Of what value to you is TRUTH? Some professions are filled with liars. The better you are at being a LIAR the more successful you are. In Science the liars are outed and routed and... moreOf what value to you is TRUTH? Some professions are filled with liars. The better you are at being a LIAR the more successful you are. In Science the liars are outed and routed and vilified. In politics the liars are embraced and supported and beloved and elected to office. Go figger! :(
Once upon a time there was a very spoiled rich boy who became a TV celebrity. Ran for prez and won. Proceeded to tear down all tradition and sold his country lock stock and barrel ... moreOnce upon a time there was a very spoiled rich boy who became a TV celebrity. Ran for prez and won. Proceeded to tear down all tradition and sold his country lock stock and barrel to a foreign enemy. Got in a lotta trouble. Did he live happily ever after? Did he fly away to parts unknown and take on a new identity? Will he get plastic surgery to change his face, lose 100 lbs, dye his hair black and become someone else? Realistically what is the ending of this saga gonna be d'ya think?
Normal sane rational logical people would maintain a VERY LOW PROFILE. Very quiet. Very still. Not make waves. But the stable boy is his own TSUNAMI. Is he really that obtusely obl... moreNormal sane rational logical people would maintain a VERY LOW PROFILE. Very quiet. Very still. Not make waves. But the stable boy is his own TSUNAMI. Is he really that obtusely oblivious to the fact that his mouth and his fingers are his own worst enemy? Stable boy is the most formidable enemy of the stable boy. Yet he can't stifle it to save his own skin. He blathers and yammers and talks and rants and raves and LIES and 'acts up" 24/7. He requires constant attention. He is getting it! :)
So let me get this straight. Most of the furloughed folks are Democrats. They did not vote for him. He is not their prez. BUT many and many and many of the furloughed folks are sup... moreSo let me get this straight. Most of the furloughed folks are Democrats. They did not vote for him. He is not their prez. BUT many and many and many of the furloughed folks are supporting what he is doing and he has received a bajillion tweets and calls and emails and telepathic messages from THEM telling him to keep the gubment shutdown shut down. Now I ask you how does that make any sense?Which lie do you believe? That most of the furloughed folks are Dems(so it is implicit that they don't matter) or that a bajillion of the furloughed folks support him and want him to keep the shutdown going?They cannot BOTH BE TRUE. He lies so much he is oblivious to the contradiction. Well we know he ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer and he has never played with a full deck. And the beat goes on. And on. And on. less
Of course once gain with egg on his face the stable boy contradicted what he had said to make it look like he was being misquoted. There is audio and video with him saying how soon... moreOf course once gain with egg on his face the stable boy contradicted what he had said to make it look like he was being misquoted. There is audio and video with him saying how soon he plans to pull out our troops from Syria and that WE WON. Well stable boy you're dead wrong. You lost Mattis because of it. You alienated many in your party because of it. There is anger among the ranks and FEAR because you are so erratic and usntable and ignorant and emotional. You said we won. Bolton says we will not leave Syria until ISIS is completely out of there which means we did not win anything. YET. It may take YEARS to accomplish. So I wonder what is the next foolish thing stable will do that Bolton or someone will have to explain, restate, reshape, reform? How many messes can one old man get into? I guess we're gonna find out. SIGH. less
Being promulgated and repeated and repeated and repeated everywhere a trumpican lives and breathes. That over 4000 "terrorists" were stopped at the southern border. The stable boy ... moreBeing promulgated and repeated and repeated and repeated everywhere a trumpican lives and breathes. That over 4000 "terrorists" were stopped at the southern border. The stable boy and the sarah huckabee sanders and the hannity and the coulter and rusbaugh and and and and and. Wanna know how many ACTUALLY were stopped (not even arrested)? SIX! That is as of the first six months of 2018 for which we have the ACTUAL statistics provided by stable boy's own administration. I know they are all lousy at math. But seriously the difference between SIX and over 4000? More bullsh** made up to frighten people into supporting a wall fence slat curtain thingy. The Homeland Security dame lies all the time too. SIGH. Telling lies is fashionable. Believing them makes you oh so popular. I don't get it. less
Would he protect his family by taking all the blame for any wrongdoing in which they were involved? Or would he throw them under the bus to save himself? That would mean actually l... moreWould he protect his family by taking all the blame for any wrongdoing in which they were involved? Or would he throw them under the bus to save himself? That would mean actually loving others MORE THAN he loves himself. Whatcha think? Has he got it in him to do that?
