I don't -- I usually find the crowd's whistling, yelling and screaming annoyingA HUGE exception -- the crowd on Chuck Berry's "My Ding-a-Ling" -- THIS is what every "live" recordin... moreI don't -- I usually find the crowd's whistling, yelling and screaming annoyingA HUGE exception -- the crowd on Chuck Berry's "My Ding-a-Ling" -- THIS is what every "live" recording should be! The crowd's input is perfect, ha! The interplay between Chuck and the crowd -- joyous
WASDo unto others are you would have others do unto you.ISWhat you do unto others will come back and be done unto you.Big improvement don'tcha think?You bite an a** your a** gets b... moreWASDo unto others are you would have others do unto you.ISWhat you do unto others will come back and be done unto you.Big improvement don'tcha think?You bite an a** your a** gets bitten back bigly tentuply. Ack ack ack. FER SHURE!
Zero. Zip. Nada. Zilch. It has nothing to do with anything except another desperate attempt by GAG aka Pumpkina** to transfer the blame for indifferent incompetent impotence. They ... moreZero. Zip. Nada. Zilch. It has nothing to do with anything except another desperate attempt by GAG aka Pumpkina** to transfer the blame for indifferent incompetent impotence. They are totally unrelated but the gullible gaggle will hang on to it for dear life. They cannot ever admit that GAG is a bust. A doofus. A snake oil salesman. A shyster ambulance chaser huckster. A sh** and shinola guy. Ever.
Technically, this is really more appropriate as a statement than a question: the answer is obvious. I’m referring to Spence’s Pence’s visit to a medical faci... moreTechnically, this is really more appropriate as a statement than a question: the answer is obvious. I’m referring to Spence’s Pence’s visit to a medical facility where, among others, COVID19 patients were being treated. All of the people on the medical staff in attendance were wearing facial masks, Spence Pence was not. When approached about putting on a facial mask, Spence Pence refused, even though it would have been beneficial in assuring more protection for others, if not for himself. :[ less
INVESTIGATING THE WORLD HEATH ORGANIZATION AND CHINA RIGHT NOW so he can blame them officially. Timing sucks Pumpkina**. What a jacka** you are!Do that later. Much later. NOT... moreINVESTIGATING THE WORLD HEATH ORGANIZATION AND CHINA RIGHT NOW so he can blame them officially. Timing sucks Pumpkina**. What a jacka** you are!Do that later. Much later. NOT NOW WHILE PEOPLE ARE DYING AND STARVING!What the he** is wrong with you that you are so involved in irrelevant crap AT THIS MOMENT? Can't it wait till people stop dying and stop starving? Does it have to be right now right away RIGHT NOW right away to fulfill your need to transfer blame for YOUR impotent incompetence and indifference? You can't even pretend to care about people can you? What a fool. less
Police in BC are reporting a 700% increase in cars speeding during the coronavire outbreak. I don't understand that because with fewer cars on the road you would&... morePolice in BC are reporting a 700% increase in cars speeding during the coronavire outbreak. I don't understand that because with fewer cars on the road you would think they would have the time to slow down and enjoy the ride. Cheers!
GAG will not tolerate real time being corrected. He simply explodes. So he whisked away Dr. Fauci who has a spine and leave the iname lame dame on stage as evidence of what? I have... moreGAG will not tolerate real time being corrected. He simply explodes. So he whisked away Dr. Fauci who has a spine and leave the iname lame dame on stage as evidence of what? I have no idea. She is worthless.
No one does anything in moribund D.C. until GAG tantrums and hissy fits in his inimal DERANGED way. Then and only then does anyone dare do anything. Y'all don't know that yet? Been... moreNo one does anything in moribund D.C. until GAG tantrums and hissy fits in his inimal DERANGED way. Then and only then does anyone dare do anything. Y'all don't know that yet? Been living in a different universe for a few years? No moves dares breath ot move or sneeze or barf or hiccup without getting permission first from the GAG. NO ONE! GOT IT?
