I’m basking in it right now, and it feels SOOOOOO good, but I have to take precautions and I cannot stay too long. Grrrrrrr.
Companion question:
When you’r... more I’m basking in it right now, and it feels SOOOOOO good, but I have to take precautions and I cannot stay too long. Grrrrrrr.
Companion question:
When you’re outdoors and reading for leisure, does it make you sleepy? I can barely finish a whole page before dozing off.
I do and I will be wearing them today because we will be going to our sons house for a BBQ. He is a professional cheif and a grill master so I am in for some good eating. Cheers!
He won't attract MORE VOTERS. In fact he might lose some who might voted for him.What does he get out of it since we know everything he does is to aggrandize himself and increase h... moreHe won't attract MORE VOTERS. In fact he might lose some who might voted for him.What does he get out of it since we know everything he does is to aggrandize himself and increase his wealth.Can anyone unpuzzle me vis a vis this latest brilliant move on the part the extremely wise stable genius bunker boy? Since I'm NOT a genius it makes no sense to me.
During training if anyone were paying any attention the terrified cops would be weeded out BEFORE they became murderers.How long is the training? Two minutes? What kinds of mental ... moreDuring training if anyone were paying any attention the terrified cops would be weeded out BEFORE they became murderers.How long is the training? Two minutes? What kinds of mental and psychological testing is done to make sure what you are dealing with is a sane calm decent reasonable person?
Is the penalty for RUNNING AWAY armed with a Taser death...shot in back RUNNING AWAY and left to die?What is the penalty for cops so terrified of black men they subdue them with kn... moreIs the penalty for RUNNING AWAY armed with a Taser death...shot in back RUNNING AWAY and left to die?What is the penalty for cops so terrified of black men they subdue them with knee in neck or gun or chokehold? Subdue them I might add FOR GOOD?Rest assured tomorrow there will be another George and another Reyshard and another and another.
If they did it I know why. As the right hand of bunker boy anything and everything is "on the table".So they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar when they PROMISED to go o... moreIf they did it I know why. As the right hand of bunker boy anything and everything is "on the table".So they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar when they PROMISED to go on a diet. No surprise.But how do you know what is true and what is faux any mo when anyone can alter anything and everyone makes up awful things?Be assured everything is a lie and then you won't get fooled. Be confident NO ONE TELLS THE TRUTH and you will forsooth never be disappointed in anyone since you won't believe him/her/them in the first place.Like bunker boy...believe only what YOUR GUT TELLS you less
Whatever might shed light on it since it is a dead black man again and we are in the middle of police brutality and systemic racist activities. Maybe he died by his own hand. Maybe... moreWhatever might shed light on it since it is a dead black man again and we are in the middle of police brutality and systemic racist activities. Maybe he died by his own hand. Maybe it was a lynching. Exciting times we live in. One step forward ten steps back.At this rate we will be back in 1900 in no time at all!
Here were the challenges including my answers. The person playing teacher in this challenge says I got a B but since he's not documenting where I went wrong and telling me wh... moreHere were the challenges including my answers. The person playing teacher in this challenge says I got a B but since he's not documenting where I went wrong and telling me what the correct answers were my guess is he's just kind of making it up, so if we have a real teacher or professor in the house how did I really do on this and what were my mistakes?
lim of f(x) as x approaches 3 from the left = 5
lim of f(x) as x approaches 3 from the right = 3² - 4 = 5The two-sided limit as x approaches 3 is 5.
lim of f(x) as x approaches -4 from the left = -4
lim of f(x) as x approaches -4 from the right = 5
-4 ≠ 5, therefore it’s discontinuous at x = -4 because the two-sided limit doesn’t exist. It’s also discontinuous because there’s both a hole and a jump at x = -4.
2 - -1 = 3
lim of f(x) as x approaches -1 from the left is 3
2 - -1 = 3-13 ≠ -1, therefore the two-sided limit as x approaches -1 doesn’t exist.
Releasing TEN YEARS of tax returns before being allowed to run for any office. Local state or federal. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO "I am being audited by the IRS" bullsh**. If you are being ... moreReleasing TEN YEARS of tax returns before being allowed to run for any office. Local state or federal. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO "I am being audited by the IRS" bullsh**. If you are being audited you don't run for any office until you release ten years' worth of tax returns for analysis research verification investigation. Period. End of story. No more bullsh**!You aren't willing to do that you don't meet the requirements and you are OUT before you ever get your foot in the door.Whatcha think?
Angels are whiteDemons are blackGood guys wear white hatsBad guys wear blackBlonds have more funBrunettes are spies saboteursJudging others by color of skin is in and always has be... moreAngels are whiteDemons are blackGood guys wear white hatsBad guys wear blackBlonds have more funBrunettes are spies saboteursJudging others by color of skin is in and always has beenIt sounds very profound and quite hoity toity but we know it's true as true can be. YOU CAN JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER. Oh dear how did the lie that you can't ever get legs?
