Isn't it OBVIOUS m'dears? The more he tweets/speaks the more ammunition he provides to Robert Mueller. The longer the rope he weaves for hisself. Yes. Bring it on stable boy.... moreIsn't it OBVIOUS m'dears? The more he tweets/speaks the more ammunition he provides to Robert Mueller. The longer the rope he weaves for hisself. Yes. Bring it on stable boy. Tweet/ speak 24/7. The more the betterer. Silence is not golden in your case. You are a natural chatterbox so just up the ante a bit. C'mon. Let's see what you can do when you really try. Go ALL IN and ALL OUT. Show us whatcha got!
When will Repulican trumpican women in droves run for public office and get elected? Do they need permission from their husbands or the males in their lives to do so or are they in... moreWhen will Repulican trumpican women in droves run for public office and get elected? Do they need permission from their husbands or the males in their lives to do so or are they independent sovereign forward-thinking women all on their own and need no permission or approval of men? Whatcha think?
An entire room devoted to his portrait. All alone. Hung on a wall for forever. Not sharing any space with anyone because of course he demands predominance pre-eminence and singular... moreAn entire room devoted to his portrait. All alone. Hung on a wall for forever. Not sharing any space with anyone because of course he demands predominance pre-eminence and singularity in his awesome unique specialness. What would we call that room? The stable boy room? The Russian annex? Putin's puppet lapdog landing? Ultimatum room? The doom and gloom room? Lotsa possibilities. Name one?
Well then neighbor just go online to the AMERICAN CANNIBUS SUMMIT and he will Allegedly be there. Yep. He usta be agin it(weed) now well he is fer it(weed)! ALLEGEDLY. So what can ... moreWell then neighbor just go online to the AMERICAN CANNIBUS SUMMIT and he will Allegedly be there. Yep. He usta be agin it(weed) now well he is fer it(weed)! ALLEGEDLY. So what can we expect from the Paul Ryan old soldier? Something even more riscay risky frisky? Betcha you're eager to find out aren'tcha? I thought so! :(
The scairdy cat brigade is on the march in lockstep against all the women, all the dems, Nancy Pelosi, all the people who are now in power and will use to do the job they were elec... moreThe scairdy cat brigade is on the march in lockstep against all the women, all the dems, Nancy Pelosi, all the people who are now in power and will use to do the job they were elected to do. Unlike those they replaced who were all toady sycophant scairdy cats. Some still remain in the House but they are the MINORITY and some are in the Senate which is a shame but maybe there aren't so many of them. Imagine doing the job for which you were elected rather than badmouthing insulting lying about attacking the opposition? That is the goal? That is what is accomplished? Who votes for that to represent them? Seriously folks is that WHAT YOU WANT in D.C.. .Lazya** folks whose only reason for being there is to denigrate desecrate demonize vilify exocoriate undermine the opposition? You want to pay them with your tax dollars for THAT? less
The gibberish nonsense language speakers are unaware that no one can understand a word they say. No one except others similarly afflicted as they are. Is it genetic? SIGH. Is it an... moreThe gibberish nonsense language speakers are unaware that no one can understand a word they say. No one except others similarly afflicted as they are. Is it genetic? SIGH. Is it an EPIDEMIC PANDEMIC? Great current day examples are stable boy, RudyG, Kellyanne Conway, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity et al etcetera and so forth. They talky talk and no one who is not them can understand a word they say. Are there some who are IMPERVIOUS to the "disease" and never affected ever? Do you understand what I just wrote or does it seem like gibberish nonsense to you? Because? less
it could be APHASIA. Speaking gibberish but THINKING you are speaking very clearly logically and articulately. If they don't hear what comes out of their mouths what do the hear? D... moreit could be APHASIA. Speaking gibberish but THINKING you are speaking very clearly logically and articulately. If they don't hear what comes out of their mouths what do the hear? Do people PRETEND to comprehend understand grasp the gibberish nonsense or does it make sense to them too?
