It is the Homeland Security Department that is charged with KEEPING OUT TERRORISTS. So of course shutting it down makes a lot of sense. The better to let terrorists sneak in as fas... moreIt is the Homeland Security Department that is charged with KEEPING OUT TERRORISTS. So of course shutting it down makes a lot of sense. The better to let terrorists sneak in as fast as they can to prove ultimatum boy's point. He is a**backwards on everything because he doesn't have a clue about the relationship between CAUSE AND EFFECT!He does his foreign policy via tweets. He takes no responsibility for anything he does/says that goes WAY SOUTH on him. "WHO ME?" Nothing means anything to him. How weird that he could have lived to be so very old without understanding the way things work. Oh well. He had people who did his thinking for him.SIGH. less
What are you ALLOWED to say and what are you NOT ALLOWED to say over the air through the tv screens? I don't think ANYTHING GOES goes but I am not sure. Are you?
Since January 2017 this gubment has serviced ultimatum boy and his seedy slimy henchmen SOLELY. A proven enemy. It now holds hostage the pay of 800,000 people WHOM IT IS SUPPOSED T... moreSince January 2017 this gubment has serviced ultimatum boy and his seedy slimy henchmen SOLELY. A proven enemy. It now holds hostage the pay of 800,000 people WHOM IT IS SUPPOSED TO SERVE and PROTECT. Ultimatum boy certainly is not a good steward of American history. Everything he is SUPPOSED TO DO he has not done. Now he is holding on and holding on and holding on because he thinks he is WINNING. SIGH. Do all LOSERS really confuse LOSING with winning?
Simple. Ultimatum boy is having a hissy fit because he can't have his way. A temper tantrum. So he will exhaust any means possible and tell any lies to get his way and his toady sy... moreSimple. Ultimatum boy is having a hissy fit because he can't have his way. A temper tantrum. So he will exhaust any means possible and tell any lies to get his way and his toady sycophants have already been programmed with what to say. Ultimatum boy will now declare a STATE OF EMERGENCY any time he is told "NO YOU CAN'T". He will say it is a HUMANITARIAN CRISIS when someone says "are you kidding? No way are you gonna get that"! So folks now you know it is all emotional and political theater. Uber Drama from the uber drama ultimatum boy. It is his version of sucking his thumb and carrying his blankie with him everywhere. less
Reading, cooking, exercising, playing sports, camping, shopping, watching movies, TV shows, playing board games or Scrabble or poker online or off? What things interest you most an... moreReading, cooking, exercising, playing sports, camping, shopping, watching movies, TV shows, playing board games or Scrabble or poker online or off? What things interest you most and are you good at doing them?
What if the EMINENT DOMAIN reason is shoddy crappy sleazy absurd? Does it win anyway? Who decides if it is REALLY for the public good and not to enrich the pockets of the greedy ev... moreWhat if the EMINENT DOMAIN reason is shoddy crappy sleazy absurd? Does it win anyway? Who decides if it is REALLY for the public good and not to enrich the pockets of the greedy evil deceitful?
D'ya know if that's true? I mean I have nothing against Canada. In fact I LOVE Canada and Canadians. I truly do. BUT if we are building a $5.7 BILLION dollar wall fence steel slat ... moreD'ya know if that's true? I mean I have nothing against Canada. In fact I LOVE Canada and Canadians. I truly do. BUT if we are building a $5.7 BILLION dollar wall fence steel slat curtain between Mexico and the US we gotta do the same between Canada and the US and obviously expect to spend 7 times more cuz 41 is almost 7 times 6. I mean figures don't lie. So where's the ultimatum about a Canadian wall and where is the $42 BILLION for that too? Remember if it is an HUMANITARIAN CRISIS at the southern border then it is a 7 times bigger crisis at the northern border. So what's the deal here anyway? Why the unfair treatment? less
I have a coworker like that and I happened to be walking by her when she was talking to someone and she accidentally backhanded me right in the face because she has to put on a big... moreI have a coworker like that and I happened to be walking by her when she was talking to someone and she accidentally backhanded me right in the face because she has to put on a big show for whatever reason. I've always wondered why some people flail about like that. It's irritating and that really hurt by the way..
Those are the folks "they" kept warning you about. Are they gone? No longer a threat? Where did they go. When did they go? Who are the folks the Humanitarian Crisisists are talking... moreThose are the folks "they" kept warning you about. Are they gone? No longer a threat? Where did they go. When did they go? Who are the folks the Humanitarian Crisisists are talking about? Does anyone have a clue? Do you?
Go on WelfareLose their homes and live with others or become homelessGo hungryDeclare bankruptcyNot be able to afford to see the doctor/dentistCredit rating ruinedHe sez he can rel... moreGo on WelfareLose their homes and live with others or become homelessGo hungryDeclare bankruptcyNot be able to afford to see the doctor/dentistCredit rating ruinedHe sez he can relate to them. Do you BELIEVE him?