Here's the thing. Why do whites never have to pay a price for being white?Why is that reserved for people of color, especially African American? Anyone know why it isn't the flip?W... moreHere's the thing. Why do whites never have to pay a price for being white?Why is that reserved for people of color, especially African American? Anyone know why it isn't the flip?Who made the choice of which color was the "right" color to be and which wasn't?What if GOD is not white at all but multi-color or a deep rich brown or even ebony? Would you who pretend to believe in HIM stop believing because HIS color was not pleasing to you?
"Minneapolis polie use force against black people at 7 times the rate of whites1 in 1000 black men and boys in the US can expect to die at the hand of the police...2.5 times the ra... more"Minneapolis polie use force against black people at 7 times the rate of whites1 in 1000 black men and boys in the US can expect to die at the hand of the police...2.5 times the rate of whites20% of the 430,000 who live in Minneapolis are black. Yet 60% of the time that cops get very "physical" it is against blacks...like neck holds and kicks and punches and mace and taser and shoved and taken down. Per the city's own figures.Now some of you will think that is despicable. Other somes of you will say that's because it is blacks who are the problem not whites.Which of you is correct and which of you is full of bull? I don't know. What do YOU think? less
Odds are they can't all be crap with scairdy cats and bad training and racist whites. Odds are that somewhere out there a few or some police forces are good and the people feel saf... moreOdds are they can't all be crap with scairdy cats and bad training and racist whites. Odds are that somewhere out there a few or some police forces are good and the people feel safe with them.How is the police force in your city? Something to shout out about or just another weaponized adversary you try to avoid because you can't trust them?
Make voting impossible. Screw with elections anywhich way they can. A bunch of queer peculiar partisan bums.Murder people who are running away who are unarmed who happen to be blac... moreMake voting impossible. Screw with elections anywhich way they can. A bunch of queer peculiar partisan bums.Murder people who are running away who are unarmed who happen to be blackGee what's not to love? Who wouldn't be PROUD of Georgia? They grow peaches and peanuts and pecans. Fruits and nuts. What else?
How can someone carrying only a Taser gun who is RUNNING AWAY from you be a threat to you?Are such cops frightened little babies who are scared of their shadows? Is the level of co... moreHow can someone carrying only a Taser gun who is RUNNING AWAY from you be a threat to you?Are such cops frightened little babies who are scared of their shadows? Is the level of cop recruit at the bottom of the barrel EVERYWHERE? Or are the real bad cops generally found in the confederate south where anything or anyone black gets taken down? Just asking.As world is still reeling from WORLDWIDE protests about police brutality and racism and the murder of George Flloyd another one happens. Not even the decency to wait awhile before the next murder. Not even the decency to give a chance for mourning one when another one hits the ground DEAD. Shot in the back? Only COWARDS do that. Deadman had no deadly weapon. Racism and terror wins again. Ho hum. What's new? How's tricks? less
Tone deaf cops. Protests not working. As they are occurring more deaths/murders/killing continue on.Cops are scared 24/7. Not good for living things. What next? Does it matter?Cell... moreTone deaf cops. Protests not working. As they are occurring more deaths/murders/killing continue on.Cops are scared 24/7. Not good for living things. What next? Does it matter?Cell phone video so we see all of it. News at 11.
*FOP"A man who is excessively vain and concerned about his dress, appearance and manner. Synonyms?DANDY COXCOMB POPINJAY PEACOCK SWELL DUDEBunker boy no doubt is all of the above. ... more*FOP"A man who is excessively vain and concerned about his dress, appearance and manner. Synonyms?DANDY COXCOMB POPINJAY PEACOCK SWELL DUDEBunker boy no doubt is all of the above. Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me! To a T. Me me me me me me me me me.
If MY kid had been yanked back to service a fop photo op I'd have objected bigly very bigly awesome bigly. The parents of this kids are all bunker boy supporters so they are okay w... moreIf MY kid had been yanked back to service a fop photo op I'd have objected bigly very bigly awesome bigly. The parents of this kids are all bunker boy supporters so they are okay with putting this kids in danger to service the fop for the photo op? Seriously sick I think. Do you too?
“You‘re The Only Woman (You and I) by Ambrosia, 1980.
LYRICS:... more“You‘re The Only Woman (You and I) by Ambrosia, 1980.
(Well yeah now you, Baby)Say now you, you talk about the things I doBut baby I, I'll try ‘n explain the reasons why‘Cause I've been thinking about the things we said late last nightWhen every word I said just didn't come out rightAnd you were so afraid that I'd found someone newBut darlin‘ well, there's no need for what we're going through because
You and I've been in love too long to worry about tomorrowHere's a place where we both belongI know you're the only woman that I'm dreaming ofYou're the only woman that I really love
Baby, see what a foolish heart has done for meOh, Darling, why would you break my heart and make me cry?Well now you can't go back and change the way things are, and all this foolish talk won't take us very farAnd so I hope you're listening ‘cause I'm telling youAbout the way I feel and what I'm going through because
You and I've been in love too long to worry ... less