Can a MASSIVE heart attack occur out of the blue without any warning to you it's coming? Or are there signs some don't recognize that could be imperceptible..subtle..sneaky?
What does he enjoy doing more than that? He loves to hate tweet 24/7 but he isn't on stage in front of a mike and bazillions of adoring worshippers. He needs the love from a live a... moreWhat does he enjoy doing more than that? He loves to hate tweet 24/7 but he isn't on stage in front of a mike and bazillions of adoring worshippers. He needs the love from a live audience so I bet that would be his first choice answer to "how would you like to die"? What is yours?
Given a choice wouldn't y'all rather be blown up instantly than to linger suffering in unbearable pain?Well trump calls the shots. I don't know if anyone can stop him from doing wh... moreGiven a choice wouldn't y'all rather be blown up instantly than to linger suffering in unbearable pain?Well trump calls the shots. I don't know if anyone can stop him from doing whatever he wants to do. None there seem to have the will to obstacle him. Did they ever?
He five times fake bonespurred draft dodged due to cowardice.He did go to military school at 13 (his folks couldn't stand having him around and shipped off to elsewhere I am suppos... moreHe five times fake bonespurred draft dodged due to cowardice.He did go to military school at 13 (his folks couldn't stand having him around and shipped off to elsewhere I am supposing. Why else banish him from home at that young age?) so he thinks that gives him the credulity and credability to run a country and its troops however he sees fit.Now he plays with real soldiers but has not more connection to them as he did with his toys. He is definitely 4F in every regard.But nuclear weapons testing? Why would trump want to activate that?Are y'all for it? less
Bush came in and CUT TAXES and invade Iraq and Afghanistan and blew the balanced budget all to he**!Republicans LOVES TO SPEND MONEY. Not theirs yours.
He, his wife and son caught COVID 19! Yep. He flaunted his masklessness and said he social distanced and that was enough. No mask for him. The result is he brought disease to his f... moreHe, his wife and son caught COVID 19! Yep. He flaunted his masklessness and said he social distanced and that was enough. No mask for him. The result is he brought disease to his family and sacrificed their health at the alter of partisan politics. Another one bites the dust. We know they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer but who thought they'd abandon the health of their families to make brownie points with trump? Go figger!It takes all kinds.Rest assured there will be many more maskless wonders who get the disease and gift it to their families. Does trump give a rat's a** about the reality? He** no. It's all about photo ops and appearance. Y'all are on your own all alone. Do your thing. It's a HAPPENING. Sigh. Sheesh. And the band played on. Stay tuned. More to come. Count on it! :) That I can tell you. Everyone says so. less
Some can sell anything no matter what it is. There is an audience out there for it. You just have find it.Also you can take ordinary average typical standard..shine it up...put it ... moreSome can sell anything no matter what it is. There is an audience out there for it. You just have find it.Also you can take ordinary average typical standard..shine it up...put it in a box, call it a PET ROCK and charge $10! I have no idea how many PET ROCKS were sold but it just shows ta go ya people will buy anything.The hucksters can lie about the defect or hide it or deny it OR they can highlight the defect and make it so it is that very defect that brings value to the "it". People too. How many defective folks have become successful?People are drawn to defects. Maybe because it makes them feel superior to or better than? Or maybe they have the same defects and think "if he can become successful anyone can including me". Maybe.Who is the most defective most successful anyone you can think of living at any time in history?Who is the most defective most successful anyone you can think of living at any time in fantasy? less
In this context does golden refer strictly to value and have nothing to do with appearance?Why not "diamond" child or "platinum" child? Who was the frst to use "golden" to describe a human?
Ever wonder WHY number one is number one and not number two or 17 or a zillion and three? Because that was what was MOST IMPORTANT TO ARTICULATE/GET STRAIGHT by those who created t... moreEver wonder WHY number one is number one and not number two or 17 or a zillion and three? Because that was what was MOST IMPORTANT TO ARTICULATE/GET STRAIGHT by those who created the "paperwork" upon which a nation was founded.Mean anything to you at all? If so what and if not WHY NOT?
Bared arms/armed bears do not get teargassed rubber bulleted or beaten. Peaceful protesters do.Does that seem logical to you?Peacefully gather together is what trump uses to restar... moreBared arms/armed bears do not get teargassed rubber bulleted or beaten. Peaceful protesters do.Does that seem logical to you?Peacefully gather together is what trump uses to restart his ego hate rallies. The right to do it.So his rallygoers have more rights than peacefully gathering protesters. Does that seem logical to you?Selective value according to who is who what is what and why is why. Nothing like it. more
*I am not referring to any job or profession that already required or accepted the use of face masks prior to Covid-19, only those wherein they were never used.
Seriously? He was talking about Congresswoman Val Demings, who was the first woman to head the police department in Orlando, FL. Why not just generalize and demonize all cops of an... moreSeriously? He was talking about Congresswoman Val Demings, who was the first woman to head the police department in Orlando, FL. Why not just generalize and demonize all cops of any race or ethnicity? Is this what BLM is about?
All the very bad he done did on behalf of tramp may be wrapped around his neck to take him down. All the injustice he did to please trump may bite him in his a**. Liddle billy is f... moreAll the very bad he done did on behalf of tramp may be wrapped around his neck to take him down. All the injustice he did to please trump may bite him in his a**. Liddle billy is facing the testimony of just and truthful people. Anathema to him. Conduct has been "appalling". Attack on peaceful protesters ordered directly by him stripping them of their Constitutional Right by being TEARGASSED out to make way wake for the now infamous BIBLE PROP PHOTO OP which will forever be enshrined in the memor of all the awfuls trump caused created ordered demanded insisted upon. Liddle billy is the hit man on orders of the don.Farewell goodbye adios sayonara so long auf wiedersehn take a hike hit the road. less
"Protecting our heritage" is the dog whistle for white racists who long for the days of slavery and lynchings and cross burnings? Those were the days weren't they though? So long a... more"Protecting our heritage" is the dog whistle for white racists who long for the days of slavery and lynchings and cross burnings? Those were the days weren't they though? So long ago but never far away.That's the heritage to which trump constantly refers defends protects celebrates.Is that YOUR heritage too? What you want back more than anything and what you think trump will get for you more than anyone?
200,000 dead Americans by Labor Day weekend? Not a new wave but the end of the current wave?Up to trump how he wants to play this. He believes when he resusciates rallies eve... more200,000 dead Americans by Labor Day weekend? Not a new wave but the end of the current wave?Up to trump how he wants to play this. He believes when he resusciates rallies everything will go back to the way he liked it. We shall see. Those of us who survive him.
Believe it or not Floyd's MURDERER had 18 complaints against him.Is there no limit to how many complaints a cop gets before he is FIRED?I mean c'mon. You have an employee you let s... moreBelieve it or not Floyd's MURDERER had 18 complaints against him.Is there no limit to how many complaints a cop gets before he is FIRED?I mean c'mon. You have an employee you let screw up 18 times and he is still employed? What are you? NUTS? That whole thing sucks unless cops take pride in chalking up complaints and whoever has the most by retirement gets an 18 carat gold watch and a Lamborghini? Sheesh. No wonder cops rock roll and rule. What do they have to fear?
We think he is subhuman too and forget he isn't.You get back what you give. We are all mirrors reflecting back what we get.And the band played on. And the beat goes on. And so it goes.
ORtwo lynchings? In California? Why not? Hate is in every state. That we know for sure.To a greater or lesser degree matters not. Hate is hate and cannot be mitigated by words.