it is because they PERCEIVE cops as being a problem and so we have to correct that!Is he nuts?Every young black man has to listen to THE TALK they are going to get from their paren... moreit is because they PERCEIVE cops as being a problem and so we have to correct that!Is he nuts?Every young black man has to listen to THE TALK they are going to get from their parents. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. When stopped by cops "keep your hands on the steering wheel. DO not move your hands for any reason. Say "yes sir no sir". This pol sez that is all wrong. The young black men have a MISTAKEN PERCEPTION of police due to what they have been told by their parents. Bad parents right?I kid you not. This is the level of braindead politician you guys elect to represent you. Good job. Keep it up. More like him are sorely needed. Right? The more dumbsh** idiots in government the better off we will be. Right. Sure. You betchum red ryder. You betchum. less
The straw that broke the camel's back MURDER OF ANOTHER BLACK MAN BY A WHITE 4 WHITE COPS.First they had to battle being ignored shoved aside and irrelevant due to the vir... moreThe straw that broke the camel's back MURDER OF ANOTHER BLACK MAN BY A WHITE 4 WHITE COPS.First they had to battle being ignored shoved aside and irrelevant due to the virus. That went away (not really...folks are still getting sick and dying but no one cares) they thought there were in the catbird seat again. THEN George Floyd happened. Today is the 12th straight day of protest world wide. They cannot compete with that. Once again they are immaterial irrelevant meaningless toothless clawless miniscule microscopic. What is it going to take?I dunno. Why don't you get the tumbleweed to bomb a country? Try that. He will get attention for that which will put y'all right back in that catbird seat. What could it hurt? Try it you might like it. Meanwhile stick close together so you can pretend you are still fearsome awesome powerful. Why not? What could it hurt? Y'all?in the meanwhile are y'all hiding in a basement deep in the bowels of your home just like the tumbleweed president is doing? How long he will be... less
What would be your idea of a fair and just punishment?Neither of them were fair or just but well we can't give back to them what they did to him can we?Shove them to the ground mak... moreWhat would be your idea of a fair and just punishment?Neither of them were fair or just but well we can't give back to them what they did to him can we?Shove them to the ground making sure both marbleheads hit hard enough to knock them out so they will bleed profusely?Then take them to the hospital in SERIOUS but stable condition and then when they recover jail them?What? An eye for an eye seems cruel right? What the two cop old man pusher downers did was NOT cruel? Really?
I just noticed that my potatoe plants are starting to flower so that means I could be eating fresh potatoes in 21 days. Usally my potatoes are not ready untill ea... moreI just noticed that my potatoe plants are starting to flower so that means I could be eating fresh potatoes in 21 days. Usally my potatoes are not ready untill early August so I must of done something special this year. Cheers and happy weekend!
Are cop unions to cops what the NRA is to guns? Same no different? Cops can do no wrong just as gunfolks guns gun sellers gun manufactuers can do no wrong?
Will he come out to face the crowd and address them or will he hunker deep down in the bunker in the bowels of the white house amusing himself by watching FAUX news tweeting eating... moreWill he come out to face the crowd and address them or will he hunker deep down in the bunker in the bowels of the white house amusing himself by watching FAUX news tweeting eating calling "friends" for advice?The former would serve him well. The latter is what he always does. Time will tell.He could jet off and play golf at a resort. Or drop a bomb on an unsuspecting country so the spotlight will be on him and not on George Floyd or police brutality or Fate or Soul. He would like that very much as lack of attention makes him depressed and brood and feel unloved. His needs are endless and must be fed 24/7 without a break. OR it gets very ugly. less
I heard the poem "Invictus" being quoted by a group of young men on a bridge on TV. I also saw a clip of Nelson Mandela being honored in the early 90's and heard him say a few word... moreI heard the poem "Invictus" being quoted by a group of young men on a bridge on TV. I also saw a clip of Nelson Mandela being honored in the early 90's and heard him say a few words reflecting it.Is is Master of my Fate Captain of my Soul?Or Captain of my Fate Master of my Soul?Either way are you?
