Surely GOD could have done so much better in creating us. Surely HE could have made us so much wiser and kinder and more loving. Surely HE could have performed at a much higher lev... moreSurely GOD could have done so much better in creating us. Surely HE could have made us so much wiser and kinder and more loving. Surely HE could have performed at a much higher level creating a far superior product without all the flaws and defects. Maybe HE did. Elsewhere in other galaxies in far-off places maybe there are others created in HIS image who are representative of HIS grand powers. The Lamboghini line. We're just the scooter. We cannot know but why would HE stop at one run of one design of one species of "thinking" beings? Makes no sense to me. Doth it make sense to thee? Why? less
"MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL"Bulls**. The ultimatum boy was caught in a telecon with the Mexican prez asking him to "play along" just so ultimatum boy could save face. Of course t... more"MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL"Bulls**. The ultimatum boy was caught in a telecon with the Mexican prez asking him to "play along" just so ultimatum boy could save face. Of course the Mexican prez REFUSED to play along with such an absurd statement. Those of you who truly believe that one person can make promises for another are irrational. How would you like someone to promise FOR YOU anything without your permission? That would take a really stupid dumb person to try to fulfill such promise and well while your ultimatum boy isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer other country's leaders are. SIGH. less
The "brain" or "mind" or "intellect" goes on hiatus and the body/emotion is ensnared by lies and duplicity and deceit and humiliation. That is not normal or sensible or reasonable ... moreThe "brain" or "mind" or "intellect" goes on hiatus and the body/emotion is ensnared by lies and duplicity and deceit and humiliation. That is not normal or sensible or reasonable or logical yet there it is. So what is this "other thing" that overrides intelligence so completely so often so very effectively?
The degree of SCAM CON RIDICULOUS in both "philosophies" is astonishing. That people could be duped for decades as they were with Scientology (many still are caught in that snake p... moreThe degree of SCAM CON RIDICULOUS in both "philosophies" is astonishing. That people could be duped for decades as they were with Scientology (many still are caught in that snake pit) and not realize they were being taken for a ride and made fools of is unbelievable. I see that same template of rigid immutable devotion in the trumpicans. .
The WALL. Representing fear of "the other"FASCISMRACISMISOLATIONISMNATIONALISMPOPULISMMental dysfunction? Emotional regression? Irrational erratic unstable adult infantilism?So wha... moreThe WALL. Representing fear of "the other"FASCISMRACISMISOLATIONISMNATIONALISMPOPULISMMental dysfunction? Emotional regression? Irrational erratic unstable adult infantilism?So what do STEEL SLATS do for you when you were PROMISED A BIG THICK TALL WALL? Bait and switch? How many times do you fall for that and still think you're supporting your best interests?
Who hasn't? I was on my way to work one time when I decided to make a quick stop at an office building to see someone for a minute. When I entered the elevator car keys someh... moreWho hasn't? I was on my way to work one time when I decided to make a quick stop at an office building to see someone for a minute. When I entered the elevator car keys somehow slipped out of my hand and went down the slot between the floor and the elevator floor. I managed to retrieve them and not be too late for work. 'Nother time I went to a store then back home -what!! no keys in my pocket. Retraced my route back to the store and there they were on the floor at the foot of the counter. Must have came out with the coins when I dug into my pocket and slipped out of my hand unnoticed. less
Today a common single woman's sexual freedom is widely acknowledged, and her sexual fulfillment has almost become her right. Could this have been possible sixty years ago in the pr... moreToday a common single woman's sexual freedom is widely acknowledged, and her sexual fulfillment has almost become her right. Could this have been possible sixty years ago in the pre-pill era, with the Damocles sword of pregnancy and consequent shame hanging over her?
Crossing arms seems like a mean and uninviting position to me. And yet, I have never seen a situation where a cop told someone not to cross their arms, or where a person got tasere... moreCrossing arms seems like a mean and uninviting position to me. And yet, I have never seen a situation where a cop told someone not to cross their arms, or where a person got tasered or had other force used against them for crossed arms. So how can cops tolerate people crossing their arm, given how tense, defensiv, and uncooperative a position it is?
