This means that moscow mitch the son of an itch has complete control. He can create/backdate any "complaint" to say anything. Who is gonna stop him? Pumpkina**? So now is another b... moreThis means that moscow mitch the son of an itch has complete control. He can create/backdate any "complaint" to say anything. Who is gonna stop him? Pumpkina**? So now is another bigly worry It behooves the itch to provide whatever it will take to condemn Joe so that Pumpkina** will easily win. Right? When has the itch ever done what was honorable honrest fair just legal?What makes you think he will start now when every gaggle is watching him to see what he will come up with.Poor Joe. Never had chance.Of course Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh and Pumpkina** are all completely innocent. They just happen to be Republicans. A hincky coininkydinky. Right. You betcha. Poor Joe. less
I wonder if there exists anywhere any pro GAG gaggleperson who doesn't cheat or lie? They all seem to be cut from the same cloth. Ends and pieces that end up on the discount shelf ... moreI wonder if there exists anywhere any pro GAG gaggleperson who doesn't cheat or lie? They all seem to be cut from the same cloth. Ends and pieces that end up on the discount shelf as remnants..odd sizes that no one wanted. The more you screw others the better for you. The mantra script bible slogan for them the GAG and his gaggle?
The weaponzied fastcist racists in Michigan are PROTESTING a governor who wants to keep them alive.They should be protesting the president who is indifferent and doesn't give a rat... moreThe weaponzied fastcist racists in Michigan are PROTESTING a governor who wants to keep them alive.They should be protesting the president who is indifferent and doesn't give a rat's a** about them.There is proof they are irrational limited mental defectives.I mean would you protest a person doing things in your best interests (trying to keep you alive) or an cold indifferent self-centere seflish arms' length aloof so-called president? Whether you live or die he won't cry. He won't notice. He won't even mention it.See what I mean? Wired ass backwards. less
Because the SOB's are all mad as he** and they aren't going to take it any more.The governor has SOME NERVE trying to protect their lives. Who the he** does she think she is anyway... moreBecause the SOB's are all mad as he** and they aren't going to take it any more.The governor has SOME NERVE trying to protect their lives. Who the he** does she think she is anyway?Now of course Pumpkina** supports them and echoes of long ago tells us "they are very good people". Where did we hear that before? Charlottesville? The Pumpkina** has a proclivity for backing the lowest of the low all of whom are imbeciles. He should know. They are HIS people. He said they are very angry and the governor should "listen to them" and "make a deal". With racist fascist nitwits who have a death wish? What kind of deal?If they want to die fine. Here's the fly in that ointment. They will kill others too. Not just themselves. If they can find a way to limit death to themselves and not kill those who disagree with them I say GO FOR IT!Kill yourselves any which way you choose. But you are NOT smart enough or clever enough or intelligent enough to let others live while you die so guess what? Your anxious desperation to co... less
The" ------" is disgusting and graphic so I opted to simply indicate the words. Y'all probably know what Tara said in that later edition of her iteration of her complaint.The first... moreThe" ------" is disgusting and graphic so I opted to simply indicate the words. Y'all probably know what Tara said in that later edition of her iteration of her complaint.The first one was touchy feely mild. NO ASSAULT and the word "sexually" was not even mentioned. Her first iteration. The most recent iteration was knock down drag out disgusting and filthy. Now did she just "remember" what actually happened or was she given an incentive to "enhance" her recollection?Ya know what the topper is? ALLEGEDLY she was going to appear on FAUX NEWS to spill her guts.I don't about about choo but that is DAM*ing proof that somehow someway partisan politics are the catalyst and she will be magnificently monetarily rewarded. A coincidence? She is innocent of duplicity or political motive?Then why is she allegedly only appearing on FAUX? Do you know? Why not appear on every show that will have her and subject herself to questions? What is she afraid of that she needs to be with "FAUX" whom we know is all about damaging Dems?... less
Are they inane insane or BOTH?We the people by and large are IGNORING the idiots and holding on to what is working IN SPITE OF THE crackpot wackadoodlenoodles weaponized protesters... moreAre they inane insane or BOTH?We the people by and large are IGNORING the idiots and holding on to what is working IN SPITE OF THE crackpot wackadoodlenoodles weaponized protesters who want to go back to WIDE OPEN and dam* the consequences! AS stupid dumb as they come. No doubt.By and large the majority of we the people have maintained our sanity, focus on and try to do what is logical reasonable and sensible. We have given up looking to gubment for anything that is useful helpful reasonable logical sensible. We are on our own and they are on their own. Who is gonna win? Those who stay alive. Those who lose will die. Who would choose to die when he/she could choose to live? A puzzlement.A HUGE percent of Americans think it is not the right time to OPEN UP. But OPEN UP is what the red state dingbats insist on doing with the support of Pumpkina**! God speed. Good luck. Condolences. RIP. So long it's been good ta know ya. less