Out of the blue he engages in revisionist history and spouts the Russian lie that invading Afghanistan had to be done because terrorists invaded Russia. Out of the blue. SAY WHAT? ... moreOut of the blue he engages in revisionist history and spouts the Russian lie that invading Afghanistan had to be done because terrorists invaded Russia. Out of the blue. SAY WHAT? He also waxes poetic about Poland and Belaruss and Ukraine. Is he the toady sycophant plant in America specifically shaped and controlled by Vlad Putin to change perception of Russian history to fool the Russian people and the world into thinking Russia had every right to do what it did? Seriously folks as great a LIAR as stable boy is no one is gonna buy that crap. Perhaps that is the quid pro quo of Putin installing stable boy as the American President. Now it's payback time for the stable boy and he is obediently following orders...orders that insure his puppetlapdog status with Putin. Obedient. Obedient. Obedient. ABSURD REVISIONIST HISTORY. Yet little stable boy being an ignorant sort and a notfan of THE TRUTH continues on with the gibberish he is ORDERED to promulgate and will do it with his dying breath...figuratively and probab... less
Now he sez a STEEL wall of slats that you can see through will be better and stronger than concrete. What is next with crypto boy? An electrified invisible wall? He doesn't have a ... moreNow he sez a STEEL wall of slats that you can see through will be better and stronger than concrete. What is next with crypto boy? An electrified invisible wall? He doesn't have a clue what he wants. So he will give you anything and everything any day now. Just don't ask him about all his broken promises. Just go with his flow and pretend he is making sense. No skin off your nose right unless you are one of the 800,000 FURLOUGHED who are not getting paid and even worse one of the 420,000 considered ESSENTIAL who have to show up for work every day pay or no pay. Sheesh. less
why would parents not want to feed their kids, not want to pay the mortgage, not want to pay all their bills for however long (da prez sez months of years) so the stable boy can sa... morewhy would parents not want to feed their kids, not want to pay the mortgage, not want to pay all their bills for however long (da prez sez months of years) so the stable boy can save face about his broken promise of a WALL THAT MEXICO WOULD PAY FOR! He already went back on his word and NOW he demands that American taxpayers PAY FOR THE WALL. Are y'all up for that? Really? Whatever it takes right? Wow.
Is it a death wish figuratively? Do they think they don't deserve to win and so go out of their way to insure failure subconsciously or perhaps even consciously? It's really puzzli... moreIs it a death wish figuratively? Do they think they don't deserve to win and so go out of their way to insure failure subconsciously or perhaps even consciously? It's really puzzling. Or is it just GREED and their lust for MORE which grows larger and can never be sated? People are really crazy nuts sometimes. Nature or nurture?
There are so very many from which to choose it will not be easy. And of course he will be adding to the august list as obsessively and frantically as he can since his days are numb... moreThere are so very many from which to choose it will not be easy. And of course he will be adding to the august list as obsessively and frantically as he can since his days are numbered and so he has to do the bidding of Putin as fast as he can. Once he is out will Putin stay by his side or will Putin throw him away like a prostiitute who outlived her usefulness? "We'll see what happens"! :)
There is no way in he** the stable boy can save face. He screwed himself royally when he said he would be PROUD to take all responsibility for shutting down the gubment. I guess Ru... moreThere is no way in he** the stable boy can save face. He screwed himself royally when he said he would be PROUD to take all responsibility for shutting down the gubment. I guess Rushbaugh and Coulter and all the trumpicans are REAL PROUD of him, right? Sticking to his guns like that? That toady sycophant Matt Whitaker the fake phony "acting" AG waxed poetic at that so-called cabinet meeting by rhapsodizing about the prez who missed Christmas and New Year's with his family! Sheesh. Made ya wanna barf. So there he is in all his splendiferous raiment. Shining and glowing in his stand. $5.7 billion for the wall or we just don't reopen gubment for as long as it takes . He is a man of his word right? No way he will backtrack on that ULTIMATUM right? No way in he**! SIGH less
Maybe cuz Ryan never wanted the job in the first place. Maybe cuz Ryan was the trumpican Speaker of the House and so was always behind the 8ball and slated for failure. He kowtowed... moreMaybe cuz Ryan never wanted the job in the first place. Maybe cuz Ryan was the trumpican Speaker of the House and so was always behind the 8ball and slated for failure. He kowtowed to Nunes for goodness sakes and the White House and sided with the worst of them and against the Justice Department. A wishy washy spineless fella. Did nothing. Could not control his House. Could not get them to vote. He was not a good steward. Possibly the WORST Speaker ever? I dunno but we do know that Nancy Pelosi was very effective in the past and we hope she will be as effective futurely. To get her House in order and LEAD them not follow their whims and predilections and nutjob fantasies as did Ryan. Better he should have insisted on NOT taking the job. A blot on his record which was not sterling to begin with but surely has been exposed as leaden. Too soon old. Too late schmart. less
Psychologically it's gonna be tough when they have played with a stacked deck for TWO YEARS and suddenly the dealer changes and they are at the mercy of propriety and transparency ... morePsychologically it's gonna be tough when they have played with a stacked deck for TWO YEARS and suddenly the dealer changes and they are at the mercy of propriety and transparency and an honest dealer. How do cheaters learn how not to cheat? Or liars learn how not to lie? Do they try or just fold and leave the table? But "we'll see what happens". "Everyone says so". I am not a crook. :(
Ya gotchure real selfish folks...nationalist populist isolantionist. Me me me me me me me me me.ORYa gotchure unselfish ungreedy caring folks...globalistIs there an in-between some... moreYa gotchure real selfish folks...nationalist populist isolantionist. Me me me me me me me me me.ORYa gotchure unselfish ungreedy caring folks...globalistIs there an in-between somewhere there...either GREEDY SELFISH or SHARING CARING?