In ancient Israel , it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a healthy young wife by the name of Dorothy (Dot for short). Dot Com was a comely... moreIn ancient Israel , it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a healthy young wife by the name of Dorothy (Dot for short). Dot Com was a comely woman, large of breast, broad of shoulder and long of leg. Indeed, she was often called Amazon Dot Com.And she said unto Abraham, her husband, "Why dost thou travel so far from town to town with thy goods when thou canst trade without ever leaving thy tent?"And Abraham did look at her as though she were several saddle bags short of a camel load, but simply said, "How, dear?"And Dot replied, "I will place drums in all the towns and drums in between to send messages saying what you have for sale, and they will reply telling you who hath the best price. The sale can be made on the drums and delivery made by Uriah's Pony Stable (UPS)."Abraham thought long and decided he would let Dot have her way with the drums. And the drums rang out and were an immediate success. Abraham sold all the goods he had at the top price, without ever having to... less
So what things/areas of your life are you frugal with?me? I hate spending lots of money on that i mean, $40 for a simple short sleeved button down shirt is R... moreSo what things/areas of your life are you frugal with?me? I hate spending lots of money on that i mean, $40 for a simple short sleeved button down shirt is RIDICULOUS!!!! I've never spent more than $10 - $15 for one, and I'm 77!!!I like to look good, don't get me wrong, but high prices for clothes? no long as the FIT IS GOOD that's all that matters......I never spend more than $30 for slacks, and even that gripes me! LOL :-Don the other hand, if a book I want costs $100, and I LOVE IT, I'll get it. I paid $85 for the book of the last photo sitting Monroe did........well worth it!!so what sorts of things do you hate to spend lots of money on?come on, there must be something!!!LOL:-D:) less
He says that all the electronic gadgets conneced to the internet will have complete control over humanity. Well isn't that already proven by the Russian meddling in the American pr... moreHe says that all the electronic gadgets conneced to the internet will have complete control over humanity. Well isn't that already proven by the Russian meddling in the American presidential election? All the lies and disinformation and fake accounts and fake people already controlled millions of people. Can controlling 7 billion plus be that far fetched? Beware ye with all your electronic thingies. You may be shackled by them and unable to extricate your brain. Forewarned.
Polling data is highly guarded. It shows the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate. Giving it to a Russian Spy to do what with it? By the ultimatum boy CAMPAIGN MANAGER? PR... morePolling data is highly guarded. It shows the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate. Giving it to a Russian Spy to do what with it? By the ultimatum boy CAMPAIGN MANAGER? PROOF that the ultimatum boy campaign COLLUDED WITH A FOREIGN COUNTRY. Quid pro quo. Russian help in exchange for rescinding of sanctions? How low do these crumbumb treasonsorus traitors go to get their ultimatum boy installed as prez? We are finding out! Take a seat. Rest a spell. It will get way more fun. Can't you tell? To ASSUME ultimatum boy didn't know anything about what his campaign manager was doing is ludicrous. He puts his nose into everything. He wants to control everything because he KNOWS everything. So that would not be something outside his purview. less
His pointless repetitive hackneyed heard-it-all-before speech or his proposed trip to the Border? Well he sez the border trip is good for a PHOTO OP! Are you real impressed by them... moreHis pointless repetitive hackneyed heard-it-all-before speech or his proposed trip to the Border? Well he sez the border trip is good for a PHOTO OP! Are you real impressed by them? Remember the really nifty photo op of Puerto Rico where ultimatum boy tossed out rolls of paper towels to the crowd? Now that was MEMORABLE! What is your most favorite ultimatum boy photo op? The original escalator going down photo op that kicked the whole thing off?
How long after Rosenstein leaves will Barr shut down the Mueller investigation being as how Barr is just toady sycophant for the evil ultimatum boy prez? Sheesh. GADZOOKS! MY GOSH!... moreHow long after Rosenstein leaves will Barr shut down the Mueller investigation being as how Barr is just toady sycophant for the evil ultimatum boy prez? Sheesh. GADZOOKS! MY GOSH! GOOD GRIEF! Oh crap! :(
Are Homo Sapiens HIS greatest creation or HIS least great, least auspicious, least valuble, least "special"? Ever wonder about that? If so what have you concluded? If not, why not?