But they do. Slap their wrists and they all irate. Try to incarecerate them for the bad they do? Hahahahahaha. Good luck with that. Fat chance.Never so obvious before as it is now.... moreBut they do. Slap their wrists and they all irate. Try to incarecerate them for the bad they do? Hahahahahaha. Good luck with that. Fat chance.Never so obvious before as it is now. The ugly is showing and once seen it cannot be forgotten. The underbelly of copping or coppering. More bad than good? Why does bad ever get a foothold? Bad hires bad and trains them to be badder generation after generation after generation?
Because two of their ilk pushed over a 75-year-old man who hit his head when he hit the ground and was knocked out and immediately started to bleed. One of the two used his baton t... moreBecause two of their ilk pushed over a 75-year-old man who hit his head when he hit the ground and was knocked out and immediately started to bleed. One of the two used his baton to do it. Those two were yanked and suspended. One of the "specials" tried to walk over to the man and was pulled back by one of his crappy ilk who clearly didn't care a bit if that man was dying. Dumbsh**! :(So they resigned from that special force in protest of the suspension? Why don't they resign from copping permanently? Who the he**needs more like them? Cold indifferent cruel SOB's? How many thousands or millions of such "specials" are there hunting down we the people who peacefully protest and they love to target for attack because they get off on it?Disgusting revolting regurgitating stomach-churning regustivating evil. RESIGN RESIGN RESIGN RESIGN RESIGN. Why not run for president? You're qualified. less
Did we just not notice it or has it gotten much worse because cops keep getting away with murder LITERALLY so they figger what they got to lose? Let it all hang out. The lamebraine... moreDid we just not notice it or has it gotten much worse because cops keep getting away with murder LITERALLY so they figger what they got to lose? Let it all hang out. The lamebrained jury will exonerate them no matter what they do. Lamebrained juries turn to mush if it's a cop. Why I don't know.Will things change? Why should they? Why change a thing when you know you can keep doing what you been doing and will get away with it?Aw shucks.
Are YOU silently agreeing to everything that is going on?So folks get caught up in assaulting one another because it gets them off to where they want to go. Assault leads to murder... moreAre YOU silently agreeing to everything that is going on?So folks get caught up in assaulting one another because it gets them off to where they want to go. Assault leads to murder. Such a feel-good way to go.Why else would y'all weaponize and go out to see what's happening? Carry a loaded gun you are probably anxious to use it and so well whatever excuse you can come up with you use it and figure out the justify afterwards.Easier to say "I'm sorry" than ask permission and be refused. So that's what they do. They do whatever whenever and then justify the why if you insist on attacking them for it. Some don't bother asking or attacking. They don't care. less
Tubby demanded opening everything too soon. Spikes and surges will result and we will start all over again. Then once again tubby will hissy fit rant rave and rage I WANT IT AND I ... moreTubby demanded opening everything too soon. Spikes and surges will result and we will start all over again. Then once again tubby will hissy fit rant rave and rage I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW so premature opening and once again surges and spikes and back to square one. Repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat. He never learns anything from experience. Never. Nothing. Ever. Nothing.That is his MO. Push pull push pull. Every step forward will be one or even two steps backwards. That is how his "brain" is geared. He only is aware of the step forward and refuses to acknowledge the steps back. You can eventually see our being farther behind than we were when we started. A true REACTIONARY thing to do. Lose ground. Go back. Look behind. Yearn for back then. So we premature open get ill infect die. Open too soon get ill infect die. Premature open get ill infect die. You do see the pattern don't you? less
He extolls the rousing job report as if that includes eveyone. It doesn't. Not by a longshot. But he doesn't care about them anyway. They are NOT his people. They never will be so ... moreHe extolls the rousing job report as if that includes eveyone. It doesn't. Not by a longshot. But he doesn't care about them anyway. They are NOT his people. They never will be so why care about THEM? They can't do him any good which all he thinks about 24/7. You understand that don't you?
Protesting the pandemic and protesting RACISM and protesting those who dare try to silence the protesters.WORLDWIDE! 12th day in a row. I wonder if the leaders in the world underst... moreProtesting the pandemic and protesting RACISM and protesting those who dare try to silence the protesters.WORLDWIDE! 12th day in a row. I wonder if the leaders in the world understand what is going on here?
