They better stop FAWNING over the folks who are vigorously kicking tumbleweed's butt or tumbleweed will turn his vengeance and wrath on THEM! They will always choose tumbleweed ove... moreThey better stop FAWNING over the folks who are vigorously kicking tumbleweed's butt or tumbleweed will turn his vengeance and wrath on THEM! They will always choose tumbleweed over anyone. Right?
Something stinks bigly.Why would anyone approve of the guy who forced the country to get OUT OF CONTROL on his watch by his constant lying corruption criminality devious specious d... moreSomething stinks bigly.Why would anyone approve of the guy who forced the country to get OUT OF CONTROL on his watch by his constant lying corruption criminality devious specious duplicitous chokehold and ignoring the rule of law and mocking the Constitution?Are they crackpots like him? 45% approve of him so why isn't it only 55% who think the country is out of control? I don't get it. Before tumbleweed showed up things were sane. Since him nothing remains sane that he touches. OUT OF CONTROL is his mouth and deeds. Approval? Sheesh. Weird. less
It's really delicious. A rumcake a day would help the tumbleweed to play. I think it would really loosen him up. One bottle of 150 proof rum. Yes it does exist. Long ago and far aw... moreIt's really delicious. A rumcake a day would help the tumbleweed to play. I think it would really loosen him up. One bottle of 150 proof rum. Yes it does exist. Long ago and far away a friend brought a bottle back from a trip to Europe for me as a gift and I did not realize it. I thought it was the normal 80 proof. To say that it has more kick is an understatement.Anyway a fifth of 150 proof rum every day via rum cake would really jollify him relax him and maybe make him nicer. What could it hurt to try?He loves "beautiful" chocolate cake. Well I've never had a chocolate rum cake but I expect you could put some chocolate in it or on it. 1/3 of it for breakfast 1/3 for lunch and 1/3 at dinner. Oh. Rum cakes are usually say 5 or 6 layers. He'd be a different person and sleep like a baby at night.A suggestion. A thought. An idea. What could it hurt to try it out and then watch him try to walk a straight line? Rum-soaked cakes are very moist. Soaking does that. less
The two-month plus LAG in reacting logically sensibly to the pandemicThe constant barrage of hate-filled rants raves and vendettas against all his many eneiesThe constant lies ever... moreThe two-month plus LAG in reacting logically sensibly to the pandemicThe constant barrage of hate-filled rants raves and vendettas against all his many eneiesThe constant lies every time he opens his mouthThe people he hired and then encourages to strip the country of whatever they can stealThe BIBLE PROP PHOTO OPOrdering the teargassing of people, rubber bullets being shot at them, baton beating them, buzzing them with aircraftCopycatting adolf hitler with the DIVIDE AND CONQUER strategy used effectively to divide and conquer American citizensThe rejection of law and order and treating the Constitution like his personal toilet paperThe swinging door through which dozens and dozens of the "best" people come and go...knownothing donothings he hires and fires and hires and fires and hires and firesThe firing of honorable devoted patriotic people who refuse to roll over and beg and do wrongHis obsession with vendetta retaliation revenge going back in time to re litigate every single thing that went against him and ... less
But short-term causes regret but a very long time later you see how good a thing it was. I dunno.You do the best you can. You weigh the options and try to anticipate WORST CASE but... moreBut short-term causes regret but a very long time later you see how good a thing it was. I dunno.You do the best you can. You weigh the options and try to anticipate WORST CASE but no one can anticipate every possible negative exigency.So you roll the dice and just live with it.What's this all about?Peaceful protests and crowds jammed together day after day after day worldwide.IF NOTHING COMES OF IT AND THOUSANDS MORE ARE INFECTED AND MORE DIE BECAUSE OF THE PROTESTS HOW WAS IT WORTH IT?IF SOMETHING GOOD COMES OF IT AND THOUSANDS MORE ARE INFECTED AND MORE DIE HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY WEIGH THE MERITS OF IT especially to the loved ones of those who died due to getting the virus because of the peaceful protests?I know you can make yourself crazy trying to figger some things out. Time will tell. We will see. Fingers crossed. Etcetera and so forth. less
taken to the ground? I am not alleging that noncompliance did or did not happen, I do not know because I wasn’t there. I am just stating that I’m not aware ... moretaken to the ground? I am not alleging that noncompliance did or did not happen, I do not know because I wasn’t there. I am just stating that I’m not aware of when, how or why it took place.
I have, however, seen the footage from the security camera mounted high on the building that shows the point where George Floyd was already handcuffEd behind his back and being led by one male police officer. George Floyd appeared to be 100% compliant with the police officer(s) at that point. The next videos are apparently by cellphones/smartphones taken at street level from at least two different angles showing George Floyd still handcuffed behind his back, facedown on the ground with Chauvin kneeling on his neck. Bystanders are verbally interacting with the officer(s), Floyd is begging for Chauvin to get off of his neck, Chauvin calmly has a hand in his trouser pocket and appears to be patiently awaiting something as he slowly presses the life out of Floyd. Where did it all go wron... less
Docs don't fink on docsCops don't fink on copsWe the people get screwed but well they value LOYALTY more than justice.Would YOU fink on a co-worker who was doing very bad things or... moreDocs don't fink on docsCops don't fink on copsWe the people get screwed but well they value LOYALTY more than justice.Would YOU fink on a co-worker who was doing very bad things or just look the other way? Why?