All the children of all the employees and all the parents and all the grandparents will show up in Easter finery...thousands and thousands of them. All jammed together in a show of... moreAll the children of all the employees and all the parents and all the grandparents will show up in Easter finery...thousands and thousands of them. All jammed together in a show of support for the Pumpkina**.Televise it from beginning to end. No masks allowed. No gloves. NO SOCIAL DISTANCING. Just thousands of people including children frolicking about touching one another jammed together in their quest for fun and normalcy.That will go a very long way to prove that Pumpkina** walks the walk as well as talks the talk. Show the world how certain he is that his decisions are spot on right! What could it hurt? Everyone sez so! :) less
I guess in Canada the prime minister rules and is the boss. In the states it's still the NRA whose job is to sell lotsa guns, assault type especially.Lucky Canadians. Having a lead... moreI guess in Canada the prime minister rules and is the boss. In the states it's still the NRA whose job is to sell lotsa guns, assault type especially.Lucky Canadians. Having a leader with intelligence common sense and the will to follow through and do the right thing. Imagine that in America? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! :(
He supports armed crackpots in Michigan storming the capitol to open wide open up or die! What more do they need but that? Oh boy! Here come da riots. Here come da crackpot wackado... moreHe supports armed crackpots in Michigan storming the capitol to open wide open up or die! What more do they need but that? Oh boy! Here come da riots. Here come da crackpot wackadoodlenoodles. All racists. All Pumpkina** adoring wosrhippers. All ready and locked and loaded for bear. Are you among them?Betcha their hate and blood is roiling and broiling and you/they can hardly wait to do his bidding. What took him so long? So here we go. Quite a show. Lots of blood ahead. Do you like RED?It will be like something you have never seen. State by state the weaponized crazies will take over the Capitols and carnage will ensue. Massacres beyond anything you have ever known. They will not be stopped in their quest to give Pumpkina** the massacres he wants. He loves BIG NUMBERS! Show up. Do your job. Count your kills. Report to headquarters. You will be medaled. less
I wonder if GAG test drives his bimbos on a "casting couch" before he puts them on the payroll. You know like the bigtime producers and directors in the olden days? Anyone who woul... moreI wonder if GAG test drives his bimbos on a "casting couch" before he puts them on the payroll. You know like the bigtime producers and directors in the olden days? Anyone who would work for him will do anything say anything be anything. It could happen. He certainly is NOT a moral man with integrity.
Any ideas how he plans to pull it off? He won't sit idly by and watch his poll numbers keep tanking, the economy down in the toilet and the deaths and infections heights to which t... moreAny ideas how he plans to pull it off? He won't sit idly by and watch his poll numbers keep tanking, the economy down in the toilet and the deaths and infections heights to which they will go. He has gotta do something to insure a win. He did it before and he can do it again. Any ideas how he plans to pull it off THIS TIME?
Allegedly PUMPKINA** is blocking Dr. Fauci from testifying before the HOUSE (Dem majority) next week but will allow him to testify before the rigged Senate which has a shill repubb... moreAllegedly PUMPKINA** is blocking Dr. Fauci from testifying before the HOUSE (Dem majority) next week but will allow him to testify before the rigged Senate which has a shill repubbaccan majority. Democracy inaction. In action. Scairdy cat wuss stacks deck because if he doesn't he knows truth happens and he will not allow that. More to come. Pumpkina** is a consistent vengeful SOB. Count on him always and forever to be a petty pissant wuss and you can't go wrong.. Impressed?
GAG wants things back to normal. Sports events in jam-packed venues. Concerts. Churchgoing. Massive crowds so he can point to his rising popularity.Now he needs y'all. He cannot do... moreGAG wants things back to normal. Sports events in jam-packed venues. Concerts. Churchgoing. Massive crowds so he can point to his rising popularity.Now he needs y'all. He cannot do it on his own all alone. I know computer graphics can show huge crowds. But I think he really will insist that y'all show up to show your support IN PERSON. maskless gloveless and unsocial distanced. Ready set go! Who is on board with that? For the long-term?
