*Not physically turn you into a sculpted object, but create a sculpture, a carving depicting you.
**Not bronze, any other kind of metal, marble, any other kind of rock, butte... more*Not physically turn you into a sculpted object, but create a sculpture, a carving depicting you.
**Not bronze, any other kind of metal, marble, any other kind of rock, butter, ice, etc.For instance: I would be sculpted out of a giant sandwich.
For me being happy in the sun. It has been 12 years except for two short visits to the land of the living. I sure do miss sunshine and nice weather. Not too hot an... moreFor me being happy in the sun. It has been 12 years except for two short visits to the land of the living. I sure do miss sunshine and nice weather. Not too hot and not too cold, just right.
I left out a very important word in a question and this pal caught it. BUT HE DIDN"T JUST LEAVE IT AT THAT! He went with it and postulated WHAT IF which changed the error into a wo... moreI left out a very important word in a question and this pal caught it. BUT HE DIDN"T JUST LEAVE IT AT THAT! He went with it and postulated WHAT IF which changed the error into a wonderful excuse for a much better question. Lucky me. Do your pals HAVE YOUR BACK too as mine do?
A professional trainer that helps you with your diet and exercise and basically whips you into shape?I had one once for about 6 weeks a couple of years ago.
No KIDDING! 5 CONS and 4 LIBS on the court and for sure the bunker boy tought his 5 would hang together!THEY DID NOT!SCOTUS is not owned by anyone including bunker boy! Nice ta kno... moreNo KIDDING! 5 CONS and 4 LIBS on the court and for sure the bunker boy tought his 5 would hang together!THEY DID NOT!SCOTUS is not owned by anyone including bunker boy! Nice ta know.All you bunker boy adoring worshippers who are THRILLED at all the racist Fascist judges being larded on benches all over the land...don't celebrate. SCOTUS is independent of YOU and bunker boy and so you see they will listen to their conscience and DO THE RIGHT THING. You don't like it? GO POUND DIRT! Suck it up. Get over it. Get a grip. Sometimes the good guys win. You are not among them! :) less
They roll over lie down beg to please bunker boy because that is the "nice" thing to do? So they sacrifice their lives? Small price to pay. Hey hey hey.A different dimension of "ni... moreThey roll over lie down beg to please bunker boy because that is the "nice" thing to do? So they sacrifice their lives? Small price to pay. Hey hey hey.A different dimension of "nice". Are you nice? THAT nice that you would sacrifice your life and the lives of your loved ones? If so why?
I’m at the park for my morning run, the place is packed with people doing all sorts of things such as walking, jogging, bicycling, skating, Tai Chi, etc. I’ve just fini... moreI’m at the park for my morning run, the place is packed with people doing all sorts of things such as walking, jogging, bicycling, skating, Tai Chi, etc. I’ve just finished and saw someone doing various cool-down stretches which I immediately thought would be great to incorporate into my own regimen. Have you ever been similarly inspired when seeing someone else exercise?. I’m not referring to you watching them on TV, video, online, etc., only real life, live, first-hand.~
Both of them are stumble bums when it comes to articulation. Neither one is eloquent or pleasant to listen to for very long. The bunker boy does better on his teleprompter specches... moreBoth of them are stumble bums when it comes to articulation. Neither one is eloquent or pleasant to listen to for very long. The bunker boy does better on his teleprompter specches though he does need glasses because sometimes he creates words that don't exist and then follows up with the words that were written for him to say making it very obvious that he SCREWED UP.So bunker boy WE ARE WATCHING YOU. WE ARE LISTENING TO YOU. YOU ARE UNDER A MICROSCOPE. EVERY SECOND. Have a good day.
Bunker boy lies. Bunker boy cheats. Bunker boy attacks. Bunker boy insults. Bunker boy will do anything to "win".Everyone knows that. What don't we know about bunker boy? WHY HE IS... moreBunker boy lies. Bunker boy cheats. Bunker boy attacks. Bunker boy insults. Bunker boy will do anything to "win".Everyone knows that. What don't we know about bunker boy? WHY HE IS SO LOATHE to release his taxes. Why izzy?
The 2015 version of Lindsay Graham shows him RAILING AGAINST the bunker boy and praising Joe Biden. Not on the same tape but during the same time frame.Apparently this is being use... moreThe 2015 version of Lindsay Graham shows him RAILING AGAINST the bunker boy and praising Joe Biden. Not on the same tape but during the same time frame.Apparently this is being used to great advantage by the "Republicans against Trump former goodfellows". A great ad we are being told and we shall be seeing it a lot.
