This is the highest unemployment rate since THE GREAT DEPRESSION! And it will get worse.So how do you reverse what is still ongoing building accelerating? Any ideas?Well he** whatc... moreThis is the highest unemployment rate since THE GREAT DEPRESSION! And it will get worse.So how do you reverse what is still ongoing building accelerating? Any ideas?Well he** whatcha gonna do when the well runs dry?We open up got back to work and we get a huge SURGEClose down again and deal with the repercussions of opening too soon. Over and over and over and over and over again. It's good exercise. What else is good about it?The GREAT DEPRESSION ended in 1939. Are we now in another depression or soon will be? When might that one end once it gets a good grip on the nation?More dark before the light?More pain before the pain begins to subsideDue to the medically SLOW and INEFFECTIVE response due to the sloth of da big cheese the recovery will be incredibly slow unless he goes. The longer he stays the worser it gets and the longer it stays.Struggling has only just begun. How will da big cheese struggle? Or is he immune? less
They want voters infected and preferably ahve them all end up dying. The more the betterer. The more the merrier. Why?Because they think it doesn't exist. That it is a hoax. No one... moreThey want voters infected and preferably ahve them all end up dying. The more the betterer. The more the merrier. Why?Because they think it doesn't exist. That it is a hoax. No one died. No one got ill.Why play to a fantasy when the reality is begging you to pay attention?Da big cheese VOTED BY MAIL in the primary but sez CHEATING OCCURS WHEN YOU VOTE BY MAIL.See how logical he is? Brilliance will out whether it makes any sense or is gibberish nonsense. BRILIANCE AND GENIUS WILL OUT.
Da big cheese kills all truthful information from any source. He refuses to allow any of it to get out there. WHY? Because none of it flatters him or kisses his a** or toady sycoph... moreDa big cheese kills all truthful information from any source. He refuses to allow any of it to get out there. WHY? Because none of it flatters him or kisses his a** or toady sycophants him and he will not have it.All truth must be killed at the source or da big cheese will go down HARD. 400 lbs of flab and lard. Can't have that!Don't hold your breathe for a change of heart. Da big cheese doesn't have one of those either.All for him and him for him now and forever tethered together. Protect him OR ELSE. Defend him OR ELSE. Support him OR ELSE. Roll over beg whimper play dead OR ELSE. You have your marching orders. What else do you need to live the good life? less
Because the girly man is bored with disease and has moved on.Leave behind that fake reality and go back home to privilege wealth obscenely vicious vile venal. That is where the gir... moreBecause the girly man is bored with disease and has moved on.Leave behind that fake reality and go back home to privilege wealth obscenely vicious vile venal. That is where the girly he is most happy.Home home home home home. VOILA! Girly man returned. All is well. Da big cheese is right back in his trap.
Da big cheese despises Jeff Bezos, Amazon boss. Why? BEZOS is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY RICH and VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY SUCCESSFUL. Both of which da big chees... moreDa big cheese despises Jeff Bezos, Amazon boss. Why? BEZOS is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY RICH and VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY SUCCESSFUL. Both of which da big cheese ain't. He is a wannabe.You can betchure bippy that the new Post Office toyboy puppet will set his sights on attacking BEZOS.Where how when? I dunno.
Is all anyone anywhere in america cares about is a bank balance?SuperficialHeartlessGutlessBraindeadLawlessStupid dumbDa big cheese wins and America rolls on. SIGH. Money is not on... moreIs all anyone anywhere in america cares about is a bank balance?SuperficialHeartlessGutlessBraindeadLawlessStupid dumbDa big cheese wins and America rolls on. SIGH. Money is not only the most important thing. IT IS THE ONLY THING america cares about at all.No wonder america is yesterday's news. Like an old old ugly wrinkled hoor whose price keeps dropping for her tricks. Trash to be discarded by all except the american moneyhungry greedy seedy needy. Laughingstock it used to be. Now a disgusting infected boil that keeps growing larger due to the pus within.From laughingstock to disgusting. What stage comes next? less
"THE LIE WAS NOT MATERIAL TO THE INVESIGATION".Per liddlebillbarrroycohn. Mental midget. Pronouncement.Upon what basis the mental midget comes to that conclusion? Just like his bos... more"THE LIE WAS NOT MATERIAL TO THE INVESIGATION".Per liddlebillbarrroycohn. Mental midget. Pronouncement.Upon what basis the mental midget comes to that conclusion? Just like his boss da big cheese he pulled it out of his a**!That's where they all go to get their info? A** wise they have big ones stuffed with pronouncements and decisions and "truth". An endless supply of a**holes. Comfy ain't it?
Also back then da big cheese said about FLynn that he not only LIED TO THE FBI HE LIED TO THE VICE PRESIDENT.That was then. This is now. With liddlebillbarrroycohn doing the machin... moreAlso back then da big cheese said about FLynn that he not only LIED TO THE FBI HE LIED TO THE VICE PRESIDENT.That was then. This is now. With liddlebillbarrroycohn doing the machinations da big cheese has flipped his lid again. SCUM. TREASON. How da big cheese describes the FBI Now. Soft in the head? An empty space where a brain/mind should be? A bobblehead? What kind of fool is he? What kind of FOOL ARE YOU?This is the wise extremely STABLE GENIUS. Isn't he awesome swell?