Who evaluates? Among the billions or trillions of galaxies there may well be many more worlds like ours with life that is far more advanced than ours. We could use a dose of MODEST... moreWho evaluates? Among the billions or trillions of galaxies there may well be many more worlds like ours with life that is far more advanced than ours. We could use a dose of MODESTY to knock us down to size. Those of us who believe the world revolves around us and that we are SO VERY IMPORTANT when in fact well are we really? Important to whom besides one another? Would you like to know if it were possible where you stand or do you prefer remaining ignorant so you can continue to think humans are so important and the cream of the crop evolution-ise and the best there is? I dunno. I kinda think we are way way low on that totem pole. Those with huge egos could never take it. SIGH. less
You mean FOX NEWS has joined the reality-based media? You mean FOX NEWS is now on the side of FACTS TRUTH? You mean FOX NEWS is no longer controlled by Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter ... moreYou mean FOX NEWS has joined the reality-based media? You mean FOX NEWS is now on the side of FACTS TRUTH? You mean FOX NEWS is no longer controlled by Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter or Judge Jeannie or all the other extreme right-wing fact haters? Seriously folks did THAT REALLY HAPPEN? I do not know. I avoided ultimatum boy altogether. So that is via second-hand news. But I mean if Fox has abandoned ultimatum boy to dwell once again in the land of TRUTH where will ultimatum boy go to spread his lies? Is it the end of him being interviewed EXCLUSIVELY by FOX NEWS toady sycophants? Is SHEP SMITH now the big cheese and the others are little small rats nibbling away at him? OR will Fox still keep the hannity and all the standard typical scripted programmed propaganda et al who promulgate the ultimatum boy lies to quiet y'all and give you the same old place you can go to get your daily fix of ultimatum boy version of da truth? I dunno but it's a definite WHOA! less
All federal employees are required to take The Constitutional Oath.In addition to that justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are required to take a JUDICIAL OATH. Alte... moreAll federal employees are required to take The Constitutional Oath.In addition to that justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are required to take a JUDICIAL OATH. Alternatively on some occasions they take a COMBINED OATH.There is not ONE WORD anywhere that mentions the president. There is NO OATH a government employee is reuired to take to swear allegiance to ultimatum boy. What gives ultimatum boy the chutzpah to demand it? Ignorance, stupid dumb view of himself and his importance.What's worse than that? The toady sycophants who want to give him everything he demands including loyalty to him and him alone in all things and above and beyond that of loyalty to their country and to their fellow citizens. Millions do. Are you among them? less
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully EXECUTE the office of the President of the United Stat es and will to the best of my ability PRESERVE PROTECT and DEFEND the... more"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully EXECUTE the office of the President of the United Stat es and will to the best of my ability PRESERVE PROTECT and DEFEND the Constitution of the United States."Execute is precisely what ultimatum boy is doing. He misunderstood which definition of execution was intended and so of course he chose that which would be the most destructive insidious damaging devilish demonic.EXECUTETo carry out, accomplish. To perform or do.OREXECUTETo inflict capital punishment on. Put to death according to law.To murder assassinateSo the EXECUTIONER in chief is just doing his job as he understands it to be under the direction of Putin/Russia which entity is pulling all his strings DESPITE appearances. Putin wants our country destroyed and there is no one better at tearing down than ultimatum boy. See how much he has accomplished in that regard in two years? less
FIGURATIVELY. METAPHORICALLY? What expertise will be required to rid the land of all the LIARS who take power to subjugate intimidate manipulate denigrate? Some folks adore l... moreFIGURATIVELY. METAPHORICALLY? What expertise will be required to rid the land of all the LIARS who take power to subjugate intimidate manipulate denigrate? Some folks adore liars. The more LIARY the more better. Why that is I do not know. Do you?
Are you hooked and so require never coming through for you AS PROMISED? No mater wackadoodle the "promse" becomes do you stay on board no matter what? What good is an unkept promis... moreAre you hooked and so require never coming through for you AS PROMISED? No mater wackadoodle the "promse" becomes do you stay on board no matter what? What good is an unkept promise? What good is taking big and NEVER delivering? How long before you realize the source is the problem and so you stop listening?
With his mouth he said he would be PROUD to shoulder all the responsibility for the shutdown. PROUD. Though as usual he has backtracked and tried to sluff off the blame to anyone h... moreWith his mouth he said he would be PROUD to shoulder all the responsibility for the shutdown. PROUD. Though as usual he has backtracked and tried to sluff off the blame to anyone he dislikes we keep seeing/hearing the tape and his words to Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi. He said he would not blame Chuck. He said he would take the mantle on the shutdown. PROUD to do so. Well big boy now what?
His border wall is VERY DISRESPECTFUL of the rights of property owners who will be impacted. What is he? Anyone know? He sure as he** ain't a conservative.