Some enterprising someone RIGHT NOW should start pumping out bunker boy posters bunker boy flags bunker boy clothing bunker boy cars bunker boy booze bunker boy everything. Like Ma... moreSome enterprising someone RIGHT NOW should start pumping out bunker boy posters bunker boy flags bunker boy clothing bunker boy cars bunker boy booze bunker boy everything. Like Martha Stewart has an extensive line of stuff. Extensivate a line of bunker boy anything and his adoring peeps will buy it and fly it or frame it or wave or hang it or post it or wear it or car bumper it. Billions of bucks to be made. Everywhere you will be you will see the face of an orange haired orange skin bunker boy sneering leering. Free of charge this idea. Go for it. What could it hurt? less
I have never taken a lie detector ttest but have heard they can be outwitted. A guilty person can pass a lie detector test. How I do not know. So that can't be the way.
Because AT THE VERY LEAST it has to be acknowledged to give that life its due. People will forget but at least for one moment the dead person's death did not go unnoticed.So "they"... moreBecause AT THE VERY LEAST it has to be acknowledged to give that life its due. People will forget but at least for one moment the dead person's death did not go unnoticed.So "they" will never stop talking about the newest one. Never. Ever.
So you broke a law and end up in jail or prison for awhile and die because while there you got "the virus", got sick and died.Well folks who go to the bunker boy ego hate rallies w... moreSo you broke a law and end up in jail or prison for awhile and die because while there you got "the virus", got sick and died.Well folks who go to the bunker boy ego hate rallies will get sick and die to...of their volition...their own choice.I guess the difference is the jailbird wasn't willing to die but the bunker boy peps are.
Imagine his throwing a rally and no one attends it?So hundreds of thousands will be there. To save the life of an egomaniac..not literatelly but figuratively.How noble is that?
Dr. Fauci said his worst nightmare would be to open prematurely and have the virus spike and surge because of it.It seems to be happening. That WORST CASE scenario is now a reality... moreDr. Fauci said his worst nightmare would be to open prematurely and have the virus spike and surge because of it.It seems to be happening. That WORST CASE scenario is now a reality.But the hardnosed tough bunker boy adoring worshippers don't even notice it at all. Will they notice it at all when among them some get ill or drop dead on the spot? Or will they go on oblivious to it or at least not admitting it.
That's all it takes to make something disexist. Ignore or deny it and well it just ain't there.Now did you KNOW that? Isn't it good to know for future use? Ignore/deny and abracada... moreThat's all it takes to make something disexist. Ignore or deny it and well it just ain't there.Now did you KNOW that? Isn't it good to know for future use? Ignore/deny and abracadabra! POOF! Gone!
The unworried by the hundreds of thousands maybe millions are looking forward to resume ego hate rallies where they sit butt to butt and shoulder to shoulder as they cheer and shou... moreThe unworried by the hundreds of thousands maybe millions are looking forward to resume ego hate rallies where they sit butt to butt and shoulder to shoulder as they cheer and shout and yell and stomp and breathe and spit on each other in their excitation.Strange that.
I've spent a lifetime, ever since a young boy, preferring cloudy, rainy weather over oppressive, overbearing, in-your-face Sun Weather.I'm alone on this.Subtle but strong universal... moreI've spent a lifetime, ever since a young boy, preferring cloudy, rainy weather over oppressive, overbearing, in-your-face Sun Weather.I'm alone on this.Subtle but strong universal constant messages tell me I am wrong about my weather preference.Unlike generally-accepted individual opinions and individual preferences in various categories like music and movies, when it comes to weather, the only beautiful weather is sunny weather. (And I prefer the night over the day -- that's another whole topic.)
Just a few examples:"Annie" -- "The sun will come out, tomorrow! bet your bottom dollar there'll be sun.""Everything will look better in the morning.""Get out there and enjoy that sunny weather!"Meteorologists -- "Okay, the clouds and the possibility of rain will remain with us for the the next few days, but hang in there, by Thursday, beautiful weather will be back and the sun and warm temps will be back with us!""I get up early and make sure to see the glorious sunrise every day." (I prefer sunsets -- the sun ... less
He looked like a DODDERING OLD MAN suffering from some sort of debilitating disease affecting his mobility. He sez the ramp was SLIPPERY. It appeared to be a VERY SUNNY DAY and the... moreHe looked like a DODDERING OLD MAN suffering from some sort of debilitating disease affecting his mobility. He sez the ramp was SLIPPERY. It appeared to be a VERY SUNNY DAY and the guy walking next to him walked down effortlessly. Whassup with the old man? Anyone know? Momentary mental lapses. Momentary stumbles. Momentary elementary synapses not firing properly? Short-circuiting? Doddering moments.Forcing cadets to come back just so he could get a photo op ego pat on his corpulent a**? Who else would do that but a jackhole bunker boy?Massive rallies to come forcing folks to spit and breathe on one another. Ego rubs. Ego ego ego ego photo ops.Bragging rights.It takes all kinds. less
All the Republicans up for re-election is November could be DRAGGED DOWN by bunker boy on the ticket.How many of them will distance themselves FROM bunky slowly by slowly because h... moreAll the Republicans up for re-election is November could be DRAGGED DOWN by bunker boy on the ticket.How many of them will distance themselves FROM bunky slowly by slowly because he is an ALBATROSS that will take them down?What bunky always wanted to be was an isolationist populist nationalist (racist Fascist) and he is that.So far his butt is being patted still but well now the time is growing less and bunky is in a real mess so those who can read between the lines better git while the gittin's good just in time to save themselves. Ya think? less
Can someone who thoroughly ENJOYS violence and some who thoroughly DESPISES violence ever be friends or lovers or mates? How could they stand each other at all even for a minute?Wh... moreCan someone who thoroughly ENJOYS violence and some who thoroughly DESPISES violence ever be friends or lovers or mates? How could they stand each other at all even for a minute?What opposites are deadly combos?
