriously? That's all there is there ain't n... moreOne note sambaOne trick ponyOne hit wonderOnly one interest in the whole entire world and that interest is POLITICS?Are you kidding me? Seriously? That's all there is there ain't no more? Sheesh.Wasn't there a "hit" that was completely mouth synched? Mili vanilly or something?
Are they always geared up for war 24/7? How long can they wait in this frame of mind before they explode and go out and start showing the world what they are whom they are wh... moreAre they always geared up for war 24/7? How long can they wait in this frame of mind before they explode and go out and start showing the world what they are whom they are why they are and that they are?
Didja think it was only the powers that be and his cabal that spread disinformation? Sheesh! THEY ARE PIKERS compared to Russia and China. Russia and China outclass the usa in a va... moreDidja think it was only the powers that be and his cabal that spread disinformation? Sheesh! THEY ARE PIKERS compared to Russia and China. Russia and China outclass the usa in a variety of ways not the least of which is INTELLECT. Scary.Both Russia and China want to capture the middle east hearts abd nubds and inundate them in ARABIC with propaganda. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that propaganda is always ANTI-american does it?Sophisticated operations. Smart folks. We are not up to their level and never will be with the powers that be totally oblivious to his inadequacy and "position" in the world. A pushover. A clown. A laughingstock. Court jester. not to be taken seriously. Not to be taken at all.Meanwhile every day in every way the Russians and the Chinese become bolder and bolder.Do you like vodka with your chow mein? less
Accepting responsibility for the consequences of your words and deeds is essential to being an adult isn't it?Blaming others for your inadequacies failures screwups does not bode w... moreAccepting responsibility for the consequences of your words and deeds is essential to being an adult isn't it?Blaming others for your inadequacies failures screwups does not bode well for you futurely. How can it?
It isn't choosy or selective at all. It will get you and your enemy and all of those in-between. It doesn't care if you are poor or wealthy or stupid dumb or a genius or knowledgea... moreIt isn't choosy or selective at all. It will get you and your enemy and all of those in-between. It doesn't care if you are poor or wealthy or stupid dumb or a genius or knowledgeable or ignorant or kind or vicious. Finally an equal opportunity purveyor. Nice ta know that money will not protect you from it or help you survive it.
Why opening up bars where people congregate so they can get drunk as skunks but not open churches for those who gather together to worship WHOMEVER? Of course both locations when j... moreWhy opening up bars where people congregate so they can get drunk as skunks but not open churches for those who gather together to worship WHOMEVER? Of course both locations when jammed with density of homo saps will become places where the virus erupts and spreads making them very ill or even dead. The virus doesn't care if you are drunk as a skunk or paying lip service to GOD. It will get you.
The racists and bigots would cease to exist. Like a plant withering on the vine. No Nazi loving or freedom hating or truth destroying would survive. They would all die out, become ... moreThe racists and bigots would cease to exist. Like a plant withering on the vine. No Nazi loving or freedom hating or truth destroying would survive. They would all die out, become extinct, only be black mark on the history of the homo sap species.A horrible chapter of long duration GONE forever!Now what would all those former haters become without anyone to hate or scapegoat or set up or destroy?
Ever wonder WHY you always lose the battle? Because you didn't make friends with the folks controlling the ammunition supply. Once you do your path is greased forever more and no m... moreEver wonder WHY you always lose the battle? Because you didn't make friends with the folks controlling the ammunition supply. Once you do your path is greased forever more and no matter what you do or say you will always get your way. That's the way of the world.There is NO fair or objective involved. Know which side your bread is buttered on. Identify the folks you need to shine on and con from the very start. Once in your pocket no matter what you do/say you will get away with it.
Blessed by the powers that be who demanded a cut of all you printed?Maybe that's next. For the pals of the powers that be only of curse. Ca vas sans dire.
We must build statues and monuments to guns. All kinds of guns. The "normal" gun (I have no idea what that is) and the brave gun and the gun that never backs down from a rumble.We ... moreWe must build statues and monuments to guns. All kinds of guns. The "normal" gun (I have no idea what that is) and the brave gun and the gun that never backs down from a rumble.We need national anthem dedicated to the gun in the United States of AmericaWithout guns we'd be a gunless society and then who were fear us. We need guns to rule. Guns are power. No one will give that up willingly.How many guns can you carry and use at one time?Kids are gun savvy too. The younger you start 'em the more proficient they become with a gun. less
Give me some guns who are stouthearted guns who will fight for the rights they adoreStart in with one who is carrying a gun and I'll soon give you ten thousand moreShoulder to shou... moreGive me some guns who are stouthearted guns who will fight for the rights they adoreStart in with one who is carrying a gun and I'll soon give you ten thousand moreShoulder to shoulder and bolder and bolder?
One can try to be helpful informative and thoughtful OROne is usually dependably mostly always NOT.By choice or by design?How much control do YOU exercise over YOUR interactions wi... moreOne can try to be helpful informative and thoughtful OROne is usually dependably mostly always NOT.By choice or by design?How much control do YOU exercise over YOUR interactions with others. Why do you think and how do you know for sure?
I plan on distracting the zombies by asking them trick math questions and then running away while they try to figure them out. EXAMPLE - what is heavier a pound of adult ... moreI plan on distracting the zombies by asking them trick math questions and then running away while they try to figure them out. EXAMPLE - what is heavier a pound of adult brains or a pound of baby brains? Cheers and happy weekend!
It's a quiz! result:Cheshire Cat from 'Alice in Wonderland'
... moreIt's a quiz! result:Cheshire Cat from 'Alice in Wonderland'
Your Chick-fil-A preferences reveal that you love stepping out of the normal comfort one. You like things that cliches. Being ordinary is what makes you YOU!
He sez he will OVERRIDE governors vis a vis church attendance.He wins. The churches are crammed packed stuffed with evangelicals. They all get infected and many die.He is undercutt... moreHe sez he will OVERRIDE governors vis a vis church attendance.He wins. The churches are crammed packed stuffed with evangelicals. They all get infected and many die.He is undercutting the people on whom he counts to vote for him.You see how shallow he is and incompetent? He cannot foresee the consequences of his actions. Never has never will and we should just keep still. Let him keep doing that as he decimates his base. What could it hurt? Everyone says so. That he can tell you. The powers that be knows all there is to know. Right? less