The 'sarcasm' claim just doesn't wash, what he said was completely off the cuff.However, as with the fish tank cleaner, there will now most likely be a plethora of idiots drinking ... moreThe 'sarcasm' claim just doesn't wash, what he said was completely off the cuff.However, as with the fish tank cleaner, there will now most likely be a plethora of idiots drinking or injecting disinfectant, which will unquestionably result in multiple fatalities. That's the fear factor. On the other hand, it chlorinates the gene pool and reduces the number of morons who would have voted for him in November. Cheering.
1. Pretending to be someone else (for nefarious means)2. Playing with children 2a. Reading a story aloud and emulating a character3. Acting
4. Singing (or tr... more1. Pretending to be someone else (for nefarious means)2. Playing with children 2a. Reading a story aloud and emulating a character3. Acting
4. Singing (or trying to sing)5 Unintentionally during a moment of high stress or distress or duress6. Due to sickness or illness7. A combination of two or more of the above, specifically _________________8. I’ve never done that in my entire life for any reason 9. None of the above/other answer ~
I just made a new cat friend at the pet store. It was my first time in that store and I found the prices very high but I am sure I will go back just to pat the cat ... moreI just made a new cat friend at the pet store. It was my first time in that store and I found the prices very high but I am sure I will go back just to pat the cat and probably buy my dog another $8 bone that I could get at the other pet store for $6 but they don't have a cat or dog in the store . Cheers and happy weekend!
This was partially inspired by another member’s similar question:
Some businesses in some locations are being allowed to reopen, tattoo parlors among them. A sound bite from one media outlet featured a tattoo “artist” stating that bot... moreSome businesses in some locations are being allowed to reopen, tattoo parlors among them. A sound bite from one media outlet featured a tattoo “artist” stating that both he and the client(s) will be wearing masks and gloves, except for when the requested tattoo is on the face or hand, and that will make everything okay. Aren't these people just rolling the dice with their lives?
Covid 19 is the cherry atop the ice cream treat.The real threat is beneath underneath hidden in the depths of the polluted waters.GAGGAGGLE$TOADY SYCOPHANTSWere undermining America... moreCovid 19 is the cherry atop the ice cream treat.The real threat is beneath underneath hidden in the depths of the polluted waters.GAGGAGGLE$TOADY SYCOPHANTSWere undermining America long before we knew of a virus.A real test to see what we are made of. What are we made of?
For each $1 Kentucky gives to the federal government it gets back $2.61 in federal government welfare spending. It is the second MOST DEPENDENT STATE with its hands out on the dole... moreFor each $1 Kentucky gives to the federal government it gets back $2.61 in federal government welfare spending. It is the second MOST DEPENDENT STATE with its hands out on the dole from the feds. The son of am itch doesn't know that? What else is he stupid dumb about?By contrastNew York paid to the federal government $26.6 BILLION MORE IN TAXES than the fed gubment paid out on its behalf! New York pays the most to the fed gubment and gets the least back.So the son of itch is about as stupid dumb as they come. Ignorance isn't bliss. Ignorance isn't what the son of an itch. He is stupid dumb for not knowing that talking about states going bankrupt target his state. Great! The son of an itch and GAG have that in common. They pull out of their butts what they say believing folks will believe them. Giess what? The gaggle and the toady sycophants do. And so it goes. less
Allegedly after GAG suggested disinfectant INJECTIONS 100 people called the station to get more information. Does that scare you that people are that stupid? Millions of them are s... moreAllegedly after GAG suggested disinfectant INJECTIONS 100 people called the station to get more information. Does that scare you that people are that stupid? Millions of them are stupid then because whatever GAG says is like the BIBLE to them. They believe him lock stock and barrel. IQ of 25? Lower?
INJECT BLEACH into his body. Spray him with lysol nostrilly. Put a bright light down inside his body.Watch it kill everything. Including him?Doubtful. Remember his gut and arse are... moreINJECT BLEACH into his body. Spray him with lysol nostrilly. Put a bright light down inside his body.Watch it kill everything. Including him?Doubtful. Remember his gut and arse are his informants. They have always guided him to righthink.So when is the big show happening?
As infections soar and death galore inundate us we will be providing grotesque humor to the rest of the world...all of whom will know we are the worst dumbheads ever gathered toget... moreAs infections soar and death galore inundate us we will be providing grotesque humor to the rest of the world...all of whom will know we are the worst dumbheads ever gathered together. And feel superior as well they should for being smarter and better than the witless hapless GAG and gaggle peeps and wondering why in the HE** the non-gaggles haven't booted them out long ago. DO YOU KNOW?