That will be exactly what tubby does since he does not give a rat's a** about any of them. Of course the red state toady sycophant spineless eunuch gubners will roll over lie down ... moreThat will be exactly what tubby does since he does not give a rat's a** about any of them. Of course the red state toady sycophant spineless eunuch gubners will roll over lie down beg play dead. No problemo. WHADDABOUT the other states? I dunno. Why not let's find out? Could be fun. YA NEVER KNOW!
After all the advocating for TOUGH and DOMINANT by tubby isn't Esper taking a big chance with his career of bowing down to and kowtowing to tubby in all things?I mean what the he**... moreAfter all the advocating for TOUGH and DOMINANT by tubby isn't Esper taking a big chance with his career of bowing down to and kowtowing to tubby in all things?I mean what the he** carrying live ammunition loaded guns doesn't mean they have to shoot them right? But it's nice to have just in case. Nothing like bodies bleeding as they fall down to the ground to make tubby's point. IN LIVING COLOR or dying color as the case may be.TOUGHDOMINANT
He murders all chance of compromiseHe murders all chance of making progressHe murders all chance of working on behalf of the best interests of the peopleALL STILLBIRTHS you say? No... moreHe murders all chance of compromiseHe murders all chance of making progressHe murders all chance of working on behalf of the best interests of the peopleALL STILLBIRTHS you say? None of them would be viable outside the womb so why not murder them immediately and save the sorrow that will follow?I dunno. He busts his a** to confirm racist fascist judges. That he does well. What the he** someone's gotta do it for the tumbleweed prez it might as well be that son of itch right?
Or does it work to the opposite since everyone knows he speaks in crocodile tear forked tongue and none of it is sincere.Better he brag about himself and his wondrousness and leave... moreOr does it work to the opposite since everyone knows he speaks in crocodile tear forked tongue and none of it is sincere.Better he brag about himself and his wondrousness and leave politics to those who are better caretakers of it than he. No one egotistics better than he or louder than he or prouder than he. Let him list all his great achievements and qualities and that will keep him occupied from here to eternity and beyond.
Will he use fighter jets and bombers to quell any protests?Assault weapons of course and cannons too(1812 Overture anyone?) and firethrowers and and and and?A bomb dropped on peace... moreWill he use fighter jets and bombers to quell any protests?Assault weapons of course and cannons too(1812 Overture anyone?) and firethrowers and and and and?A bomb dropped on peaceful protesters would be premeditating MURDER. Might that be a deterrent that tubby could use in slogans and posters and flyers and TV ads to gin up and excite his base? Real photos of the dying and bleeding and maimed and dead would go a long way to justify his love of TOUGH and DOMINATE. That would impress y'all wooden it and y'all would be mighty proud of your tumbleweed tubby prez for having the private parts to order it done. His press secretary the bottle blond bimbo would justify it entirely. less
If there will be no governing body , horrible crimes will happen in a great number. Like selling children into sex slavery, etc etc. Everything will be ***** up.
Make we the people your enemy that you would swear an oath to attack and keep in line?Follow the orders of the tumbleweed prez no matter how insane inane absurd including killing A... moreMake we the people your enemy that you would swear an oath to attack and keep in line?Follow the orders of the tumbleweed prez no matter how insane inane absurd including killing American citizens for peacefully protesting? Would you oath for doing that if ordered to do so by tubby?
It would be like committing political suicide for a repubbaccan to lift a finger to curtain police autonomy and authority! Not gonna happen. Never ever never.SIGH. What else is new?
To take another stroll in LaFayette Square will they clear the way with bullets? Why not. What could it hurt? Make a statement. Be TOUGH. DOMINATE.What will the tumbleweed prez be ... moreTo take another stroll in LaFayette Square will they clear the way with bullets? Why not. What could it hurt? Make a statement. Be TOUGH. DOMINATE.What will the tumbleweed prez be waving this time? TWO BIBLES? FOUR BIBLES? Will he walk with a wheelbarrow filled with BIBLES? What will it take to impress YOU? Why?