Paid attention to what is going on worldwide? GLOBAL PROTESTS about racism and police brutality binding us all together in ONE SINGLE FAMILY. Don't like it? Can't help it. GET OVER... morePaid attention to what is going on worldwide? GLOBAL PROTESTS about racism and police brutality binding us all together in ONE SINGLE FAMILY. Don't like it? Can't help it. GET OVER IT. You're a big boy/big girl now. Get a grip. Face it. Deal with it.
It's been a couple of years or so since that scare was floated daily. Shouldn't they be here by now? Who stops 'em? National Guard, Police and the MILITARY?SHOOT ON SIGHT? Take int... moreIt's been a couple of years or so since that scare was floated daily. Shouldn't they be here by now? Who stops 'em? National Guard, Police and the MILITARY?SHOOT ON SIGHT? Take into custody? Put 'em in the military? Shanghai them and conscript them into fighting for the USA? That will larn 'em to stay home.Meanwhile back hunkered in the bunker tumbleweed tweetsLAW AND ORDERLAW AND ORDERLAW AND ORDERCode for what exactly? Is that the dog whistle his weaponized peeps are waiting to hear?LAW AND ORDER. less
The joke and the punchline. Completely oblivious to it. That's the problem.Fanatically self-involved 24/7 but completely oblivious to what that self is does represents says. Oblivious!
Did it make you feel "safer" or did it scare the stuffing outta ya?Did it look like YOUR country or one of those foreign countries with despot dictators threatening their own citiz... moreDid it make you feel "safer" or did it scare the stuffing outta ya?Did it look like YOUR country or one of those foreign countries with despot dictators threatening their own citizens with gawd knows what weapons to "keep them in line"? Divine fine sublime or a crime?
I know tumbleweed allegedly does not drink alcohol. He is DRUNK WITH POWER which is even worse than being a drunk skunk due to alcohol. So there ya go.
You say the flag salute. You stand up for the anthem. You don't wear a mask.You cheat on your income taxes.You don't bother votingYou never participate in the community or the coun... moreYou say the flag salute. You stand up for the anthem. You don't wear a mask.You cheat on your income taxes.You don't bother votingYou never participate in the community or the countryDuring draft times during wars you DODGED serving your country by lyingBut you are very HIGH on SYMBOLS. Bully for you!
Are you making your children go maskless too just you won't have to lie about it?That is the line tumbleweed has drawn.To be loyal to him you just don't wear them.So are ya loyal? ... moreAre you making your children go maskless too just you won't have to lie about it?That is the line tumbleweed has drawn.To be loyal to him you just don't wear them.So are ya loyal? If you go to his rallies you won't be allowed in with a mask.You definitely will not be allowed in the Republican presidental convention with a mask. He won't allow it.He made it loud and clear. He politicized this pandemic. NO EXCEPTIONS. MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY. YOU'RE EITHER ME OR AGAINST ME. Right? That's what the mask has become. Like a Christian wearing a cross. It demarkates you..separates you..identifies you...indelibly. less
I wonder in how many other countries the "head" does that to the citizens?Nerve gasChemical warfare directed at citizensShooting dead with bullets American on the a... moreI wonder in how many other countries the "head" does that to the citizens?Nerve gasChemical warfare directed at citizensShooting dead with bullets American on the agenda and currently in the works?The weed is doing us all a favor by subjecting us to what we will have to face from foreign invaders in the upcoming war. He is doing it because he adores us and wants us prepared so he teargasses us rubber bullets us beats us and buzzes us with flying machines. Brings the military in on it so we are uniform hardened. WHADDA guy! Swell as he**. Best of the breed. Tumbleweed. less
The weed is so enraptued in the drama of not being re-elected and the fear of the people who are protesting unfair treatment he can't get a grip on anything else being ashow he is ... moreThe weed is so enraptued in the drama of not being re-elected and the fear of the people who are protesting unfair treatment he can't get a grip on anything else being ashow he is as usual consumed with himself. What better time to have a war to content with?So where do the soldiers get deployed? Can he spare any to go to foreign lands since he is using so many of them to protect him? I don't know. Maybe he will institute THE DRAFT?