How could that possibly be true? I think there are worlds out there with highly developed highly astute highly creative highly brilliant living beings. I think we are a... more How could that possibly be true? I think there are worlds out there with highly developed highly astute highly creative highly brilliant living beings. I think we are at the very low end of the spectrum. With wars and hate and greed and duplicity and cruelty alive and well and ubiquitous. Not a very appealing bunch of mass "humanity". Can we evolve into "better" than we are? Oh c'mon! After all these years we are still the same savages we always were. A thin veneer of "civility" doesn't change what lies beneath. Was what we are built in? Inevitable? Unavoidable? Some of us are very good and some of us are very evil and most of us reside somewhere between the two extremes. We ask "Why are we here"? "What is our purpose"? Anyone got any answers or is it better to never ask those questions? SIGH. less
Yeah this may start an exchange of heated words but I'm going for it anyway.So one of President Trump's campaign promises was to 'drain the swamp' and so here's the third governmen... moreYeah this may start an exchange of heated words but I'm going for it anyway.So one of President Trump's campaign promises was to 'drain the swamp' and so here's the third government shutdown. He says he's proud of it and I'm thinking this is the swamp he's talking about. But while some employees are going without a paycheck some senior officials (cabinet secretaries and under secretaries among them) are getting anywhere from a $10,000 to $12,000 raise on the 5th of January.Can anyone define this 'swamp' he was talking about? Is it the federal employees, the legislators, the WH staffers, staffers for the lawmakers? less
Glad ya asked! The stable boy VERY CLEARLY STATED HE WOULD BE PROUD to take all the responsibility for the gubment shutdown. Very proud. Yet now we hear his toady sycophants blamin... moreGlad ya asked! The stable boy VERY CLEARLY STATED HE WOULD BE PROUD to take all the responsibility for the gubment shutdown. Very proud. Yet now we hear his toady sycophants blaming Nancy Pelosi or Democrats? Seriously folks what do they think they are doing contradicting him and undercutting him and sabotaging him like that? How much more stupid dumb can they be than to CONTRADICT what the stable very clearly said repeatedly? Is it a death wish that is manifesting itself? Suicide by stable boy's WRATH? What is going on? less
Whatever the he** is killing THEM is probably killing us too! Anyone have a clue? I cannot remember how long it has been since I saw an ant. Including outside in the yard. Ma... moreWhatever the he** is killing THEM is probably killing us too! Anyone have a clue? I cannot remember how long it has been since I saw an ant. Including outside in the yard. Maybe last year or two or before? This is very scary.
Hillary was "harsh and hard to like". I guess any WOMAN who dares to run for prez will be "harsh and hard to like" unless she is a young sexy arm candy dish and then well she... moreHillary was "harsh and hard to like". I guess any WOMAN who dares to run for prez will be "harsh and hard to like" unless she is a young sexy arm candy dish and then well she'd be perfect because she is so soft in all the right places and so very easy to love, right? Sheesh. Let the slamming begin. Sllime away! The earlier the better. Right?
If I had been wealthy and didn't have to work I always saw myself traveling the world going to different colleges/universities taking classes from the world's best minds. A perenni... moreIf I had been wealthy and didn't have to work I always saw myself traveling the world going to different colleges/universities taking classes from the world's best minds. A perennial student. That was me. But you know WHAT?This is why I was addicted to Answerbag and am addicted to Answermug. It is my world classroom where from time to time I learn wondrous things from the various folks with whom I engage. I never know what awaits me daily when I show up. It is always worth being here for me and some days are beyond splendid because of what I learned.So I guess I'm thanking all you teachers out there who share what you know with us. You know whom you are. I don't have to name names! I finally realize that I finally realized my dreams. In the comfort of my own home. At any hour of the day or night anywhere in the world. Some of the members are always in my tomorrow as I am always in their yesterday. Kinda neat and very scifi! less