It is a protest against RACISM. How many times do we have to tell you that for you to comprehend understand grasp? It does not require you to be a genius after all. Any mediocre av... moreIt is a protest against RACISM. How many times do we have to tell you that for you to comprehend understand grasp? It does not require you to be a genius after all. Any mediocre average thinker gets it. You still don't?Are you PRO racism? Then for god's sake don't ever take a knee. You will be badly misunderstood vilified shunned insulted attacked and your livelihood will be taken from you. Pro racists never take a knee.Anti racists ALWAYS DO.You still don't get it do you? Very slow on the uptake aren't you?TAKING A KNEE SIGNIFIES PROTESTING RACISMTAKING A KNEE MEANS YOU ARE PROTESTING RACISMTAKING A KNEE IS DONE TO PROTEST RACISMStill not getting it are ya? less
Your choicesKnee in neck until dead and then 4 minutes longer just to make sure dead is deadChokeholdBullets in the chest or heart or neck while you are sleeping in your own bed ha... moreYour choicesKnee in neck until dead and then 4 minutes longer just to make sure dead is deadChokeholdBullets in the chest or heart or neck while you are sleeping in your own bed having done nothing wrongI guess there are other ways. They could baton you to death. Run over you with their tanks. Blow you up.Can stun guns/tasers kill if used for a very long time?
Well there were some cops who took a knee among the peaceful protesters.Will they be shunned or beaten by their cop colleagues or will they just be fired?We cannot have kind cops c... moreWell there were some cops who took a knee among the peaceful protesters.Will they be shunned or beaten by their cop colleagues or will they just be fired?We cannot have kind cops can we? That would never do. That would go against what the tumbleweed president demands. BE TOUGH! DOMINATE.Right. You got it tumby. Whatever you say tumby. It's your country you sadistic SOB.
Do tumbleweeds have the portential of attaining immortality by never dying since they are never living?How old is the oldest tumbleweed in history? Like redwoods can they live for CENTURIES?
A Tumblewood has no roots no brain no plan no direction. It stays where it is until an outside force (usually wind) moves it. The tumbleweed prez is not an actor but a reactor. He ... moreA Tumblewood has no roots no brain no plan no direction. It stays where it is until an outside force (usually wind) moves it. The tumbleweed prez is not an actor but a reactor. He is still silent mute unless and until another speaks and then he reacts with tweets tirades insults attacks lies every single time.The difference between a tumbleweed and the tumbleweed prez?Once tumbleweed stops moving it justifies it's being there by telling folks that was the goal all along. That was the plan. That was the decision made priorly to get it there. The gullibles eat that stuff up.Bladerdash hornswoggle slabberdegullion druggels! Odds bodkins! All lies meant to convince the gullibles there is a brain inside with a plan and a goal. NONSENSE blatthering. less
It isn't ALL LIVES that are being murdered you ignotant twit!IT IS BLACK LIVES THAT ARE BEING TAKEN. That's the point. How stupid dumb are the young who have no skills or interest ... moreIt isn't ALL LIVES that are being murdered you ignotant twit!IT IS BLACK LIVES THAT ARE BEING TAKEN. That's the point. How stupid dumb are the young who have no skills or interest vis a vis comprehending what surrounds them. Have no interest in researching investigating finding out the WHY. Just spout off because they think they're hot stuff and wax stupid as if they have a lock on truth.I don't know her name. But allegedly she is known to many. And so it goes. Famous dumb carries weight. Why I don't know.Is in't that just black lives matter. It's BLACK LIVES MATTER TOO. less
We has seen the enemy and they is us.No. The enemy will always be the powers that be that use their power AGAINST the people not for them.Every evil despot dictator is the enemy. E... moreWe has seen the enemy and they is us.No. The enemy will always be the powers that be that use their power AGAINST the people not for them.Every evil despot dictator is the enemy. Every FASCIST RACIST is the enemy. Every gubment that support them is THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.How long can we the people survive the enemy targeting us 24/7 for extinction? Are we there yet?