Answer - this guy. Today they will start the slushy machines back up they have been shut down for months because of the virus. They are taking a few steps to make sure that the slu... moreAnswer - this guy. Today they will start the slushy machines back up they have been shut down for months because of the virus. They are taking a few steps to make sure that the slushys are virus free so I feel it will be safe to get one and drink it really really fast so I get the brain freeze that I have been craving for months. Cheers!
Magic occurs and we are transformed into a different thing that is successful useful and can accomplish great things.Why is the collective for good so much harder to gather togethe... moreMagic occurs and we are transformed into a different thing that is successful useful and can accomplish great things.Why is the collective for good so much harder to gather together than the collective for not good?
I've read that some American movie stars never endorse anything in the states but in say JAPAN they're all over the place endorsing this and that and the other thing.Do you think L... moreI've read that some American movie stars never endorse anything in the states but in say JAPAN they're all over the place endorsing this and that and the other thing.Do you think LESS of celebrities who endorse/advertise certain products? Do you buy what they are selling or do you boycott it?It seems kinda sneaky to me that they would do that. Does it embarrass them or take away from the macho or the classy cultured appearance they want to leave with you?
What will be the purpose in doing that?It comes from poop that gets into the food chain and went to one animal and then I think unfortunately flipped from animal to man. I think th... moreWhat will be the purpose in doing that?It comes from poop that gets into the food chain and went to one animal and then I think unfortunately flipped from animal to man. I think the poop was in China. So what exactly is it that we need to know more than what we already do?Folks seem to agree it originated in China from poop and barnyard animals. Transference occurred and we are where we are.Well it will keep the countries occupied investigating. Hopefully they will all arrive at the same conclusion or there will be bickering among them just as there is always bickering among "experts".Will their investigative findings be made available to the rest of us? Post it on the internet for us to access? Or if the findings are embarrassing will we never hear another word about it? We'll see. less
He said we can borrow money and increase our debt. That reducing the debt is something we should be doing when the economy is healthy and doing well but right now as we incur more ... moreHe said we can borrow money and increase our debt. That reducing the debt is something we should be doing when the economy is healthy and doing well but right now as we incur more debt we shouldn't worry about it.I worry about it. I know finance at his level is very difference than at my level. But I can't print money either tangibly or digitally. I am not good for borrowing billions of dollars. I could never repay it and no one would extend that kind of credit to me in the first place. I know what happen at home. I have X dollars coming in. The dollars going out must be no more than that and better yet less than that. I can always cut back on some things. Eliminate wants for sure and just take care of the needs. Emergencies arise on that small level too and well you hope you have enough set aside in an emergency fund to take care of it.But our government seems to be able to spend money on so many things at once...huge amounts...and now with more outgoing do we cut back on other things to make it work or just sp... less
I'm sure introverts have had an easier time of it. Just because we tend to choose to be alone unlike those who love being around other people all the time and have big families and... moreI'm sure introverts have had an easier time of it. Just because we tend to choose to be alone unlike those who love being around other people all the time and have big families and lots of friends and they get together a lot.My sister is very outgoing and it's been tough for her. Her husband? Not so much. He is more a loner like me and is just as happy at home. She loves goint to a pottery store where they have a kiln. She got to go back for hours by appointment yesterday. She wet some stuff and did some stuff to other stuff. She loves being there because she is very creative and artistic. Not me. Are you artistic/creative too like she is?Well hope things "get back to normal' whatever your normal is. Before you give up and go into a depression. You aren't the type are you? less
Some of us luckier ones are not really that severely impacted.Others of us are badly impacted on multiple levels.We don't know yet when it ends. We don't know yet the extent of the... moreSome of us luckier ones are not really that severely impacted.Others of us are badly impacted on multiple levels.We don't know yet when it ends. We don't know yet the extent of the damage. We do know it is not good and won't be easy to come back from for many.Will students ever recapture what was lost? Busnesses will be forced to have lower occupancy so in effect their bottom line will be cut in half...maybe more.Is economic recovery always the hardest or is it really in other sectors of a society where the real hardships drag on longest? less
Living in a remote area somewhere is no guarantee your life will be safe. Disease gets around too.Maybe one day we will all live in bubbles. Or underground in caves. Or underwater?... moreLiving in a remote area somewhere is no guarantee your life will be safe. Disease gets around too.Maybe one day we will all live in bubbles. Or underground in caves. Or underwater? Or in the sky very high.Is earth already too polluted for human life?
It makes sense that whoever does the best job of the job should have the job and whoever doesn't shouldn't.But would that work for the macho dude or the fragile delicate femme who ... moreIt makes sense that whoever does the best job of the job should have the job and whoever doesn't shouldn't.But would that work for the macho dude or the fragile delicate femme who get all flustered when they're witness to unstereotypical relationships?Why do you care if the dame is the Olympics Gold Medal Wrestler and the guy is in the local ballet group? They love each other. What else matters?
Personally I thought the ending of 2001 was grotesque. Some folks loved the entire movie. I probably despised it completely. When HAL turned on them I lost interest. I have read th... morePersonally I thought the ending of 2001 was grotesque. Some folks loved the entire movie. I probably despised it completely. When HAL turned on them I lost interest. I have read that some say they think it is a GREAT movie. Not my cuppa tea. Yours?Anyway 20,000 leagues under the sea with captain Nemo? I think I'd get clausttrophobic. Any one of the bazillion Twilight Zone Episodes?Rod Serling did not author all of them. He had writers who wrote some doozies.