His very wealthy daddy bailed him out of every gawd-awful financial mess he got into. He KNOWS NOTHING about it so he LIED.He also INSISTS that many of those who are furloughed DEL... moreHis very wealthy daddy bailed him out of every gawd-awful financial mess he got into. He KNOWS NOTHING about it so he LIED.He also INSISTS that many of those who are furloughed DELUGE him with phone calls and tweets and emails telling him to hang in there and hang tough and don't mind them or their suffering because they BACK HIM NO MATTER WHAT. Now seriously folks do you really believe that? Or is that more of stable boy's "alternative truth" running at maximum Delusion as he tries to convince you of what is most ridiculously absurd. The furloughed people are willing to SACRIFICE their family's well-being and future for the wall fence slat curtain so that stable boy can save face? C'mon! You can't be that gullible! You Are? Condolences. less
How long with fights be in the court against EMINENT DOMAIN and stealing the land? D'ya really think the owners are gonna roll over and take whatever the administration deems... more How long with fights be in the court against EMINENT DOMAIN and stealing the land? D'ya really think the owners are gonna roll over and take whatever the administration deems are fair market value when stable boy is a well=known CHEAPSKATE and he will decide what value to place on that land. Then it will go to the Supremes. It could take YEARS before the land is adjudicated by which time the stable boy be living in Russia or incarcerated in an American prison . He does cart-before-the-horse soi very well don't he?He carted-before-the-horse on his dramatic announcement that he was gonna pull our troops outta Syria. He did that UNILATERALLY which is why Mattis quit. Now John Bolton is try his best to fix the stable boy keeps breaking. Now he sez he never said he was gonna pull the troops out right away. Bolton is attaching some requisites. Isn't Bolton going around stable boy and and trying walk back what llittle stable boy said? less
If it paid enough could you LIE TO THE COUNTRY to please the stable boy? How much would it take to make you a consistent obedient lie teller? SIGH. Well the dame who heads th... moreIf it paid enough could you LIE TO THE COUNTRY to please the stable boy? How much would it take to make you a consistent obedient lie teller? SIGH. Well the dame who heads the Department of Homeland Security now lies about what's going on at the border as smoothly and effortlessly as stable boy. LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES. Are you ever bothered that your gubment believes you are so stupid dumb that you will continue buy their lies no matter how outrageous or egregious? They do you know.
Th Syria withdrawal TIMELINE. Everyone else is gone. Pompeo is now on the dark side. Just another toady sycophant enchanted by the prez who never DARES challenges and always rolls ... moreTh Syria withdrawal TIMELINE. Everyone else is gone. Pompeo is now on the dark side. Just another toady sycophant enchanted by the prez who never DARES challenges and always rolls over. Pence is the same schlub he always was. Useless. So Bolton is the guy who warmongered verbally before as the United Nations US rep. The HAWK. The guy who was always ITCHING to declare war on IRAN. Yes. THAT GUY. He is the only adult we have left we can depend on to KEEP US OUT OF A WAR? As I said. Believe it or not. Are we screwed or what? less
Isn't it obvious? Every rock Mueller turns over yields multiple slimy critters who slither out. Each of them must be investigated. So will the investigations into stable boy last f... moreIsn't it obvious? Every rock Mueller turns over yields multiple slimy critters who slither out. Each of them must be investigated. So will the investigations into stable boy last forever? Longer than the Afghanistan war at the very least? Where do you stop when the evidence keeps piling up...the leads keep growing geometrically and the scope grows wider automatically? How do you stop in the middle? How do you know if it is the middle or still the beginning of an endless exploration into evil degradation treason collusion conspiracy? You don't take a half-baked cake out of the oven. The size of this cake keeps growing and growing and growing and so one wonders if it will ever be ready to serve? :( less
How do you equal and opposite an insult, a war, a betrayal, callous uncaring, murder? It would be splendid if dictator despots' and their wannabe robotic copycats' actions always h... moreHow do you equal and opposite an insult, a war, a betrayal, callous uncaring, murder? It would be splendid if dictator despots' and their wannabe robotic copycats' actions always had equal and opposite reactions. I doubt any of them would have lasted very long in life. Poetic justice delivered on-the-spot 24/7 for everyone? There'd be no place to hide. Lies/truth would be irrelevant. The instant equal and opposite would always prevail because no one would be in control of it to skew it or manipulate it or mangle it or hide it or blame others for it. That would be sumpin' alright. The perp would always immediately receive his/her just and deserved due. A dangerous world for those who do evil because evil done them would be equal and opposite and inescapable and immediate. Would you like such a world? less
If there were no bees it would severely adversely impact our food supply. What other things do we depend on to preserve our way of life? If things start dying off/disappearing inex... moreIf there were no bees it would severely adversely impact our food supply. What other things do we depend on to preserve our way of life? If things start dying off/disappearing inexplicably when do we get to a danger point of no return? What if there were no more birds? How would that affect us? What if all insects and bugs disappeared? What would happen next? Are we already living on the edge? How much wiggle room do we have before it's just too late?
So you own a company and you want to call it a "bad word" name. So what? You want attention and that will surely do it for you. But who gets hurt by it? Who has a right to stop you... moreSo you own a company and you want to call it a "bad word" name. So what? You want attention and that will surely do it for you. But who gets hurt by it? Who has a right to stop you from doing so? Whose business is it anyway? This obsession with controlling others to suit YOUR tastes makes no sense. Different strokes for different folks. Make a big deal out of a dumb-a** name that hurts no but ignore the real pain of a real big deal and protect it defend it support rationalize it. TYPICAL illogical senseless witless pointless. :( less
When I see folks "dolled up" that way or kinda naked I know they need attention. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Some folks prefer "invisibility" so they don'... moreWhen I see folks "dolled up" that way or kinda naked I know they need attention. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Some folks prefer "invisibility" so they don't stand out in a crowd. You have the folks who need to be in front of the camera with people staring at them and folks who prefer to be behind the cameras. Which type are you? Are you "performer" or are you very shy?
*Without either of them having stated it; based entirely on your reading of their works. Please name the authors, thank you. Please note also that I am NOT referring t... more *Without either of them having stated it; based entirely on your reading of their works. Please name the authors, thank you. Please note also that I am NOT referring to plagiarism. ~