The weed is turnign america into a POLICE STATE. Does he dare look outside the windows at the streets in D.C. surrounding him?Shows the bifurcated brain of an insane mind. Doesn't ... moreThe weed is turnign america into a POLICE STATE. Does he dare look outside the windows at the streets in D.C. surrounding him?Shows the bifurcated brain of an insane mind. Doesn't see the similarity in China's CRACKDOWN on the people of Hong Kong and the weed's crackdown on the people of America. Well insane mind isn't capable of accessing reality izzit? No. Not at all. The insane mind lives in a world of its very own sick creation and sometimes draws others into the sickness who swear that IS the reality. SIGH. less
I wonder if anything really sinks into that tumbleweed head? He must hear voices 24/7 so how can he also hear/listen to other voices outside his conscious conscience consciously constantly?
Donny Deutsch, Republican and one time friend of the tumbleweed.Fun ahead guys. Buckle up.So he drops bombs and we get bombs dropped on us. Will that be enough distraction diversio... moreDonny Deutsch, Republican and one time friend of the tumbleweed.Fun ahead guys. Buckle up.So he drops bombs and we get bombs dropped on us. Will that be enough distraction diversion to make us forget what he is what he does what he thinks what he says? Mebbe.
Among the awesome swell things she wrote is this...On the day tumbleweed resigns and leaves office he should say"AMERICA YOU DON"T DESERVE ME"Truer words were never spoken nor will... moreAmong the awesome swell things she wrote is this...On the day tumbleweed resigns and leaves office he should say"AMERICA YOU DON"T DESERVE ME"Truer words were never spoken nor will they ever be.We don't deserve him. We did nothing evil to deserve this kind of punishment.Read it. As I said it is awesome swell. The tumbleweed won't think so but what the he** whatcha got ta lose by reading it?Taking her down or trying to with ranting raging raving insulting attacking tweets won't sit well with Republicans. As I said PEGGY NOONAN IS VERY MUCH RESPECTED. And not only by Republicans. We DEMS think highly of her too. While of course we don't agree with her politics we very much agree with her intelligent MEASURED responses and observations. NOT A FLAMETHROWER NOR A LIAR BE SHE. How do you think the weed will try to take her down without offending EVERYONE...Republicans and Dems alike? less
He always comes in to clean up the town and root out all the bad guys.Who was you favorite GOOD GUY?Gary CooperJohn WayneJimmy StewartThe bad guys were always jacka** holes who wer... moreHe always comes in to clean up the town and root out all the bad guys.Who was you favorite GOOD GUY?Gary CooperJohn WayneJimmy StewartThe bad guys were always jacka** holes who were so stupid they didn't know they were outsmarted and outgunned and outtalented until they bit the dust.Was there ever a western where the bad guys won and the good guy died?I think the people would NOT HAVE TOLERATED bad guys winning anything. Don't you?Bad guys think they are winning until they aren't. Cunning they may be but smart they aren't. It is arrogance misguided that causes them to overestimate their capabilities which makes them vulnerable to being destroyed which is always the best part of the movie. Isn't it? DEFEAT THE BAD GUYS! The audiences used to cheer and clap when the bad guys got what they deserved. In the good old days. Do we still cheer the good guys and clap when the bad guys go down and out? less
That is an unknown that remains to be seen. Many may NOT vote for him but NOT say anything and pretend all is well. All is NOT well among Republicans. Of course the tumbleweed base... moreThat is an unknown that remains to be seen. Many may NOT vote for him but NOT say anything and pretend all is well. All is NOT well among Republicans. Of course the tumbleweed base is unshakable. But whaddabout all Republican pols in the HOUSE and the SENATE? The more religious among them..truly religious not fakes and phonies...can't in good conscience re-elect such a sham of a depraved degenerate human being.It is possible tumbleweed will lose by the greatest margin in history which he will refuse to accept and fight tooth and nail. He finds anything to do with truth and justice inedible untenable and not his cuppa tea.We shall see.Balancing that out will be all the infiltration and rigging by hostile foreign sources and domestic white supremacists all of whom are focused on getting tumbleweed re-elected BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE.A fight between good and evil. If good wins bye bye tumbleweed. If evil wins 4 more years even worse than those we have lived through. SIGH. less
Geez what else does tumbleweekd need to do to cause them to abandon him in DROVES?BEGNNING TO QUESTION eh?Is the entire republican party intellectually very slow to comprehend unde... moreGeez what else does tumbleweekd need to do to cause them to abandon him in DROVES?BEGNNING TO QUESTION eh?Is the entire republican party intellectually very slow to comprehend understand make amends?Mitt Romney is a standout of course. Mostly I think because he is a DEVOTED MORMON AND HE LIVES IT. He walks the walk every day which is more than I can say for any of the others! Allegedly mickeymouse pounce is VERY RELIGIOUS man. C'mon. Seriously? Who is going to buy that lie any longer? Another fake phony anti-religion talking head. If he were the teargassing and rubber bullet shooting and BEATINGS would have forced him to speak up and out AGAINST the BIBLE PROP PHOTO OP LOUD AND CLEAR. What did he do/say? NADA. ZILCH. NOTHING. ZERO. Which is exactly what he is. A ZERO.The evangelicals mock their religion every day by their support of tumbleweed. They talk the talk but because they are empty suits they will never walk the walk. less