Trillions billions millions?Does every society have conspiracy theories to drive it? Is that fuel or the oil?Do some have tons and some have few and some have none?Are the the peop... moreTrillions billions millions?Does every society have conspiracy theories to drive it? Is that fuel or the oil?Do some have tons and some have few and some have none?Are the the people with the tons less intelligent than those with the few or none" Is intelligence directly connected to the quantity of conspiracy theories one embraces? Or is it the other way around?Are there any POSITIVE conspiracy theories where people in concert work together to benefit good promulgate good support good? Or is conspiracy by its very nature bad awful evil destructive hateful? Inquiring minds wanna know these things. less
Are there other "lifeforms" far more intelligent thatn we and maybe a lot prettier/handsomer/kinder?I mean if homo sap is all there is that doesn't say much for all the possibiliti... moreAre there other "lifeforms" far more intelligent thatn we and maybe a lot prettier/handsomer/kinder?I mean if homo sap is all there is that doesn't say much for all the possibilities/potential.If homo sap is the best of the breed and there are many others out there that is even worse.So d'ya think homo sap is great..none greater or homo sap is pitiful pathetic and so far hasn't shown us any resistance for its survival?How many billions of years will it take for homo saps to become extinct or die out due to some extraordinary calamity? less
"Wait until you're old. What do you think you will think then"? Well probably not in those exact words but I did think it was a very peculiar thing to say being as how those of us ... more"Wait until you're old. What do you think you will think then"? Well probably not in those exact words but I did think it was a very peculiar thing to say being as how those of us who don't die young will die old.Are YOU young and do you mind being around OLD PEOPLE? Once again I remind you if you don't die you will die old. Scare you?
Well ya got ONLY one busybox. That is just one thing.Ya got investigations and they can go on forever. Just think about it. Easy forever make busywork.Investigate the investigation... moreWell ya got ONLY one busybox. That is just one thing.Ya got investigations and they can go on forever. Just think about it. Easy forever make busywork.Investigate the investigation that investigated the investigation that investigated the investigation that investigated the investigation that investigated the investigation that investigated the investigation that investigated the investigation and so on and etcetera and so forth. See the beauty and simplicity of it?From one initial investigation you can extrapolate BACKWARDS to infinity and beyond. Multiple decades generations of investigations investigating the investigations investigating the investigations......See the brilliance of it? Guess who invented endless investigating? Who else? The powers that be be the he who done done it. To infinity and beyond in perpetuity foreverafter to immortality in the outer edges of the universe through black holes and wormholes and time travel. No beginning no end no middle. Forever investigating the investigations that i... less
A few years ago before the powers that be was asked that question. He answered "a 35-year-old". I don't remember if he used an adjective like "handsome" or not but that was how he ... moreA few years ago before the powers that be was asked that question. He answered "a 35-year-old". I don't remember if he used an adjective like "handsome" or not but that was how he said he saw himself.So is it any wonder that old folks are bailing from supporting him? Old people are expendable in his view. He is not among them of course.Delusion illusion joking serious. A kaleidoscope constantly changing configuration. A moving target is less likely to get hit. Keep moving adjusting backtracking attacking.
An IG has one job. MAKE CERTAIN things are being done according to the law.Now you'd think normal logical sensible reasonable cogent people would support that. They do.The powers t... moreAn IG has one job. MAKE CERTAIN things are being done according to the law.Now you'd think normal logical sensible reasonable cogent people would support that. They do.The powers that be, being none of those things, fires their a**es. Even the ones he hired. No one tells him what to do. No one investigates what other people do that he wants to get away with whatever they can. No one gets in the way of the powers that be and survives.So he hires and fires and hires and fires and hires and fires. Makes busy work for himself because otherwise what would he do with all his time? Hires and fires hires and fires hires and fires hires and fires. Busybee busybox busyboy busybody busyizzy? Doing what? Hires and fires hies and fires hires and fires hires and fires. Take two pills and call me in the morning if the headache hasn't gone away. Sure. Why not? What could it hurt? What do you have to lose? Everyone says so. That I can tell you.. less
The risks are known including death. The POTENTIAL for benefit is yet to be PROVEN.Who is stupid dumb enough to gamble on potential when actual is already known documented proven e... moreThe risks are known including death. The POTENTIAL for benefit is yet to be PROVEN.Who is stupid dumb enough to gamble on potential when actual is already known documented proven evident. Pie in the sky dreamers or wackadoodlenoodle crackpots or adoring worshippers who are loyal to the death? LITERALLY not iguratively. All of the above. SIGH.
The powers that be sez "MANY FRONTLINE WORKERS ARE TAKING IT".A FRONTLINE WORKER COULD NOT FIND ONE.But y'all believe the powers that be because he said it. He never lies so y'all ... moreThe powers that be sez "MANY FRONTLINE WORKERS ARE TAKING IT".A FRONTLINE WORKER COULD NOT FIND ONE.But y'all believe the powers that be because he said it. He never lies so y'all are going to be taking immediately to prove your belief in him and that you are loyal.We've used chlorox for decades but never ingested it or stuck a needle in our bodies filled with it.Hydro..waterChrloroxSo Hydrochlorox is watered down chlorox. How much is safe before you die?Blind followers probably are taking it. I wonder if there will be any deaths or very bad side effects to anyone who is a copycat? Place your bets!Hydrcholorox prescripts have ticked up 46 times since the power that be started pitching it hawking it snake oil selling it. 46 times. Geez I wonder who is in that 46 times?Different strokes. Different folks. Some with brains. Some lacking them. No one promised you a rose garden. No one thought you'd go for the thorns and ignore the flowers though. less
Or did he just pull that out of his A** because he knows whatever he says y'all believe? I dunno. He says "what do you have to lose"? Our lives. According to the SCIENTISTS.