Are they unable to tackle that which is important, that which matters, that which is significant, substantial essential? They get all caught up in the packaging and never take time... moreAre they unable to tackle that which is important, that which matters, that which is significant, substantial essential? They get all caught up in the packaging and never take time to focus on the content. SIGH.
Generally I think competition brings out the worst in people. To win they will do or say anything at any time no matter how harmful or deceitful it is. It is a constant 24/7 ... moreGenerally I think competition brings out the worst in people. To win they will do or say anything at any time no matter how harmful or deceitful it is. It is a constant 24/7 BATTLE TO WIN. Win WHAT? How many times do you have to WIN to feel good about yourself? I don't get it.
By the time the inexperienced learn how things work the damage is done and rectifying it may not be possible. Why would anyone PREFER ignorance stupidity and inexperience unless of... moreBy the time the inexperienced learn how things work the damage is done and rectifying it may not be possible. Why would anyone PREFER ignorance stupidity and inexperience unless of course that is exactly what is valued most in a sham government? Because with the ignorant stupid dumbs and inexperienced in control everything that could go wrong will. It seems that the goal of stable boy was to tear down everything and he has succeeded magnificently so far. Ignorance and stupid dumb coupled can never be improved upon when destruction is the goal. SIGH. Hear hear! The dumber the stupids are and more inept inexperienced the better the chance those specific folks will be part of the stable boy stable. I wonder how many are qualified? less
An Answermug friend referred to Pence as vanilla. I agree except the vanilla isn't attached to regular delicious bona fide REAL ice cream. Pence is imitation ice milk. Looks the pa... moreAn Answermug friend referred to Pence as vanilla. I agree except the vanilla isn't attached to regular delicious bona fide REAL ice cream. Pence is imitation ice milk. Looks the part but once you get a taste of it? Sheesh. No comparison to the real deal. Maybe once upon a time there was a different Mike Pence. What he has become and is today is miles away from whomever that was. He threw himself away on keeping stable boy secure so he wouldn't feel threatened. He sacrificed himself for what? Why? Sigh.
Seems to me being civil to everyone is the smartest thing one can be. The stupid dumbs walk over everyone and trash them on their way up because they think they will always be on t... moreSeems to me being civil to everyone is the smartest thing one can be. The stupid dumbs walk over everyone and trash them on their way up because they think they will always be on top and so always be in charge in control invincible. HAH! The stable boy now has to sweat out being investigated by people he has disparaged insulted attacked denigrated. How stupid dumb is he to not have anticipated that exigency?. Short-sighted. Obsessed with himself. NOW he is gonna be under many microscopes simultaneously. A man whose touch turns everything to dust. Let's see how well he does under the intense scrutiny of those he insulted. Can he take it? We shall find out shalln't we? less
Chickens do come home to roost. When you cast your bread upon the waters you will receive soggy bread. Waters has her sights set on multiple investigations of guess hoo? The stupid... moreChickens do come home to roost. When you cast your bread upon the waters you will receive soggy bread. Waters has her sights set on multiple investigations of guess hoo? The stupid dumb one who persisted in calling her "low IQ". We shall see who is low IQ now stable boy. Watch out. You are now under a microscope of your own making. Your just desserts will come back to you tenfold. You earned it. You deserve it. Let the games begin! :)
In 2006 NASA shipped off into space an electronic thingy. It reached its destination January 1, 2019! How far did it travel? FOUR BILLION MILES! The farthest we have ever traveled ... moreIn 2006 NASA shipped off into space an electronic thingy. It reached its destination January 1, 2019! How far did it travel? FOUR BILLION MILES! The farthest we have ever traveled in our galaxy.It was the subject of the TV show NOVA. Pictures and everything. It took 13 years to go that far. No breakdowns. No errors. Can you imagine that? And through the years they kept in touch guiding it directing it adjusting it controlling it.Now there are 100,000 - 200,000 galaxies theoretically supposedly allegedly. That is what we currently surmise, Our galaxy, the Milky way, is 100,000 light years in size. The galaxy known as M87 is 980,000 light years in size. Hercules A is 1.5 million light years in size. The largest we have discovered SO FAR is 4 million light years in size and it is called 1C 1101.Is your mind boggled yet? Ever wonder about what's out there beyond that we know nothing about? What else is there out there somewhere? It is heady stuff to work on a project for 13 years before it is completed. Well it isn'... less
Because you cannot carry on a conversation with a data site. You ask a question and answers come up but you cannot question any of them and get a response. What you have to do is k... moreBecause you cannot carry on a conversation with a data site. You ask a question and answers come up but you cannot question any of them and get a response. What you have to do is keep Googling each question and it is not a very satisfying expenditure of time. I expect you can GOOGLE everything and thus the reason for an internet social site ceases to exist. I GOOGLE lots of things. I also ask lots of questions because I'm very interested in what people think. Now when I ask a question and I get a link to something without any conversation at all I wonder why the person didn't pause awhile to talk things over? It's helpful yes. But it is not nearly as satisfying s engaging in conversation with another human being. Well ya can't have it all. I guess. less
If he were honest for a change and listed all the lawsuits and bankruptices and scandals and women he bedded and dirty deals he did and people he stiffed and lies he told where wou... moreIf he were honest for a change and listed all the lawsuits and bankruptices and scandals and women he bedded and dirty deals he did and people he stiffed and lies he told where would you put him and how would you use him? Or would his real-life track record turn you off so bigly you'd shred the resume and never talk to him?
Will trumpican pols vote to impeach stable boy? What is impeachment for if not to remove a president who doesn't do the job he was "hired" to do as he instead commits high crimes a... moreWill trumpican pols vote to impeach stable boy? What is impeachment for if not to remove a president who doesn't do the job he was "hired" to do as he instead commits high crimes and misdeamors and enriches himself on the backs of the citizens of the country he took an oath to protect? Why is that option there if it is to be unused?
Also traces of misogyny? Anyone hear anything about it at that time? Why are they bringing it up now? Maybe because if Bernie runs again they want some changes in how the campaign ... moreAlso traces of misogyny? Anyone hear anything about it at that time? Why are they bringing it up now? Maybe because if Bernie runs again they want some changes in how the campaign is run? Weird timing.
"A person who displays or demands of others pointlessly precise conformity fussiness about trivialities or exaggerated propriety especially in a self-righteous or irritating manner... more"A person who displays or demands of others pointlessly precise conformity fussiness about trivialities or exaggerated propriety especially in a self-righteous or irritating manner".Now being called one is no compliment of course but it isn't so bad considering the other words out there. Can a pig be a prig? Is prig gender neutral? I've only ever seen/heard it applied to males but are females possibly prigs too?
UNFAIRChildren being abused harmed raped tortured slaughtered caged by anyone everyone anywhere everywhere.FAIRThe children are in control and in charge as they face their ab... moreUNFAIRChildren being abused harmed raped tortured slaughtered caged by anyone everyone anywhere everywhere.FAIRThe children are in control and in charge as they face their abusers and restore balance by returning to the abusers what the abusers "gave" to them. Precisely. Exactly. Completely. No Exceptions. Light and DarkFemale and MaleYin and YangGood and EvilGive and TakeUp and DownOff and OnIn and OutOpen and ShutVictim and Perp