Here's what impresses me and it ain't a complimentAllegedly hundreds of thousands of you have signed up for free tickets to the jackhole bunker boy hate filled ego rallies and you ... moreHere's what impresses me and it ain't a complimentAllegedly hundreds of thousands of you have signed up for free tickets to the jackhole bunker boy hate filled ego rallies and you have to sign a waiver saying when or if you get the virus you will NOT sue the jackhole bunker boy! That doesn't dissuade you in the least. That is impressive. The jackhole tsk tsks the virus on the one side of his mouth but on the other side ADMITS you could get it and get sick and die and he doesn't want any part of THAT so it's all on you. That doesn't upset you at all. That is impressive. Hundreds of thousands of you are giving your finger to a pandemic. Now that is impressive to me for the amount of...well maybe it isn't stupidity at all...maybe it's simply y'all are MASOCHISTS or that y'all truly believe GOD won't let you get sick sent HE sent the jackhole bunker boy to you right? Mebbe.Anyway it is VERY IMPRESSIVE. less
Have YOU seen a list of companies to whom bailout money was given and how much? If so could YOU provide us with that since so far it seems the jackhole bunker boy is REFUSING to di... moreHave YOU seen a list of companies to whom bailout money was given and how much? If so could YOU provide us with that since so far it seems the jackhole bunker boy is REFUSING to disclose that. Like he REFUSES to disclose his tax returns.WHAT IS HE HIDING THAT HE FEARS OUR KNOWING WOULD ANGER US?So please provide that list that shows the TRANSPARENCY of what jackhole bunker boy is doing. Maybe you have the muscle to get it.
I expect those who are sick and tired of gun-related deaths can't still be gun ones. Keeping that potential alive for themselves when they decry the wrongful deaths gun ones causes... moreI expect those who are sick and tired of gun-related deaths can't still be gun ones. Keeping that potential alive for themselves when they decry the wrongful deaths gun ones causes would make no sense at all.Do those who used to smoke ADMIRE those who smoke or think they are quite unsensible unlogical unreasonable?
If YOU are a gun one you will relate to and understand and defend other gun ones.Some non-gun ones also defend gun ones. For whatever reason that is their right to speak up and out... moreIf YOU are a gun one you will relate to and understand and defend other gun ones.Some non-gun ones also defend gun ones. For whatever reason that is their right to speak up and out.Being a gun one is not their cuppa tea but they admire other gun ones for a variety of reasons.
Should we remove statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson because they were slave owners? Let's include Andrew Jackson, who signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Remove W... moreShould we remove statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson because they were slave owners? Let's include Andrew Jackson, who signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Remove Washington from the one dollar bill and the current twenty five cent coin. Remove Jefferson from the two dollar bill and the five cent coin. Remove Jackson from the twenty dollar bill. If you are offended by this question, please report me.
While they apparently know little about the topic, they wear their biased agendas right next to their hearts on their sleeves. And it's a waste of breath to counter their assertion... moreWhile they apparently know little about the topic, they wear their biased agendas right next to their hearts on their sleeves. And it's a waste of breath to counter their assertions with actual, you know, facts, because they seemingly don't listen and never respond.
my apt manager dont care about nothing, he let someone doing meth stay here for 9 months with her boyfriend who wasnt on the lease, finally got her out c... more my apt manager dont care about nothing, he let someone doing meth stay here for 9 months with her boyfriend who wasnt on the lease, finally got her out cause of her boyfriend, they found meth all over her walls after.now someone under me is breaking the lease by having her toddler grandkids stay there all wknd when my manager is gone, they run around constantly, so my floor is shaking all the time, shes up at 5am every morning, not sure why since shes not working. i heard shes doing pot and wondered why she dont get kicked out for that and why is she even taking care of kids while doing drugs. my apt manager is worthless to talk to, people have said they smelled pot when she opens her door, we're only supposed to have overnight visitors 7 nights a yr, but she does it every wknd, its not fair to the other people that just got out of the hospital for some reason and then cant take naps cause of toddlers, its senior living place. any suggestions on who to talk to if manager dont care? sho... less