It will be in glorious fashion with tanks rolling down the streets of D.C. and the military marching kinda like Nazis did for Hitler way back when. Marching bands. Planes will be f... moreIt will be in glorious fashion with tanks rolling down the streets of D.C. and the military marching kinda like Nazis did for Hitler way back when. Marching bands. Planes will be flying over head in fancy formation and leaflets will be dropped on the hordes of people watching that say "DA BIG CHEESE WON. WATCH OUT. YOU WILL BE NEXT"Guaranteed to instill fear in the hearts of all below.He doesn't have to worry about his supporters of course. It's the rest of us who will his targets. No change. Sameoldsameoldsameold.But now we know there is no longer any balancing body or rails or anyone/anything anywhere to check him. All hope is gone forever. So the sky's the limit for what comes next. Exciting times ahead. Enjoy every moment. You don't know when that bullet with your name on it will hit you. Do you? less
When will you get your life back entirely so you fuggeddabbout all this tomfoolery? Waste of time. People die. Life goes on. You got a problem with that?
Because his staff didn't protect him from the DANGER of being serviced by an infected person.But here's the thing. Da big cheese won't get the infection. He is immune from everythi... moreBecause his staff didn't protect him from the DANGER of being serviced by an infected person.But here's the thing. Da big cheese won't get the infection. He is immune from everything. Any disease. Aging. Dying.SAY WHAT?I'm not kidding I guess you don't know that long ago da big cheese made a pact with the devil. He'd SELL the devil his soul in exchange for being president. But da big cheese outsmarted the devil. Da big cheese HAS NO SOUL to give so he tricked Satan and will live forever and never die. He will outlive the entire homo sap species and then go on to another planet where he will do the dirty all over again. For eternity! Didja know how very clever da big cheese had to be to pull that off? Stay tuned. Watch and learn. He has only just begun. less
It not how's about the sean of finiky or lady lauda or the baugh of big rush? Or stephen miller or maybe even liddlebillybarrroycohn? You can choose anyone and that son of itch mit... moreIt not how's about the sean of finiky or lady lauda or the baugh of big rush? Or stephen miller or maybe even liddlebillybarrroycohn? You can choose anyone and that son of itch mitch will make sure to advise and consent no question. Ted Nugent? Tom Selleck? Clint Eastwood? Scott Baio? KellyanCON? Sarah hucksster? You know who would be awesome?One of the same who sued da big cheese for sexual harrassment! A kick the head!
So how are you going to celebrate great, where and when. All credit due da big cheese for his clear-eyed insistence persistence. He never gives up does he?
He flit hither and yon tither and wither and never stays still. What he said yesterday he refutes today and then reconsiders and resays it again. If you CAN keep up with him then y... moreHe flit hither and yon tither and wither and never stays still. What he said yesterday he refutes today and then reconsiders and resays it again. If you CAN keep up with him then you are in excellent shape. Also a moving target is less apt to get hit. There is that.On a scale of 1-10 in terms of YOUR mental agility what number are you? Of course da big cheese is 100. He always tentuples any scale.
Those who only believe their ilk and automatically NEVER EVER believe "the other". Thinking is very hard work and most folks are lazy bums. They will swallow whole whatever is hand... moreThose who only believe their ilk and automatically NEVER EVER believe "the other". Thinking is very hard work and most folks are lazy bums. They will swallow whole whatever is handed to them. Know any?
Or will a FEDERAL JUDGE have to agree with the dynamic duo? Will it go to SCOTUS d'ya think? Do you know how it will end?All criminals will be decriminalized because liddlebillybar... moreOr will a FEDERAL JUDGE have to agree with the dynamic duo? Will it go to SCOTUS d'ya think? Do you know how it will end?All criminals will be decriminalized because liddlebillybarrroycohbn and his boss da big cheese say it's so.How far will it go? I don't know. Guess.
Any correlation between HOW you like your eggs prepared and WHOM you are?You can have them poached boiled over easy sunny side up or SCRAMBLED.Or there are those who are very upsca... moreAny correlation between HOW you like your eggs prepared and WHOM you are?You can have them poached boiled over easy sunny side up or SCRAMBLED.Or there are those who are very upscale fancy dancy and love EGGS BENEDICT or a SOUFFLE.Are scrambled egg lovers scrambled?Are boiled egg lovers hardboiled?Are poached egg lovers all gooey inside but appear to be hard on the outside?Can you "take the measure of man" by how he prefers his eggs prepared?
Well of course da big cheese gubment is going to begin an investigation into all the hospitals and governors. Da big cheese doesn't believe those fake phony numbers for a minit. Th... moreWell of course da big cheese gubment is going to begin an investigation into all the hospitals and governors. Da big cheese doesn't believe those fake phony numbers for a minit. That's why no mourning from him. IT NEVER HAPPENED! That's why no masks for him. Do you think he'd be that dumb?No extent to what the DEEP STATE will do to get rid of da big cheese. We're lucky he is so dam* smart.So rejoice one and all. No one died. Another hoax. Faux news. There was never anything to shut down for. OPEN WIDE.Everyone back to work as usual. Peace will reign in da big cheeseland. What da big cheese said early was true.Only 15 Americans had it... all got well and NO ONE DIED. With April's warmth the disease that never existed in the first place MAGICALLY disappeared! Don't worry your pretty little heads. You are in very good hands. less
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member:
Hypothetical scenario: A patient goes into cardiac arrest, requires CPR, and no supplemental oxygen is available. Would you give him/her mouth-to-mouth , knowing the virus may or m... moreHypothetical scenario: A patient goes into cardiac arrest, requires CPR, and no supplemental oxygen is available. Would you give him/her mouth-to-mouth , knowing the virus may or may not be the cause of it?