The heat is INTENSE on his BOTCHED COVID 19 lack of and delayed response.What does he do best? Blame others for his incompetence. Every time.So now there will be investigations int... moreThe heat is INTENSE on his BOTCHED COVID 19 lack of and delayed response.What does he do best? Blame others for his incompetence. Every time.So now there will be investigations into CHINA and the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION to assess all the blame and transfer it to them and take all the responsibility away from the inept impotent lame "leader" in the US of A. It will take billions of bucks and lots of energy and time to do that but what the he**! What could it hurt? Anything to transfer HIS failure.His gaggle will buy every word of it. They are DESPERATE now. less
What if its true that "the meek shall inherit the earth" and that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven"? What then?Being ... moreWhat if its true that "the meek shall inherit the earth" and that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven"? What then?Being shunned vilified and a pariah because you were wealthy and powerful. How would they go with the flow of what used to be?How hard would it be for you to accept adapt ENJOY? How easy would it for you to participate in PUNISHING the priorly powerful wealthy for all the injustices they perpetrated at your expense? Are you vindictive vengeful? If given the job of making them PAY what would you do to make level the playing that had been slanted severely your entire life? less
What about the sins of the mothers who say nothing and go along with it? What punishment should they be given?Melania trumpMickeymousepounce wifeThe wives of all the perps sycophan... moreWhat about the sins of the mothers who say nothing and go along with it? What punishment should they be given?Melania trumpMickeymousepounce wifeThe wives of all the perps sycophants liars betrayers corrupt and coarse criminals?What should they do to ATONE and make amends for the egregious EVIL their spice allowed and supported
How will history describe the gaggle, the toady sychophants, the eunuchs the bellycrawlers the yes men/women?Well I doubt it will be kindly. Some of them will go down by name in sh... moreHow will history describe the gaggle, the toady sychophants, the eunuchs the bellycrawlers the yes men/women?Well I doubt it will be kindly. Some of them will go down by name in shame for the infamy they participated in. Their families will change their names because they want no association with them.Moscow Mitch McConnellLindsay GrahamMarky MeadowsDevie NunesJimmy JordanLiddle billybarr roy cohnMickey mouse pounceMike pompousa**rudyg the tv lawyersean funky finikylaura outgram slam bam thank ya m'amrush baugh HAW HAW HAW dopeheadAnyone named trump...dump the chumpAnyone named kushner.All toadya** cabinet members who blathered slathered over how grand GAG is ON COMMANDRoger brick less
The dumbhead Pumpkina** kissers who are indifferent to life or death? They will be "rewarded" exactly as they deserve. Perhaps by the people who live in that state who turn on them... moreThe dumbhead Pumpkina** kissers who are indifferent to life or death? They will be "rewarded" exactly as they deserve. Perhaps by the people who live in that state who turn on them and protest and march and never again vote for them. Fiddledee dee a traitor's life for thee. A traitor to life and serving the people they were hired to serve. Well Pumpkina** will bless them with his dying breath. He does so adore a**kissers you know.They should get everything they deserve and more. Don'tcha think?
Have a death wish do ya? If I were thee I'd become a vegetarian, maybe even a vegan.Ya got folks being forced to work who are not being tested. Russian Roulette you bet! How many a... moreHave a death wish do ya? If I were thee I'd become a vegetarian, maybe even a vegan.Ya got folks being forced to work who are not being tested. Russian Roulette you bet! How many among you are gambllers? With your life it gets real existing I betcha. C'mon. Whatcha got ta lose that's worth following rules?
The dingbat dumbsh**t are clueless. As the number of cases has reached over ONE MILLION and people keep dying they are opening their states biglier and biglier. Good job. Good show... moreThe dingbat dumbsh**t are clueless. As the number of cases has reached over ONE MILLION and people keep dying they are opening their states biglier and biglier. Good job. Good show. Very smart. Y'all will get rewarded bigly at the election. Cast your a** on the waters and well you know the rest.
That is patently ridiculous. They have no choice but to perform within the limits of the strengths and weaknesses. They did not choose to be that. They were wired to be that. Whate... moreThat is patently ridiculous. They have no choice but to perform within the limits of the strengths and weaknesses. They did not choose to be that. They were wired to be that. Whatever their parents are they will be. If the parents are rats you cannot expect the progeny to be a thing of beauty and a joy forever.We're too hard on homo saps. A poisonous snake/spider kills. We don't judge it or punish it for being what it is.We judge/punish homo saps for being what they are. Why? An 80 IQ guy will not perform the same as 150 IQ guy. People don't get to choose whether they're dumb or intelligent. Who would CHOOSE dumb? They are born that way. Now we can blame the parents who will blame their parents who will blame their parents. At some point the buck stops somewhere back in antiquity. So knowing that we can never be what we aren't and can only be what we are does that change how we perceive one another? less
BAck in the day racist was rampant and celebrated! Then over the years things changed...or so we thought. Civil Rights laws appeared. We thought we were making progress.How wrong. ... moreBAck in the day racist was rampant and celebrated! Then over the years things changed...or so we thought. Civil Rights laws appeared. We thought we were making progress.How wrong. No progress at all. Now we have a Pumpkina** racist and his likeminded ilk. He is da bomb and his a** is kissed verbally 24/7 by all the gagglebots (robots who are GAGA over GAG).Progress right? Or reactionary? Going back to what we used to be priorly before we were born. Progress regress egress oppress redress. The bad guys are back in charge again and we are once again on the road to perdition.Oh well. You win some you lose some. less
I'm going to quote her verbatim. The person she speaks of as an example is Sir David Attenborough with whom you may or may not be familiar. Here goes."He and others like him should... moreI'm going to quote her verbatim. The person she speaks of as an example is Sir David Attenborough with whom you may or may not be familiar. Here goes."He and others like him should be world leaders and not like the half wits that think they own us".She is a Brit so her perspective is a bit different from US citizens but still spot on.So I wonder as I wondered to her if there were some unwritten law precluding having intelligent honest honorable caring human beings IN CHARGE? There is much dreck and scum. Where is the pure form the best form the highest most noble form of human being? Why do we get the criminal corrupt selfish evil betrayer cheater deadbeat? Anyone? less