Because you can't depend on the dead to show up on time.Any nitwit DS idiot who thinks he can should be in a straitjacket and locked up in a ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST snakepi... moreBecause you can't depend on the dead to show up on time.Any nitwit DS idiot who thinks he can should be in a straitjacket and locked up in a ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST snakepit crazynutjob mental institution..
The 15 and then none never happened. We are approaching ONE MILLION COVID 19 cases in America. So much for GAG's GUT/ARSE foretelling what was coming. A total bust. What else lies ... moreThe 15 and then none never happened. We are approaching ONE MILLION COVID 19 cases in America. So much for GAG's GUT/ARSE foretelling what was coming. A total bust. What else lies ahead that GAG is also very lousy at?
The obscenely wealthy SOB's would fight against anything not going into their bank accounts. Equal? Bullsh**! They not only want what you have now they want to get everything you w... moreThe obscenely wealthy SOB's would fight against anything not going into their bank accounts. Equal? Bullsh**! They not only want what you have now they want to get everything you will ever get. SELFISH doesn't begin to describe the venal vile evil they represent. But there it is.Re-elect GAG and further EXPAND the width between the have everythings and the have nothings. The puzzlement is that some of the have nothings adore and worship GAG who has more than he will ever need but wants demands insists on having all of it all the time because he deserves it and you don't! Whatever. less
Do when GAG promulgates injecting disinfectant in human bodies or putting magic light inside the body and you sit there dummied up we infer from that you agree with the stupid dumb... moreDo when GAG promulgates injecting disinfectant in human bodies or putting magic light inside the body and you sit there dummied up we infer from that you agree with the stupid dumb. Silence assumes assent. Stupid dumb that goes unchallenged is presumed to be your cuppa tea. If you didn't know that you must have been living in a cave on Okinawa still fearing soldiers coming in to murder you. Out of touch completely.
With so many different types of plastics including cling films and wrappings , how is it possible to separate all the different types like bottle tops and what all the differnt typ... moreWith so many different types of plastics including cling films and wrappings , how is it possible to separate all the different types like bottle tops and what all the differnt type that are made and are only suitable for just specific foods or other chemicals....Are any of theses single use throw away items ever meant to be recycled..... Do you think your government cares that all of these item are not possible to be recycled....and it's all just another ploy to get people to vote for them ?
Be the role model he yearns to be and collectively gather together his gaggle in city after city after city in ourdoor arenas jampacked tight together if that's all that's availabl... moreBe the role model he yearns to be and collectively gather together his gaggle in city after city after city in ourdoor arenas jampacked tight together if that's all that's available but preferably in enclosed auditoriums and arenas jampacked tightly together to thumb his nose at COVID 19 and show his adoring worshippers he be dat man what not tink death awaits.Countdown to resumption of the campaign hate rallies. Going going GONE! Be there or be square. Wear your MAKE AMERICA GAG AGAIN clothes and hats. To show your support of GAG and yourselves his adoring gaggle.It's time to put your bodies where your mouths have been. Get out! Go out and mingle. Multiply Cheer. Clap. Stomp! Swoon. Chant! You know you want that more than you ever wanted anything! Be brave. Get out of the house. What's stopping you? less
I thanked the cashier for coming to work everyday so people like me could buy what we needed. I had not thought to say that before to anyone anywhere. My bad. Also I don't know wha... moreI thanked the cashier for coming to work everyday so people like me could buy what we needed. I had not thought to say that before to anyone anywhere. My bad. Also I don't know what prompted me to thank her but when I did her eyes welled up with tears and she told me she appreciated that so much. That I was the first person who had thanked her for simply showing up to do her job. I felt guilty at not thanking others like her before but I'm also very glad I did. Now whenever we go out to do whatever essentials I will thank the people who are there to keep our country running. They are afraid but they show up despite the fear to do their jobs. Ordinarily we don't thank people for doing their jobs. These times are not remotely ordinary. Just a share for whatever it's worth. less
Or rather do y'all admire respect and worship him for his agility to offload accountaility responsibility blame?You can tell me. I won't say a word. No one will have to know about ... moreOr rather do y'all admire respect and worship him for his agility to offload accountaility responsibility blame?You can tell me. I won't say a word. No one will have to know about it. Honest injun!