Should all the responsible networks ignore him. Refuse to give him air time for lying? He will say nothing new unless the lies are new. He will not tell the truth because he is inc... moreShould all the responsible networks ignore him. Refuse to give him air time for lying? He will say nothing new unless the lies are new. He will not tell the truth because he is incapable of it. He self-aggrandize and self-pet and self-stroke and self-compliment and self-serve from beginning to end. We've seen this play before. We read the book. We know how it ends. Why bother?
Ya know former Republicans are similar to former smokers. Once they kick the habit they are way TOUGHER on smokers than non-smokers could possibly be. Well ya see former Republican... moreYa know former Republicans are similar to former smokers. Once they kick the habit they are way TOUGHER on smokers than non-smokers could possibly be. Well ya see former Republicans are embarrassed and ashamed and disgusted and revolted about what stable boy has done to the political party they have been part of for so many decades. They do not forgive him or those trumpicans who cleave unto him at the expense of what once USED TO BE THE GRAND OLD PARTY!Ronald Reagan would be appalled disgusted enraged at y'all for becoming what you have become (or maybe always were) and allowing the destruction of his once-proud party. Those of you who can come back to sanity hear this...there is NO FORGIVENESS for you. NONE. You blew it bigly for electing him and every day in every way you blow it biglier and biglier by sticking by him through his all his self-inflicted sh** and defending him. Sheesh. You didn't know when you had a good thing going for ya didja? You had to ruin it. Didn't ya?. less
Ever have REAL ITALIAN SPUMONI? Not the fake kind in the grocery store but the bona fide REAL DEAL? Isn't it the most delicious ice cream you've ever tasted in your entire life? If... moreEver have REAL ITALIAN SPUMONI? Not the fake kind in the grocery store but the bona fide REAL DEAL? Isn't it the most delicious ice cream you've ever tasted in your entire life? If not what is?
"Cowards die many times before their death. The valiant never taste of death but once"Shakespeare...Julius Caesar"A coward dies a thousand deaths. The brave man dies but once"Ernes... more"Cowards die many times before their death. The valiant never taste of death but once"Shakespeare...Julius Caesar"A coward dies a thousand deaths. The brave man dies but once"Ernest Hemingway...A Farewell to ArmsWhich be your cuppa tea? Why?
"The Ex-President""The crucified lamb""The days of glory""Once upon a time in a land far away""Low IQ" "Blame the Dems""Everyone says so ""I'm the only one who can fix it""I am a s... more"The Ex-President""The crucified lamb""The days of glory""Once upon a time in a land far away""Low IQ" "Blame the Dems""Everyone says so ""I'm the only one who can fix it""I am a stable genius""I know more than the generals""I will never lie to you""Lock her up""Mexico will pay for the wall" "Puppet? I'm no puppet. You're the puppet""All I can tell you is that he denied it""You can grab them by the ______" "I love women. No one loves them more than I do""Why can't I have my way about EVERYTHING?""I am the best there ever was""If she weren't my daughter I would probably date her""Why do we get folks from SH**hole countries? Why not NORWAY?""Rapists and murderers and terrorists flood over the border""A National EMERGENCY and HUMANITARIAN CRISIS""The Caravan is coming to get YOU""There is good and bad on both sides. In defense of racists/bigots/homophobes/American Nazis""My tax returns are currently under audit. When the audit is done I will release them""We'll see what happens""In a short period of time ... less
A life of always struggling to get somewhere or a life of relaxation surprise excitement adventure? At the end which life will have been "better" d/ya s'pose? Why?
Nature or Nurture?Some folks help out whomever they can whenever they can however they can. Others don't because they don't want to get involved with other people problems. It is a... moreNature or Nurture?Some folks help out whomever they can whenever they can however they can. Others don't because they don't want to get involved with other people problems. It is an inconvenience after all. Ever been helped by a Good Samaritan? How?
Of course the witless hapless stable boy IS THE TURF. So far the tv talking heads haven't crossed swords with Putin but when they do which of them will the stable boy obey? Whatcha think?
Why do you care about a far away wall? What about the folks AT THE BORDER? The folks whose properties will be EMINENT DOMAINED to give the stable boy a "WIN"? So that he can sate t... moreWhy do you care about a far away wall? What about the folks AT THE BORDER? The folks whose properties will be EMINENT DOMAINED to give the stable boy a "WIN"? So that he can sate the voracious appetites of the cable tv talking heads?
Where is the HUMANITARIAN in that CRISIS pray tell? If anyone is buying this expensive snake oil that stable boy insists on selling what the he** is WRONG with you? The human... moreWhere is the HUMANITARIAN in that CRISIS pray tell? If anyone is buying this expensive snake oil that stable boy insists on selling what the he** is WRONG with you? The humanitarian crisis was born from the stable boy stupid dumb policy. As long as he is allowed to continue on the HUMANITARIAN CRISIS will always be front and center WALL OR NO WALL. He is the crisis. NOT the lack of a wall fence slats curtain. Sheesh.