Allegedly GAG is abusing his staff and blaming them for his low poll numbers. He has always abused his staff but now it seems to be getting way uglier meaner crueler. How much can ... moreAllegedly GAG is abusing his staff and blaming them for his low poll numbers. He has always abused his staff but now it seems to be getting way uglier meaner crueler. How much can they take before they all break?Why do they take it? Do they love the monstrous bullyman unconditionally? Is the money so good they will take anything do anything say anything to keep the big bucks rolling in? What's really going on?
Multiple warnings multiple times in EARLY JANUARY by his own staff. Ignored. Continued mocking ridiculing insulting attacking lying hating blaming. That never stopped. It still is ... moreMultiple warnings multiple times in EARLY JANUARY by his own staff. Ignored. Continued mocking ridiculing insulting attacking lying hating blaming. That never stopped. It still is going on.But LET'S PRETEND GAG was in fact competent engaged plugged in and wanted to protect the citizens of the country EARLY ON! Can statistics give us a ballpark figure of how many thousands of Americans might not have died if only GAG did his job immediately? He WASTED PISSED AWAY KILLED precious time during which he pranced and prated and gibberished and blathered and babbled with colored feathers of his ilk performing for them and them alone. Meanwhile people were dying right and left. No skin off his nose. He is very good at not pretending to give a sh**. He has that down pat. He really doesn't care one bit or whit so he doesn't need to use his "acting" chops to pretend anything. One less thing for him to worry about and fail at.. less
I guess our counties within the state have a certain degree of autonomy. I read yesterday that RIVERSIDE COUNTY (Hemet is in Riverside Country) will continue the mask glove social ... moreI guess our counties within the state have a certain degree of autonomy. I read yesterday that RIVERSIDE COUNTY (Hemet is in Riverside Country) will continue the mask glove social distancing stahing at home until at least JUNE 19! GOOD FOR US! The powers that be are LOOKING OUT FOR US. I for one appreciate it. Are you being looked out for in your state? By whom?
Are the brains of LIARS like a 10,000 piece puzzle and the brains of truthtellers 100 pieces or less?Are you drawn to complexity and shun simplicity? Do you go out of your way to c... moreAre the brains of LIARS like a 10,000 piece puzzle and the brains of truthtellers 100 pieces or less?Are you drawn to complexity and shun simplicity? Do you go out of your way to complicate everything? An avocation/hobby or your life work?
What is the best way to deal with imperfection when you are the imperfect one? Deny it? Accept admit and atone for it when/if you harm others? Ignore it?
Of course we know GAG is a tumbleweed. In February he waxed poetic and was VERY complimentary about the way China was handlin the Covid 19 crisis. Ecstatically supportive.Then the ... moreOf course we know GAG is a tumbleweed. In February he waxed poetic and was VERY complimentary about the way China was handlin the Covid 19 crisis. Ecstatically supportive.Then the worm turned. GAG ran out of scapegoats so he is doing a Hail Mary pass presently and hoping he can make a touchdown.Of course the source of the virus has nothing to do with his response to it. No lies will ever erase the fact that he blew it bigly for at least TWO MONTHS. The more he tries and more his gaggle tries the worse he makes it for himself. He cares not a fig about the people in this tragedy. Not a fig. less
Much of my life I've spent asking WHY? Because I can't figger it out. It makes no sense. Now of course it isn't ALWAYS the fault of others. Sometimes it's just me and my limitation... moreMuch of my life I've spent asking WHY? Because I can't figger it out. It makes no sense. Now of course it isn't ALWAYS the fault of others. Sometimes it's just me and my limitations/lack of comprehension.Can everything be explained logically if the explainer is very clear concise and truthful?
Sear Spicer was way out of his league. Sara had a brain and a sharp tongue and she lied all the time but she held her own. The latest PS never held one news conference. The newest ... moreSear Spicer was way out of his league. Sara had a brain and a sharp tongue and she lied all the time but she held her own. The latest PS never held one news conference. The newest PS was found by GAG on FAUX news because he liked her style and the fact that she always sucked up to him! That's all it takes. Be on TV and be a consistent suckup. Let's see how long this one lasts. Taking bets.