is that what you like to do ?me : yes. I can spend a day at home and without being bored if i have the internet.... the other day i was thinking what would I do at home if i d... moreis that what you like to do ?me : yes. I can spend a day at home and without being bored if i have the internet.... the other day i was thinking what would I do at home if i didnt have internet... and i was thinking, yeah , must be boring
similarworlds is a very nice website.... just like AM, it allows us to talk with others and exchanges. but the thing is i been banned from there, and even if i make new accounts, t... moresimilarworlds is a very nice website.... just like AM, it allows us to talk with others and exchanges. but the thing is i been banned from there, and even if i make new accounts, they automatically detect my IP adress , and they lock up the account... so i cannot go back there as i wanted....and i just been banned for stupid reasons... for bad jokes . anyways
i dunno why. theres barely any people on foot, but theres always cars everywhere on the roads.even me , i dont have my normal license yet, but i think that they are lucky to have t... morei dunno why. theres barely any people on foot, but theres always cars everywhere on the roads.even me , i dont have my normal license yet, but i think that they are lucky to have their licenses, because if i had i could drive like everyone do.
Isn't that GREAT? The only betterer thing would be to honor Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels, the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and everyone on ... moreIsn't that GREAT? The only betterer thing would be to honor Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels, the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and everyone on the stable boy enemies list. Maybe that will happen NEXT YEAR if he is still here? Ya think?
A member of the other team scoops it up and SCORES. You are left with egg on your face for having blown it. But people blow it and screw up every day and that's how you tell winner... moreA member of the other team scoops it up and SCORES. You are left with egg on your face for having blown it. But people blow it and screw up every day and that's how you tell winners from losers. Losers don't do what they are supposed to do when they are supposed to do it. THEN a knight in shining armor comes on the scene and does what loser couldn't wouldn't didn't do. And that's how heroes are made and stars are born and old worn out out-of-touch former reality show celebrities fade away. Remember OMAROSA? less
Some folks ultimatumintimidate everyone all the time. They cain't hep it. Some folks are easy pickins and do what they are ordered to do while whimpering and shivering and shaking ... moreSome folks ultimatumintimidate everyone all the time. They cain't hep it. Some folks are easy pickins and do what they are ordered to do while whimpering and shivering and shaking from fear. Some though tell the ultimatum maker to go to a far-off place where it is always VERY HOT. Ultimatum intimidators are usually scairdy cats and will back down because they are the ones whose court the ball is in. If they are too stupid to realize it well he** it comes with the territory. Ya see ultimatum makers are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. If they were they would not have to resort to making ultimatums. less
The stable boy himself referred to it as "slats" awhile back. So is it a fence a metaphor or slats? Or just the punchline of a very bad "joke"? Meanwhile back at the ranch th... moreThe stable boy himself referred to it as "slats" awhile back. So is it a fence a metaphor or slats? Or just the punchline of a very bad "joke"? Meanwhile back at the ranch the stable boy digs in his heels. Anyone know exactly which iteration of "wall" the heel digging in is for? A big high tall thick CONCRETE wall you can't see through? SLATS you can see through? A fence? A metaphor?
In the good old US of A due to the reign of stable boy everything is upside down inside out and certainly a**-backwards. Trumpicans RAIL against welfare and any social service prog... moreIn the good old US of A due to the reign of stable boy everything is upside down inside out and certainly a**-backwards. Trumpicans RAIL against welfare and any social service program that helps those in need and YET their states, the red states, are recipients way morely than blue states. Go figger. Oh I know. No trumpicans accept welfare. It is only the Dems who happen to live in the red states that accept welfare right? Well of course that answers that question doesn't it?
*FASCISMA government led by a DICTATOR having complete power FORCIBLY SUPPRESSING OPPOSITION and CRITICISM regimenting all industry commerce etc. and EMPHASIZING AN AGGRESSIVE NATI... more*FASCISMA government led by a DICTATOR having complete power FORCIBLY SUPPRESSING OPPOSITION and CRITICISM regimenting all industry commerce etc. and EMPHASIZING AN AGGRESSIVE NATIONALISM AND OFTEN RACISM.**FASCISTA person who is DICTATORIAL or has EXTREME RIGHT-WING VIEWSTo be or not to be...a FASCIST? That is the question before us today folks. How do YOU answer it?
The stable boy needs to seal off all borders around the US. He shut down the gubment and now he must seal off the country completely. OUT TO LUNCH. CLOSED. GO AWAY. Nothing a... moreThe stable boy needs to seal off all borders around the US. He shut down the gubment and now he must seal off the country completely. OUT TO LUNCH. CLOSED. GO AWAY. Nothing and no one comes in or out until he sez so. What a great idea! Why didn't he think of it? Well he can have it for free. C'mon stable boy show us your stuff. Show how powerful you are. We're waiting.
That way he ensures that nothing no one comes in or out by land or by air. Sea is not a problem because well when the borders on land and in the air are sealed the sea comers got n... moreThat way he ensures that nothing no one comes in or out by land or by air. Sea is not a problem because well when the borders on land and in the air are sealed the sea comers got no place to go unless the dig tunnels and burrow in beneath in caves. So c'mon stable boy. Put your money where your mouth us. Insulate the USA from the outside world. Put us in bubble wrap.